Aggrieved Fish Sprite

Chapter 23: Unspeakably hidden


In order to hide, this house is located in a remote location, and there are no people around for several miles.

This place is close to the border of Ma County, separated from Xiaohe Town by a mountain.

Today, Liu Chang and others are walking on the mountain road in the snow. They come from the north, and the road to the south is much better. The ravines and slopes are relatively flat, and the road surface is relatively open.

However, no matter how easy it is to walk, it is also the season of ice and snow. The road is slippery, and people may fall a few times. Not to mention a galloping horse, aren't you afraid of breaking a horse's leg and ruining a horse

Mo Li's eyes showed deep doubts, almost suspecting that he heard it wrong.

"...It's a Liangcheng horse." Meng Qi closed his eyes and listened to the hurried hoofs in the snow, and said in a low voice, "The good horse, who is as famous as the Dawan horse in the Western Regions, was one of the trump cards for the Xiliang kingdom to dominate the northwestern grasslands back then. , Liangzhou iron cavalry was once famous all over the world, even in the wind, frost, rain and snow, it can run for thousands of miles."

"Good horse."

After Mo Li listened to it, he gave a sincere compliment.

Even if you have studied history and chanting since childhood, and read a lot of books, but you have not seen things with your own eyes, you will not be able to leave a deep impression in your mind. Now that Meng Qi mentioned it, Mo Li immediately remembered the famous Liangzhou Iron Cavalry, and how it was defeated at the hands of the Duke of Jingyuan at its most glorious time, and it has never recovered.

"Although the kingdom of Xiliang has been destroyed and the horses of Liangcheng have also flowed into the Central Plains, such good horses are still not available to ordinary people." Mo Li listened for a while and determined that there were at least twenty horses.

This is not a small amount, even if a wealthy businessman spends money on horses, he would not dare to keep so many at home.

- It's not a question of money, but the suspicion of rebellion.

"Officers?" Mo Li's expression was solemn, thinking that he was not an ordinary official.

If you look at Zhushan County, you can see that it is so poor that there are only two horses in the entire county, and they are credited.

The sound of hooves in the snow stopped.

There is no place to rest here, only the house... Are these people passing by? Still going there? Are they Jin Yiwei

Mo Li was still thinking hard, but Meng Qi lost a word in a leisurely manner.

"What do you think? Go and see if you can find out!"

"… "

Doctor Mo thought, if the person in front of him is really the national teacher Meng Qi, his ability to instigate people is indeed quite powerful, exactly the same as in the book. The national teacher in the book always confuses the emperor to ignore the government and kill the loyal and good, but he can do bad things in a high-sounding manner, what to ask for immortals to worship Buddha, build temples and build temples. Anyway, after the emperor heard it, he knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help but do it.

Does this count as a specialty in the arts

Well, not comparable, not comparable.

When Mo Li climbed over the courtyard wall, he thought to himself that this was the third time he had sneaked into the house tonight.

But the ink carp had no choice but to come, the current situation is too complicated.

One step later, I don't know how things will change.

Thinking that the group of Jinyiwei were squatting here, the original goal was to stare at the Xue family for the treasures of the previous dynasty, but it was inexplicably involved in Qin Lu. Now it is better. If Mo Li hadn't filled the leak in time, even Tang Xiaotang would have been involved. .

The door to the mansion was open, and the lanterns on both sides were lit.

This group of cavalrymen hurrying in the snowy night wore black cloaks and slung wild goose knives on their waists. Although he got off the horse, no one spoke. The front yard was quiet, only the horse snorted occasionally.

Liu Chang's soldiers all had blue noses and swollen faces, and snowflakes were still on their heads and clothes, and they all hung their heads and dared not speak.

The saber cavalry put the man aside, handed over and reported, "General, everyone in this house is dead."

The general turned his back to this side and couldn't see his face clearly. He could only see the long black mink fur and a thick bearskin hat. He found a stone in the courtyard at random, and sat on the ground. He asked, "What's the matter?"

The general spoke in standard Mandarin, while Liu Chang stammered when he replied, and the Mandarin was nondescript.

