Age Of Worldwide Monsters

Chapter 102: Mysterious ball of light


After hearing what Chu Feng said, Chu Xia's eyes immediately flashed with excitement.

Yes, why should they bother to collect victory points from others

As long as you can keep winning, you will naturally gain points!

At this moment, the beep of the National Games Arena sounded again.

[The list of the second round of the National Games Arena has been determined. Players from all countries are requested to browse it in time!]

After hearing the notification sound in his ear, Chu Feng raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Are you coming out so soon?"

Then, without any hesitation, he directly opened the battle list and began to check it.

The person Chu Feng wanted to meet the most was naturally Kurokawa Shenzang.

However, his luck didn't seem to be very good. What he met this time was just a player from a small country, and he had never even heard of his name.

After checking his opponent, Chu Feng immediately turned his head, looked at Chu Xia, and asked: "By the way, who is your opponent in this round of knockout?"

However, a strange look appeared on Chu Xia's face.

"It seems to be... Ivanov from the Bear Country."

After hearing this, even Chu Feng couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

He obviously did not expect that in the second round of the National Games Arena knockout round, Chu Xia would directly draw Ivanov as his opponent!

This luck... is really good.

Chu Feng smiled and asked: "How is it? Are you confident?"

"If you really want to say you have confidence, it would be too much."

Chu Xia shook his head helplessly: "Although I am very excited to be able to fight against strong people."

"But you should also know that with my current strength, I still won't be able to compete with a player of Ivanov's level."

"This... I may not be able to win."

However, Chu Feng patted him on the shoulder and smiled meaningfully: "Don't worry, I won't let you lose."

… …

Inside the National Games Arena.

In a separate room.

Three corpses are displayed in the room.

Although he didn't look injured on the outside, he had indeed lost the breath of life.

No one knew why these three corpses appeared in this empty room.

But in fact, these three contestants were all forcibly eliminated because they violated the rules of the National Games battlefield.

At this moment, a ball of light suddenly appeared out of thin air in the room!

This light group exudes a mysterious and unpredictable energy fluctuation, as if it doesn't look like a life form that should exist in this world at all.

The next second, three strange rays of light surged out from the light group and merged into the three corpses in front of them!

And after integrating these three strange rays of light, these three corpses stood up staggeringly!

Fortunately, no one is present at this moment, otherwise, I am afraid it will be extremely shocked!

It was obviously a dead body, but at this moment, with the help of this ball of light, it came back to life again! !

The scene in front of me is completely enough to subvert everyone's cognition! !

After being resurrected, the eyes of these three corpses first showed a look of confusion.

It wasn't until they saw the ball of light in front of them that they reacted instantly. They all knelt on one knee and said in a deep voice: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for giving us a chance to be reborn!"

It is worth mentioning that the words spoken from their mouths are extremely obscure and profound, and are not actually any language on earth.

Obviously, although these three corpses were resurrected, the souls in their bodies were no longer the original souls.

After the three people knelt down on one knee, the mysterious ball of light actually spoke calmly.

"No need to thank me, do you know why I want to resurrect you?"

After hearing this, a look of confusion appeared on the faces of the three people again, and they shook their heads one after another.

"Since you don't know the mission this time, let me tell you."

The mysterious ball of light said calmly: "The 'God's Domain Battlefield' of this era has officially begun."

"And all you have to do is help these players grow up as quickly as possible!"

"As for how to do it, it's very simple. I need you to join the arena as players and fight against the players of this era."

"If the three of you can win first place in the arena, then you will have a chance to live a new life."

"If the mission fails, you will also be completely wiped out by me."

If Chu Feng heard what the mysterious light ball said, he would definitely be extremely surprised.

What kind of divine battlefield

Isn’t this the battlefield of the national destiny

After hearing this, a touch of sadness appeared on the faces of the three people in front of them.

"I really didn't expect that it's already the next era..."

After they died, they completely lost their perception of time.

Unknowingly, the long river of time has flowed for an entire era.

Then, a look of perseverance immediately appeared on the leader's face: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, in order to be able to live another life, we will definitely be able to complete the tasks assigned by you!"

"But before that, can you give us three a suitable weapon?"

"You know, we can only use our full strength if we have weapons."

After hearing this request, the light ball flickered for a while, and then replied calmly: "Okay."

Then, with a flash of light, three weapons immediately appeared in front of the three people.

Each is a long spear.

A huge shield.

And a dagger.

After seeing the weapons that appeared in front of them, a look of joy immediately appeared on the faces of these three people.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor!"

The three weapons in front of me are definitely the weapons that best suit their own characteristics.

After obtaining suitable weapons, the strength of the three of them will also be significantly improved.

However, just as they finished speaking, they suddenly discovered that the mysterious light ball in front of them had already disappeared from their eyes.

Then, the three of them slowly stood up.

One of the brown-haired men couldn't help but ask: "Yao, what should we do now?"

"I finally got a chance to be reborn, so I have to take advantage of it!"

The handsome young man named 'Yao' said in a deep voice: "No matter what, we must first complete the task assigned by that adult!"

"However, before we can find a way to complete the mission, we need to collect more information about those players."