Aggrieved Fish Sprite

Chapter 120: Improper use


Tangtang Jinyiwei's deputy commander actually hid the money under the bed

Jinyiwei claims to be all-pervasive. It is said that the emperor of the Chen Dynasty even knew what his courtiers said to his concubine at night, but he did not let go of the place where his boss hid money. This is too exaggerated.

Mo Li couldn't help but look at Gong Jun, who did not show any anger, but showed a relieved smile.

"You are very thoughtful."

"This is what subordinates should do."

Ink carp: "… "

So how on earth can one person carry the box and carry eight cats at the same time

Doctor Mo was sure that the patient he had just treated was not that strong, and he was not a burly man who killed the enemy on the battlefield. Martial arts are good, should be able to catch up with the cat that escaped.

But the problem is, there are not one cat, but eight.

Is it all stuffed into a bamboo box, the kind that is spacious and porous? Then there is a box of property in the right hand, and a box of raccoon slaves in the left? Don't raccoon slaves fight in the box

Mo Li fell into deep thought.

Fortunately, the situation was not so critical that Gong Jun could only abandon his official position and run away, and this Jin Yiwei also had no ability to bring all the cats up the mountain. Mo Li felt a little uncomfortable at the thought of facing eight cats.

No, he is not afraid of raccoon slaves, he just keeps a distance from them.

The Jinyiwei who ventured to report to Gong Jun was named Cui Changxin. In addition to arrow wounds, he also had tiny bloodstains on his arms and face that were scratched by branches when he walked through the mountains and forests.

Mo Li took a serious look and was sure it wasn't the cat scratching it out.

The claws of the raccoon slave, the ink carp is still fresh in the memory.

"... Tongzhi, the current situation is unclear, why don't we leave Dragon Claw Peak?" The Jinyiwei Baihu next to him said eagerly, his voice was extremely low, apparently deliberately avoiding the ink carp.

"It's a rebellion again, and it's a former national teacher. Now this Emperor Li's Mausoleum is completely a hot potato, let alone touching it, even if it is next to it, it will be unlucky! It's better to leave as soon as possible!"

The nineteen peaks of Shangyun Mountain are connected, and you can go to the other three peaks from the Dragon Claw Peak.

Xiao Baihu's words also make sense, but the problem is—

Gong Jun silently looked at the ink carp that was a zhang away. In front of the top experts, this distance was not nearly the same, so he might as well just let go and speak.

"Xiao Baihu, how many people have died today?"

"seventy four."

The ancestor of Qingwu killed more than 30 people, and the rest were buried in the ruins of Liuhe Temple.

Those who are still alive are basically injured.

"I couldn't do it when it rained heavily before, and there were still a group of people from the rivers and lakes. Now... even if we want to leave, we have to dig up their bodies, and we can't let them continue to lie here."

In addition, Gong Jun also remembered those Jin Yiwei who died on the mountain road.

Gong Jun sighed, "I brought them out after all."

Xiao Baihu quickly persuaded: "What are you talking about, to investigate the sudden fog on Shangyun Mountain in the evening and the gathering of a large number of people from Jianghu to Longclaw Peak, this is an errand given by the commander to Tongzhi, and you didn't bring someone here in private."

"If you don't come to Liuhe Temple..."

"If you don't come, you won't meet Meng Qi and me." Mo Li suddenly answered.

Xiao Baihu was taken aback, these Jinyiwei originally wanted to say that it is good to meet Meng Guoshi, isn't it a reminder

On second thought, it could have been worse.

The ancestors of Qingwu wanted to make things worse, so they would not let them go to the Jinyiwei. Whether they go to Liuhe Temple or not, the Jinyiwei who were originally on the Dragon Claw Peak are gone

Gong Jun suddenly remembered something, and his expression changed.

"Before this officer caught a robber from Jiang Yang and ordered him to be taken back to the capital to close the case, have you encountered it?"

Cui Changxin shook his head and said, "My subordinates have not met."

Everyone was silent for a while, knowing that those people were more fortunate and less fortunate.

Xiao Baihu reluctantly said: "Maybe I didn't meet..."

Gong Jun waved his hand and said sullenly: "Changxin came from the capital, and in order to find out what happened, he must have been to the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and the Jingyin Yamen, and he should have contacted Jinyiwei from all over the capital and the errands outside the city. , if they go back smoothly, there must be something they can encounter."

