Aggrieved Fish Sprite

Chapter 1: Zhushan County


A deity makes a mountain, not its altitude.

I don't know which dynasty or generation started, if a mountain doesn't have so few illusory myths and quirks, I would be embarrassed to put my name on the county annals.

There is a woodcutter on this mountain who meets a fairy, and a white fox will come to repay the kindness from that mountain. On the same mountain, immortals can guide the way, monsters want to eat people, and I don't know how immortals and monsters get along in harmony and become neighbors.

The scholar laughed and said, "Zi Buyu is strange and confused.

The local people were convinced and cautious, lest they offend the mountain gods and the spirits who lived in the mountains. They spread many taboos about going into the mountains by word of mouth, and asked their descendants to abide by them.

Zhushan County is such a place.

It is called Bamboo Mountain. In fact, there is no such a mountain in the territory. It is only the green mountains, green waters and lush bamboos here that get such a name. There are more than a dozen large and small mountains here, and if they are counted according to the top of the mountain, there will be more.

Surrounded by mountains, the roads are rugged and difficult to navigate, the property is barren and the location is remote. Even if the war swept the Central Plains, it would be difficult to burn this place. Although the place is small and poor, it is very stable and happy. There are almost no major events. Every day the county government judges, it is all trivial matters about a chicken in the east and a wall in the west.

The county town is not big, and one street is at the end.

About ten steps away from the gate of the county government, the first shop on the street had medicine flags hanging, and herbs were drying on the wooden rack in front of the door. The boy with neat hands and feet was busy. Can't help but aim at a wonton stall across the street.

The stall owner is carrying a burden, one end is a hot soup stove with a fire, and the other end is a bowl and chopsticks and wrapped wontons. When someone stopped, he put down the burden and cooked a bowl warmly. The people who eat it are not particular about it.

It was a cold day, and the white mist mixed with the fragrance kept drifting over.

The boy in the drugstore couldn't help but glance at it.

Just as he was quietly swallowing his saliva, the owner of the wonton stall saw the drooling appearance of this boy, and immediately smiled, picked up a clean small bowl, scooped up a full of wonton soup, and walked across the street to stuff the pharmacy boy. .

"No, Uncle Niu, I've eaten it." The drugstore boy quickly refused.

"Half the big boy, my stomach is very hungry. It's still early for dinner, drink it soon, and the soup will cool quickly in the cold weather." The wonton stall owner said with a smile, and he also stretched his head and glanced at the pharmacy, "Mo Is the doctor not here?"

"Doctor Mo has gone up the mountain to collect herbs." The drugstore boy lifted his coat and carefully held the bowl across the cloth.

The bowl was a little hot, and he was afraid he couldn't hold it.

After all, I am young and don't have so many calluses on my hands.

The wonton soup is boiled from the meat of wild pheasant. Although a lot of water is added, it still smells delicious.

After taking a few breaths, the pharmacy boy took a slow sip, and his body became warmer.

"Uncle Niu's craftsmanship is still so good."

"Haha, that's needless to say." The owner of the wonton stall put away the bowl and said casually, "As the old saying goes, you can't go into the mountains in winter, so why did Doctor Mo go to the mountains? It's freezing cold and it's too dangerous to collect herbs. , Besides, what kind of medicine can I get?"

The pharmacy boy scratched his head and said depressedly, "I don't know either. Doctor Mo just said he wanted to go up the mountain to have a look. Maybe he found some good medicine in the mountain last time?"


The owner of the wonton stall wanted to say something else, but the diners next to him happened to put a bowl and came over to answer: "I'm afraid I'm looking for ginseng. I heard people say that ginseng must be tied with a red rope, and the ginseng baby will not be able to escape. In winter, the easier it is to find it, otherwise the vegetation will flourish, and the ginseng baby will dig into the ground, and then squat anywhere, even if it grows the eyes of an eagle, it will not be able to find it."

The owner of the wonton stall suddenly realized and nodded again and again.

A tall and thin man passing by heard this, his sallow face was gloomy, he stopped, looked at the pharmacy sullenly, and turned around abruptly to the wonton stand.

"Boss, have a bowl of wontons."

The man's voice was hoarse and unpleasant. He was wearing a shabby single jacket. At first glance, he was no different from ordinary people, and even a little more down-to-earth. However, the payment was very straightforward. Throw it to the wonton stall owner.

