Aggrieved Fish Sprite

Chapter 40: Reverse death


There was no light around, and no one saw the foreign object that suddenly appeared on Mo Li's face, except for Meng Qi, who was close.

Those black lumps are—

Scales? Why do people have scales on their faces

Meng Qi was shocked. When he wanted to identify it carefully, those suspected scales disappeared again.

Mo Li lifted a stone and rescued a woman from under the ruins. She was covered in gray, and she could barely see the color of her original dress. Her forehead was still bleeding. She didn't bother to wipe it, and immediately turned back to dig another person.

But the man was buried under a rubble, motionless.

It was pitch black all around, and when the smoke settled, the smell of blood was smelt.

Meng Qi stopped the woman from digging the masonry with her bare hands, as if she was self-mutilating, because the person lying under the rubble was breathless, and there was an even more tragic scene next to it, a corpse had been smashed to pieces by heavy objects.

The eyesight of the ink carp was not affected by the night, and he could clearly see the limbs exposed from the rubble.

- Covered with thick ash, it became a stiff gray, not like a human body at all, but scattered stone carvings, and it was impossible to see that they had life.

There was a terrified cry in his ears.

It is the pain of the wounded, and the weeping of those who are still alive.

Mo Li took a step back in confusion, and this time he stepped on something slightly softer, not rubble and gravel, but now it is no different from rubble and gravel. ", of course not a living person.

"Doctor, where's your luggage? There's a medicine chest in there..."

Meng Qi's voice seemed to come from far away.

"... just fell into the crack."

Mo Li calmed down, and then he felt that except for the woman who was rescued just now, everyone else was dead, and the nearest injured person was also a hundred steps away.

He subconsciously walked in that direction.

As I walked, I thought chaotically that the teacher's previous guess was wrong.

The death of Longmai destroyed the entire Qiuling County.

Above this ruins, countless spiritual energy floats, and even if the mind is in chaos, the strength of the ink carp is passively growing. The aura contained negative emotions of anger and despair, which were also unreservedly instilled into the ink carp.

This is the aura that belongs to the dragon veins of Mount Shilang.

This dragon vein does not give birth to self-consciousness.

- But it doesn't want to die, it struggles to live, and ultimately falls short.

"What happened?" Mo Li murmured.

Although Meng Qi was also frightened by the strange phenomenon of his internal strength rising and falling, it was common for him to be emotionally unstable, so he did not notice the extra anger and killing intent that accompanied the improvement of his skills.

Until he saw Mo Li took out a Ningshen Pill and ate it by himself.

I... ate it

Meng Qi once again suspected that there was something wrong with his eyes, that was Ning Shenwan, right? The smell is very similar, the appearance doesn't matter, the pills are similar in appearance.

Before he could think about it, he saw Mo Li hand the second Ningshen Pill to him.

"I'm afraid you'll have another attack. I kept two pills with me. Now that I've lost my luggage, this is the last one."

"… "

Although I don't understand it, it's still important to take medicine first. Meng Qi felt that his emotions were getting more and more anxious. He didn't want to get sick at this time, but he couldn't help but wonder if the doctor would be as sick as himself? I lost my mind when I had this disease, and the doctor's disease will cause strange changes in the skin on my face

... There shouldn't be such a strange disease! But if the doctor's condition is not a disease, what is

Meng Qi suddenly remembered the two words Mo Li said.


Meng Qi felt that even Ningshen Wan could not solve the problem, how could there really be monsters in this world? Those monsters in the book who use spells and have all kinds of magical powers, but will eventually be subdued by monks and Taoists.

Meng Qi helped Mo Li to move a comatose man out of the ruins, and when Mo Li was silent because Mo Li was smashed to the head because he couldn't treat it, he felt that the speculation of monsters was nonsense.

If there is a spell, why not cast a spell to save everyone

If you really have magic, what kind of magic do you still learn

Mo Li didn't know what Meng Qi was thinking. He rescued one person after another, but very few people were seriously injured. He had never seen so many people die in front of his eyes, and he had nothing to do, even as a genius doctor. Disciple, who has the strength to compete for the title of the number one master in the world, still can't do anything.

At this time, the lucky survivors had already recovered. Some of them ran desperately in the direction of their own homes, and then struggled to dig up the rubble to find their relatives. Some people sat on the ground and cried.

