Aggrieved Fish Sprite

Chapter 116: Do not suffer from the helpless


Mo Li opened his eyes and found that the internal force was still not working smoothly.

But it's been able to move a little bit.

"Brother Meng, calm down."

Mo Li eagerly reached out and pressed Meng Qi's shoulder, and accidentally touched the back of his neck.

Meng Qi's body trembled slightly and said helplessly: "Doctor, I have recovered my memory and won't be mad anymore."

Mo Li didn't believe what he said.

"You're sick or not, it doesn't matter if you say it."

Mo Li looked at the strange red mist not far away, his pupils shrank, and he asked in a low voice, "What is this?"

"It's the poison gas in the mausoleum."

Meng Qi's annoyance was not only because of the collapse of the ground and the crowd of people from all over the world, but also because of the red mist coming out of the mausoleum. The wind was heavy and the rain was heavy, and the poisonous mist was quickly spread and penetrated into the soil.

The fog spread further, and it had already crossed the range of the subsidence of the cave, and was stained with the nearby vegetation.

Trees don't die immediately, and you can't even see the problem right away. This is not a story, and there is no such powerful poison in the world.

The dead are the insects and ants in the soil and grass.

"Wait!" Mo Li shouted to the Jianghu people who rushed over.

Those people ignored him, just pulled a wet corner of his clothes, covered his nose and mouth, and approached the hole in the ground.

The red fog rose higher and higher, and the color gradually faded until it disappeared.

"… How about it?"

"After ten days or so, it shouldn't matter." Meng Qi said with a sullen face.

Shangyun Mountain is rich in spiritual energy, which can dissolve the toxicity of rainwater infiltrating the soil, but no matter how many dragon veins there are, the spiritual energy will not be happy. The situation was clearly under control, and suddenly there was trouble again.

Mo Li moved a little, motioning Meng Qi to put him down.

Meng Qi refused: "No, there will be danger. The person who fired the powder hasn't been found yet."

"Didn't he get killed?" Mo Li looked at the huge pothole.

Zhushan County is located in a remote area. Mo carp has never seen gunpowder, but only knows that there are artillery pieces in the imperial court, and there are thunderbolts on the rivers and lakes. During festivals or weddings, the poor people beat gongs and drums, burn bamboo, and there is no gunpowder.

I didn't expect these things together, there will be such a great power.

"That's where the problem lies..."

Meng Qi was talking to himself.

Old Ancestor Qingwu and his eldest disciple were both trapped, and the group of men in black from Xianyueguan did not escape much. No one gave orders. Why was the gunpowder hidden outside Liuhe Temple ignited


The ink carp turned around when he heard the sound, and saw the little novice lying beside the ruins and howling.

The abbot of Liuhe Temple was dying and could not speak.

Jin Yiwei followed Gong Jun away, and the monk who was still alive also ran away, leaving only a few corpses lying there.

Meng Qi protected Mo Li to the ruins of the main hall, and quickly recognized that this was the place where he had previously sensed that there were survivors with his spiritual energy. When the beam collapsed, it was blocked by the tall Buddha statue. There was a gap in front of the Buddha statue that was not buried, and those who survived by chance happened to be there.

It's just that the old monk's luck was bad and his abdomen was injured, and he was about to die.

The ink carp couldn't use his inner strength, so he could only hold down the acupoints to wake the old monk briefly.

"Master!" The little novice was full of tears and mixed with the rain.

"...You have a root of wisdom, don't waste yourself." The abbot wanted to instruct his little apprentice on many things, such as staying away from trouble, not to have anything to do with Treasures and Liuhe Temple, find a new temple, and learn to look at people's faces to please the new ones. Brothers and masters, be more diligent in your work of chanting scriptures, and stop being lazy.

However, the words got mixed up in his mouth, and he couldn't speak at all.

"You are the middle man, please save my master." The little novice grabbed Mo Li's arm and begged.

The wound on the abdomen was penetrated by the broken wood, and the internal organs were necrotic, and there was no way to save it.

Mo Li withdrew the hand of the pulse, and didn't even pull out the wood, because the old monk would die faster if he moved, and even his intestines might flow out.

The little novice saw the answer from Mo Li's actions, and cried even more fiercely.

"Children." The abbot patted the little novice's head laboriously, and said intermittently, "Birth and old age... sickness and death are all results, and the same is true for teachers."

