Aggrieved Fish Sprite

Chapter 82: One should not take obedience as right


Lu Zhang was in hardship as a teenager, but then he rose to the top.

He's ambitious, capable, and at the best of times.

However, the fall of the Chu Dynasty was not the responsibility of the Lu family.

A lot of things in the world are like this. They seem to be inextricably linked, as if a single thought can rewrite history, but this is not the case. Without Lu Zhang, there would be a second conspirator.

The house in Lujiazhuang was half old and not new, and the handwriting on the archway facing it was still clearly visible.

The surname of the husband's family and the surname of the mother's family add up to form a name that is not a first name: the festival wife Lu Zhang.

This archway is like the facade of Lujiazhuang. There are no weeds around and no moss on it. It is about ten feet high and can be seen from a long distance.

"There are many ills in the world, and even if you work hard, it's hard to find a solution." Meng Qi looked unpredictable, he said solemnly, "It's like a gourd thrown into the water, hold one end, and the other end floats up. Putting both hands together is like forcibly suppressing it, pressing it down, but the gourd is thinking about how to break free from the force you exerted. There is an order on the top, and the way down is not a lot more complicated than a gourd?"

The Chu Dynasty once promulgated a decree that if a married woman dies and has no children, the husband's family must return the remaining dowry.

This law is logical. A woman's dowry is her family's expectation that she will live well in her husband's family. The dowry has everything in the dowry, even the cloth should be divided into the clothes to wear, the curtains on the bed, the combs, mirrors and jewelry. , a whole set of furniture, and even a gold lacquered toilet. Strictly speaking, these properties did not belong to the husband's family, but to the children of the woman.

Even if the house is raided, it can be divided into two cases: all of them are seized, and the dowry of the female relatives is not moved.

Her parents have always been strong and she hates her son-in-law. It is indeed possible for her to ask for the dowry because her daughter has not come out. However, this is not above the law, and if you do it, you will be scolded in the spine.

The common people's family didn't say that much, and the woman's parents' family couldn't possibly have power and power, so naturally they would suffer.

However, this decree, in order to prevent the close relatives of the husband's family from killing the woman to devour the dowry, was not implemented smoothly.

Her parents' family asked for a dowry, but her husband's family refused. The value of the dowry list back then was different.

There are also people who use shoddy goods when returning their dowry. A set of high-quality pear and wood furniture is considered the price of a broken table and chairs. They also plausibly say that ten years have passed, and things have long been destroyed.

Some men, who are not engaged in childbirth and idle, have already spent their wives' dowry.

So how to depreciate things, how much they have been used over the years, and whether they are used reasonably... It can be worth three days and three nights.

The decree is good, but when it comes to implementation, everyone complains about it, so it becomes a grievance against the government, and the decree naturally cannot go on.

There were even a lot of murders.

There are many people who are clamoring for money or not.

It's okay to be rude, there are widowers who are wicked from their hearts, pick up knives and kill all the Yue family members who are asking for dowry.

In another case, the parents of the woman's family were dead, and the elder brother was unable to repay the debt. The sister-in-law came up with an idea to murder the little sister-in-law who married out and had nothing to pay, in order to repay the dowry.

For various reasons, the decree came to an abrupt end after less than a year of implementation.

Mo Li listened and was speechless for a long time.

Mo Li used to only want to be a doctor, and he was not even interested in being a famous martial arts master. There were few people in Zhushan County, and things were simple. He never thought that it would be so difficult to be a capable minister.

It is not with a passion for saving the country and the people.

No matter how much ingenuity you have, it will be exhausting to deal with endless troubles.

Mo Li was worried that Meng Qi would indulge in the past and his illness would flare up again, so he wanted to persuade him a few words, but now is not the time.

—There are other people here.

This person originally passed by, but was attracted by Meng Qi's words, and crept into the back of a tree.

Mo Li heard it, and Meng Qi was no exception, but he still finished his speech slowly.

