Aggrieved Fish Sprite

Chapter 12: Doubt it was a dream


Suddenly a piece of broken ice fell outside the window, the sun rose, and the snow began to melt.

Mo Li's hand dipped in his sleeve shrank, he raised his head, just in time to meet Qin Lu's concerned eyes.

"… "

Seeing Mr. Qin's white hair, the ink carp got stuck again.

How should he use words so that he can express his meaning implicitly and euphemistically without scaring the teacher

Mo Li was very confused. He looked around in the room, trying to find something to use as a metaphor, but his poetry and poetry were very mediocre. Although he can compose a few poems after thinking hard, he does not have the ability to open his mouth, and now he is even more at a loss when he is in a hurry.

Qin Lu sighed when he saw Mo Li's eyes wandering.

Every time Mo Li wanted to change the subject, or when he felt that there was something he couldn't talk about directly, this was his expression.

Mr. Qin didn't know whether to continue to put pressure on the students, or let Mo Li think about it by himself. They would talk about it another day. At the time of the dilemma, the students suddenly stood up.


"Teacher, please wait a moment."

After Mo Li finished speaking, he walked behind the screen in the bedroom and took out the tub.

Qin Lu looked confused.

Mo Li did not explain, and went to the courtyard to draw a bucket of well water, poured it all into the tub, and then began to close the doors and windows.

Mr. Qin was stunned. In this cold winter and twelfth lunar month, although the well water was not frozen, it was still bone-chilling. Even if the master of the inner family is not afraid of the cold and heat, there is no cold shower in the winter, unless they practice some special exercises.

No no, even if you want to take a shower, why should you take a shower in front of yourself

Qin Lu was about to stop him when he suddenly saw Mo Li took a porcelain bottle and walked up to him and sat down again.

So the master and the apprentice sat facing each other like this, with a large wooden barrel in the middle.

"… "

Qin Lu couldn't feel his head. He didn't know what medicine was sold in his student's gourd. He coughed lightly: "Shizhi, what are you doing with the tub?"

Mo Li opened the porcelain bottle in his hand, poured out a pill, and presented it to Mr. Qin with both hands.

Qin Lu took it over inexplicably and sniffed it habitually.

"Born flakes, safflower, red peony, Chuanxiong... This is your new heart protection pill?" Qin Lu looked at it carefully, and saw that the surface of the pill was smooth and the whole body was slightly brown, and he couldn't help but nodded in admiration.

Although the brewed medicinal soup is good, it is too late when it comes to emergency treatment. The Heart Protection Pill is this type of pill.

After Qin Lu finished speaking, he found that the students were looking at him silently.

"Shizhi, there is no heart disease for the teacher." Qin Lu was very puzzled.

Mo Li almost uttered the words "prepared for nothing". He couldn't let Qin Lu take one pill first. People who are not sick will always feel uncomfortable when taking medicine. Medicines for the pulse should be used with caution, so as to avoid the flow of qi and energy, which may lead to confusion.

"...Teacher, can I seal my pulse?"

"Sealing the pulse? Why?" Qin Lu was even more puzzled.

Mo Li took a deep breath and said respectfully: "Because the teacher has a deep cultivation base and a long inner breath, once he goes wrong, the danger will increase exponentially, and the students will not dare to take risks."

Makes sense, but—

"Why did my internal strength go wrong?" Mr. Qin asked blankly. He went to bed early and got up early every day, he had a moderate diet, and he would not be overjoyed and angry, and there was no strong enemy running over to learn and compete.

Mo Li felt that what the teacher said made sense. When Qin Lu was young, he traveled all over the world and had a lot of knowledge. When he heard that he was a monster, he was only worried for a long time. Can you hold on this time

— No no, just in case.

Mo Li made up his mind and said cautiously, "Because the student wants to show the teacher something..."

He closed his eyes, his heart was stunned, and he said directly: "This is related to the answer the teacher asked just now."

Qin Lu was taken aback. He looked at the Heart Protecting Pill in his hand, and remembered Mo Li's request to seal his acupuncture points. Thousands of speculations arose in his mind. He watched Mo Li grow up, and there was nothing he didn't know. Could it be that the problem lies in his background? Mo Li is not from Zhushan County, nor is it the child of mountain people, but has another origin

That's right, when he picked up the doll, the skin was white and tender, and it looked like a pampered child.

It was only later that Mo Li did not complain, did not cry when he was tired, and did not wipe his tears, so Qin Lu ignored this detail. After all, there are also dolls passed down by several generations in rural families. Before the age of ten, they are not called work, only Due to the high mortality rate of children, I am afraid that they will not be able to raise them.

Qin Lu recalled that Mo Li couldn't speak when he was a child, couldn't use chopsticks, and couldn't even dress. He still didn't remember the past—does he not remember, or can't speak? It is not uncommon for children from prominent and powerful families to have maids to serve them in their daily lives since they were young.

The more Qin Lu thought about it, the more confused he became.

Thinking of his students being unhappy all day long, in fact, it is because they have a family that is difficult to return to/a family that is difficult to recognize. Mr. Qin frowned. These family disputes have always been the most exhausting. As a result, the family has fallen, and how many people of insight have died young

"That's right..."

Qin Lu let out a long sigh, and looked at Mo Li's serious eyes, he was defeated, and silently sealed his acupoints.

Mo Li put the porcelain bottle of the Heart Protecting Pill on the table, facing the fish pattern on the bottle, and said in a low voice, "Teacher, Zhuangzi said that a fish is not a fish and knows the joy of a fish, so people don't know the plight of a fish. "

Qin Lu's heart skipped a beat, is he sick, or is he using fish as a metaphor

If you are caught in a family struggle, it is really difficult for outsiders to help, and the hatred inside is not as simple as good and evil, and sometimes even involves several generations, which cannot be explained in a few words. But if he is such a good student, if he is delayed by such a thing, and he is not happy in his life, wouldn't it be a sin

Qin Lu said solemnly: "Fish is born in water, it thinks that water is the world, and there are all things in the world, but it is not. Why not jump out and be trapped in a corner, but instead mistake yourself."

