Age of Collapse

Chapter 48: It's better to leave


The rain curtain was getting heavier, and it kept washing the sharp blade with a little bit of cold light.

Nozawa once again saw the scene where the monster and the banshee flew together beside Yae Ji.

"Master Ji! Calm down!"

Nozawa looked far away, wanting to get instructions from the Yae God Lord, but unfortunately the rain was too heavy, and with the villagers reveling like mad dogs, he couldn't see the scene on the altar clearly.

Yazhongji took a step forward, and the patrol members with sharp knives immediately trembled in their hearts, and took a step back.

"Sakura! Draw your sword!"


The petite figure behind him came out sideways, and the cold light seemed to split the rain curtain.

Nozawa started to use his brain, and the heavy rain gradually washed away the restlessness and uneasiness in his heart, and he calmed down slowly.

'Since it's raining, it means the sacrifice is over, and I'm still blocking Master Ji, isn't my brain sick? '

Nozawa slapped his head, and the long knife in Sakura's hand trembled in fright, and the little hearts of those patrol members also trembled, and they jumped back a step, and directly withdrew from the gate of the castle tower.

Nozawa gritted his teeth, put the knife back into its sheath, and turned his head to shout around: "What are you bastards doing? Didn't you see that it was Lord Ji? Put away your weapons!"

The sound of the rain was getting louder, coupled with thunder roaring in the sky from time to time, Nozawa could only let a few people hear his voice by shouting at the top of his throat.

Several other patrol members slandered in their hearts, but they still put their long knives into their sheaths honestly. If there is no order from the Lord God, they don't want to conflict with the contemporary shrine maiden.

Even so... the few of them will definitely be remembered by the Miko, and they will definitely not have a good time in the future!

Thinking of this, several people looked at Nozawa even more resentfully.


Seeing Nozawa stepping out of the way, Yaeji snorted coldly, without even looking at him, he rushed directly into the rain curtain with Rin behind his back.

Yae Sakura, who was carrying a long knife, followed closely behind.

Seeing the three people walking away, Nozawa looked at the villagers who were still cheering, and sighed insignificantly.

He kicked the gravel next to him away, "What's all this?"


The rain is getting heavier, the wind is still raging, and the torrential downpour seems to want to completely fill this long-dry land.

Yaeji didn't leave directly, even if he had a hard time, he couldn't leave with the seriously ill Rin in the heavy rain.

On the left side of the shrine, the original house of the three brothers and sisters.

Yaeji pulled out a blanket and placed Rin on it.

At this time, Rin's face turned pale, his eyes were closed tightly, and his two little hands were tightly hugged on his chest.

"Sakura, get some dry cloth."


The same drenched Yae Sakura threw the knife aside and rushed into another room in the rain.

Taking advantage of this time, Yaeji took off her filthy maiden uniform and threw it aside, only wearing the most basic bottoming shirt and leggings.

Not long after, Yae Sakura brought dry cloth from another room. Yaeji casually took one from Sakura's hand, at this moment, Yae Sakura groaned.

Yaeji, who came back to his senses, held Sakura's forearm and turned it over, only to find that the tiger's mouth in his sister's little hand had burst, and the blood was still oozing out after being baptized by the torrential rain.

"Give me."

Yazhongji hugged the dry cloth and threw it casually on the fairly dry ground, turning his palm, a small packet of Yubai powder appeared in his palm.

Seeing Yae Ji taking out the medicine bag casually, Sakura's eyes lit up. Seeing that her brother wanted to give her medicine, Sakura hurriedly took the packet and urged, "I can do this kind of small thing by myself, brother hurry up and take care of Rin."

Yae Ji is not hypocritical, compared to Sakura's wound, Rin who was already seriously ill is in the worst condition at this moment.

He originally wanted Sakura to wipe Rin's body, but Sakura's tiger's mouth was broken, and to complete this kind of thing...

Yae Ji unbuttoned Rin's kimono, and carefully wiped the rain and sweat off Rin's body with a dry cloth...

After the hair, small face, neck, and the indescribable position below the neck, Yae Ji covered Rin's upper body with a blanket, and slowly untied Rin's white socks.

It is said to be white, but in fact it has long been stained black and red by blood.

toss aside.

Yaeji lifted Rin's upper body gently, and asked in a low voice, "Turn around a little, I'll help you with some medicine."

Yae Rin was in a daze, but swallowed dryly, and said weakly, "Okay."

Turning over, he placed a soft pillow under Rin's chest, trying to make the weak person as comfortable as possible.

Yaeji looked at the ankle whose tendons had been severed, a trace of hostility flashed in his eyes, and the tyranny in his chest seemed to erupt at any moment.

"Damn bastard!"

He cursed softly, but his movements were extremely gentle.

After dealing with the impurities brought by the surrounding rainwater, Yaeji ran to the warehouse again in the rain and brought a can of wine.

In the different world in the dream, many people used alcohol to wash their wounds. Although Yazhongji didn't know if the alcohol in the warehouse was useful, he still wanted to try it.

"Sakura, you use this too."

Yae Sakura was puzzled, but still followed her brother's suggestion.

Compared with the drinks in the other world in the dream, the wine brewed in Yae Village is obviously not high in concentration, just to clean the wound, Yaeji thinks there is no serious problem.

Go back to Rin.

The cut of the hamstring on Rin's ankle was glaring to Yae Ji's eyes.

The blood-red wound turned outwards, and because of the heavy rain, the flesh and blood turned white.

After rinsing, apply royal powder, and wrap Rin's feet with a thin, breathable cloth.

Yaeji didn't know if these were useful, all he could do was these.

On the other side, Yae Sakura, who had painted the wound, came to Yae Ji, and looked at Rin who was sleeping.

"Brother, can Rin still stand up?"

Yazhongji was silent for a while, and said decisively: "Yes!"

This time it was Yae Sakura's turn to be silent, the heavy rain outside was still wantonly washing away the filth in the village, Yae Sakura was attracted by the rain curtain.

"Brother... shall we still go to Dacheng?"

"why not?"

Yae Sakura lowered her head, "When are we leaving?"

"Wait for the heavy rain to stop... wait for Rin to get better."



After Yazhongji boiled a pot of water, he tried desperately to fall asleep, but the more he wanted to sleep, the more he couldn't fall asleep.

He wanted to go into a dream and find out how to heal a broken hamstring.

Until the rain gradually subsided, Yazhongji still did not enter the dreamland.

Not long after, Lord Yae walked in from the outside, drenched in light rain.

Yae Sakura stood in front of Yae Rin like a mother beast protecting her cubs. The eyes that looked at the Lord Yae were full of vigilance, completely devoid of the usual respect.

God Lord Yae didn't know what kind of emotion was hidden deep in his eyes, he just looked at Sakura, and then looked away, not knowing whether it was because he didn't have the courage to look at each other, or because of other reasons.

Yaeji got up and put on a haori with her.

The father and son stood in the room, neither of them spoke first.

The atmosphere was dignified and awkward, and there was a beep guarding my sister beside her.

This weird atmosphere lasted for about five minutes, and the hoarse voice of Yae Shenzhu came:

"let's talk?"