Meng Qi winked at Mo Li, and the two walked around Lujiazhuang.

Meng Qi said as he walked: "Like the Lu clan, they are not so poor that they can't afford to eat, and even some clans have once produced talents and raised people. Don't they know courtesy, righteousness, integrity and shame? On the contrary, they grow up in the clan and are used to seeing them. This set of schools believes that things in the world are like this, the ruler is the subject, the father is the son, the husband is the wife, the loyal minister does not serve two masters, a good girl does not marry two husbands, and the death of a husband is a good talk. Do you know what that means?"

"They don't think it's a mistake to kill a woman who has lost her husband," Mo Li replied.

Because there were outsiders on the side, Mo Li did not call Meng Qi's name, just like Meng Qi did not mention the title of "doctor".

"Three cardinal guides and five permanent members are the foundation of the country in the eyes of many people."

Mo Li took a little distraction and paid attention to the person who was stalking them furtively.

That person Qinggong was half-hearted, but he was better at being agile and small in stature.

This kind of agility is different from Li Kong'er's sleazy manner of being a gentleman on the beam. He is more like eavesdropping on people's speech. His breath is steady and undisturbed. He is very good at hiding himself, and he can always find a suitable hiding place without thinking.

Most people want to hide, they tend to look for big trees or big rocks, because they feel safer there.

And this person can pick the block that just covers his body just by visual inspection. It may not be the largest, but it is the most suitable. The angle is even better. Standing in the position of Meng Qi and Mo Li, he can't see it at all. to the corner of this man's clothes.

If it weren't for the sharp ears of the martial arts master, it is estimated that he would be fooled by him.

Mo Li pretended to look around several times and turned around deliberately, and the other party hid in time.

"… "

There is no killing intent, and there is no obvious malice, what about people who just want to eavesdrop

Mo Li was about to use his light work to get rid of this person, but seeing that Meng Qi seemed to want to continue testing, he could only slow down and continue to talk with Meng Qi while walking.

"Did the court ever limit the power of the clan?"

"The Chu Dynasty once ordered local officials to prevent the clan from privately enforcing the clan law, and the clan has no right to execute prisoners without authorization. ."

After Meng Qi finished speaking, he added, "Then the Manchu dynasty argued and the whole country opposed it."

"Why?" Mo Li didn't understand, it was just to prevent indiscriminate killings, not to cancel the clan system.

"...because clans must have authority, just like fathers have the right to make decisions over their children, and they think the so-called national capital should be built on it."

Only when you obey your parents at home, and when you become a courtier, will you obey the imperial power.

The so-called governance of the world with filial piety, as well as the three principles and the five constants, are all in this way.

"They need authority, absolute, unquestionable authority."

"What is the use of the law, then?"

Mo Li was very uncomfortable. Xue Zhixian from Zhushan County was not like this. He always told one another, which one was responsible for the loss, and explained the matter clearly, and everyone was convinced.

It can be seen that even if the common people are illiterate, they are not completely ignorant of reason.

"This is naturally because... the emperor himself did not obey the laws of the country, and when he suddenly became angry, he would kill people. When the emperor was angry, he buried millions of corpses. Isn't that what he said? The dynasties of the past dynasties have never given the clan this kind of power. This power is It was formed naturally and was acquiesced, and no one could shake it, so the stopper was not stupid, but my old friends and I were too naive."

Meng Qi looked at the imperial mausoleum in the distance and whispered, "I used to think that Li Yuanze was not that kind of person."

The voice was so low that only the ink carp beside him could hear it.

- It is difficult to conquer the world, and it is even more difficult to rule the world.

When fighting the world, Meng Qi never thought about it so much.

When the Chu Dynasty ruled the world, Meng Qi vaguely realized some resistance, but out of the trust of many years of acquaintance, and Chu Yuandi is indeed not the kind of person who can be happy or angry. Yes, so he ignored it.