"Get up, let's go!"

The scope of the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and it soon spread to this area.

People raised their heads in a daze, and the faces illuminated by the firelight were sluggish.

"Do you want to die?" Meng Qi said loudly.

Some people stumbled to their feet, and others tried to escape, but they couldn't walk fast because of their injuries.

Mo Li grabbed a random person and asked, "Where is the well?"

The man turned his head numbly and stretched out his hand to point, but there were ruins all around, and he couldn't recognize the original street at all.

"Don't look for it, they are all buried, even if the wellhead can be dug out, the well water will be drained along with the cracks in the ground!" Meng Qi stopped Mo Li and persuaded, "Take the immobile people out first. "

The choking smoke floated over, and everyone could not care about anything else, and ran out in twos and threes.

"Don't go that way! The two streets are full of fire, and getting in is a dead end!"

Meng Qi stepped on a half-down tree and looked ahead.

Mo Li followed up to take a look, with a condensed expression.

When you lift your eyes, you can see the light of fire. Half the county is in the sea of fire. The wind is strong tonight. In addition, Qiuling County is prosperous. The buildings are made of wood except bricks. After the earthquake, the former became rubble, but the wood was still intact. It burns very fast now.

"Go to the south gate, there is a way there!"

Mo Li closed his eyes and left the top of the tree.

He knew that there were many people buried under the rubble, and there might be people who could be rescued.

The people were greatly changed, and the six gods had no masters, and subconsciously ran in the direction of Meng Qi and Mo Li's fingers.

Some people only care about themselves, and others try to carry people who can't stand on their backs.

During the period, I saw the old man who refused to leave the ruins of the house, and the woman who was crying with the corpse of the child.

As a doctor, Mo Li couldn't save many people at all.

Those who were smashed from the waist down, vomited blood and were seriously injured and incurable... Until they died, the fire would burn, and the painful faces and the voices begging for help made those who ran for their lives burst into tears. Next, I can't bear to look any further.

"Doctor, stop and let me come." Meng Qi felt that something was wrong with Mo Li.

A person who is unwilling to kill, has been forced to give away more than a dozen lives along the way.

"I'm fine." Mo Li stopped and said, "I just didn't think that such a day would come."

That highly skilled medical skills are useless, and so is the martial arts, the only thing that can be done is to rely on them to make others die without pain.

The fire burned more and more fiercely, and half of the sky was illuminated.

What about rain? Can it rain

Before the ground moved, a faint sound of thunder was heard. Mo Li wanted to enter the state of detachment from his previous consciousness, but he couldn't do it at all. The abundant spiritual energy was like a flood, spreading across the sky and the earth. Mo Li tried to guide these spiritual energy, which immediately caused a frenzy.


The thunder started again, still thunder.

They have already left the South Gate, and there is a wilderness outside. There is no grass in the ice and snow, and the fire should not burn.

People looked at the night sky with hope, but there was no sign of rain, only the sound of thunder.

Winter thunder and summer snow are all visions, or visions that symbolize grievances.

"A sin!"

An old woman howled, she spoke in a slurred dialect, and Meng Qi couldn't understand it, so she went to see the ink carp.

"... She was talking about the gold mine. It is said that the Si family killed all the miners to cover up the facts."

"It is said?" Meng Qi was keenly aware of the strangeness in it.

If it is elsewhere, when it comes to such rumors, it is natural to mention "it is said". But here is Qiuling County. If so many people died, how could the people of Qiuling County not know it at all

Furthermore, the Si family has gone too far in this way. Killing people can really kill their mouths, but aren't the coolies working in the mines without a family? Did not one of them speak aloud

"It's all the fault of the Si family!"

People sitting on the ground have lost their homes, their loved ones, and everything. They are full of anger and just want to find a way to vent.

"Go to Sijiabao! Find them to pay for their lives!"

The crowd was full of excitement, coupled with the screams of the wounded and the cries of the children, creating chaos.

Mo Li just looked at them without any intention of blocking.


"They can't go, the road to the mountain is cut off."

Mo Li knew that these people were dizzy with fear and anger, and he couldn't persuade them unless he stunned them.