Cui Changxin lowered his eyes and nodded silently.

"Damn Qingwu ancestor!" Everyone was cursing.

After scolding, he rolled up his sleeves and went to dig the ruins of Liuhe Temple.

Because everyone is injured, progress is slow.

Mo Li saw that they had something heavy that they couldn't lift, so they helped them.

Those Jianghu people who were staying far away even ran over and started digging. Xiao Baihu said that there is no treasure here, they are collecting corpses for their companions.

Do not believe, have to dig.

Gong Jun laughed angrily, and had to order his subordinates to pay attention to those people, lest the bodies of his colleagues would be smashed and destroyed by them.

- It is obviously impossible to expect these Jianghu people to do free labor.

One discourages and one does not listen.

One side digs, the other side guards.

As a result, the two sides naturally clashed.

The Jianghu people who dare to stay are not weak in martial arts, and this not weak strength is similar to that of Cui Changxin.

And for someone like Cui Changxin, Gong Jun could play eight of them without the help of Mo Li.

Is the number one swordsman in the world a false name

When Cui Changxin gritted his teeth and was about to start, Gong Jun directly stopped his subordinates behind him.

Mo Li watched Gong Jun turn over all the people with the feeling of appreciating the swordsmanship.

Gong Jun practiced killing knives. Although he practiced to the extreme, he was able to retract it freely, but the blade inevitably left some wounds.

- A little skin trauma is nothing, it's a loss of face.

Bamboo swordsmen only heard his name on the rivers and lakes, but did not see his person. With the eyesight of these people in the rivers and lakes, it would be difficult to expose Gong Jun's identity. They only felt that this man's swordsmanship was strange and inexplicable, and his martial arts was outrageously high, but he seemed to have no name in the arena.

When he saw the standard saber of Jinyiwei on other people, his color suddenly changed.

"It turned out to be the government's lackey!"

"It's a pity that you have a good martial arts!"

They scolded, Gong Jun cut off their hair with a knife, these people suddenly fell silent, hiding beside them hatefully, as if to stare at Jin Yiwei digging for treasures.

After waiting for two hours, he found that there were indeed only corpses in the ruins, and was stared at by Gong Jun, who was holding a knife, and walked away in despair.

Mo Li knew that these people were willing to leave, mainly because they had doubts about the existence of the treasure in the imperial mausoleum.

They don't quite believe it anymore. Another reason is Gong Jun's swordsmanship. People with poor martial arts will feel like they are escaping from death, and they are subconsciously fearful.

Ink carp's martial arts will not have such a good "intimidation" effect.

Jin Yiwei, including Cui Changxin, was also surprised. They only knew that Gong Jun's martial arts were good and fast, but no one knew how high his martial arts were.

It's not that no one is known to pretend to be mysterious, but that everyone thinks it's a very ordinary "not bad", and it's better than everyone's martial arts anyway. This impression will arise. First, Gong Jun is very low-key on weekdays. He never shows off his martial arts, and basically does not fight with others. Second, three years ago, Meng Qi broke into the Beizhen Fusi County to kill, and Gong Jun survived by luck. , but "severely injured", he also brazenly claimed that he stopped Meng Qi and did not let the other party break into the forbidden palace.

This is very disrespectful.

Some people even ridiculed Gong Jun behind his back that he could run and escape, but he was actually as timid as a mouse.

Gong Jun's subordinates naturally don't think so, but they also have a wrong perception.

When the group of men in black earlier attacked them in Yu Shandao, Gong Jun was pressed and beaten by the elder disciple of Qingwu Patriarch, and the Jinyi guards were all in a hard fight, so they still didn't have an exact concept of Gong Jun's strength until Now-

The guards in Jinyi were stunned. First, they were frightened by such a powerful deputy commander of the palace, but they couldn't beat the masked leader in the man in black. Then they thought of Meng Qi, and finally their eyes fell on Mo Li.


Gong Jun twitched the corner of his mouth and told his subordinates clearly, "On martial arts, I can't beat the doctor."

Everyone gasped and looked complicated.

Such a good medical skill, such a high level of martial arts, such a youthful appearance, an extraordinary appearance...

Cui Changxin was the first to ask: "I don't know where the doctor sits in the hall to practice medicine. Is there a name in Xinglin?"

"I travel around the world and live in no fixed place. I'm a nameless person, you don't have to take it to heart." Mo Li said indifferently, then he suddenly blinked his eyes and said thoughtfully, "Could it be that you have to pay the consultation fee? ?"

Cui Changxin was taken aback.

Gong Jun took out a piece of silver, wiped off the official seal on the bottom of the silver with his fingers, and said solemnly, "I only have this amount of money on me. It's a deposit. When I get back to Taijing, I'll make it up for the doctor."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the dark woods.

"You're going to make plans. In order to pay for the consultation, the doctor has to let you go back to the capital alive, right?"

Meng Qishi walked out in a hurry, the soft sword was wrapped around his waist again, and the jacket fluttered in the wind, not stained with mud.

Even the shoes under his feet are clean. From a distance, he looks like a poet who is out walking in the garden. He only needs a wine cup or a folding fan in his hand, so that he can chant as he walks.

If you walk and sing, it's more like a hermit's style.

The mood is romantic, and the sky is uplifted.

It was so dazzling to see such a person suddenly in the deep mountains and jungle, so I almost asked him where the hermit came from.

It's a pity that Jin Yiwei doesn't think so.

"Meng Guoshi."

Gong Jun took a step back, pressing his right hand tightly on the handle of the knife.

Meng Qi ignored him and walked directly to Mo Li.

"Why did you come here?" Mo Li asked.

"Many people from all corners of the world poured into the valley, but they couldn't find the treasure. They were trapped in it, and they were in a hurry." Meng Qi sighed, and then said, "It was they who brought the news that I knew that the official army had arrived. down the mountain."

"They also brought artillery." Cui Changxin said quickly.

Meng Qi's face sank when he heard the words, and there was a hint of anger.

Regardless of whether these officers and troops will enter the mountains, as long as they use artillery to bombard the mountains, how can the dragon veins not be angry

Mo Li said sadly: "Now that the capital is under martial law, and Lu Zhang has set up a trap, the rebels in the inner court who colluded with the Qingwu ancestors may not act rashly, but the Qingwu ancestors in the Dragon Claw Peak may not be willing to give up, I don't know what to do. What happened."

"He is very smart. He has been hiding in the valley and hasn't moved. It is estimated that he will not show up until dawn." Meng Qi was very dissatisfied. He simply stretched out his hand and put his arm around Mo Li's shoulder. Whisper.

Doctor Mo is very inexplicable, and he doesn't want to be heard by others, so the sound transmission is secret.

Why did he act like he was avoiding people, causing him to involuntarily get nervous, thinking he was going to say something private.

As a result, Meng Qi opened his mouth to complain.

Jianghu people are useless, these Jinyiwei are useless, and such a big dragon claw peak can only help the ink carp.

"Doctor, let's take advantage of the night to destroy those artillery pieces!"

"Treasure of the Emperor's Mausoleum..."

"Treasures are not as important as doctors. No matter how good your martial arts are, you and I will inevitably make mistakes when encountering countless artillery pieces. Even if the mountain road is difficult and the artillery can't be transported, things will change. Seeing the heart of the hunter, he carried a door and ran away, how could those officers and soldiers be able to stop him?"

Mo Li pondered for a while and admitted that Meng Qi's words were very reasonable.

Qingwu Patriarch had such a whimsical idea, but no one knew what he would do.

"He wants to break the dragon vein wholeheartedly, carry the artillery to the highest peak of Shangyun Mountain, and then shoot a cannon at the top of the mountain. He may not be able to do such a thing."

The more Meng Qi thought about it, the more annoyed it became. Why is the most important spiritual cave in Shangyun Mountain on the top of the mountain? Not hidden at all!

Mo Li pondered: "Then is there any way we can make him think that the dragon veins have been destroyed?"

"Actually, the spiritual energy leaked out, the vegetation grew wildly, and it looked like a dragon vein appeared in the world..."

Meng Qi paused and looked at the ink carp.

"Doctor, you may want to play a play in your original form."

The author has something to say:

Speaking of a modifier that is not very common (it probably hasn't been used badly), Xuan Ranxiaju

"Shishuoxinyu" "In the Haixi period, every dynasty of the princes, the courtroom was still dark; only when King Ji came, Xuanxuan was like a sunrise."

As soon as this person came, it was like Yunxia was holding him around him, illuminating the palace, hey, beauty!


Author: Meng Qi, let's demonstrate an uproar!

Meng Qi: If the doctor is here, I will demonstrate, otherwise I will not do it.

Then the fat rat flew over with a red cloud.