"The emperor can ignore the law if he wants to not obey the law, and the father can be unreasonable if he wants to be unreasonable. There is no difference between being a subject and a child."

As Meng Qi was speaking, he suddenly heard a slight sound behind him, a stone being stepped on.

It's as if the eavesdropper's heart was shaken and out of control.

When Mo Li turned his head, he happened to see half of the man's face that he didn't have time to hide.

- Actually very young, not yet crowned.

Judging from the clothes on his body, his family is very good, how could such a person appear near the imperial mausoleum

The ten or so miles around the imperial mausoleum were surrounded by garrisoned troops, and the location of Lujiazhuang happened to be among them. Ordinary people are not allowed to approach, and it is not easy for people from Lujiazhuang to go out.

There are fields, wells, a small hillside and two sparse jujube forests.

Not a prison, but a prison.

If you want to sneak in without disturbing others, it is almost impossible for martial arts.

At this time, there was a commotion in the distance, which was in the direction of the military camp. Mo Li couldn't hear what they were saying, but only saw a group of soldiers scattered and searched around, as if they were looking for someone.

Mo Li gave Meng Qi a wink, but Meng Qi didn't look back, as if he didn't know someone was behind him.

"The imperial mausoleum is in front of Lujiazhuang. There are people nearby. Let's avoid it first."

While they were talking, they had already arrived at the fields of Lujiazhuang.

The Lu clan people are not begging for rain, but farming.

After walking for a while, Mo Li found that there was no movement behind him. He listened intently and made sure that the man really didn't follow.

"Brother Meng, where do you think that person came from?"

"Not like people from Lujiazhuang." Meng Qi thought deeply.

Dress well and look good, completely different from those of the Lu clan in the fields who are numb and indifferent when they hear the noise.

Mo Li guessed: "Could it be a Jianghu person?"

"It doesn't look like it either." Meng Qi shook his head and said, "What the two of us just said, the average Jianghu people are not interested."

Maybe that's the unusual Jianghu people? Mo Li thought so, but didn't refute it, because the young man's Qinggong was really bad, he seemed to be learning randomly, but he dressed like a rich boy.

Meng Qi stood still on the slope and saw that there was another village not far away, which had now moved away, leaving only a slightly dilapidated house.

The scale of this Zhuangzi is not smaller than that of Lujiazhuang, but there is one less archway in front of Zhuangzi.

"Yongzhou is short of water, and between clans and clans, canals must be dug every spring to divert water. For the sake of water, two villagers can be beaten to death. Therefore, there are very few villages with many surnames, but most of them are single surname clans. ."

It is difficult for people who leave their clan to make a living from the land to survive.

There is only so little water, how can the weak and weak fight for it

The clan cannot be abolished, nor can it be abolished.

"In this world, not all clans will force widows to death for a piece of archway, and more people will not be able to live without the clan. Even with a bad temper like Scholar Deng, they finally endured the sand in their eyes, thinking at that time. If every family is rich, maybe the world will change, but the times are not as good as expected."

How can there be a good thing every year

Water shortage in Yongzhou has been a problem since ancient times, and it cannot be solved by peace in the world.

The people of Lujiazhuang do not worry about food and drink, but this does not worry, it needs to be cultivated every year. If the fields are not harvested, how long can the grain be eaten? How long can the savings last? It's just sitting on the mountain, so whatever you say, you have to fight for water.

Mo Li suddenly thought of what Meng Qi had said, and couldn't help but say: "If one day, one household's fields can support three or even ten households, and the people will have other ways to make a living, and they will no longer be trapped in the land. Then the battle for spring ploughing and water will be reduced a lot. People don’t need clans, and the power of clans will naturally decline.”

Meng Qi smiled brightly, very happy.

"The doctor is indeed my confidant."

"There are many talented people in the world. As long as you want to find them, there will be no shortage of confidants." Mo Li was not happy, he reminded, "You can meet many friends back then, and naturally you can find them today."

"But none of them are you."