Mo Li looked at Liu Chang's respectful and pleasing attitude, and had a vague guess in his heart - when the member and the thin man were talking about Liu Chang in the study, they seemed to have said that Liu Chang was a rank six under the command of General Dang Kou. . Because the general's surname is also Liu, the thin man also asked if the two were related.

It turned out to be a coincidence, and it doesn't matter.

General Dang Kou is not a formal official rank, the world is chaotic, and the dynasties change rapidly, resulting in confusion of official titles, which is more obvious on the military side. Generals with miscellaneous names like this, just hearing the name, do not know how many officials they are and how many people they have.

Over there, Liu Chang had already lodged him here, and just after he settled in, he found out that the servants in the house and the master were all dead. He didn't give the black pot to Mrs. Xue, which surprised Mo Li.

Immediately following, Doctor Mo knew that he was wrong.

Liu Chang didn't want to, but didn't dare.

"I ordered you to take people to collect information about the bandits in Anxian County. What are you doing in Ma County? Did you go the wrong way?"

Liu Chang began to tremble.

The general didn't seem to feel Liu Chang's fear, but said with a smile: "It seems that it is very scary to encounter wind and snow in the mountains. I accidentally lost my way to dozens of miles away."

"Xiaguan has some family affairs... I have to deal with family affairs, so I made a detour here. General forgive me."

Liu Chang didn't shout or kowtow indiscriminately, just knelt there with a white face and shivered.

The general asked with great interest: "Didn't your parents die early, your ancestral home is Yongzhou, what are your family affairs here?"

"Yes, it was the matter of being dismissed from relatives back then." Liu Chang lowered his head.

"Okay, get up." The general waved his hand impatiently and walked in with someone.

Liu Chang followed carefully behind him, looked at the other party's face, and found that the general didn't look angry, so he was relieved.

"Why did the general come here all of a sudden? The weather is freezing cold and the road is not easy to walk. The general only brings these personal soldiers with him. In case there is a mishap..."

The saber cavalry all stared at Liu Chang, who quickly changed his tune: "General, I think there is something wrong with this house."


"There are no women in this house, whether it's a maid or a female family member in the backyard." Liu Chang said while observing the general's face.

The smile on the general's face deepened, and he immediately ordered his men to search the secret cellar in the mansion.

Mo Li was guessing when he suddenly saw another person on the wall beside him.

"Doctor, you are lucky."

"… "

Mo Li looked at Meng Qi silently, the wall is so big, where is it not easy to go, and he has to squeeze with himself

What about luck? Is he lucky? !

"Have you heard of Liu Dan, the general Dangkou?" Meng Qi pointed to the general's distant figure.

"Should I have heard of it?" Mo Li asked back.

Meng Qi nodded in disapproval: "What you said is also true, I heard that there are no bandits and bandits in Zhushan County, and the Pingzhou prefecture said that there are many ghosts and ghosts in Qimao Mountain, and there are travelers who come in but not out, and what kind of bandits will not. They set up camp there. Oh, yes, Qimao Mountain is an ancient name, and yours is called Jimao Mountain."

Mo Li held the knife in his sleeve and looked at Meng Qi expressionlessly.

"…Sorry, did I say something I shouldn't have said?"

Meng Qi felt that the doctor seemed to want to put the snow ball in his mouth, he thought for a while, not knowing why.

Mo Li's tone was not good: "You didn't say anything wrong, but I hope you don't talk."

Meng Qi seemed to think that Doctor Mo's appearance was very interesting. He moved in his heart and pretended to be regretful and said, "I thought you would be interested in the purpose of Liu Dan's coming here."

"How?" Mo Li told himself to endure, after all, the other party knew a lot.

Meng Qi could see Mo Li's thoughts, he put on an air and said unhurriedly: "Liu Dan has a grudge against the commander of Jin Yiwei. He was in Pingzhou to fight bandits, bandits and bandits, and he had secretly affiliated Jinyiwei several times. People clashed."

Mo Li didn't quite understand, Jin Yiwei was loyal to the emperor, how could General Dang Kou dare to get along with Jin Yiwei? I heard that Jin Yiwei supervises hundreds of officials and directly obeys the emperor, and even the censor dare not provoke them.