The child was held in the arms of a woman, who wept silently.

Mo Li touched the child's head, and then looked for other injured people in the crowd.

There was no medicine and no way to clean the wound. Most of the people who escaped were empty-handed. Some people didn't even wear shoes and were shivering from the cold.

There are people who are irrational, and naturally there are people who want to live. They find a hillside sheltered from the wind, and they take the risk of finding something to make a fire to keep warm, but the burning county town in the distance makes people who are forced to get close to the fire because of the cold. , trembling and crying.

The ink carp quickly caught the attention of others.

"Are you a doctor?"

The man who spoke was strong and powerful, and there was a group of people around him, who seemed to be very prestigious.

Mo Li did not answer, but continued to pick the gravel from the wound of a comatose man.

"I'm Zhao Kuai Zheng San from Qiuling County. That's my brother. Thank you for saving his life."

Hearing the word catching fast, Mo Li raised his head and glanced at the man.

The person that Zheng Zuo Kuai pointed to was lying not far from Meng Qi's feet, and the four or five people with broken legs were brought out of the fire by them. Now that they were free, Meng Qi helped them connect their bones.

Although not a doctor, Jianghu people are familiar with trauma, and dislocation fractures are more common.

"Whether it can be saved, I can't say. There is no medicine and no clean cloth to bandage the wound."

Everyone crawled out of the ruins first, and then escaped from the sea of fire, all covered in ashes, and their clothes were not clean.

"I've already asked people to find utensils to cook snow. When the water boils, it should be usable. There is an abandoned pottery kiln nearby, and I should be able to find some useful things." Zheng Chukuai has a very good way of doing things. Arranged, this humble camp was barely angry except for the crying.

"Wait until the fire is out, and then go to the county town to see if you can find something useful."

Zheng Zhaokuai's tone was heavy, and he knew that this was an expedient measure.

It's still the twelfth lunar month, and it's too early to leave the spring. These individuals are trapped in the wilderness, with no food, no drink, and nothing to keep out the cold. How can they survive

Someone next to him suggested: "Zheng Zhaokuai, maybe we should all go to the mountains. The houses in Sijiabao are all made of stone, maybe they haven't collapsed, and the Sijia has a lot of grain, so it's not a big problem to survive the winter."

"Shut up, the Si family has private soldiers and weapons, shall I take you to die?"

As soon as Zheng Zhaokuai finished speaking, he saw that the group of people who were going to Sijiabao in a hurry before came back.

Everyone was stunned and quickly asked about the situation.

"There is a cliff in front of you, you can't get over it!"

"Unless you detour to the west and take another mountain road!"

It was dark and cold, and the anger of these people was blown away by the cold wind, and they soon thought of the arrogance of the Si family in the past, and they didn't even have a sickle or a hoe in their hands, so they could only come back temporarily.

Zheng Zhuo sighed.

When he calmed down all these people, Zheng Zhukuai suddenly realized that the doctor just now was gone.

Besides, Mo Li finished treating the last wound, so he got up immediately and left with Meng Qi who had been waiting beside him. The direction was in the depths of Mount Shilang.

-Dragon pulse will die, what if he dies

Mo Li realized that he had to find out about this matter. Only by knowing what happened to Shilang Mountain could we avoid such a tragic scene from happening in Zhushan County. In addition, if you want to find enough herbs, you have to go into the mountains. Qiuling County has been burned. Where can you find a medicine store

Meng Qi didn't ask where Mo Li was going. He believed that as long as he followed Mo Li, he could solve all the mysteries.

Thick smoke drifted over from Qiuling County, and in the dark night, the fire in Qiuling County could be seen across a dozen miles.

After walking a distance, Meng Qi suddenly said, "Doctor, someone is following us."

Mo Li naturally noticed it too, but the figure who followed them didn't seem to be skilled in martial arts. He walked one foot deep and one foot shallowly, and he was almost unable to keep up, so he could only hang behind him from a distance.

Mo Li originally thought that the man would give up and return to the camp, but after such a long journey, the man was still stumbling after him.

In desperation, Mo Li could only stop.

Meng Qi looked at the figure that gradually appeared, and his eyes were full of scrutiny.

It was a woman, she didn't wear much, her face was blue with cold, but she didn't tremble.

