Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 191: Golden Flower in the Stone (fifth update)


After Ling Han broke it several times, the golden light became more and more intense, and finally turned into a ball of brilliance that made it difficult to open one's eyes.

But the golden light quickly dimmed, and in Ling Han's hand suddenly appeared a golden plant, shaped like a chrysanthemum, with crystal clear flowers and stems, and an indescribable beauty.

"Eh!" "Ah!" "Oh!"

Everyone exclaimed that there was such a strange thing contained in a stone. It was unbelievable no matter how you thought about it.

"Give me back this flower!" The stall owner immediately shouted with red eyes. Even if he didn't know the goods, he could guess that there was a flower in the stone. It was absolutely extraordinary and could not be bought with two or two thousand silver.

Now he understood that Ling Han was just pretending to be afraid before, but in fact he had already set his sights on this stone.

This hateful boy!

Ling Han just ignored it and said to Huniu: "Niuniu, do you know what this is?"

Hu Niu smelled it and immediately showed an uninterested expression and said: "It's not delicious!"

Ling Han laughed loudly and said: "This is called the golden flower in the stone. It is nurtured by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Only this nine-poison stone can be cultivated, and its function is to detoxify. Just one small petal can detoxify the world. All poisons. And this root is even more incredible, it can dissolve any poison."

"Brother, this golden flower in the stone should be very valuable, right?" someone asked from the side.

"Of course." Ling Han nodded, "A warrior will inevitably have to take risks in an environment full of poisons. As long as you hold a petal of the golden flower in the stone, you can resist all poisons. How valuable do you think it is?"

"Is one piece worth ten thousand taels of silver?" someone asked in a trembling voice.

"Ten thousand taels?" Ling Han shook his head with a smile and said, "If you want to take an adventure in such a dangerous place, the rewards will naturally be astonishing. It is not unusual to spend millions or even tens of millions of taels of silver to prepare for this. . Therefore, this petal costs one hundred thousand taels."

There was a gasping sound all around, and the price of one hundred thousand taels of silver was so scary, because how many petals are contained in this golden flower in the stone? Let's say a few hundred at least, so it's worth tens of millions.

Moreover, the main stem is said to be able to detoxify all toxins, so it is naturally even more valuable.

"Hahahaha, boy, give me back my golden flower in the stone!" The stall owner had also listened to Ling Han's explanation before. After knowing the value of this golden flower, he was naturally surprised and happy. He was secretly laughing at Ling Han for being a fool. When he unveiled the treasure in front of everyone, he was also very happy. Now he was going to make a fortune.

"Are you sick?" Ling Han smiled faintly, "This is my thing, what does it have to do with you?"

"This is your money, give it back to you!" The stall owner threw out two silver notes, "Now, give me back my golden flower in the stone!"

"The transaction is completed, this thing is naturally mine, and I don't want to sell this thing to you." Ling Han said solemnly.

"Haha, who dares not to sell something that I, Ruan Shizhong, likes?" The stall owner sneered and reached out to grab Ling Han's neck.

Huniu took action, slapped her ear with her tiger palm, and with a bang, Ruan Shizhong was immediately sent flying, hit a wall hard, and slowly slid down again, and was knocked unconscious.

Everyone was shocked, how could a little girl who was only five or six years old have such great power

Ling Han took a piece of cloth and wrapped the golden flower in the stone. He did not want to expose the secret of the space ring in front of everyone. He glanced at the other four gangsters and said with a smile, "Do you also want to steal my things?"

The four people shook their heads in unison, sweat dripping from their foreheads.

Ruan Shizhong is the strongest among the five of them. He is at the eighth level of body training, but he was knocked unconscious by a little girl. You can imagine that this young man is even more extraordinary.

Pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, absolutely pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger!

This guy showed fear on purpose before, just to play a trick on them. Now they have personally sold a treasure at a low price for two thousand taels of silver. Every time they think about it in the future, they will be heartbroken and have thoughts of committing suicide. This is the biggest punishment for them.

No wonder this kid took out the golden flower from the stone in public just to stimulate them.

Damn it!

Ling Han took Huniu's hand and walked away. Liu Yutong smiled, and she knew that Ling Han must have discovered something.

The two elders and the younger one left quickly, leaving everyone with envious and admiring looks.

"Brother Shizhong!" Four gangsters rushed to help Ruan Shizhong. After pinching him and pouring cold water on him, they finally woke him up.

"Ah!" Ruan Shizhong roared, "My treasure!" He jumped up suddenly, and when he found that everyone nearby was looking at him with gloating expressions, he couldn't help but turn red, feeling ashamed and confused. anger.

"Brother Shizhong, what should we do now?" the four gangsters asked.

Ruan Shizhong thought for a while and said: "You two follow that kid and see where he goes. You two go back with me and ask Hall Master Ai to come forward and get the treasure back!"

"But Brother Shizhong, if you ask Hall Master Ai to come forward, the big head will definitely be given to him!" A ruffian said cautiously.

Bang, Ruan Shizhong slapped him in the face and cursed: "You idiot, if we don't ask Hall Master Ai to deal with that kid, we won't get anything. If Hall Master Ai snatches the treasure back, we can at least have some soup." "

"Yes, yes, Brother Shizhong is smarter." The four ruffians nodded.

"Hurry up and leave!" Ruan Shizhong glared.

"What's here?" A ruffian pointed at something on the stall.

"It's not valuable in the first place. Besides, who dares to steal my things?"

The five people immediately split up, two of them stared behind Ling Han, and the other three went to move reinforcements. Tens of millions and hundreds of millions of treasures were involved, so how could they let go.

"Master Han, someone is following us." Liu Yutong said suddenly.

"Let them follow and deal with them later when there are more people." Ling Han said with a smile.

"One girl wants to fight ten!" Huniu said excitedly. The little girl grew up with tigers. She is wild and has an extreme preference for violence.

"Okay!" Ling Han laughed. The little girl has an extremely weird spiritual root in her body. In the future, let alone ten of them, the whole world may tremble because of her.

Liu Yutong couldn't help but rolled his eyes. Ling Han actually educated Huniu like this. Wasn't he encouraging the little girl to act randomly

Along the way, they soon arrived at Tianwu Hall.

It is really lively here, with a magnificent hall surrounded by a square square, and in this square there are many people standing, some holding signs to recruit people to form a team to complete the task.

Ling Han smiled slightly and said, "We also put up a sign to recruit people!"

I didn't expect that buying a brand here was so expensive, it actually cost ten taels of silver. Ling Han didn't care, but Liu Yutong was unwilling to spend such wasteful money and glared at the man.

Ling Han wrote on it with a dragon and snake pen, and then tied it to a stone and fixed it.

Suddenly, he became the center of attention.