The little novice clung to the abbot's cassock tightly.

Behind them were the surprise shouts of those Jianghu people who discovered that the mound of Emperor Li's Mausoleum was broken.

How much treasure should there be in the tomb of Emperor Chen Li

The abbot of Liuhe Temple is a descendant of the royal family of the Chen Dynasty. He did not die when the Chu Dynasty entered Taijing. He lived through the fall of the Chu Dynasty and the destruction of the Qi Dynasty.

"Perhaps this is the retribution of Chen Chao's injustice."

The abbot repeated the matter to the little novice one after another. He didn't really want the apprentice to know everything, but was sentimental about himself. His voice became lower and lower, and finally he let out a long breath and closed his eyes. .

Mo Li saw that the little novice was dumbfounded and didn't say anything, thinking that he was frightened.

As soon as I tried to call, I saw the little novice raised his head: "Does the doctor have a fire certificate?"

Buddhists say that when you pass away, the bones of the Buddha are turned into relics.

The abbot's body can't be left just like that, but the coffin is not needed, just burn it.

"It's still raining." Mo Li whispered.

The little novice seemed to realize that, he woodenly pulled a yellow curtain that had been hanging in front of the Buddha statue and covered the abbot's body.

At this time, the Jianghu people who first arrived near the cave had already started fighting.

They made weird noises and slashed like crazy, even when there was no one in front of them, they seemed to see something.

Those who had already climbed down the pothole were even worse off, stumbling around, hitting the pit wall again and again, and even accidentally loosening the rope and falling into the hole.

Strange laughter, screams, and murderous shouts filled the eardrums with wind and rain.

"Tongzhi, is it really the Mausoleum of Emperor Li?"

You Jin Yiwei shivered, almost thinking it was a ghost.

Gong Jun nodded slowly, and there was no point in hiding it from his subordinates. He simply said: "Meng Guoshi said that this is the place. The group of men in black who attacked us just now also came for the treasure of the Emperor's Mausoleum."

A group of Jinyiwei heard it, and their expressions were different.

Faced with the treasures of the Emperor's Mausoleum, how could he not be moved, the market talk had already blown this mysterious Emperor's Mausoleum into the sky, as if an entire treasury of the Chen Dynasty was hidden in it. What rare treasures, elixir, calligraphy and painting... Anyway, except for no living beauty, everything else.

Thinking of those descriptions, everyone's breathing became a little heavier.

Then the cold rain hit me, and I woke up.

"Why is the imperial mausoleum here?"

"Tongzhi, let's withdraw, this... looks like a ghost!"

Those Jianghu people slashed and killed each other like they were obsessed, their flesh and blood flying.

Gong Jun thought of the red mist emerging from the mausoleum, suspecting that they were all poisoned and seeing hallucinations.

"I can't go, there is too much movement here." Gong Jun motioned his subordinates to look near the mountain road.

The rain was a little lighter, and people could be vaguely seen.

"Smart people are hiding behind... Waiting for someone to find the way for them. Now that we leave, we will definitely be stopped. Maybe there are people who think we have gained something." Gong Jun whispered.

Originally, he believed in martial arts, and didn't pay much attention to Jianghu people, but today he has suffered three big losses in a row, and he no longer dares to be sure that he can defeat these Jianghu people who have heard the news.

What if there are experts in there

The identity of the Bamboo Swordsman was exposed, it was a small matter, but a serious injury and loss of life were a big matter.

Besides, he was still carrying these subordinates, more or less injured, and the heaviest half of his arm was gone. How can a group of disabled soldiers fight recklessly with others

"If I guess correctly, there may be another mystery about the treasures of Emperor Li's Mausoleum." Gong Jun gritted his teeth and said solemnly, "Dare to attack the court officials and use so much gunpowder, this is not something that Jianghu people can do. thing!"

"Oh, talk about it."

A voice suddenly came from behind, and Gong Jun jumped away in shock.

I saw that Meng Qi had arrived at their side without knowing when, and brought Mo Li and the blank-looking little novice.

"Meng Guoshi, the lower officials are timid." Gong Jun said through gritted teeth.

"If you are timid, practice more."

Meng Qi said leisurely, seeing Jin Yiwei's retreating movements, he smiled.