Suddenly seeing Meng Qi and Mo Li standing in front of her waiting for her, the woman subconsciously grabbed the dirty skirt with bloodstains on her fingertips, and then she seemed to have made a decision, gritted her teeth resolutely, straight came over.

"Do you want to know about the gold mine?"

These words were obviously beyond Mo Li's expectations, and he looked at the woman suspiciously.

"I... I'm Qiu Hong, and I know about the Sijia Gold Mine."

The name was a bit familiar, Meng Qi thought of it slowly, as if it was the brothel woman who heard a strange voice and ran out and shouted before the earthquake.

Meng Qi had the idea of continuing to listen, how could the brothel woman know about the deep mountain gold mine

"I was sold to Qiuling County, and at the same time, a group of strong and coolies came. We were originally refugees in Jiangzhou. We fled to Yongzhou due to the war. We originally just wanted to find a place to eat and eat. There is a large area of wasteland on the side, and we need tenants, so my brother and I came here, but I didn’t expect…”

The woman choked and said: "That was five years ago. I was sold into a dark kiln. It was Xiaoyulou's mother who rescued me, but my brother disappeared. Over the years, Qiuling County has become increasingly prosperous, and the city is full of I eavesdropped on the conversations of the people who do business for the Si family shop. I vaguely know that the Si family once had a special business with a lot of money. They all said that it was selling elixir, but how could it be possible to find rare elixir every three days in the mountains? There were at least a few hundred strong men and dozens of women like me who cheated like my brother and I that day. There were not many old and weak people. They just wanted to pick up the children after they settled down in Pingzhou. Women can be sold into shady places, but what about strong men? There are hundreds of people, how could they just disappear without a sound?”

Mo Li didn't speak. He and Meng Qi thought about the gold mine at the same time.

No wonder the Si family had no scruples when killing people, and the labor was abducted.

"Three months ago, there was a strange case in Qiuling County. A person went to the county government to sue the Si family, but after being brought in, there was no news, and it was only later that the Si family had a gold mine. Qiuhong's eyes were red, and she gritted her teeth, "I happened to take over the business of the county magistrate's master during that time. He drank too much alcohol and told people that he was leaking. It turned out that the person who complained was imprisoned in the mountains by the Si family. Hard labor, the Si family bribed the county government to suppress this matter, but... It was a gold mine. Several officials in the county government took advantage of the fire to rob the county government and raised the price again and again, which annoyed the Si family. , the matter can't be covered... Because the county government once wanted to use private teeth to buy and sell hard labor to deal with the Si family. After a long investigation, I found that the matter was related to the Si family. People, and they were silenced after finishing this matter, and there is no evidence at all, unless you venture to the mountains to find the location of the gold mine. But Sijiabao is located in Shilang Mountain. After a long time, the matter leaked out, and the court sent General Dang Kou to investigate the case."

"You want to avenge your brother?"

Mo Li secretly lost a spiritual energy to the woman, and Qiu Hong's complexion was slightly better.

"How can I be reconciled if this revenge is not repaid? I heard that Master Wang said that the Si family deceived at least a thousand refugees before and after, and they drove these strong men to mine, and they were extremely harsh to them. , the food is not as good as pigs and dogs, these coolies are rarely able to live for more than a year. If you want to come to my brother, he will be turned to dry bones. "

She said, weeping.

Such a loss of conscience is simply rare in the world.

Mo Li suppressed the anger in his heart and said slowly: "You said this, do you want us to take you to the gold mine?"

Qiu Hong looked at Meng Qi, who had never spoken, and said with a wry smile: "I originally thought so, I saw that you are foreigners, know martial arts, and you look extraordinary. When you heard the mountain road was broken, you went in this direction... I don't think it's related to the gold mine, but also to Sijiabao?"

"Aren't you afraid that we are from Sijiabao?"

"The people from Sijiabao... won't save people from the ruins."

Qiu Hong took out a small rouge box from her body. There was a piece of oiled paper in the lid of the box, and unfolded it was a simple map.

Only a few lines, a few dots.

"This is Qiuling County. We were brought from this direction back then... We walked this way, and I was dazed halfway, so I always suspected that the location of the gold mine was near here, at least You have to enter the mountain from that position.”

