Aggrieved Fish Sprite

Chapter 50: It's Inya


Through a thin layer of walls, Meng Qi could hear the gurgling and bubbling of the water on the stove.

It was just dawn, and there was still no sound on the street.

This house was found for them by Ning Changyuan yesterday. The house was somewhat dilapidated. The cracks on the walls were plugged with grass balls, and the kang was not burned. The house was cold.

There were no quilts, pillows, etc. on the bed. Ordinary people would definitely not be able to sleep, so Meng Qi didn't care.

As soon as he entered this room yesterday, he immediately nodded and said it was good.

- There is only one bed.

The bed is not big, and the foot of the bed is missing a section, so you need a brick there.

Two people can barely lie down, but they must be motionless, otherwise they will touch their arms and legs.

Since Mo Li forced Meng Qi to sleep, he was not allowed to practice cross-legged qigong as sleep as common masters in the house, so the moment Meng Qi stepped into the door, he was thinking about the situation where he was lying on the bed with the doctor.

He was also prepared to persuade him to prevent the ink carp from sleeping on the ground and leaving the bed for him.

It turned out to be ready.

The ink carp lay down on the bed naturally, just like when they were sleeping in the wild, calmly, not like they were close to each other, but separated by several feet.

Meng Qi wanted to say something, but when he turned around, he found that the person beside him was already asleep.

People who practice internal skills breathe slowly and slowly. After falling asleep, the breath is even weaker and can be ignored if you are not careful.

As a result, I wanted to talk, and found that the person had left you to see Duke Zhou—

Meng Qi thought strangely, maybe it was not Duke Zhou, but Shan Ling.

There are often sentences in ancient fu that the spirit travels too much and meets the mountain ghosts. So even if someone sleeps next to him, God knows who he is swimming with in his dreams, playing chess and laughing!

Thinking of this, Meng Qi almost woke him up.

While thinking about the tree in Shilang Mountain, he quietly approached the ink carp.

After leaving Shilang Mountain, Mo Li's soft and refreshing breath became obvious again. This breath can soothe all the restless minds, making people seem to be immersed in the cool water, and forget the world.

The bed was so broken that it creaked with the slightest movement.

Meng Qi had tried his best to keep the bed from making noise.

He thought he would not be able to fall asleep, but he closed his eyes at some point, and when he opened it again, he heard the sound of water being boiled by the stove outside the wall.

Someone was digging well water in the distance, and a young couple was talking in a low voice across the two houses, and the child was humming and crying.

Everything became alive, and many sounds were heard as the bubbles of water boiled on the stove.

The people around him were gone, and Meng Qi could feel that they were sitting under the eaves outside the house before they went far, so he was not in a hurry and just lay on the bed and listened.

- It seems like I haven't heard these voices in a long time.

He seemed to have watched it for many years in the morning when the public was gradually waking up, the voices gradually filled up, and the market was varied, but somehow he forgot about it.

"Doctor, are you up so early?"

"Qiu Hong?" Mo Li's tone was gentle, "You are weak and the well water is too cold, why don't you do laundry until noon."

"... After all, it's New Year's Eve, I want to clean up, I've been running around a few days ago, the doctor said so, I'll be lazy for another half a day." Qiu Hong's voice was closer, she asked, "It smells so good, this is in Cooking bean porridge?"

"Well, beans soaked overnight are now boiled."

"Is there not enough firewood?" Qiu Hong said worriedly, "The bean porridge is not cooked long enough, I'm afraid it won't work."

Mo Li just laughed, not saying that martial arts masters are never afraid of running out of firewood.

Qiuhong is gone, another person who wakes up early to fetch well water.

"Yo, is this house occupied? Was it brought back by Ning Daochang?"

"I will stay for a few days, and I will leave in a while." Mo Li responded in a good-natured manner.

"It's alright, it seems to be the person who takes care of Ning Daochang's business."

The speaker's voice was rough, he said with a smile, "The one who leads the way is either skilled or a close friend. If you want me to say, I am so envious of a craftsman who can't starve to death in a famine year!"

Mo Li avoided talking about himself and just said, "It's not bad here too."

"No, apart from being poor, there is no disadvantage!"

The man walked away with a laugh.

The bean porridge on the stove was still bubbling, and the fragrance slowly drifted in.

No rice aroma, just beans.

Meng Qi subconsciously touched his stomach, as if he was a little hungry.

He sat up slowly, his hair still loose and his clothes undressed.

Mo Li could naturally hear the movement in the house, he asked across the door: "Awake?"

"I didn't expect the doctor to be able to cook." Meng Qi's fingers moved, a little impatient.

"Build a stove to cook some beans, and you can't even talk about cooking skills."

Mo Li's words are really not modest. As a human, he has only lived in the world for less than 20 years.

If you want to read and study history, you have to learn the art of discord and yellow, and you have to learn martial arts. Where is the time to learn cooking, Mr. Qin has never taught him this. Things can be cooked without starving to death. To cook medicine, a stove is always needed. Mo carp is good at this.

Meng Qi walked to the window, because the paste was too dense, he could only see a vague figure.

"How do you remember to make bean porridge?"

"It's not bean porridge. I borrowed a nearby stone mill to grind the beans out of pulp and boil them to make medicine for you." Mo Li was holding a broken fan in his hand, and the fire on the stove was very strong.