"The mountain is high and the emperor is far away." Meng Qi explained.

The corner of Mo Li's mouth twitched. Could it be that the capital is too far away, so the emperor can't see it? Complaint is useless? The emperor's banner is not easy to use

No, Doctor Mo thought about it carefully and figured it out.

"What do you mean, they all benefit from the emperor behind their backs? So they fight with each other, but they don't dare to expose each other?"

This time, it was Meng Qi's turn to be surprised, because Mo Li didn't seem to understand these meandering people, how could he wake up so quickly

"I heard that this General Liu is interested in the cellar and secret passages. There is no gold and silver jewelry in the cellar. Is it for Chinese cabbage?"

"… Makes sense."

Meng Qi inexplicably began to look forward to General Liu's men, who opened the cellar and found piles of Chinese cabbage, and then General Liu looked exasperated. No, no, it's so interesting, why didn't I think of it myself? If he had prepared earlier, he could have emptied the cellar of this house and filled it with Chinese cabbage.

Liu Dan walked in the courtyard, completely unaware that he was almost attacked by Chinese cabbage. He figured out how much leverage such an empty courtyard could hold against Jin Yiwei, and the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

The smile continued until he walked into the study and saw the corpse lying on the ground.

"Kun Qi?"

General Liu was shocked. He had dealt with this person before, and the opponent's martial arts were very high. How could he die here

Then he saw the poisonous needle flashing with dim light on the wall, and found a hidden weapon canister on the ground. Looking at the death of the two corpses, he quickly guessed that Kun Qi killed his companion and then committed suicide.

"Not good... let's go!"


Liu Dan's face was ashen, and he hurriedly instructed his subordinates: "Take someone, hurry up and leave here."

"General, what's going on?" Liu Chang was a little unwilling. If he just left, he wouldn't be able to take advantage of this and take revenge on Xue Zhu.

"Idiot, what do you know!"

General Liu thought with trepidation that with Kun Qi's martial arts, not only did he fail to escape, but he actually committed suicide. This shows how terrible the opponent is? And Liu Dan happened to know such a terrifying person. Thinking back then, he was rewarded by His Majesty because of his meritorious deeds. Among them, a few pieces of spiritual ginseng were not written on the reward list.

Such an omission saved Liu Dan's life.

Because there is a problem with the origin of this spirit ginseng, the deputy commander of Jinyiwei who presented the spirit ginseng died, and the Jinyiwei Baihu who secretly deducted the leaves of the spirit ginseng and took it for himself also died.

The emperor was furious and ordered a thorough investigation, but later there was no text, and the case was hastily ended with the assassination of the court officials.

In the end, Liu Dan was well informed and found out that this ginseng was related to the former national teacher—

General Liu regretted it a lot. He found in Shilang Mountain that someone with Jinyiwei had made money from the gold mine. He immediately felt that he had grasped the handle and followed the clues to find the house. When he saw the dead people, he thought it was those black-hearted ghosts. Murder and silence, who would have encountered such a terrifying evil star.

"Kun Qi, you are such a motherfucker that you can cause trouble!" Liu Dan gritted his teeth.

"General, we found gold in the cellar..."

"Nang Xipi's, even if there is a golden mountain, I don't want it! Go, go!"

Mo Li didn't know what was going on, only to see General Liu rushing out with someone, so wind was blowing under his feet.

"It turns out that this General Liu will also give some superficial internal strength." Mo Li felt the shock of the courtyard wall lying on his back as soon as he finished his judgment.

"He ate my elixir... Doctor Mo, stop me..."

Meng Qi's voice changed suddenly, followed by the entire wall collapsing.

A figure emerged from the smoke and dust in the sky, chasing after Liu Dan.

The author has something to say:

Meng Qi: I can't control myself. I have to take preventive measures.

Author: When did you attack? 120 First Aid, 119 Fire and Disaster Relief, you choose one

Meng Qi: 120 is not enough, right? The doctor can't stop me, 119 is not enough, I want to cure. Is there a doctor with both 120 and 119 qualities

Author: Yes, yes, no problem, here it is for you.

Ink carp: ? ?