"Hey, I gave an extra seven cents." The stall owner said quickly.

The man waved his hand casually, indicating that he didn't need it. He asked in a hoarse voice: "I have bad legs and feet, and I want to see a doctor. I don't know if there are other doctors in this county... I just heard about this. The house doctor has gone out?"

The pharmacy boy turned his head and went back to sort out the herbs, but didn't talk to him.

The owner of the wonton stall smiled and said, "It's really unfortunate, we have only one doctor here, and the others are from the village. You can only watch a headache, you can't be called a doctor, and you can't help you in a hurry. If the pain is severe, I will point you to a place to find out if it can be cured, and if you can stand it, wait a few days for Doctor Mo to return."

"How old is this Doctor Mo?" the man asked tentatively, "Now that the mountains are covered by heavy snow, I'm afraid that I won't be able to come back in ten days and a half months."

The owner of the wonton stall didn't answer this question, he just kept praising Doctor Mo's medical skills.

So until the bowl of wontons was cooked, the man couldn't find out more information.

The man sullenly finished his meal quickly, dropped the bowl and left.

When the people walked away, the simple and honest smile of the stall owner immediately changed. The previous diners who talked about ginseng didn't know which alley they got out of, and got close to the stall owner again.

"Qin Zhukuai, I think this person is a little wrong. He asked what Doctor Mo is going to do?" the wonton stall owner said to the diners.

"It's a foreigner, there are seven or eight. Except for him who stayed here, the others went into the mountains yesterday." Qin Chukuai nodded and said, "I'm going to find some brothers to watch, maybe it's also picking ginseng."

"Tsk, I heard from the dealer that the ginseng customers outside the customs are very brave and they often kill people." The owner of the wonton stall took a breath and said worriedly, "If Doctor Mo digs the ginseng first, they will bump into them again. What to do?"

"It won't be so coincidental..."


Just so coincidentally.

Mo Li carried the medicine basket on his back and held the white ginseng he just dug up with both hands, squatting on the ground, staring blankly at the group of big men in leather jackets who suddenly appeared around.

"It's really white ginseng, the best white ginseng!"

The man in the lead narrowed his eyes and looked at the fat white ginseng greedily.

The appearance is good, and it looks like it has been around for a long time. He hadn't seen such a good ginseng for a few years. He heard that there was a high-quality ginseng in this small place with poor mountains and rivers, but he didn't believe it at first. What's the use of the wild ginseng with the thickness of the little finger, the sale is not enough for their brothers to squander, but the good ginseng is different.

Like this white ginseng with the thickness of an adult's arm, the branches and leaves are complete, the facial features are lifelike, and the aura is full. Thousands of taels of gold can also be sold, and you can eat and drink without worrying about it for the rest of your life.

"Hand over it, I'll save your life." The leader said to Doctor Mo who was digging for the ginseng.

If it wasn't for the ginseng in the opponent's hand, the leader would have already slashed the white ginseng root with a knife for fear that the fight would damage the roots of the white ginseng.

Mo Li looked at the ginseng in his hand, and at the crowd who were so aggressive as if they were going to swallow him and the ginseng together, and slowly shook his head, because this ginseng could not be given to them.

"court death!"

The leader was furious, and the big men behind him also took out their weapons.

They have done too much of killing people and stealing goods. Sometimes they will stab themselves. Now they are more wary of the people around them. For such a precious white ginseng, it would be great to have one less person to share.

At this time, a gust of wind swept through, and the suddenly raised snow smeared the faces of all the participants. Their feet slipped inexplicably, as if there was an invisible force pushing them back.

"what happened?"

The leader roared, but was blown away by the wind and snow, unable to open his eyes.

His feet were hard, his arms were grabbing, and he couldn't control the tendency to retreat, and his face was full of horror.

Because the back is a cliff.


The big men in leather jackets pushed me and shoved them, like ravioli into a pot, and fell off the cliff together with fine snowflakes like flour, and a white mist suddenly rose from the bottom of the cliff.

This cliff is neither high nor short, and there is thick snow below it. If you fall, you may not die, but if you can't climb out, you will freeze to death.

Doctor Mo, who did not want this place to be stained with blood, nodded in satisfaction, filled the ginseng pit, and put the white ginseng into the medicine basket.

