Airborne hot search! Dressed as a villain, I'm a hit!

Chapter 93: Fan meeting


Before the fan meeting started, Li Xiang told all the participating actors some things to note.

I could vaguely hear the voice of the host on the stage and the cheers of the audience.

"Thank you very much for attending this fan meeting. It is also my great honor to host this fan meeting! I believe everyone must have been looking forward to our leading actors for a long time! Next, let us invite the leading actors to come on stage!"

As the music started, Meng Yao walked forward with other actors.

Ling Xiao stood in the middle position, and Meng Yao stood next to Ling Xiao, barely being the center.

As the fans in the audience cheered and applauded, Meng Yao waved and smiled along with the other guests.

The others were actually smiling, but Meng Yao just curled the corners of her mouth.

The other actors were all dressed brightly and beautifully, but Meng Yao was dressed in the most ordinary way, a light red sweater with simple flared jeans. It was more like going to the park for a stroll than attending a fan meeting.

But she is undoubtedly the most conspicuous person in the crowd, even the group of handsome men and beautiful women around her can't hide her edge at all. Her slightly curly long hair is casually scattered on her shoulders, lazy and smooth, the aqua red color sets off her creamy skin, and the slightly flared jeans wrap around her long and straight legs, extending to her exquisite curves.

It seemed that one of the fans below shouted Meng Yao's name excitedly.

Meng Yao subconsciously moved towards the actress next to her. Was there going to be rotten eggs flying towards her in the next second

Meng Qingqing was still smiling at the fans in the audience. She had practiced this smile for a long time, and she wanted a natural and stunning effect. She had to keep this smile for a long time, because there were countless cameras in the audience to capture her. If she was not in good condition, it would be an ugly photo.

But when she heard someone calling Meng Yao's name, she almost couldn't hold back the smile on her face. As long as she thought of Meng Yao's name, Meng Qingqing would think of the bad thing that had just happened.

She looked in Ling Xiao's direction, but unfortunately, she didn't catch any expression on Ling Xiao's face.

But Meng Qingqing knew that Ling Xiao was angry, and he seemed to be annoyed with her... Otherwise, why would he ignore her so many times

The host's voice sounded: "Hahaha, the leading actors are all here. Next, please ask them to introduce themselves."

The self-introductions started with the actors on the left. All of them had smiles on their faces and gentle tones, trying their best to talk about the more memorable parts of their characters, striving to leave the deepest impression in the hearts of fans.

Meng Qingqing held the microphone, her voice was very soft, and for her character setting, her makeup today was also soft and outstanding: "Hello everyone, I am Meng Qingqing who plays the heroine Xia Qianguang in "Tianyaxing". I am very happy to meet you all..."

She emphasized her status as the heroine, and her introduction was more of an introduction to herself than a character.

Li Xiang was watching from the backstage, and he just frowned: "This Meng Qingqing is a little too utilitarian. Does she treat this place as her own stage?"

Zhang Laimeng next to him said, "It's normal for young people to be a little impetuous."

Li Xiang snorted coldly: "Xu Feilang's vision is as bad as ever!"

Zhang Laimeng was just an assistant director. He couldn't afford to offend either side, so he simply remained silent.

Ling Xiao had seen such big scenes more than once before. He handled it very easily, and his appropriate humor made the audience laugh.

Soon it was Meng Yao's turn.

Ling Xiao also looked at her along with the audience.

The actress on Meng Yao's right was stunned. She was still replaying the introduction she was going to give in her mind. She didn't expect Meng Yao to finish so quickly. She raised the microphone, a little at a loss for a moment.

The host helped to liven up the atmosphere. He smiled and said, "Our Fu Yue's speech was very concise. Is there anything else you want to add?"

Meng Yao didn't even raise her eyes: "No."

Meng Yao deliberately stepped one leg slightly forward, narrowed her eyes, and looked extremely arrogant.

The fans in the audience reacted enthusiastically. Many of them had watched the popular variety show "Survival Challenge" and had long been accustomed to Meng Yao's various strange and outlandish actions. Her "various slacking incidents" that were very different from other artists made many viewers become her fans.

If Meng Yao had introduced herself seriously to please the audience at this moment, fans would probably find it even more bizarre.

Meng Yao had no idea what the people in the audience were thinking; she was concentrating on her own "slacking off".

The host naturally noticed the enthusiastic cheers from the audience, so he smiled and changed the subject: "It seems that Meng Yao is a very interesting person! Next, let's ask our Chen Ling to continue to introduce himself."

After finally finishing the self-introduction, Meng Yao thought that was the end, but she was invited to take a seat on the stage. It was said that they would continue chatting and playing small games. In short, there would be quite a while of interaction.

Meng Yao held her breath and sat in her seat.

"After watching the TV series Journey to the End of the World, the audience is very interested in your daily life on the set. Next, the big screen will show the photos taken on the set. Hahaha, I wonder if you still remember them now?"

Although they are said to be candid shots, they were actually prepared in advance by the crew in order to create various topics.

The big screen lit up, and then it showed a series of photos. All the people in the photos had different expressions and were doing very different things.

"Let's take a look. First, Ling Xiao's. It looks like he is reciting the script and chatting. Is that right, Mr. Ling Xiao?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly: "Yes, these are the two things I do most on the set."

Then it was Meng Qingqing's turn, and everyone was reciting the script.

The host was quite surprised: "Is this Meng Qingqing's daily routine? Weird, Qingqing has nothing else she wants to do besides memorizing the script?"

Meng Qingqing was waiting for such an opportunity. Her diligence and hard work attracted many people, and she was even repeatedly selected as an artist with a positive image.

"The director has given me this opportunity, so I must do my best to play my role well. I must not slack off and let the crew down. In addition, I think acting skills are the only treasure that can be taken away from the set. The set is a good opportunity to practice my acting skills. I have learned a lot here. If I have any questions, I will directly take the script to... Ling Xiao... Teacher. I have learned a lot."

She glanced at Ling Xiao seemingly inadvertently.

(End of this chapter)