Aggrieved Fish Sprite

Chapter 73: Hu Weihu is not smart


The closer you get to Taijing, the more people you meet on the road.

After the previous encounter, Mo Li bought a thick cloth cloak and a bamboo hat at a market, and bought it for Meng Qi, and asked Meng Qi to be obliterated in the public, so as not to attract others' attention.

This expert in the rivers and lakes is actually the same as the market performers, and he has to be pointed at by others. Mo Li has really gained a lot of knowledge, and his curiosity about the affairs of the rivers and lakes has plummeted.

Meng Qi didn't care who looked at him, because of the characteristics of martial arts, once he restrained his breath and didn't pay attention to his manners, few people would notice him. Now that there is a hat, even the only eye-catching appearance is blocked.

It was because of Mo Li's dress that Meng Qi couldn't see his ears, and he was very sorry.

It was the end of the first lunar month, and a servant on the official road was transporting grain.

This is the disaster relief food shipped from other places.

By the time it was delivered to Yongzhou, there was no need to go to the place with the most severe drought, and the county government would take it, because there was no one there, and not to mention the dead, the people who were still alive fled.

The ink carp came all the way, and now looking at these grain carts, he couldn't help sighing.

The bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster in a thousand miles.

The people are like grass, and no one can see that more than ten years ago, this world was still prosperous.

The two of Mo Li were very light and fast, and when they arrived in Xiaoxing Town that day, they also saw the people from the Red Clothes Gang.

They led the horse and occupied the only inn in the town. The Jianghu people who arrived late were very dissatisfied, but they did not dare to provoke the famous Red Clothes Gang and left in a huff.

There are not many shops in the town, but fortunately there are pharmacies.

After the ink carp bought all the things it needed, there was only a small piece of broken silver left in the purse.

This amount of money can support a family of three for a whole month, but if you want to go to Taijing, it is not enough. A good room in a small town inn is only 30 copper plates, and in Taijing, you can’t live without a single penny. Decent inn.

The only way to make a living is to cure diseases.

Originally, he traveled the world alone, and when he went to the place to treat people, it was enough to change some food. Now he has a long-term patient to follow him.

The ink carp bought a piece of coarse cloth to make a flag, and held it in his hand at will. He also learned from the wandering langzhong, and tied a bell on the flag without shouting. Others will know when they see the medicine gourd painted on the flag. what did it do.

Meng Qi originally wanted to help Mo Li carry the banners, but Doctor Mo refused.

Meng Qi wanted to maintain his demeanor in front of his sweetheart, but was rejected.

I wanted to help Dr. Mo with the luggage, but was refused.

Now I still retreat, and I have been deprived of even the hobby of watching the tip of my ears, and I feel very uncomfortable.

"There is no reason to let the patient do it." Mo Li said.

Meng Qi blurted out: "I'm not a patient, I'm..."

"What are you?" Mo Li looked at him suspiciously.

"...What is the relationship between me and the doctor, does the doctor still know? It's still a bit noticeable that we are walking like this. It's like I'm following You Fang Langzhong." Meng Qi simply said cheekily.

The ink carp was thoughtful.

Meng Qi thought Mo Li wanted to understand something, and was just happy when he heard the doctor say: "You are very reasonable, I didn't expect it, thanks to you for reminding me."

The next day, Doctor You Fanglang Zhongmo went on the road as usual, alone.

There is a bamboo cup in his arms, and there is a gerbil in the cup.

Gerbil: "… "

Very depressed.

But what the doctor said is right. Now the clothes have not been changed and washed. Although they are highly skilled in martial arts, there is a lot of wind and sand on the road. The expenses for two people are also large, and it is different to become a gerbil.

Meng Qi has no way to raise objections, and he can only change.

… The gerbil can be carried in his arms, but what about the fish

Who travels with a live fish and carries a water tank

Meng Qi thought gloomily, they are all mountain spirits, why is the original shape so different

The gerbil's fur has grown a little more.

Although I didn't eat anything good, but sleeping, drinking medicine and eating cakes every day still have an impact on gerbils.

In addition to the long fluffy hair and the appearance of fatter, it is the smell of bitter medicine.

This is a gerbil full of the smell of concoction. The ink carp smelled it and confirmed that it was emanating from the gerbil. He was very strange, obviously Meng Qi did not have such a strong smell.

The gerbil stiffened when Doctor Mo approached.

The eyes are full of that enlarged face, straight nose bridge, full lips...

Ordinary people always have some moles on their faces, or blemishes such as blotches, but ink carp does not have them.

In fact, Meng Qi didn't either, because they were not "humans". The so-called human form was the form of a human, and there was no such detailed attention to it. After all, when changing shape, it is convenient to only think of yourself as a "human", and not to think too much.

The hair can be turned white, the face can be more wrinkled, the figure of a teenager can be, and the appearance of old age can be fine.

However, even though he was old, Meng Guoshi did not have old brown spots on his face.

Meng Qi remembered this very clearly. Back then, the old friend made fun of him and suspected that he had practiced the legendary boy kung fu. Even if he grew old, he looked younger than them. He was obviously not a Taoist priest, but he still looked like an immortal. Being a national teacher is like a national teacher.

Chu Yuandi sent someone to inquire about Meng Qi's daily life and determined that he did not take any medicine pills.

Meng Qi was a little displeased, but birth, old age, sickness and death were a concern, and Li Yuanze was old after all.

Thinking back at this moment, Meng Qi faintly regretted it.

Just because Emperor Chu Yuan behaved too normally on weekdays, he did not look like he was seeking immortals to make alchemy, and his courtiers did not appear to be proud of their merits. In the Chu Dynasty, the monarch and his ministers got each other. It used to be a good story. Those who served as rulers were benevolent and those who served as ministers knew how to advance and retreat.

