Aggrieved Fish Sprite

Chapter 89: Qi Cheng Rong Mountain


Besides, when Young Master Jinfeng arrived at the riverside, he heard that the government would not let the boat go into the water. With a big wave of his hand, he directly ordered his men to buy a boat at three times the price.

With a lot of money to open the way, there is naturally a way to solve it.

There are several small wooden boats in the nearby fishing village. Each boat is so small that it can only accommodate two or three people, and it has no roof. This kind of boat is so light that two big men can carry it around.

When the government gave the order, the fishermen panicked and didn't know what was going on. Seeing that all the big boats on the river were driven away, and the small boats were burned. The fishermen were naturally reluctant, and took advantage of the chaos to carry some boats and hide them at home.

Now there are people who are willing to pay big money, and they are very excited.

There are also people who are afraid of the government's accountability, and dare not say that they have a boat at home. I thought that if I didn’t sell it, I’m afraid I’d be robbed too, and then I’d be left empty, wouldn’t it be worth it? So they all ran home and carried the boat out.

The boat is there, but the problem is not solved.

"Is this boat usable?" Young Master Jin Feng stared at the small wooden boats with suspicion in his eyes.

The Qingjiang River is in a hurry, can such a wooden boat cross the middle of the river smoothly? This is basically a boat fishing near the river bank!

The subordinates of Jinfeng Villa held up their young master's question, and said helplessly: "Young master, you said you were going to buy a boat, and you can say anything about the boat, anyway, you must see the boat today!"

"… "

These subordinates sincerely hope that Young Master Jinfeng will calm down his temper. Although his villa has money, the owner of the villa is highly skilled in martial arts, and the young master is not really unreasonable, but people are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not hit the iron plate? A lot of things are different from what you think, you have to leave a line in your words and actions, and a retreat for others is a retreat for yourself.

"Okay, I'll go see the wind on the river."

Young Master Jinfeng waved his folding fan irritably and paced to the riverside.

Qingjiang River is windy in spring, and the water waves are rushing.

Young Master Jinfeng doesn't understand water, and seeing this situation, his heart can't help but feel empty.

The people in the rivers and lakes near the ferry said, "Aren't there any good boatmen in the fishing villages nearby?"

"That is, what about the boatman on the original ferry?"

On a normal day, Young Master Jin Feng would definitely throw out the money, as much as a boatman or something! Is there anything in this world that money can't do? It's just to cross a river, not to go to the sky and pick the moon.

Now he is calm and doesn't speak, thinking that going to Taijing is just to watch the fun. Although the treasures of Emperor Li's Mausoleum are novel, he is also very interested, but Jinfeng Villa has money, so he can buy whatever he likes.

What is he in a hurry

"The tugboat enters the water!" Young Master Jinfeng gave the order.


"Go to the nearby fishing village to buy some harpoons, fishing rods, fishing nets, etc., as well as stoves and charcoal, and let's sit on the boat and float by the river first." Master Jinfeng unfolded the folding fan and said in a leisurely manner, "It happens that this son is hungry. ."

Everyone was stunned and watched helplessly as the people from Jinfeng Villa went shopping.

Young Master Jinfeng leaned against the side of the boat, blowing the wind comfortably, as if he was really not ready to cross the river.

In the face of the people in the Jianghu who were excited and couldn't help but swear, Young Master Jin Feng liked to ignore it and sneered: "This son can do whatever he wants, I think Taijing has nothing to go to, it's better to go to the Jiangnan painting boat. Listen to the tune and eat the vinegar fish in the West Lake! As for the treasure of the imperial mausoleum, it still hasn't appeared, what's the hurry?"

Everyone was very angry. First, they couldn't wait for the elders of the major sects, and then they couldn't cross the river. Finally, they saw a big man who was famous in the rivers and lakes, actually sitting on a boat fishing

"You said, will those people get the news and leave us first?"

"No way, this is the closest way from Yongzhou to Taijing!"

"What if I don't go to Taijing? Although it is said that Emperor Li's Mausoleum is in Taijing on the Yunshan Mountains, but those who say so have not found the treasure! I see the truth of the matter as it is, and fooled those of us who have no way to send, they first Get rich."

This statement made everyone start to shake, and their hearts were startled.

And because the people of Jinfeng Villa have a lot of horses, there are no big boats, and the horses can't cross the river. These horses are all good breeds, and it would be a loss to sell them locally. So some people took their horses and rushed downstream, trying to find a ferry a hundred miles away.

In the end, he was looked down upon by others, thinking that Li Diling was really not in Taijing, and swarmed after him.

Young Master Jinfeng on the boat: "..."

Just when he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and wanted to sigh with emotion, the hull of the boat suddenly shook and floated in place.

Young Master Jin Feng stabilized his body and was about to scold his subordinates, but when he saw the oar man hurriedly turned around and said, "Look, Young Master, there are people on the river."

