Age of Collapse

Chapter 78: Indifference.jpg


Hearing this surname, the atmosphere that was still in a state of debate immediately quieted down.

The archbishop sitting on the main seat did not change his expression, but he felt a little unhappy in his heart. He's still sitting here, what does Lynn mean by moving out of Francis? Although it was Ronnie who hit the face, it was him standing behind Ronnie!

The archbishop looked at the others.

"I think what the head of the Ronnie army said makes sense. After all, the Valkyrie troops are all women, and it's not convenient for a boy to be in there." Shiro said with a smile: "Look at Yaeji's appearance, Will it be okay when you grow up? Putting it in the Valkyrie team, isn't the leader of Lynn's army afraid of causing disputes in the team?"

"Only you men think about those messy things all day long! We Valkyrie are determined to fight against Honkai by protecting the people!"

"Yaeji is also a man." Shiro still had that smile on his face.

"Indeed." The bearded bearded by Lynn before said: "Most Valkyries carry out missions independently in small teams, and they eat and live together during missions. I don't think it's appropriate to put a man like Yae Ji inside. .Even if he is still young, what will happen in a few years? With such an excellent combat power, can he be dropped into the logistics department?"

"Marshall! Remember the previous attitude of your Macdan branch! You are no longer in the scope of competition." Lynn stared at her beard like a tigress about to show off.

"When did I say that?" Marshall stroked his beard, rolled his eyes, and said cheekily: "Our Mactan branch also needs a newcomer with high potential to train, and the leader of the Lynn Legion Leading the British Valkyries, if you catch a lot of excellent seedlings, you won't be able to hold on to Yazhongji, right?"

"I know what you're thinking." Lynn said coldly.

"My Spanish branch also intends to compete. I am not far from retirement, and then Yaeji can take over the position of army commander of the Spanish branch." The middle-aged man with gray hair smiled at Lynn: "I Unlike the commander of the Hero Legion who has just taken office, he will not bury Yaeji's talent."

"Come on!" Without waiting for Lynn to reply, the bald man with a scar on his face shouted loudly: "Have you solved the mess under your hands? Don't leave a mess for Yachongji in the end! I think we in Norway The branch is pretty good, within five years I can promote that kid to the position of deputy army commander."

"No! Yaeji is a genius discovered by our Valkyrie army, he must belong to our Valkyrie army!"

"But he's a man!"

"Aren't you afraid of a doppelganger battle? I have seen the scene of internal division many times!"

"When a man joins the Valkyrie army, does that mean tigers join sheep? Or sheep join wolves?"

"No, no, no! This is simply breaking the rules!"

The archbishop sitting on the throne narrowed his eyes. He was not afraid that they would compete for others, but he was afraid that they would not compete for others! When there is competition and conflict, he can manage the destiny.

Ned whispered a few words beside the archbishop, and after getting approval, he quietly walked downstairs from the other side.

The five legion commanders from all over the world were still arguing, exposing each other's background in various ways. Although there was a tense atmosphere, none of them was impatient and wanted to do it.

If Yae Ji was a girl, even if she was excellent, it would still be under the management of the Valkyrie Troop.

But Yaeji is a boy! Needless to say, the rating of a+ physical fitness potential is the highest rating in the history of using the equipment!

And... Yaeji, as a boy, can reach out and touch the crystallization containing Houkai energy! This is highly consistent with members of the Kaslana family! Then after he established a family, wouldn't the children he gave birth to be...

"Master Francis is still the nominal top manager of the Valkyrie team! He has completed missions with the Valkyrie team many times, why don't you dare to say Sir Francis?!"

All the people who were frantically shaking their mouths began to wander, one by one, as if they were in awe of this name.


At this moment, Yaeji was taken out of the church by Ned. The expression on Ned's face was very calm, and he used the only arm that could move to comment on Yaeji's fighting style just now.

"Tactical analysis is in place... It is the right choice not to choose armor. Wearing armor will reduce your advantage in speed... Excellent strength and speed, dwarfed in endurance... .. .”

Seeing Ned beside him who was constantly analyzing his combat power, Yaeji couldn't help but give him a high look. Ned's analysis was indeed very thorough. At least not even his client found any loopholes.

If Lynn was here, she would definitely feel that these words are so familiar...

After talking for a long time, Ned stopped talking, turned his head to look at Yazhongji, and found that Yazhongji was looking at his broken arm.

Ned coughed: "Last night, I went to the front again for a walk and saved a village. When I was killing the Honkai Beast, I was touched and accidentally broke my forearm."

Yaeji: "Oh."

Ned: "It was really touched by the Honkai Beast! You didn't know how big the Honkai Beast was at that time! Its strength can be much stronger than yours, and you can't bear that blow in front of it! "

Yaeji: "Oh."

Ned: "Don't you believe it? You definitely didn't interrupt me, with your strength..."

Yaeji: "Oh."

The more Ned talked, the more he felt something was wrong, no, did he leak some secret information just now? Judging by Yaeji's reaction, could it be that the two guards exposed the news

That's not right, why does he feel that his IQ plummets as soon as he is around Yaeji? Usually he pretends to be calm and calm, and the guards applaud and applaud, how come Yachongji...

A genius is a genius! It's okay to be proud! Ned thought.

The two walked all the way to the courtyard where Yaeji lived yesterday, and as soon as they entered the house, Yae Sakura was waiting at the door.

Glancing at Ned calmly, Yae Sakura smiled like a flower, "Brother, welcome back!"

Ned still maintained his unfathomable aura, but he was so envious in his heart.

Although his good-for-nothing younger brother also looks like a girl, and even a little cute, but a good-for-nothing is a good-for-nothing, if he was a girl

Look at Yaeji's younger sister, Ned is full of envy in his heart, and repeatedly compares Otto with Yae Sakura.

Ned raised his eyebrows slightly when Yae Sakura's strange costumes overlapped Otto's inexplicably in his mind. If you look at it this way, your good-for-nothing brother is still quite handsome.

Just as Ned was thinking hard before his younger brother and younger sister, Yazhongji shook his palm in front of him and said with a serious face: "Does what you said yesterday still count?"

"Oh oh oh! Of course it counts." Ned, who came back to his senses, glanced around the yard, "This place is a bit out of the way, why don't you move to the empty yard next to me, I guess you have to wait here for a few days, the doctor will go It's also convenient for me. You don't have to worry about Reverend Palmer. Before he came, his authority was handed over to me. Well... I live with my good-for-nothing brother, and there are no big people around, so don't worry alright."

Yaeji stared at Ned, who was not blushing and heartbeating, and after a few seconds:

