Aggrieved Fish Sprite

Chapter 2: Qimao Mountain


The highest mountain in Zhushan County is called Jimao Mountain.

According to county records, in ancient times, the mountain was named "Qimao".

Divergence is a fork in the road; the word Mao communicates with "mao", which is the appearance of prosperous vegetation. Qimao Mountain, as the name suggests, is a mountain that is easy to get lost. There are many trees, vines and wild grasses blocking the mountain path.

Of course, the mountains that can be entered and cannot be exited are full of various legends.

In the mouth of the people of Zhushan County, there are several kinds of mountain gods alone.

Not to mention the common Hu Daxian and Huang Daxian (fox, weasel), such as the mountain demon with the face of a leopard and the tail, the mandrill with a grumpy temper and love to eat human flesh, and the immortals with a long list of titles.

There are also several mountain temples, scattered all over the mountain.

Except for those at the foot of the mountain, the incense in other temples is not very strong. On weekdays, only hunters and woodsmen occasionally go to rest.

Mo Li came to a mountain temple with red tiles and yellow walls in the snow. The snow had already covered half of the temple door. He had to dig up the snow. After finding the door, he opened a crack and stuffed himself in. Then close the temple door firmly.

There was a faint fire in the mountain temple, and there was an aroma of roasted sweet potatoes. Obviously, there were other people in the mountain temple, but Doctor Mo was not surprised. He seemed to have known it for a long time.

As soon as he put down the medicine basket, he heard footsteps coming from behind the curtain of the mandrill statue.

"Shizhi, you are here."

The person who spoke was a very tolerant old man. Although he was wearing a very ordinary cotton robe, his face was wrinkled like pine bark, but his eyes were not cloudy at all. His temples were slightly bulging. phase.

"Teacher." Mo Li saluted respectfully.

This was his teacher Qin Lu, who taught him to read and hyphenate words, the art of juxtaposition, and even how to behave in the world. According to the practice of private schools in the world, he should be called a teacher or a teacher.

Qin Lu nodded and sat down on a futon at will.

He was a hermit who lived in the deep mountains all the year round. He was either a woodcutter or a hunter. It could be said that there was no need to pay attention to etiquette. However, Qin Lu's behavior still had the bearing of a noble family.

"Sit down." Qin Lu indicated that Mo Li rubbed a futon and took out something from the medicine basket.

Two packets of salt, a gourd with pills, flint, silver, etc.

"The snow doesn't stop, I'm worried about Mr., so I went up the mountain to visit." Mo Li sat upright, and he also looked like he was well-educated and well-educated.

Mr. Qin sighed, nodded and said, "You have a heart."

Before Mo Li could answer, Qin Lu said again: "Before the heavy snow closed the mountain, the woodcutter Zhou Laosan ran into a suspicious person in the mountain. According to his description, he was like a visitor outside the customs. Qimao Mountain does not produce good mountains. Shen, this person is a little strange."

Mo Li lowered his head and listened, but he was actually hiding his guilty conscience.

Yes, the wild ginseng in Zhushan County is very common. The white ginseng is the most spiritual plant that he has traveled for three hundred miles around, and he has moved it every year and planted it in the spiritual cave where the Qi channels converge. Above, Bai Ginseng is now a full circle fatter than when he discovered it.

Not only white ginseng, but also white fox.

Except for the giant snake, which was native, the other two were forcibly taken to this mountain.

For nothing else, because Mo Li felt that only Qimao Mountain had the most abundant spiritual energy in a radius of 300 miles. Not to mention Bai Shen, the white fox was very unhappy at first, but became obedient after staying. This is a great place, who lives who knows.

"These ginseng customers are doing business of killing people and robbing goods. Where can they make a fortune, they fly over like flies, not necessarily to dig ginseng." Mr. Qin pondered.

"I came here this time, and I happened to meet the participants you mentioned. They are all buried under Songyun Cliff."

Looking at the respectful Mo Li, Mr. Qin was thoughtful. He was very interested in the process by which the participants angered the Mo Li. According to his student's disposition, as long as others didn't commit crimes, he would be too lazy to do anything.

However, seeing that Mo Li did not intend to explain, Mr. Qin did not ask any further questions.

- This student is not an ordinary person and cannot be speculated with common sense.

"Those who are outside the customs will always have staff to help them when they enter the mountain. After you go down the mountain and return to Zhushan County, you must pay more attention." Qin Lu casually mentioned a sentence, but in fact he did not pay attention to those participants. However, in Zhushan County, most of them were poor people, and the hunters in the mountains were just rough-handed men with no resistance, so they were no match for those murderers.

"By the way, let's find out how they got here. Qimao Mountain is unknown, there has never been a ginseng harvester, and it is seven or eight hundred miles away from the border, so even if you get lost, you won't be able to get lost."

"Yes, teacher." Mo Li raised his head and reminded hesitantly, "...Teacher, Qimao Mountain is an ancient name, and no one calls it that anymore. This is Jifeo Mountain."

Mr. Qin's face darkened.

As a hermit, although his mind is open-minded, the name of the hilltop that lives in seclusion is too ugly, and he is equally heartbroken.

Jimoshan hermit or something, can't say it at all.

Perhaps the name Qimao is difficult for the illiterate people to understand and write, so it has been passed down for generations and passed on and slips of the tongue, and a good name is lost.

The former ink carp was very afraid of encountering the same kind in other mountains. After all, when he met, he always had to give a name and a place of origin. When he opened his mouth, he had to say that he came from Jifeo Mountain. Is there any face

Even if your face is worthless, you can't throw it like that.

However, children are not too ugly for mothers, and dogs are not too poor.

As far as Mo Li can remember, it is not wrong to say that this is his home in this mountain. Ink carp is not a human being, his real body is a fish. In human terms, he should be a monster.

-Fortunately, his prototype is not a chicken. Otherwise, a chicken in Jifeo Mountain must be a bald chicken. If he shares his surname with other monsters, he is afraid that he will die of laughter.

Later, Mo Li knew that he thought too much. Even if he was a piece of chicken feathers in Ji Feo Mountain, there would be no monsters laughing at him, because there were no monsters in this area of 300 miles. He traveled all over Zhushan County and all the nearby mountainous areas. Although there are countless legends in each mountain, none of them have been confirmed. The ink carp has lived for so many years, and he has never seen a ghost, let alone a demon.

very lonely.

Fortunately, I met a teacher, a learned hermit who really does not seek fame and fortune, and taught him a lot of things and how to live in this world.

In the weak firelight of the mountain temple, Qin Lu looked at the ink carp who was sitting upright and straight, and his eyes were empty. He suddenly knew that his student was distracted again, and he shook his head helplessly.

Mo Li is smart and eager to learn, talented, both civil and military, humble and polite, but has one problem...

Mr. Qin, who thinks of himself as a holy hand of Huang, doesn't understand at all why Mo Li has a slight paranoia. This child always thinks that he is a fish, a monster who has absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon for many years before turning into a humanoid.

Is it the wrong name

Although this student was an orphan he picked up in a mountain torrent, the name given by his parents was not easy for outsiders to change, so Qin Lu gave his student a character early and did not call him by name.

The carp, also known as the fish, is called Shizhi, and it is hoped that he will be free and at ease in his life.

Qin Lu didn't care about fame and fortune, and of course he wouldn't ask his students to stand out and be famous all over the world.

The paranoia didn't interfere with the normal life of Moli, but Qin Lu worked hard and found that Moli could not be cured, so he didn't care anymore. After all, Zhuang Zhou dreams of butterflies, whether it is true or not. It doesn't matter who "you" are, it doesn't matter whether you are a butterfly or a fish, what matters is how to be yourself, how to be a person, and a person who is worthy of the sky and the earth.

Mr. Qin thought that the ink carp was very qualified in the latter one, so he did not see any minor faults.

Now that Mo Li had recovered, he asked Qin Lu some questions about the prescription, and then he was ready to leave.

"The wind and snow are so big, you can stay here for an extra day." Qin Lu insisted.

"The students haven't gone to Lingquan yet, so they're leaving now. I'll visit the teacher tomorrow."


Qin Lu's eyes were blank.

Here again, their students have always felt that a living spring deep in the Qimao Mountain is the home where the fish have lived for many years.

In fact, there were no fish, shrimp, or lizard frogs and insects in the spring water. The spring water was crystal clear, and there was absolutely no vision of clouds and mists shrouding the heavens and blessings.

At the same time, Mo Li, who saw Qin Lu's expression, sighed in his heart.

Here again, he thought. Since the teacher knew that he was a fish, he was very nervous, and even gave himself a lot of soup and medicine, which was full of spiritual energy, and later told himself to never tell outsiders about these things.

Every time these topics are involved, Qin Lu is very unnatural. Mo Li learned from the book and the woodcutter or hunter that human beings are afraid of monsters, and nine out of ten stories are poor people when monsters appear in their original form. just fainted. Although Mr. Qin has martial arts skills, he is immune to cold and heat, and eighteen big men are not his opponents, but Qin Lu is eighty years old after all, and a monster like Mo Li who respects teachers and respects Taoism, how can he deliberately scare What about the elderly

"Then go ahead, if the snow doesn't stop tomorrow, help me bring some wood to strengthen the temple." Qin Lu calmly picked up the tea cup on the table.

Mo Lili said goodbye thoroughly and left with the medicine basket on his back.


Lingquan is not far from this mountain temple, it is in a hidden cave.

The cave is not closed, there are large and small gaps on all sides, which are formed by the erosion of the water for a long time. Now the cave is silver-white, with ice sculptures and snow, shining brightly.

The ink carp walked in along the biggest gap, and the slippery ice had no effect on him.

The cave was very deep, and it took him half a stick of incense to walk to the end.

Mo Li put down the medicine basket, looked around, took off all the clothes on his body, and stacked them neatly in the medicine basket. In the reflection of the snow light, the fair skin covered by the long black hair exudes the moisturization of jade, and the naked ankle directly touches the ice surface.

"Crack, click..."

Tiny cracks appear in the ice, and the cracks are deep, revealing the thickness of the ice.

Such thick ice should not be broken by stepping on it.

The ice quickly cracked and melted, and below was clear spring water.

The ink carp submerged into the water with the cracked ice layer, and the fine ice and snow that were stirred up covered the entire water surface. When they slowly dispersed, a black shadow appeared in the water.


A big black-scaled fish with the thickness of an arm jumped out of the water, flapped its tail, and fell into the water comfortably.

The author has something to say:

Qin Lu (eyes dead): My student, everything is fine, but sick... [Worrying about hurting the child, I dare not say it outright, I quietly treat the disease and send the medicine]

Mo Li (unfortunately): My teacher is very tolerant, just afraid of monsters. [Gratefully took over the soup with a lot of spiritual energy]

PS, "Qin Lu's eyes are empty" is the meaning of dead eyes XDD, but in order not to destroy the style of writing, SO next time you see everyone, just remember to translate it in your heart 2333


A detail that will be mentioned later, in order to avoid your doubts, here can be explained first,

When Qin Lu picked up the ink carp, he picked up a child. This child grows up every year without any problem, and the ink carp can control the age of his transformation. That is to say, he can be one year old like a human, or he can become a white, tender and well-behaved baby tomorrow →_→ Qin Lu thinks that monsters will not grow up, and Mo Li is taught by the teacher to do it seriously. A human, and his age is also very human.