Aggrieved Fish Sprite

Chapter 93: Clouds traverse the Qinling Mountains


Even if his identity is revealed, Meng Qi is not worried about being caught.

—Are the masters of light gong still afraid that they won’t be able to escape

He was just a little stunned, and never thought that the "ominous premonition" was because of this fulfillment.

The ink carp was also a little confused.

It is said that the east and west walls of Taijing are three thousand zhang long, and the north and south are two thousand six hundred zhang.

In the heyday of the Chu Dynasty, there were 300,000 people, plus the noble officials of the inner city, their families and servants, the palace servants, servants, guards, etc., as well as the caravan travelers from south to north, the total number could reach seven 100,000 people.

The Qi Dynasty is not as big as before, and the population of the city where it is located has dropped sharply.

There may be 400,000 people now, but that's actually 400,000 people. It is impossible for the guards to know everyone in the city. Besides, there are so many gates in Taijing that you can enter and exit. Even if someone pretends to be a person from the capital, they should not be discovered immediately.

After all, Mo Li and Meng Qi didn't have a deep feeling about appearance.

Although Meng Qi knew the ethos of Taijing, when the Chu Dynasty was prosperous, he was not too "young", and he had never walked through the city gate with his true colors.

Being chased by people on the street, inexplicably received a bunch of goodwill, he can still know why based on experience, but he really has no concept of how much the city gate officer can do because of such an atmosphere.

Seeing that the city gate official shouted for the gate guard to arrest someone, Meng Qi could only turn around and run.

Not running to the city yet, but to the outside.

- It's not a problem if the guards can't catch up. If they rush into the city, the nature of the matter will be serious. It is estimated that the guards patrolling the city will be alerted, and there may even be a city-wide search.

Now that the city gate has been stepped up to check, it is estimated that the situation in the city is not easy.

If you want to enter the city, there are many ways.

There is no need for a group of city guards to be scolded and the people to be disturbed again.

Mo Li could not have run away. He was sure that he had no problem with it. Xue Zhixian faked that he was from Qingzhou, not Taijing. But Meng Qi ran away, and the others pointed at him, especially the people in line behind him who knew that they came with Meng Qi.

Mo Li has two choices, fabricating lies and pretending not to know Meng Qi's identity is fake, or fleeing with Meng Qi,

He hadn't figured it out yet, his body had unconsciously followed Meng Qi.

"… "

Forget it, run and run.

As a doctor, you can't always leave the patient behind.

"what happened?"

"It's the thief Jiang Yang who wants to sneak into the city!"

The ink carp stumbled upon hearing the sound.

However, her ears were good, and she could hear people's shouts clearly.

"Wow, isn't this the legendary flying on the grass? It passed me with a whimper!"

"It's a master in the storybook, son, come out and see!"

There was a mess in front of the city gate. Everyone called their friends and friends, as well as parents and children. They all looked at the two figures passing by, and they were talking about it with excitement. The city gate officer was panting and led people to chase after him. Seeing the figures were getting farther and farther away, he said annoyed, "Forget it, go back. Even if Jiang Yang robbers catch up with us, they won't be able to beat us."

"This..." The gatekeeper under the city gate official asked hesitantly, "Maybe it's not the robber Jiang Yang?"

He looks so good-looking, why do you want to be the Jiangyang thief? Does the Jiang Yang robber now have to look at his appearance

The city gate officer knocked on their heads and said angrily: "If I hadn't looked at them a moment ago, you guys would have put them in! Can't each one's brains move? Report the matter, the others won't. It's up to us."

The doorman didn't dare to refute, but agreed.

Besides, Mo Li felt that Meng Qi was right in handing Lu Yin first, otherwise the news on his own Lu Yin would be recorded, and he would also be arrested the next time he took it out for use. Ning Changyuan is far away in Yongzhou, where can I find someone who fakes the road guide

"Brother Meng, you can stop now."

