Aggrieved Fish Sprite

Chapter 5: When it is sunny


"Dragon, it's a dragon!"

Tang Xiaotang pulled back the sanity of the other two people in the courtyard with one voice.

I saw the dragon, although its shape was realistic, but there were no clearly visible scales.

However, it is a dragon after all, and its shape alone can scare people enough.

The ink carp wanted to look again, but the dragon body gradually faded along with the dark clouds, just like the snow melted and the ice disappeared, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. The rare winter sun shone on his body, and Mo Li was a little dazed, almost suspecting that he had just had a dream.

"teacher… "

Qin Lu responded subconsciously, and when he realized Mo Li's dazed appearance, he suddenly felt bad.

- It's over, don't think about jumping the Dragon Gate!

The Dragon Gate is a waterfall, more than a hundred meters high, and the water volume is rapid. It is rushing like a galloping horse, and its momentum is terrifying. The stone statues can be washed away. Even if there are monsters in the world, rushing up to the waterfall can only be photographed as meat pie. What carp turns into a dragon, slate fish soup is almost the same!

No, no, no, think of a way.

Mr. Qin's mind was a mess, and he had such a vision just now. Although he has read a lot of books and is full of knowledge, he can't think of a reasonable explanation. If it is said that the clouds are ever-changing, it is a coincidence that a dragon happens to form. Why is the sky suddenly clear? If you say it is a mirage, it is a blurred illusion. The clouds in the sky can indeed reflect the scene thousands of miles away, but it is also a real thing and a place, not something out of nothing!

Just when Qin Lu was speechless, Mo Li came to help him.

"Teacher? Relax, take a breath, take a breath!"

Mo Li patted Qin Lu's back while urging Tang Xiaotang to pour a bowl of hot water.

He was afraid that the dragon would frighten Mr. Qin.

That was a dragon, and it suddenly appeared like this, not to mention that the teacher originally believed that there were no dragons in the world. It is said in the book that humans are afraid of monsters, and they are also afraid of the real bodies of immortals, Buddhas, dragons and phoenixes. Ordinary people roll their eyes and go straight to the past. Although the teacher is strong, he is too old to be scared.

Mo Li saw Qin Lu looking at him with fear, his face was pale, and he wanted to catch his breath but couldn't open his mouth. Doctor Mo was anxious. He patted Qin Lu's back while secretly annoyed in his heart.

- What's wrong with the dragon, the dragon can just show up and scare people

Qin Lu was slapped by the students in a confused manner, and inexplicably drank the hot water sent by Tang Xiaotang, finally realizing it, he waved Mo Li's hand away, dumbfounded.

"I'm not so timid as a teacher."

"Yes, it's all my fault that the dragon came so strangely." Mo Li put down his hands and sat upright.

When Qin Lu saw Mo Li retreated to the position where the master and apprentice usually sat together, he also naturally returned to the demeanor of being a master and said: "I see that the dragon apprentice has its own shape, his eyes are dull, and he is very Weird."

Mo Li didn't answer, because the dragon itself is very strange.

No matter whether it is a real dragon or a fake dragon, it must not be an ordinary person who can make such a dragon in the sky.

Mo Li looked up at the sky, the dark clouds had dissipated, the sky was fine, and even the whistling north wind disappeared, and he was relieved. The blizzard in Zhushan County was a disaster, and it really couldn't fall any longer.

"Teacher, sit down, I'm going out now. No matter if it's a dragon or a worm, I can't guess anything mysterious while sitting at home. It's more important to save people."

The snow in the sky is gone, but the snow on the ground is still there.

Those people with frostbite, if they are not treated properly, they are afraid that they will be disabled for a lifetime.

Qin Lu immediately gave Mo Li the remaining half of the bowl of hot water to warm his stomach.

Before Mo Li left, he was a little worried about the teacher, and asked if it was really okay.

Qin Lu touched his back and said helplessly, "It seems that the meridian was opened up by you for no reason at all. If your hands and feet are heavier, you may break your bones."

Dr. Mo thought to himself, I am instilling spiritual energy regardless of the cost. The pain returns to the pain, but it can make people feel relaxed and clear. That is to say, the teacher has deep internal strength, and the effect is not obvious. If you change the ordinary person, the old problems of muscle and bone pain that have been accumulated for years can be cured.

Before going out, Mo Li told Tang Xiaotang a few more words.

Tang Xiaotang was indifferent, his mind was full of the dragon he had just seen, he nodded at Doctor Mo, and when he was gone, he suddenly woke up, and he didn't remember a single word of those words.

