Age of Collapse

Chapter 99: The correct usage of the three-stage sword qi (3/10) Please subscribe!


As if sensing danger, the muscles of Yae Ji's right forearm burst out naturally.


The blond girl let go of her slightly numb hand, first glanced at the palm of her hand, and then at Yaeji: "It's not bad, recruit! Come play with me?"


After Yaeji heard the word "recruit", his head froze for a moment, calling him a recruit, wouldn't that mean...

This little blonde loli is actually a Valkyrie who joined the army earlier than him

How can it be? Obviously a child...

Before Yazhong Ji could finish his thoughts, he felt his wrist was tightly clamped again, and a huge force struck him!

He was thrown directly from the second floor by the blonde loli!


Yaeji, who was running in a parabola in the air, couldn't help but swear.

What just happened? What happened to him

Yazhongji came back to his senses from the sound of the wind in his ear.

'Fortunately, this is the second floor. '

Yaeji thought about it, tiptoed to the ground, bent forward slightly, rolled over, and stood up from the lawn under the dormitory.


Yaeji raised her head, just in time to see the blonde loli jumping directly from the railing on the second floor.

Glancing up again, Lamy was looking at him worriedly.

Yaeji waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.

Lamy at the railing on the second floor breathed a sigh of relief. When she was about to run downstairs, Mi You, who hadn't appeared for many days, shouted beside her: "The new logistics officer! Throw that guy's weapon over!"

Lamy looked at Yaeji at a loss, and after seeing Yaeji nodding, she quickly ran to the room and picked up the sword that Yaeji had kept on the table.

Seeing Lamy appearing outside the house again, Miyou continued to shout: "Throw it over!"

Lamy gritted his teeth, and threw the Taidao with its scabbard at Yae Ji. Until now, she has not figured out the truth of the matter.

This... Is it the tradition of veterans bullying recruits? But she had never heard of such a tradition!

Could it be... those are... old members of the Shadow Blade team

The blond loli who just jumped downstairs, the slender black-haired woman who called her to throw the weapon, and a woman who looked exactly like the black-haired woman stood on the other side.

Next to her stood a long brown-haired woman in the uniform of an elite Valkyrie!

The exquisite uniform perfectly set off the tall and proud figure of the brown-haired woman, who was looking at A Ji calmly with her arms crossed.

Lamy swallowed a mouthful of saliva, turned around and closed the door, and hurried downstairs.

On the lawn, Yaeji held the scabbard with his left hand, and his eyes were fixed on the blond loli who was ten meters away from him.

Yaeji took a breath, and despite the height advantage and the distance she had rolled, the strange force Lolita also threw herself a distance of about seven meters.

This is just an instant explosion! In such a small space, the opponent must not be able to burst out with all his strength!

The opponent's figure and strength simply violated the laws of nature!

Yaeji saw Miyou out of the corner of his eye, and the blond loli on the opposite side was presumably also a member of the Shadow Blade Squad.

'Is it so perverted to pull out any member at random? 'Yaeji didn't collapse, but focused on analyzing the current form.

If the blond-haired loli is a high-explosive player, she is undoubtedly a player with high speed, high strength, and poor endurance just like him.

If that strange power is bestowed by nature... then he can only find an opportunity, and he will kill with one blow!

Yaeji narrowed his eyes.

"La Xieer! Continue!"

A female voice came from the other side, and Yaeji saw the brown-haired woman in the Valkyrie uniform throwing a big sword at the blonde loli!

Although the hilt is facing forward, it is also very scary.

And that big sword looks wider than the big sword used by the general leader who transports the recruits.


A small hand firmly grasped the hilt of the sword, and the blade did not shake at all. This situation made Yazhong Ji twitch the corners of his eyes. He even went to the equipment department to wield a big sword a few days ago, and he clearly knew the weight of that weapon.

In the hands of the blond-haired Lori La Xieer, picking up that big sword is as easy as picking up an ordinary Taidao.

The height of the big sword even surpassed Laxie'er's height, so that the blond loli could only hold the hilt upside down and drag the big sword to the ground.

The other hand pinched his waist, and the blush after sullenness remained on his slightly baby-fat face.

"Hey! Recruit, what you have to do now is to beat me!"


With a sound, the edge of the epee sparked on the ground, and La Xie'er put his other little hand on the hilt of the sword, and shouted: "Come on, if you don't move, you have no chance to win!"

Yazhongji lowered his eyelids, he could see that the big sword hadn't struck, so he...

"It's better to obey than to respect."

Yaeji said coldly, his upper body slightly bent forward, and the left hand holding the scabbard opened the sword grid with his thumb.

A moment of coldness!

Yazhongji turned into an afterimage and made a surprise attack behind Laxie'er!

Turn around suddenly! The Taidao with the scabbard was about to hit Laxie'er hard on the back!



Yazhongji jumped back a few steps, his blow just now slashed straight on the grid of the big sword.

The force of the feedback almost made his hands numb.

Glancing at the scabbard with sawdust falling out, Yaeji felt distressed, but also lamented La Xieer's reaction speed.

In just a split second, she determined the direction he was going to attack and made an effective defense. If she had used a backward sweeping attack in that blow, then he might have been lying on the ground.

La Xieer, who was dragging a big sword, smiled brightly, showing two rows of neat white teeth.

"Not bad, recruit. That move alone is more than enough to be a combat core in an ordinary team. I just don't know how many times you can use it?"

La Xie'er was still smiling, as if Ya Chongji's blow had blown away all her remaining resentment.

"It's up to me next~"

La Xie'er said with a smile, and started to run on the field while pulling the heavy sword.


In the third step, he moved forward abruptly, spanning a large distance, and a pair of small hands clenched a big sword with the power to sweep away thousands of troops!

Not the blade, but the cumbersome spine of the sword! Although this will affect the speed and power, it also guarantees the opponent's personal safety to a certain extent.


But this time, Yachongji didn't draw out his sword to strike, instead, the almost transparent curved three sections of sword energy surrounded La Xie'er and strangled him.



The expensive skirt on her body was cracked one after another, revealing her fair skin with slight bloodstains inside.

The wavy hair tail also cut a dozen gaps of different sizes.

Even on the great sword that had not been struck, there were many white marks.

Seeing the expensive clothes being torn into tatters, Yaeji smiled embarrassedly, and broke through to the back of La Xieer in an instant, and suddenly used the blade with the scabbard!