Mo Li said, slowly slowing down.

It's funny to think about it. The former national teacher tried to pretend to be a civilian and infiltrated the capital, and was caught as a thief from Jiangyang! Even the emperor Lu Zhang of the Qi Dynasty could not find someone, but a city gate official exposed Lu Yin on the spot as a fake! Zhentaijing's luck, the dragon vein of Shangyun Mountain, which symbolizes the emperor, was stopped by the gate of the capital, and was chased away by the city guards.

Mo Li wanted to think about it, but tried his best to smooth the smile on his lips.

He shouldn't laugh at Meng Qi, after all Meng Qi doesn't want to see such a thing happen... Pfft.

No, I still want to laugh.

Mo Li took a deep breath, and Meng Qi looked up at him silently, unwilling to speak.

"Brother Meng, don't worry, wait for me to change clothes and go to another city gate, and then take you into the city."

"… "

Meng Qi refuses to become a gerbil, and hides in the arms of the ink carp.

Taijing is his territory. He excitedly brought the doctor back, but he couldn't even enter the city gate. What's the matter

"Or, let's go to the mountain?" Mo Li suggested.

Mo Li was born in Zhushan County and grew up in that small place. The most prosperous cities he has been to are Qiuling County in Pingzhou and Qiong County in Yongzhou. Taijing is more than a hundred times better than them, and it is false to say that they are not curious.

However, if you want to enter the city again, and then want to see the true appearance of Taijing, the matter of Emperor Li's Mausoleum has not been resolved yet!

"The ancestors of Qingwu have the ability to enter the capital, but those from the rivers and lakes are different. It is estimated that they all have to go around the city and enter the mountains." Mo Li couldn't help looking at Shangyun Mountain, and couldn't wait to say, "Brother Meng, lead the way."

Meng Qi was inexplicably happy.

Outside Taijing City is not like any other place, except for the city gate and roads, it is particularly desolate.

There are villages outside Taijing, and there are fertile fields everywhere.

These are mostly farms under the name of the elites in the capital. It is during the busy farming season, and tenants working in the fields can be seen everywhere.

Mo Li stopped a few times to look at the canals and the waterwheels that pumped water automatically. This was something Pingzhou had never seen before. He asked about the structure of the waterwheel. Meng Qi didn't know much about these, so he could only say something. perhaps.

Rao is so, Mo Li also felt that his eyes were widened.

The rich and powerful farms are not like ordinary villages. They will not be short of money to dig wells. They can use all kinds of easy-to-use irrigation tools and agricultural tools. The ink carp walked all the way and saw a lot of things.

"I read very little agricultural books, and my teacher doesn't know much either, but Xue Lingjun knows a little more." Mo Li was already thinking about how to get the blueprints. It would be best if he could buy a booklet and bring it back to Xue Zhixian.

"I always hear you say Xue Ting." Meng Qi said calmly, "I read the news of Jinyi Weicha, and I know that he has been a magistrate in Zhushan County for more than 20 years. Is it possible that he still teaches the villagers to farm? "

"Not only that, but sometimes he helps to collect food together, which may be his interest." Mo Li thought about it, and then said, "Chunri likes to walk around, because the snakes just woken up from hibernation are the most venomous. It's poison art. In the fall, I prepare a nest for snakes, and it seems that I have secretly raised a dozen of them, and I have learned some from him."

Meng Qi remembered that the Jinyiwei secret newspaper said that Xue Ting, the ghostly vulture, was a man with a good reputation in Taijing at that time, and he also made the head of the capital never forget him.

Speaking of famous men and women in Taijing, over the years, there are always fifty.

And each one is worthy of the name, and each has its own charm.

Don't expect to be praised by everyone without your appearance, and vice versa.

Thinking that he used to be a national teacher, even though he had an extraordinary bearing and an elegant demeanor, he was "aged", so no one passed his name, which shows that the requirements are high.