Mo Li was stunned. It turned out that the teacher also supported him to leave Qimao Mountain

"Shizhi, have you seen what it looks like outside the pool?"

"...I have seen."

Qin Lu felt relieved, thinking that Mo Li was talking about the life he lived by his side for so many years, giving up his surname regardless of his bloodline, and devoted himself to cultivating literature and martial arts, treating illnesses and saving people.

Guess Mo Li's words changed, and he opened his mouth and said: "Last night, I was traveling in Taijing, and I saw a dragon vein that covered the sky and covered the sun."

"It's a big day, and the scenery is different... Wait what are you talking about? Taijing? Longmai?" Mr. Qin looked at a loss, aren't they playing Jifeng? A good analogy, why did the dragon veins suddenly appear

"Did you dream of dragon veins?"

Divine wandering, in the case of literati, means dreaming. Qin Lu instinctively felt that things were not that simple.

Mo Li looked at the pill in Qin Lu's hand, thinking that the teacher still didn't know that he was a dragon vein.

"It wasn't a dream, but a spiritual energy transformed into a shape that took me to the Taijing. The dragon's body was golden, and its body was like a mountain. It was a million times better than the black dragon we saw yesterday."

"… "

In a dream, Mr. Qin opened his mouth and closed it again.

After all, he saw that black dragon with his own eyes.

"Teacher, I don't understand why I am a fish." Mo Li was very distressed, what was missing between the dragon and the fish

Qin Lu was hesitant to speak, but he actually wanted to say Shizhi, why don't you be a good person and always have trouble with the fish

"Actually, I've wanted to ask for a long time. When the teacher traveled around the world, did he ever see a fish like me."

Mo Li stood up and took off his coat and boots. It was really difficult to come directly in front of the teacher. He simply approached the tub and lowered his head into the water. Qin Lu's doubtful and then terrified eyes turned into reality. .

The clothes draped lightly on the rim of the bucket.

People are gone.

Mr. Qin was stunned.

Then he felt a burst of chest tightness and shortness of breath, and his dantian breath rolled. If the air pockets were not blocked, his inner strength would be like a wild horse running wildly, rushing freely among the eight meridians, unable to control it at all. Because his mind was blank, even his breathing stopped, he didn't know who he was, and what was going on.


The water splashed everywhere, and a black fish jumped out of the water, then stuck out its head and looked at Qin Lu eagerly.

Qin Lu could see the urging in the fish's eyes.

Urge? Qin Lu subconsciously looked down and saw the pill in his hand, he immediately reacted and raised his hand to eat it.

It didn't take long for the medicine to surge up, and Qin Lu's chest tightness and shortness of breath disappeared. He coughed repeatedly, struggled to stand up, walked to the tub, and stared blankly at the fish inside.

Mo Li thought that Qin Lu was here to identify his appearance, so he swam around in a circle, and he swam very slowly.

Qin Lu's eyes were blank.

- A good student, saying that if you change into a fish, you will become a fish.

Why did a big living person turn into a fish? !

So what he rescued from the flood was a fish? Save fish from the water? !

... Ink carp is really a black fish!

So his students are not sick

No no, it's worse than being sick! Disease can be cured, what about fish? Do you really go to the Dragon Gate

Qin Lu took a step back, as if he had lost all his strength.

The ink carp saw the reflection in the water, and felt that the situation was not right, and quickly got into the clothes hanging on the rim of the bucket, and then turned into a human shape. The collar and sleeves are wet, it doesn't matter, the spiritual energy is used as an internal force, and it can be dried in a blink of an eye.


Qin Lu looked at Mo Li feebly. He hoped that the student was a conjurer, but if there were any fish in the bucket, would he still know? If you want to deceive yourself, you can't do it, you can only keep coughing.

Mo Li had some regrets in his heart, and quickly said, "It's all students who are reckless."

Qin Lu raised his hand to stop it, tried his best to catch his breath, touched Mo Li's hand, and said with a complicated expression, "No, you should have told me earlier... I mean, you should have shown me your original body earlier."

"I'm worried about scaring the teacher."

Mo Li couldn't help lowering his head because Qin Lu grabbed his hand and touched it again and again.

"Scared sooner or later, it will happen sooner or later." Mr. Qin said angrily.

Once he knew that the ink carp was really a fish, the questions in Qin Lu's heart were instantly resolved. What kind of life does a fish like? How can you be happy if you are not in the water and have no company

"You wait first, for the teacher to take a breath."

Mo Li thoughtfully helped Qin Lu to sit down and poured him a cup of hot tea.

Qin Lu looked at the porcelain vase and pondered, "It's a little difficult for you to do this."

Mo Li sat up straight and replied, "I have searched Qimao Mountain, and there are no other monsters."

"If you want to go outside and have a look... It's reasonable, let me think about it." Mr. Qin continued to stare at the porcelain bottle, because there were two fish patterns on the bottle.

We love each other, and Yanhe is deeply in love.

The author has something to say:

Translate the last few paragraphs for you -

Qin Lu: It's a bit difficult for you to do this.

Moli: Yes, the students know.

Mo Li [didn't notice that there were two fish on the bottle] I thought to myself: I want to find a partner, other fish are fine, so are monsters

Qin Lu [staring at the Pisces pattern, thoughtfully] thought to himself: The fish is a good marriage monster, and Xiaotang and I are both human, so I have to find a company.