Guiltily, he took the broom and cleaned the broken bowls and porridge, while trying to remember.

Qin Lu was called up by Mo Li in the middle of the night to save people, and because the snow was heavy and urgent at that time, there were several villages in the north of the mountain, and he was afraid that the time to save people would be delayed, so he and Mo Li acted separately. I ran through the villages one by one, followed the mountains from north to south, and finally reached the county seat.

The dragon that suddenly appeared made him very confused, but after thinking about it, he couldn't find a way, and he didn't understand what was going on.

Qin Lu simply stopped thinking about it. He told Tang Xiaotang to stay in the yard and not run around. He went into the inner room by himself, took off his clothes, put on the packed bed, and fell asleep.

Because I am too tired and sleepy, my usual sharp feeling is not easy to use.

Tang Xiaotang endorsed in the yard, he didn't wake up, someone climbed over the courtyard wall, and he didn't wake up in time.

Let's talk about Tang Xiaotang, who was holding a medical book and reciting, when he suddenly turned around and saw another person in the yard, he immediately stepped back a few steps, his expression alert.

The man stood still, staring at Tang Xiaotang's earlobe with a pair of eyes.

There is a small black mole on Tang Xiaotang's earlobe. It is not a rare feature, nor is it obvious, and ordinary people can't notice it at all.

"Who are you? How did you get in?" Tang Xiaotang deliberately made a louder voice.

He recognized this person. A few days ago, he was inquiring about Doctor Mo's entry into the mountains at Uncle Niu's wonton stall, but Tang Xiaotang is not afraid. Such a foreigner with ulterior motives can be dealt with by Mr. Qin with one hand. .

The visitor stood there, not moving a step, with a smile on his face, and defended, "I just pushed the door and walked in. I want to ask for a bowl of water, and I want to ask if Doctor Mo is back."

"Doctor Mo is not here." Tang Xiaotang felt that this person's eyes were very strange, and he felt uncomfortable, so he subconsciously refused, "I don't have hot water at home, you can ask elsewhere."

The man didn't even bother. He seemed to be afraid of something, and he seemed to be worried about disturbing someone. He stared at Tang Xiaotang a few times, and then left.

"...Little Tanger." Qin Lu shouted vaguely while half asleep.

Tang Xiaotang responded quickly and ran to the bedroom.

"Who?" Qin Lu still couldn't open his eyes, and he vaguely heard movement outside, as well as strange voices.

Tang Xiaotang originally wanted to say that he was a guy who didn't look like a good person, but after thinking about it, Doctor Mo must have asked him to take care of Mr. Qin before he left. Now that the guy is gone, why bother calling people up, so he He changed his mind and said, "It's okay, I'm just begging for water."

Qin Lu didn't ask more, turned over and went back to sleep.

Let's say that Doctor Mo rushed to the village in Shannan, and the frostbite was not cured. Instead, he first cured a group of people who ran out to see the dragon, but they fell and fell because of the thick ice. Among them were several officers of the county government office, which made Qin Chukuai feel very embarrassed, saying that he was here to save people, but he ended up getting a lot of injuries.

"Those collapsed houses are pressing people?"

Mo Li used his spiritual power to look around. He didn't sense any living people in the ruins in front of him, but there were still several villages around. The people from the county government knew more about the situation than him.

"Only one family's house beams were hollowed out and they didn't know it. They were caught off guard and lost their lives. The other sturdy houses have been uninhabited since yesterday, and they have all been scattered to safe places."

The snow in the south of the mountain is not as big as the snow in the north of the mountain. It did not pile up half a person's height overnight. The elders in the village saw that the situation was not good and made arrangements early. Now there is no shelter from the wind and rain, and the cellar where the food is stored has been buried again. It is very difficult to lack clothing and food.

When Mo Li heard about this, he walked into the ruins and removed the heavy objects such as the beams and stones. The rest of the clutter can be moved by everyone, and the cellar can be dug out soon.

He also instructed people to find a large pot and set it up at the head of the village to boil the medicinal soup and ginger soup, and drink it for everyone to prevent the cold.

Although a lot of people were injured, everyone was still excitedly talking about the dragon that appeared just now, saying that the dragon king had a spirit, which resolved the doom of Zhushan County, and even the village elders proposed to build a dragon king temple in the spring, worship it day and night, thank you The life-saving grace of the Dragon God.

While busy, a group of people in white suddenly walked into the village.

They were holding bells, gongs and drums, gourds, long flags and other instruments, and their hair was loose. Their appearance was very strange.