"I'll find you a place with a lot of spiritual energy this year." Doctor Mo touched the leaves lightly and chatted with Bai Shen, "It's better to keep it secret, to prevent you from being discovered, you say you It’s three hundred years old, why don’t you change your form? Even the cows selling wontons in Zhushan County know that there are ginseng dolls on the mountain!”

White ginseng did not move.

The whistling cold wind reached Dr. Mo's side and disappeared automatically.

Mo Li walked forward with Bai Shen on his back. When he passed a cliff, he frowned and suddenly appeared beside a pine tree ten meters away like a ghost, with a snow-white fox in his hand.

The fox opened his black eyes like grapes and looked at the ink carp pitifully.

"Follow me, are you bold?" Mo Li shook the fox's tail in his hand.

The white fox didn't struggle, his eyes rolled, and he stared at the medicine basket behind Doctor Mo with saliva.

The ink carp raised the fox to his eyes, pointed to the tip of its nose and warned, "You are not allowed to eat white ginseng, not even leaves. You are all spiritual beings, and I am waiting for you to transform."

The fox let out a low cry.

"Not convinced yet?" Mo Li said with a stern face.

While teaching, he touched the fox from head to tail.

No matter how you touch it, it's still a fox, nothing has changed.

Mo Li sighed, took out a gourd, and poured out a pill. As soon as he broke the wax coat on the outside of the pill, the cold fragrance tempted the white fox to swing his head and lean over, rolled his tongue, and swallowed the pill deftly.

The abundant spiritual energy in the pill made the white fox narrow his eyes happily.

But after eating, it was still a fox, still staring at the white ginseng in the black carp medicine basket, eating the bowl and thinking about the pot. The same is greedy, but a little cute.

"...Your ancestors still know how to repay their kindness, so why do you only eat?" Mo Li hated that iron could not become steel.

The white fox looked at Mo Li blankly, not understanding what he was talking about.

"Okay, go back."

Mo Li carried the medicine basket and continued to walk into the mountains. The white fox reluctantly followed for a while, and found the trace of a rabbit on the way. Among the rabbits that Bai can only see, the fox chose the latter without hesitation. , Dian Dian went chasing the rabbit.

"The person who wrote the county annals is a liar!" Mo Li was lost in thought.

The snow was getting bigger and bigger, Mo Li walked alone for a long time, and finally found a hidden mountain stream. He looked around again and made sure that the spiritual energy here was abundant, so he put down the medicine basket and held the white ginseng in the mountain stream. Find a suitable location and start digging.

Carefully planted the white ginseng, crushed another pill, melted it together with the snow, and poured it around the rhizomes of the white ginseng.

"Okay, you will live here this year." Mo Li patted the dirt and snow on his body, said hello to this ginseng plant, and left the mountain stream.

After transplanting the ginseng, the ink carp did not rush out of the mountain. He stopped and walked, as if he was looking for something.

He walked all the three nearby hills, finally stopped in front of a rock wall, and then stretched out his hand to start digging. Under the thick snow was a stone cave, and the entrance of the cave was blocked by stones.

Mo Li carefully moved the stone away and waved his hand at the same time, and the wind and snow automatically bypassed the area.

He bent down and climbed into the cave. The owner of the cave was a brown-scaled python, nine feet long and the thickness of a bucket. It looked very terrifying. Now it's freezing cold, the python is hibernating, its body is stiff and cold, curled up in a circle.

After carefully checking the state of the python, Doctor Mo left a pill in the corner of the cave in disappointment, let it evaporate naturally, and then re-sealed the entrance of the cave.

Another year has come to an end.

White ginseng is still ginseng, white fox is still fox, big snake is still snake.

What about the good monster

The author has something to say:

The world of this article is not complicated and there is no big conspiracy. What kind of world is it... No spoilers now XDD

To put it simply, the protagonist is a lonely monster, but there are no monsters in this world, and he can't find any other monsters.

Ink carp: ? ?

Author: →_→

Ink carp: The white fox repays the favor, and the carp jumps to the dragon gate! Liars, all liars!

PS: In reality, there is indeed a place called Zhushan County, in Hubei, but it has nothing to do with this article. After naming it, I found the same name but I didn’t want to change the OTZ.

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