On the open river, a person's figure is very small.

But as long as they are seen, everyone will not take their eyes off.

Because this man was walking on the river, the wind blew his robe sleeves up.

It stands to reason that in such a strong wind, the long hair will be blown into a mess, and the sleeves may also be fanned to his face. However, this person is able to maintain his own appearance, and his hair and clothes just move with the wind, and they are elegant and immortal.

It's too far apart, not only can't see the face of this person, but also can't tell what kind of clothes he's wearing.

But who cares about this? Walking on the river is like flat ground. Does the martial arts function reach this level


Young Master Jinfeng's fan fell off, and he quickly recovered to understand why the boat was spinning in place, because the oarsman was as shocked as he was, unable to grasp what was in his hand.

The crowd on the shore was similar.

One person saw it first, followed by him and called out, and more people looked towards the river, their mouths widening.

Most of them are not as shocked as the people in Jinfeng Villa, because their own strength is limited, and they do not have a deep concept of absolute masters, so they still instinctively think that this is a mysterious figure who has reached the pinnacle of martial arts.

"The river god has appeared!"

People working by the river fell to their knees and kowtowed in awe.

Young Master Jinfeng picked up his fan, stood up and stared at the man's feet.

Qinggong can step on the snow without a trace, but flying on the grass is a description, because the movement is so fast that it looks like flying. When you want to cross the river, you usually kick up a large piece of water, and when you lift your infuriating breath, you will fall into the water.

But this man walked unhurriedly, with an extraordinary bearing, just like the people shouted, like a fairy.

Qingjiang is turbulent.

Meng Qi's boots were completely wet, he didn't look sideways, didn't lower his head, and continued to walk forward.

Wood the size of a half-panel sank and floated in the waves.

Meng Qi seems to be walking slowly, but it is not at all.

His ability is not to splash too much water when stepping on the water, and his upper body can maintain a constant posture, plus he is already some distance away from the shore, others can't see his tricks.

Meng Qi will step on the board to borrow strength before the breath runs out.

At this time, the plank will sink heavily, and then float away in the direction of the current.

A black carp appeared in the river at the right time, and quickly hit the wooden board to the opposite bank.

If there are no fish, Meng Qi can only "walk" down the river, and don't think about crossing the river.

The black-scaled fish swims very fast in the water. The Qingjiang water has spiritual energy, but it has not been swimming smoothly in the water for a long time. Even if you are calm, going into the water will reveal some of your nature.

Meng Qi squinted at the dark shadow passing by in the waves.

The doctor's real body is smaller than he imagined. For the fishermen, it is a big fish. It has the thickness of the arms, the body is flexible and vigorous, and the scales are so bright that it can almost reflect his own shadow.

If people meet in the water, they will only scream a few times in surprise, calling for people to come and see, instead of treating the fish as a monster.

Because it looks like a carp, the size of the body is also common.

However, the strength of this fish is a little unbelievable.

It does not need to hit the board with the tail of the fish, nor does it need to top the board. With the water waves brought up by the extremely fast swimming, it can briefly change the direction of the board's floating.

This is a river, and the water is very fast. The board is so small that the boats are pushed downstream. The ferry has to work hard to fight the water. The boatman with poor skills and strength cannot handle the Qingjiang ferry.

As a fish, it's good not to be carried away by the current.

Meng Qi looked at the doctor with admiration, but he didn't realize that when he turned into his original form, he was no ordinary gerbil.

- Ordinary gerbils are not as fast as Meng Guoshi, and they are not as dexterous as him.

In fact, Mo Li didn't know that he had this talent. The pool he was "born" in was too small. Although there were many streams in Qimao Mountain, no one could drown in the deepest part, and the river was less than ten feet wide.

There are no large lakes, only ponds formed by melting snow.

The place is small, and the speed of fish swimming naturally cannot go up. How to find out

Mo Li thought as he swam, if he was not strong enough, he might have died long ago when he was swept out by the torrent. How could he still struggle in the torrent and take a human form and hug a tree

No matter how urgent the Qingjiang River is, it can't compare to the flash flood.

Mo Li stared at Meng Qi in the water, and had to admit that even if some people were carrying their luggage and cautiously walking across the river on wooden boards, they would be able to get out of the detached and independent posture.

"… "

Reluctantly spit out a blister.

Mo Li was persuaded by Meng Qi, precisely because Meng Qi had such ability.

- Rumors are rumors after all. When the real Meng Guoshi appears, others will regard it as a fake, and simply make a play that others can't imitate in front of everyone's eyes.

Now at the heart of Jiang, Mo Li suddenly noticed a vast spiritual energy.

It jumped out of the water and looked north, which was the direction of Taijing.

Meng Qi also raised his head at the same time, staring deeply at the outline of the mountains far away.

"...I felt aura, a very wonderful taste." Meng Qi shook hands with an unpredictable expression.

Earth veins and aura echo each other, this is his breath.