Meng Qi was stunned when he heard the words, so he pushed open the door with his hair disheveled, and faced the ink carp who was sitting under the eaves without fanning the stove.

Mo Li is calm, not like getting up early to work at all, and he is so leisurely that he is short of a book in his hand.

On the stove was a crock pot, and the soy milk inside was even more boiled.

"How can this be cured?" Meng Qi lowered his head curiously.

"… detoxifies."

Mo Li paused, before waiting for Meng Qi to react, and quickly said, "Emergency detoxification is still possible, you can forget it, the taste is not bad, the price is also cheap, there are more than half of the bags in the corner, enough for us to eat three days."

"… "

Is this the only drink for three days

Meng Qi couldn't help staring at the ink carp, and the peasants could be starved to the point of dizziness.

"Oh, you can also make tofu." Mo Li turned his head and said.

"It's almost..."

Before Meng Qi could finish his murmuring, Mo Li suddenly asked, "No, you often don't eat anything, and you haven't seen you starve to death. Now that you have something to eat, do you think it's too little?"

Meng Qi wanted to say that when he was a national teacher, he saw a lot of delicious food. He must have eaten at the restaurant in Taijing, but when he did nothing, he just waited for the bowl. Second, the doctor can't be offended. Yes, after agreeing to obey the doctor's orders, Meng Qi rationally shut his mouth.

"Hey hey, who's daughter-in-law is this? She was born so beautiful?"

A squeaking sound suddenly appeared, and both of them were startled.

I saw an old woman with gray hair, squinting her eyes.

"… "

Mo Li and Meng Qi looked left and right subconsciously, but there was no one else.

Where did you get a good-looking daughter-in-law

Mo Li suddenly found that Meng Qi's hair was loose, and the old woman's eyes were not good, so she could only see the outline.

People on the street were greeted by the old woman's shout, and they all looked over. Some people who liked to watch the fun pushed their windows and looked here.

Doctor Mo, who was holding a fan and wondered if he should block Meng Qi's face: "..."

Meng Qi didn't realize that the problem was with him.

The old woman came up tremblingly, with her wrinkled hand on Meng Qi's arm, and insisted: "My lady, this world is very chaotic, and you will suffer if you are born beautiful."

"… "

Meng Qi realized it later, and then touched his face in shock, he didn't look like a woman!

"Is this your husband?" The old woman turned to look at the ink carp.

Doctor Mo, who was determined to watch the excitement, was suddenly stunned.

"Take some ashes, wipe your wife's face, and live a good life!" The old woman patted Meng Qi's hand and muttered sadly, "I have a daughter who is the same age as you and will leave when you are fleeing. She's gone. She's good-looking, tall, and her skin is as good as this soy milk."

The two looked at the soy milk silently, it was quite white.

Because of the lack of ink carp's internal strength, the soy milk in the crock pot is no longer so boiling.

"...I hope she doesn't encounter any bad guys." The old woman said, and tears came down.

Meng Qi wanted to speak, but suddenly realized that his voice was wrong.

He was afraid of scaring the old woman, and he couldn't shake the other's hand, so he could only freeze there.

At this time, others also found that the old woman made an oolong, and hurried over to persuade her.

"Aunt Yin, you're looking at the wrong person. It's a young man, but he was born a little white... What's up with you... Ouch, that's true!"

"It's the person Ning Daochang brought back yesterday!"

After taking the old woman away, he hurried over to greet Mo Li and the two.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Yin used to be an embroiderer, and she has a bad eye."

"...It's nothing, I'll show her?" Mo Li added, "I'm a doctor. I can't cure the eye problem, but it's better than not seeing it later."

"Oh, the doctor Ning Daochang said yesterday was you! What a coincidence!" The expressions of the people who came to say hello were much more polite. People with skills would not live in Yeji for a long time, and doctors were even rarer.

In the end, this person came over to apologize to Meng Qi.

"Lang Jun looks good-looking, better than the women here. Aunt Yin is wrong. I'm really sorry."

Meng Qi's face darkened after hearing this.

Seeing that people from half the street showed up, Meng Qi felt that he might be famous in this wild set.

He walked back to the house silently, found a broken-tooth comb, and combed his hair.

Thinking of someone mistaking you for a doctor...

Uh, something seems to be wrong

Meng Qi tried to think about what she looked like standing next to the doctor in women's clothes, and then shivered.

The sight was somewhat startling.

The ink carp also came in, still holding the crock pot in his hand.

"What are you looking at?" Doctor Mo was also a little uncomfortable and asked with a light cough.

Meng Qi stared blankly at his arm, and said solemnly, "It's not as white as soy milk in a crock pot!"

Mo Li was speechless, but he realized one thing. Did Meng Qi look good

"The people in this wild episode are very close."

The ink carp couldn't find a clean bowl, so he could only give the earthenware pot to Meng Qi and said, "You drink first."

Meng Qi Shensi said irrelevantly: "Maybe they have lost their relatives, or they are in a foreign land and have no support, so they take care of each other."

"Since I left Zhushan County, I haven't felt so relaxed for a long time." Mo Li thought thoughtfully.

"...If everyone in the world could do this, it would look like what the sages said in the book." Meng Qi finally put down his arms and weighed the pot, thinking about how much he should drink and how much he should keep for the doctor.

I don't know why, I want to drink it all.

The doctor got up early to grind it and cooked it for a long time.

As a result, I lost my face for this bite...