Age of Collapse

Chapter 38: Stupid wild boar demon


The canyon is dark, and the smell of blood at the mouth of the canyon yesterday has long been blown away by the wind.

Today Taniguchi was facing headwinds, Yaeji touched the sachet on his waist, and felt that it was leucorrhea.

From time to time, the breeze that blows head-on has a unique fishy smell of beasts that live in groups, which is very unpleasant, but it also provides Yaeji with a natural barrier in terms of smell.

Pressing the handle of Sakura Fubuki's knife with his left hand on his waist, Yaeji bowed slightly, hiding in the shadow on the edge of the canyon and moving forward.

After a while, Yachongji stopped.

In front, there are two wolf monsters performing the most primitive movements, and there are no other monsters around.

Yaeji waited quietly, his right hand was quietly held on the hilt of the sword, while his left hand was naturally placed on the top of the scabbard, and his thumb lightly pressed against the sword grid.


Amidst howling ghosts and howling wolves, the strange crystal on the top of the wolf demon's head became more transparent.

When the two wolf demons reached their climax, Yazhongji moved.

Pushing away the sword grid with the thumb, Yazhongji drew his sword out of the situation, and at the same time, his whole body turned into an afterimage and came in front of the two wolf monsters.


The cherry-colored knife light smashed the male wolf demon's throat, and the blood sprayed wantonly splashed the wolf demon under him.

Before the female wolf could react, she saw a smear of cherry white coming towards her!


There was this sound of sharp blades piercing into flesh again, and most of Ying Chuixue's blade was thrust into the eye socket of the second wolf demon.

Pull it out, and flick the spirit knife casually, the filth on the sword splashes on the ground in the shape of a half moon.


The sword grid buckled the scabbard, and the two wolf demons who were still in the mating position fell to the ground with a soft bang.

Yazhongji didn't ask these two long-dead wolf demons, the whole canyon was in a headwind state, and it was impossible for other low-level monsters to smell blood.

keep going.

Not long after, Yazhongji discovered a group of wild boar demons who took the lead in the charge yesterday.

The pig demons are extremely lazy, and use their tails with tiny crystals to disperse mosquitoes on their bodies from time to time.

"One, two, three... fifteen, fifteen heads."

Same amount as yesterday.

"There should be three or four wolf demons coming." Yachongji murmured softly.

Looking into the distance, he didn't find where the other wolf monsters were.


Yachongji saw a wild boar demon standing up from the ground, looking towards him with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

'I was found out? How can it be? '

Yazhongji was puzzled, in sight, more and more wild boar monsters stood up from the ground, their sharp fangs sticking out, releasing wild breath.


The leading wild boar demon spewed two streams of white steam from its fangs, and its right front hoof scratched the ground from time to time, trampling the gravel into powder.

Until the group of wild boar monsters rushed over, Yazhongji still hadn't figured out how he was discovered.


The scene of more than a dozen huge wild boar demons running in a relatively narrow space is still very shocking. The strong wind swept away the dust and abruptly changed the wind direction for this short distance.

Yaeji, who was staying in the dark corner, slowly pulled out Sakura Fubuki, a layer of goosebumps appeared on his back.

The muscles in his legs were tense, and he was rapidly calculating the force-exerting technique in his mind.

Release three stages of sword energy after dodging with the movement attack and flow cut!

It can hang "Crimson Sakura" on a wide range of enemies. At this time, he can use a flash to connect to the blade return skill. The violent physical damage can easily kill this low-level monster.

But... The difficult thing is, how should he continuously and uninterruptedly cast a flash

When he retreated yesterday, he improved his force-exerting skills of flashing flash, and he was able to explode continuously without interruption. At that time, he didn't draw his sword, so he didn't need to calculate too many force-exerting skills and turning problems.

Now... ...

Before Ya Chongji could finish thinking, the leading wild boar demon rammed up with those two soaring fangs!


Yazhongji snorted inwardly, and retreated backward in a smooth and weird posture!

At this time, the wild boar demon's fangs were only about twenty centimeters away from him.

"Puff, blah, blah, blah!"

Sakura Fukiyuki, who was half out of the scabbard, immediately burst out hundreds of cherry-colored arcs of light, baptizing every monster that attacked.

The cherry-colored knife light is like an ellipse, surrounding and killing fifteen pig demons.

For a while, flesh and blood flew, and even the fangs that a few unlucky ghosts were proud of were cut off by the sharp knife light.

Beast eyes, fur, fat, calves, tail... As long as the exposed bodies of these wild boar monsters are exposed, there is no one that has not been baptized by the three-stage sword energy.


At this time, the first wild boar demon who was blinded by the sword qi collapsed fiercely against the cracks in the rocks of the mountain, and a lot of fine broken stones shook down from above.

The two fangs were also firmly stuck in the stone, and they could not be pulled out no matter how hard they were pulled out.

The second wild boar demon who didn't stop the car behind used its only sharp fang to get into the leader's asshole!

"Ho ho ho!"

The screen is unbearable to look directly at.

Yaeji, who had been in a flashing "spring" state, moved.

The strength released by the tensed calf muscles was transmitted to the whole body, and all aspects of the body began to coordinate.


First head!

"Shua Shua!"

Second head! The third head!

Yazhongji stared, trying to calculate all kinds of force in his mind, he no longer had the concept of wild boar demon in his mind.

Stab! Swing the knife! stop!

Stab! Swing the knife! stop!

Yazhongji interspersed among the wild boar demons like a ghost.


Stepping on the ground with the soles of his feet, he made a sudden stop for the last time and came across the group of wild boar monsters.

Yae Ji, who closed his eyes, turned his wrist, and the blade was naturally sheathed.

With a "click", when the special sword grid was stuck on the scabbard, there seemed to be a flash of light.

"Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi!"

The scene of cutting off the vitals and spitting blood crazily appeared on every pig demon. As if playing the accompaniment, each slaughtered pig demon fell to the ground one after another, spurting blood, never cutting in line.

Yaeji thought carefully about the various force exertion techniques after the emergency stop just now. If he guessed correctly, the double instant body on the skill panel is already lit up. At best, it was the lowest level. If he used the skill points, he could master the more advanced double instant body in a very short period of time. By then, he would not need to worry so much.

The bewitching pupils slowly opened, and the long eyelashes above the pupils were like small cattail fans.

Yaeji staggered back two steps and rubbed his temple with his thumb. The first time the double burst broke out, he was interspersed among fifteen enemies one after another. After thinking about it, not only did his brain hurt, but even his calf trembled.

Yaeji took out a leaf of Royal Baicao from the small bag, put it in his mouth and chewed it, the bitter and pungent taste stimulated Yaeji's nerves.

Yachongji, who had regained his composure, went to the group of wild boar monsters, saw the pig monster who was still "ho~ho~" and was not dead, so he went up and stabbed it.

Finally, he glanced at the leader of the wild boar demon who died of excessive bleeding from the chrysanthemum.

In the small pit below, a pit full of filth has already dripped out.

"As expected of a pig demon, so stupid."

Yazhongji frowned, and swallowed the imperial herb.


Sakura Fukiyuki who was in the scabbard trembled even more.

Yaeji raised his head and looked towards the innermost part of the canyon.


Holding down the excited Sakura Fubuki, Yaeji thumped his calf and continued to move forward.