The head is a beautiful woman with an arrogant expression, holding a lotus flower. The woman was surrounded by two fierce and wicked men, covered in flesh, and shouted: "The Holy Lady of the Lotus Altar is here, why don't you bow down?"

"… "

Because of its remote location in Zhushan County, there are few outsiders. The common people have seen goddesses asking for divination, Taoist priests exorcising ghosts, and monks being supernatural.

In other words, instead of being frightened, they seemed to be watching a juggling show, thinking it was a show!

As for fairies and monsters? That was flying through the clouds, who came here by knocking and beating

When the people at the Holy Lotus Altar found that they did not shock the people, the so-called saintess headed frowned immediately. Originally assigned to such a small place to preach, they were already full of anger. As a result, they encountered heavy snow the next day after going down the mountain. Trapped in a cave for a long time. As soon as she was unhappy, some of the people she had planned to attack would inevitably turn into a more powerful demonstration.

"My holy lotus altar, adhering to the decree of Ziwei Xingjun, educates the people, spreads blessings, and has 400,000 followers. You have been ignorant for a long time, why don't you follow Ziwei's true meaning, save yourself, and cultivate the next life?"

"... Ziwei Xingjun or something, the little old man has never heard of it!" The village chief walked out on crutches and looked at the group of people in confusion.


The two guardians beside the saint shouted angrily. The saint looked at the village chief with disgust and wanted to make a move, but she felt that the other party seemed to be the village chief. Killing such an old man would cause the people here to resist. She rolled her eyes and happened to meet the ink carp.

He was young and good-looking. Judging from the fabric of his clothes, he seemed to be richer than the poor ghosts around him. Moreover, the young man looked at him without awe, as if he was sick.

The Holy Maiden was furious, and reached out and patted the ink carp's head.

Her martial arts are very vicious, and she has a heavy hand. If it is replaced by someone else, it is estimated that it will be useless, and she can only be a fool.

Ink carp:…

I don't understand why I found myself, but it's okay, to avoid saving others, Mo Li took a step back and flicked his sleeves. It flew out under control, fell heavily into the snow, and raised the sky.

People from the Holy Lotus Altar:…

People who still don't understand what happened: …

After a few breaths of silence, the people in the village let out an exclamation, realizing that the woman who attacked Doctor Mo was not a good person, and that this group of strange people was also full of danger.

Just at this moment, Qin Chukuai remembered what the holy lotus altar was. He quickly ran to Mo Li and said anxiously, "This group of people is a disorderly party, rebelling everywhere, killing the rich, robbing money and burning their corpses. Don't do it much, and even trick people into believing in their Ziwei Xingjun, hurry up and hold them."

After he finished speaking, he took the yamen to pick up the iron ruler and the iron cable and rushed over.

Among the people in the Saint Lotus Altar group, only the martial arts of the two guardians and the saintess can still be seen, and the rest are not worth mentioning.

The Holy Maiden's face was buried in the snow, and before she could get up, Mo Li folded two more Dharma protectors' right hands and kicked the sore tendons of their knees, causing them to scream in pain.

The rest of the rabble saw that the situation was not good, and they were about to run away after losing the magic weapon. Qin Chukuai took people with them, and they wrapped chains around their necks one by one and tied them firmly.

Mo Li thought for a while, sealed the acupoints of the so-called saintess in the air, and threw them to the side of the pot, and they could block the wind from the fire. After all, it was freezing cold and it was not easy to make a fire.

"It's alright, it's alright, everyone, don't fall, Doctor Mo's medicine is not that much." Qin Chukuai shouted at the hiding people, everyone, look at me, I look at you, and slowly came out again.

"Who are these people?"

"Yeah, if they want to build a temple to worship Ziwei Xingjun, as long as they pay for it themselves, we in Zhushan County are mostly open spaces, and the county government can approve it.

Mo Li continued to boil the medicinal soup, very calm.

The author has something to say:

World description: There are no monsters, no cultivators, and no immortals. [Basically] is a world of martial arts style, um, and there is no science. Our protagonist's ability is also consistent with the style of painting in this world. His mana looks the same as martial arts.

PS, don't care about the holy lotus altar, it's a cannon fodder, taught by the fish to be a man.


Mo Li: I am instilling spiritual energy regardless of the cost. It can make people feel relaxed and clear-headed, and the pain and muscle pain that has accumulated over the years can be cured.

Author: Come and treat me with cervical vertebra and shoulder circumference

Ink Carp: Can you change my luck value

Author: ... that's fine.

ink carp;? ? ?