It's not that the hearts of the more than ten heroes of the founding of the country are always the same, and they have no other thoughts, but the general trend.

The Lord is wise, even if a courtier has ambition, he still needs to weigh the feasibility.

Even now, Meng Qi is not sure whether it would end like this if someone else sat on the throne.

Maybe not as good as Li Yuanze, at least Li Yuanze was quite commendable in the past few decades. Maybe it was before his death that the emperor changed, or maybe he had such an idea for a long time, people were unpredictable, who would know

The gerbil thought and yawned.

Don't have to walk, and lean on the doctor's arms, doing nothing, can't you just sleep

Mo Li felt that the gerbils were very calm this time, neither moving nor looking around. Uneasy, after walking for a while, he took out the bamboo cup and took a look, only to see a ball of white pom-poms.

- I can't find my head buried.

I am afraid that I will be suffocated by my own hair if I sleep like this.

The ink carp quickly took the gerbil out of the bamboo tube, which was quite laborious.

The gerbil didn't wake up, his head subconsciously attached to the palm of the ink carp, and his body stretched naturally.

Doctor Mo put away the bamboo tube in a complicated mood, and let the fat mouse continue to sleep in his arms.

If Meng Qi's original form was a slightly larger animal, the ink carp wouldn't have to be so careful. Now he has taken care of a gerbil inexplicably, and he has taken care of it very smoothly. Mo Li felt that this was all a matter of habit. He raised ginseng, foxes and pythons in Qimao Mountain. The gerbils were smaller than them, and it was easy.

White ginseng also needs to be watered and weeded, and sometimes it has to catch insects.

The fat rat will drink water when it has water, and chew on the cake by itself, but when it is dreaming, its paws are not very restful.

You Fang Langzhong's business is not very good.

In Xiaoxing Town, Mo Li didn't meet any people looking for him for treatment, and he didn't stop him along the way.

On the contrary, there were more and more people on the road. They carried weapons with them and talked about each other's experiences with great interest. There are anecdotes in the rivers and lakes, and there are some amazing people along the way.

Mo Li even heard about himself and Meng Qi.

They were described as unknown masters of the hidden world, who reached the pinnacle of light power, like ghosts, and the eyes of others blinked, and this person disappeared. This kind of light work, if you want someone else's life, isn't it because your head is taken off and you don't know what happened

This is vivid and vivid, and a lot of imagination has been added.

What kind of dress is different from ordinary people, with eccentric temperament, just like the ghosts in the legends of the mountains, actually posing as a scholar and elegant guest in the wilderness.

When people see it, it disappears without a trace, and it is mysterious and unpredictable.

Ink carp: "… "

As a doctor who is not famous, he ate a cake with Meng Qi on the way, and then ran away to have such a high reputation. Many people are very interested in these two mysterious masters.

Someone said at the roadside tea stall, and someone at the well of Yedian also mentioned it.

Others listened and laughed loudly: "This is a person who makes a name for himself, so his tricks and tricks attract attention. He is not a senior at all.

Mo Li happened to know the person who said this.

It was the young master Jinfeng. He held a fan in his hand, and he embraced it. Even when he was resting at the tea stall, he would wipe the table and put cushions on the incense burner. The kiln white cup filled with tea and sent it.

Going out can still pay attention to this, and there are not many people in the entire rivers and lakes.

Jinfeng Mountain Villa is not only rich, but also powerful. Everyone who was resting in the wild shop could not afford to provoke them, so they got up and left.

Mo Li pressed the hat on top of his head. He had no intention of revealing his identity. After all, it was widely circulated that Young Master Jinfeng encountered a mysterious master halfway.

Mo Li lowered his head, arched his back slightly, and was no longer straight.

He thought he was keeping a low profile, but the first lunar month has not yet come out, there are no caravans on the road, and there are even few travelers. Occasionally, there are two or three people who are visiting relatives, also carrying large and small bags. Seeing these Jianghu people with knives and swords, they are scared to hide far away. How can a You Fang Lang be so bold

Young Master Jinfeng took a closer look and figured out that something was wrong.

Mr. Qin's teaching Mo Li was very successful. A gentleman is like a jade, with a strong personality. It is not easy to cover up the habits of many years, and it will always reveal a little bit.

In this regard, Mo Li is not as good as Meng Qi.

With little experience, many things can't be done, and I can't pretend to be anything.

Although Young Master Jinfeng is a native of Jianghu, he is also a son of an aristocratic family in Jianghu. In his eyes, ink carp is like a pearl mixed in a stone, which is very eye-catching.

He glanced at his right eye, and immediately his subordinates came over respectfully.

"There is something wrong with that man, bring someone here." Young Master Jin Feng whispered.

So Mo Li was stopped by the people of Jinfeng Villa.

"My son, please go over there."

"… "

Mo Li felt that Young Master Jin Feng was staring at his back, not knowing what to say.

He changed his clothes, bowed his back slightly, and wore a bamboo hat. He looked different from that day. Besides, they only had one relationship, so it was normal that Young Master Jin Feng couldn't recognize them.

"I'm just a gentleman, not a person in the rivers and lakes, I really don't know..."

Mo Li was shirking, and Young Master Jin Feng said impatiently, "What's the matter, isn't You Fang Langzhong treating people? Your Excellency is quite big, and even this Young Master can't even invite you?"

"Young master is not sick."

Mo Li said with certainty that he saw it when he sealed the cave that day.

Young Master Jin Feng laughed in anger, and said coldly, "I'm sick or not, you have the final say? My son said that if he was sick, he was sick. Someone took off his bamboo hat and turned his face for me!"

The author has something to say:

Ink carp:…

Is it bad to live

PS, not working, take the solution of stubbornness, it means not smart