He was born in the first fireworks of the capital, and there are countless people in the atmosphere of Taijing, but he will be fascinated by Xue Ting...

"Brother Meng, all the water drawn from these farms comes from Shangyun Mountain?"

Mo Li wondered why this person's breath began to float again, could it be that he was close to Shangyun Mountain and was affected again

Meng Qi regained his senses and nodded his head naturally: "Does the doctor feel the spiritual energy inside?"

"Yes, but not much."

Mo Li walked to the side of the river and put his hand in it.

The water was cold, and a few traces of aura passed through his fingertips playfully.

Unlike the aura of Qimao Mountain, the aura of Shimo Mountain in Shilang Mountain is also different. The aura here is very active and very pure. They are more like running around along the current without stopping in one place.

"Will it flow into the Qingjiang River?"

"And the Weishui."

It turned out to be the case, so Qingjiang was influenced by the aura, and it was in harmony with the atmosphere of Shangyun Mountain.

They slowed down when there were people, and when they left the farm, they performed light work. Before evening, they were already close to Shangyun Mountain.

The trees sprout, and the mountains are full of green.

The closer the ink carp got, the more relaxed his mind became.

If Shilang Mountain showed him the appearance of the dying dragon veins, Shangyun Mountain would let Mo Li feel that the dragon veins were lucky and gathered the spirit of the earth.

Even if there is no Meng Qi, just to see this scene, Mo Li will willingly travel here.

"... I don't think you're that serious." Mo Li said seriously.

Shangyun Mountain did not have the slightest downturn, and the thick spiritual energy was like wind and water, and it was just like this.

Meng Qi murmured, "I also feel that my body is much better."

He began to suspect that if he did not leave Taijing, he might not lose his memory.

No, you won't be able to meet a doctor if you don't go to Pingzhou!

Meng Qi firmly believes that no matter how sick you are, it is worth it! Otherwise, the world is so big, how will the two mountain spirits meet? Maybe the doctor took a look from a distance, and was unwilling to set foot on other mountain sites, so he turned around and left!

"This side is close to the sixth peak, Dragon Claw Peak. Its height is the lowest. From a distance, it looks like a dragon-shaped front paw resting on the ground."

"… "

It seems that the other nineteen peaks may be named after the dragon shape.

Okay, Jifeoshan Longmai doesn't want to talk.

Because Taijing people like to visit the mountains, the mountain roads have been roughly repaired, and the slope of the stone steps is not high. Although it is not possible to drive here, the sedan chairs carried by several people and the sliding poles carried by two people are no problem.

Mo Li walked up first, and Meng Qi followed behind.

After the first hundred steps, Mo Li felt something was wrong.

"It's getting foggy?"

The mountain road ahead was blurry, as if smoke was slowly rising from the forest spring and condensed into clouds.


Reiki, all Reiki.

He melted into the mist as if he didn't want money, and seemed to come over to greet him with joy.

For the first time, Mo Li felt that he was suffocated by being drowned by spiritual energy. These clouds and mists circled around him, and then turned around and came to Meng Qi's side.

Meng Qi had to work hard to get rid of the spiritual energy that was about to become reality, and the clouds and mist reluctantly dispersed.

However, the mountain was full of smoke, and the scene of the clouds lingering was still discovered by the people in the capital.

They all thought it was a natural phenomenon, and everyone from the Qin Tianjian to the folk alchemists began to calculate and divination.

"Good omen! This must be a good omen!"

The author has something to say:

Although these descriptions seem to be rambling, but... they are really just verbally rambling things, good omen and bad omen.

Lu Zhang: I think it's a bad omen


The title of the chapter is Han Yu's poem "Where is Yunheng's family in Qinling?"

In the setting of this article, Shangyun Mountain is not the Qinling Mountains, but only a part of the Qinling Mountains. Please do not use the actual place name OTZ if the specific location does not match.