"... The difference between me and them is that I won't leave you to die first." Mo Li regretted it after he finished speaking. This was too direct.

The two dragon veins, Qimao Mountain and Shangyun Mountain, joined the WTO one after the other. Before they met, Mo Li had a good teacher and Meng Qi had a good friend. I can't say who is more envious of whom, but I always care about what I don't have.

Meng Qi tilted his head to look at Mo Li, as if estimating how much the doctor cared about him.

However, to his disappointment, Mo Li seemed to be just used to his existence and acknowledged his irreplaceability, but it was not a development he was happy to see.

For example, Mo Li might be willing to take him back to Zhushan County to see Qin Lu, Xue Ting and others, but this is no different from being a close friend to each other and worshiping his mother.

To know each other's relatives and friends, this can only prove that the friendship is deep.

And now only Mo carp needs it, Meng Qi is simply alone.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned this." Mo Li also realized that he had touched on a topic that could not be mentioned yet.

At this time, the wind direction changed, and a sandalwood scent wafted in the wind.

The ink carp's nose was itchy, and couldn't help but ask, "Where is this begging for rain?"

The smell is so strong, is it burning the incense as firewood

When it comes to begging for rain, Meng Qi's expression is a little uncomfortable.

He thinks that the mountain spirit is the dragon vein that people often say, but the dragon is also different from the dragon. He lives in the mountains, and the dragon king lives in the sea. The matter of walking clouds and raining does not belong to Shanling, nor can it be managed.

There is no dragon king of the four seas in the world!

In this way, burning incense and worshipping the gods, in addition to choking people, has no effect.


Meng Qi turned his head when he heard the sound, and then met Mo Li's gaze.

When the two heard the sound, they thought the other was sneezing, but it was not, and then they started to lose their minds.

- Do fish sneeze? What is that like

—If the gerbil sneezes, the whiskers will probably be blown up, and the flesh on the cheeks will shake.

It's also fun to think about.

It was a small military attache who sneezed, his hat was not properly worn, and there were several soldiers behind him, who seemed to be looking for someone who happened to pass by the hillside.

"People who come from the capital are poor and fastidious!" The little military attache raised the wind with his palm and said dissatisfiedly.

"Inspector, don't say a word, that is the third-rank officer of the Ministry of Rites!"

After the soldiers tried to persuade them, the little military officer kicked a stone and said angrily, "It's okay for the civil servants of the third rank, anyway, they are always pedantic and nagging, but it's so good, what kind of ancestral temple is the prince coming to worship! That kid won't come, don't say it. Third-rank civil servants, I am afraid that fifth-rank officials will not come here at this time. Can't sleep."

The inspector didn't have a door on his mouth, and he was cursing. The soldiers wanted to persuade him again, but he almost couldn't get in.

"... You said it all, where is the prince! We will lose our heads if he says a word!"


The chief inspector scolded, "We've all been sent to guard the imperial mausoleum, what future do we want? It's just eating and waiting to die, and the scar on the head is the size of a bowl. I'm afraid of a ghost!"

The soldier's face became even more bitter, and he muttered that the inspector was not worried about feeding the whole family alone. They married in Qiong County, and they had a wife and children to support, but they couldn't die in vain.

Seeing them walking away, Mo Li was still in a daze.

Was the one who eavesdropped just now the prince

Lu Zhang's son

Mo Li came to the imperial mausoleum because the Qingwu ancestor of Zangfengguan wanted to break the dragon veins of the Qi Dynasty, so he should not let it go here, and maybe he would have a confidant who would squat near the imperial mausoleum. Anyway, going to Taijing is also in this direction. Mo Li simply took a walk along the way. It is best to catch someone who knows the truth about Li Di Mausoleum. It doesn't matter if you can't.

As a result, the alchemist did not catch his tail, but met Lu Zhang's son.

"Strange." Meng Qi said to himself.

"What's wrong?" Mo Li asked.