Ink carp: "… "

He thought that Meng Qi was taking it for granted at this moment. He bullied the deputy commander of the palace, changed it to Gong Jun holding the raccoon slave for a walk, and let Meng Qi practice more to solve the problem of being afraid of cats.

Gong Jun didn't know this secret, so naturally he lacked the courage and could only stare at Meng Qi.

"Although Qingwu Patriarch is the number one expert in the world, with superb martial arts, he is well thought out, but his old base is in Yongzhou. Isn't he afraid that the court will copy his Tibetan style?"

As long as the artillery is fired for a few rounds, no martial art can hold it.

People can run, but the house can still fly

"He spread the rumors of Emperor Li's Mausoleum on the rivers and lakes without any taboos. He just used his own name. He was so bold, who gave him the confidence?"

Gong Jun raised his voice deliberately, he wanted those hidden Jianghu people to hear these words.

As for people whose martial arts are not high enough to hear, that's fine. The little ones don't matter anyway.

Meng Qi saw through Gong Jun's intentions.

"No, who else is from the Tianshan Sect in Hengchang Temple? The elders of the major sects all saw that something was wrong. They went back halfway and would not be here." After Meng Qi finished speaking, he heard Yuan Yuan. There were whispers and discussions from far and near, the smile on his lips widened, and then he glanced at Gong Jun.

Seeing it or not, this is what shakes people's hearts.

Deputy Commander Gong hesitated.

At this time, Mo Li added: "We came from Yongzhou, and I heard that Qingwu Patriarch came this time and brought all his cronies."

Digging treasure, of course, brought cronies, nothing surprising. But thinking about it differently, Qingwu ancestors may not want to hide the wind view. Jianghu people do not believe that Qingwu ancestors would do this. Jianghu people who are worried about a penny know how important the foundation of the sect is.

Taoist temples are also monks, and there is no need to pay land tax for their fields.

Even in the Chu Dynasty, where the government decree was strict, the land tax under the name of the temple and Taoist temple was less.

Many people would rather dedicate their fields to temples and become tenants instead, paying less food than the imperial court levied. For a Taoist view as deeply rooted as Zangfeng View, who has a good relationship with the powerful, the property under his name is definitely not a small number.

What Qingwu ancestors left behind was not a Taoist temple, but money.

No matter how high your martial arts skills are, how can you let your disciples and subordinates follow you willingly without money

The treasures of the imperial mausoleum can make up for this loss.

If the ancestor of Qingwu didn't come for the treasure, what would he want

"Treachery." Gong Jun said word by word.

His face was ashen, and he realized that the person who lit the gunpowder might not be the subordinate of the Qingwu ancestor.

It might be Jin Yiwei, it might be an internal eunuch, or even someone sent by a colleague, because they wanted to rebel, they colluded with the ancestors of Qingwu.

The Jin Yiwei he brought out suffered heavy casualties, and some were still buried under the rubble. He didn't know if anyone had disappeared halfway.

Was the person who set the fire dead or was he hiding beside him

Gong Jun became angrier the more he thought about it.

"So, in the opinion of the Deputy Commander Gong, who is the most likely rebel in the capital?"

"… "

Gong Jun looked at Meng Qi silently. In his heart, the person who wanted to assassinate the emperor was Meng Guoshi.

As for treason, it's really hard to say. Lu Zhang let both inside and outside the court understand one thing. There is no need to conquer the world at all. If you kill the emperor, you can become the emperor yourself. What is the orthodoxy in the world, if you don't accept it, you will kill it. Are you worried that no one is willing to be an official? People with great talents can't be recruited, and people with talent and virtue can't play, but Lu Zhang doesn't care, he didn't grab the throne to be a wise king, and he didn't have the ambition to govern the world.

"The deputy commander of the palace is so hesitant, is it possible that there are too many people who want to rebel?" Mo Li asked with a strange expression.

Gong Jun was helpless, how could he answer this? Unless he doesn't want to be an official anymore.

As a last resort, he used voice transmission to enter the secret: "It is true, but there is no one who really has the power to rebel."

The emperor is not stupid, he will not give any of his subjects such an opportunity.

"Where's the prince?" Meng Qi asked bluntly.

Gong Jun's expression was indescribable.

"It's very complicated." Deputy Commander Gong said, "Prince Prince is the most powerful, other than that, anyone is possible."