Age Of Worldwide Monsters

Chapter 63: Chu Feng exerted his strength and his ranking soared


To be honest, Chu Xia certainly knows whether Chu Feng can make a mistake in dealing with an A-level monster.

But what he didn't expect was that with such an understatement, Chu Feng could turn the giant arm of the black-blooded demon ape directly into blood mist!

I want to know if he has personally experienced the strength of the black-blooded demon ape!

That terrifying power is worthy of the name of an A-level monster!

However, even in that situation, Chu Feng was able to crush that monster so easily, which means one thing -

Then, the strength of Chu Feng and the black-blooded demon ape are not in the same dimension at all.

When Chu Feng faced that monster, it was completely a dimensionality reduction attack in the true sense!


The intense pain that turned the entire leg and arm into blood mist caused the black-blooded demon ape to immediately let out a shrill scream! !

It raised another fist angrily and smashed it in the direction of Chu Feng again! !

"Are you unwilling to give up?"

Chu Feng raised his head, with a contemptuous sneer on his lips.

Then, he stretched out his legs and took the Great Summer Dragon Bird from behind.

Now that the power of the Star Finger has been tested.

Then it's time for Jie Donglai to show his true abilities.

After all, the magic sword...can't seek blood!

Chu Feng held the Daxia Longque's knife handle with one leg and slashed forward with the knife!

The crimson sword light seemed to have turned into a sword!


Accompanied by a soft sound.

The other leg and arm of the black-blooded demon ape were cut off completely! !

Scarlet blood spurted out immediately! !

At this moment, a look of fear flashed across the eyes of the black-blooded demon ape.

It finally knew how terrifying the human in front of it was.

It just screamed, it knew it was too late.

Chu Feng's legs suddenly kicked off the ground, his figure suddenly rose up, and the Great Summer Dragon Bird in his legs also moved towards the neck of the black-blooded demon ape! !


Flesh tore apart.

The huge head of the black-blooded demon ape fell directly to the ground.

An A-level monster died in Chu Feng's legs just like that.

From the beginning to the end, Chu Feng used one finger and two knives.

In fact, if Chu Feng had mistakenly targeted the black-blooded demon ape's weak point, the east leg, from the beginning, he might not have needed the next two swords.

All it takes is one Star Finger to crush the latter's head.

"Okay, let's go."

After killing the black-blooded demon ape, Chu Feng still had a calm expression on his face, as if he had just done an insignificant thing.

Chu Xia was slightly startled for a moment, then quickly followed his steps.

After all, after clearing the thirtieth floor, they could see the mysterious businessman again.

… …

After leaving the thirtieth floor, a mysterious businessman wearing a black robe appeared in front of them.

Chu Feng didn't hesitate at all, walked forward and said straight to the point: "He wants to exchange for the second level of "Dragon God Art"."

The black-robed businessman chuckled and said, "Three thousand dark crystals, thank you for your patronage."

Chu Feng immediately opened the Sumeru Ring, took out all three thousand dark crystals from the ring, and piled them up into a black hill.

Then, the man in black robe waved his long sleeve, and all the dark crystals were absorbed into the black mist.

After counting, he took out an ancient book from the black mist and handed it to Chu Feng's lap.

Obviously, that ancient book was the second level of the "Dragon God Secret" that Chu Feng wanted to redeem.

Then, Chu Feng asked again: "How many dark crystals do you need for the third level of "Dragon God Art"?"

The man in black robe immediately replied: "We only need six thousand dark crystals."

After hearing that number, Chu Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Just six thousand dark crystals

Man, that price has almost doubled!

Just based on the dark crystals on his legs now, it seems that he is already dead.

The only way is to continue to break through.

Moreover, those dark crystals on the legs should not be spent carelessly.

Thinking of that, Chu Feng immediately prepared to leave.

However, at that moment, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and immediately turned around and asked: "That's wrong, he is very curious, why does the Dark Tower of Babel exist?"

"What kind of identity do I play outside that dark Tower of Babel?"

To be honest, those two problems have been bothering Chu Feng since he entered the Dark Babel Tower.

The easiest way to get the answer is to ask directly.

At that moment, the man in black robe also spoke.

"Do I want him to tell me the answers to those two questions?"

Chu Feng nodded: "Of course."

The man in black robe immediately extended a leg finger: "Thanks for your patronage, ten thousand dark crystals."

Chu Feng: "..."

That guy, is he so obsessed with money? !

I'm just asked to answer two stupid questions. If you don't want to answer, just don't answer. How dare you ask for 10,000 dark crystals

Good guy, is that really going to make capitalists cry when they hear it

"Okay, I'll just pretend he didn't say anything."

With a dark face, Chu Feng took Chu Xia and continued walking towards the east floor.

In his heart, the man in black robe has been completely labeled as a black businessman!

… …

Starting from the thirtieth floor, A-level monsters began to appear one after another.

From level 30 to level 33, each level is guarded by an A-level monster.

Moreover, the strength of those monsters is showing a trend of getting stronger and stronger!

Just like Bu Nao, there was no difference in front of Chu Feng.

Anyway, it’s not a matter of one finger.

It has to be said that Luan Xingzhi's magical power is quite powerful.

Chu Feng roughly estimated that when using the Star Finger, the power he would explode would be about 50% more than usual!

Moreover, this is not because Chu Feng is not fully proficient in using that magical power.

If you practice it for a period of time, the magical power of Luan Xingzhi in Chu Feng's legs will probably explode with even more powerful power!

The most important thing is, that move is cool enough!

Which one has more visual impact, a knife to death or a finger to death

With one finger pointing, blood splattered!

When it's over, brush off your clothes and go away, hiding your merit and fame!

That style is so awesome!

All the A-level monsters responsible for guarding the three levels were instantly killed by Chu Feng without wasting much time.

Starting from level 34, the number of A-level monsters began to increase!

From one A-level monster to two A-level monsters!

But for Chu Feng, it still makes no difference.

At best, it only takes an extra ten seconds.

In the aftermath of that situation, in the ranking list of the Dark Babel Tower, Chu Feng's ranking, along with his level, skyrocketed crazily! !