Meng Qi pondered: "I think he seems a little familiar."

With a quick glance just now, I could only see half of my face.

"have you seen?"

"No, this kind of familiarity... I should have seen his blood relatives. I'm not that keen on people's looks." When Meng Qi said the second half of the sentence, seeing Mo Li's expression, he couldn't help laughing, "It seems that This is the fault of our mountain spirits."

Mo Li said casually, "Maybe you have seen Lu Zhang."

"I don't remember this." Meng Qi held his forehead and recalled, "I don't have it as a national teacher, but I still have many strange memories, like in dreams, such as overlooking the entire Taijing, or Floating across the street…”

"It's a way of using spiritual power. Sometimes there is such a state. I can see the situation of most of the mountain." Mo Li cut his mouth and said.

Meng Qi's eyes lit up.

Mo Li knew what he was thinking, so he added the second half of the sentence expressionlessly: "...I can only do it in Zhushan County. I suspect that you can only have this ability when you enter Taijing."

"It's a pity." Meng Qi thought to himself, if he could have it now, why would he run around looking for clues.

In a few minutes, the people of Tibetan Fengguan were caught.

The prince who is running around can also catch and scare him and let him eavesdrop on other people's words!

Mo Li and Meng Qi are both sharp-minded people, and they have not forgotten the strangeness of that young man.

Although it is very strange for the prince to learn martial arts, it is not impossible. There are still some masters in the palace. It may be because they can't bear hardships or lack of talent.

But—good at hiding? What kind of prince is this

And when I heard a certain sentence, my mind was agitated, and I made a noise out of control

Meng Qi is a national teacher, not an imperial teacher. He himself has no interest in the profession of emperor teacher, and he will not think that his words are deafening. That prince is a teachable talent, so he will be like this.

Hearing a certain sentence gaffe, the clue is naturally in that sentence.

There is no difference between being a subject and being a child... Meng Qi thinks this is very common, and there is no difficult truth. If others don't understand, how can the prince understand

The boy didn't look stupid either.

"Let's go, while they are looking for someone, go to the imperial mausoleum to have a look." Mo Li closed his breath, and the scent of incense sticks became stronger.

Even if there is a dragon, it will be choked to death, why is it raining

and many more-

Meng Qi thought to himself, if he was a local mountain spirit and could walk clouds and rain, then he would definitely be annoying to strike a thunderbolt, and then watering it to kill all the fragrances, is this the true meaning of asking for rain

Meng Guoshi felt that he knew too little about the origin of these folk traditions.

Maybe there really is a dragon

Besides, in front of the Emperor's Mausoleum, the officials of the Ministry of Rites from the capital were very anxious. Although there were garrisoned troops nearby, if something happened to the prince, he would be in big trouble.

"Haven't found His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince yet?"

"He Shilang, don't worry, didn't the sixth prince learn martial arts? What else could happen to the imperial mausoleum?"

The person who spoke was not wearing armor, and his face was pale after recovering from a serious illness. He said a few words lazily, and found that He Shilang was staring at him, his beard was shaking with anger, so he cupped his hands boringly, "Go in. I heard that the sixth prince was missing, so I came here to help. If He Shilang feels that he is not doing enough, I will take someone to look for it in the county town. Today, Qiong County is very lively during the Rain Festival. The sixth prince I was young and probably slipped out to play."

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for He Shilang to speak, and then went out.

"Wufu!" He Shilang cursed.

"General Liu, you offended He Shilang, and you will appear in court in the future..."

"Is there not enough places to offend them?" Liu Dan disagreed. He copied his hands and walked out of the imperial mausoleum leisurely. Suddenly, he turned around and stared at a row of stone sculptures near the imperial mausoleum.

Ink carp: "… "

Meng Qi: "..."

Alas, the purse seems to be more alert than ordinary people.

The author has something to say:

Liu Dan: My purse tells me that there is danger!

Liu Dan: The wind is tight! crap!