Qiu Hong explained the map carefully, and then handed it over to Mo Li.

"I... can't enter the mountain. I can't keep up with you at all, and I don't know how to cross that cliff. I just hope that if there is a result, the two of you can tell me and let me worship the spirit of my dead brother in the sky."

After Qiu Hong finished speaking, she planned to kneel down, but as a result, her body seemed to be blocked by something invisible, and she couldn't even bow down, let alone kneel.

She raised her head quickly, and was surprised to find that the two had gone far away.

"It's not difficult what you said, go back, it's cold here."

Even though it was so far apart, a gentle voice could clearly ring in her ears.

Just like what the book said, the real masters in the arena understand the art of sound transmission.

Qiuhong's face was full of tears, and she staggered towards the humble camp.

- If it is really retribution, it should let this catastrophe swallow up the hearts and minds of the people, why is the disaster even the innocent

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Meng Qi looked at it from a distance and found that it was a huge crack that stretched from the mountain to Qiuling County, and its width gradually decreased.

"It seems that the source of the earth movement should be Mount Shilang."

Mo Li was still studying the map. He compared the Pingzhou map he remembered in his mind and the scene he saw when his consciousness left his body. He found that one of the dots suspected to be a gold mine seemed to have collapsed very badly. It is the intersection of several cracks.

"How?" Meng Qi saw Mo Li's expression and knew that he had a guess.

Mo Li was about to speak when he suddenly felt another sway under his feet.

There is often Yuwei after the ground movement, but this time the movement is not too big.

"Why do I feel that something is wrong in front of me?" Meng Qi stretched out his hand and pointed, which was exactly the direction Mo Li was originally looking at.

The overflowing spiritual energy is sinking, and the source of the gathering is over there. Meng Qi doesn't know the mystery here, but instinctively feels that it is not good.

Mo Li didn't have time to explain anything, and immediately said: "Let's go!"

The width of the cliff, the two of them jumped out of breath.

Along the way, I saw remnants of scenery everywhere in the mountains, streams diverted, and trees fell.

Falling stones were piled up everywhere, half of the valley disappeared, and the cliffs above were nowhere to be seen.

The two mentioned their inner strength and rushed to the road with all their strength, and soon they reached the depths of Shilang Mountain, where the spiritual energy became more and more intense.

"Wait, there's something wrong with the ground." Meng Qi stopped, looked towards the front of the mountain road, and muttered, "The snow is gone."

"After the earthquake, the snow fell and was covered by rocks..."

Mo Li was halfway through speaking, and suddenly stopped, looking down at his feet.

There was a light green color that came out along the edge of the rubble.

"...It doesn't seem to be that cold here?" Meng Qi asked uncertainly, because the martial arts master was immune to cold and heat, so he didn't feel the outside temperature so clearly.

Mo Li stood blankly for a while, he thought of what Master Li of Zhushan County had said, natural disasters and man-made disasters, the dragon veins appeared in the world.

Then the rivers are full of fish, and the mountains are full of elixir.

Is that really the dragon vein? If the dragon veins are gradually dying out, unlike the Shilang Mountain dragon veins struggling violently, what will happen after the dragon veins die

Mo Li didn't know, he saw green grass dotted on the ground in the distance.

After the aura sank, this dead mountain seemed to be revived.

Life and death are linked together.

A drop of water fell on Mo Li's face, he reached out and wiped it, and found that it was raining.

The rain came as soon as it was said, and it fell heavily, and in a blink of an eye, water flowed on the ground.

After walking for a while, Mo Li did not find any gold mines, but saw the ruins that might be Sijiabao.

The stone bunker collapsed.

The front of the bunker was originally an open space, full of objects such as horses that were cut from sharp wood, but now they are scattered, and some have even been lifted up to the distant hillside.

Several huge cracks extend from here.

The ink carp was walking slowly on the hillside, and then he saw a strange tree stump.

The tree stump is low and unattractive at all, and now the spiritual energy is flowing into this dead tree, green shoots are drawn from the roots and grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is?"

Meng Qi stared at the tree stump in a trance.

Because the new branches of this tree are very bizarre, not only grow sideways, but also look like a long snake from a distance.

Mo Li thought in a daze, no, it could also be a dragon.