Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 278: The Rain Emperor strikes again


In the Flower Realm, separated from the mortal body, mountains and rivers can collapse with just a few movements, which is extremely terrifying.

He Zhengchu got angry and punched out, turning into a huge roc like a mountain. He flapped his wings and swept towards the hill, blowing up a terrible strong wind, like a sword, kakaka, and the hill immediately collapsed.

The Rain Emperor waved his sleeves, and Ling Han and the others were rolled down the mountain by him. They were wrapped in a soft force. Although they fell to the ground, they were unscathed.

"If you want to fight, I will fight you to the death!" The hill has collapsed, but the Rain Emperor still stands proudly at its original position at the top of the mountain, standing in the air, exuding endless domineering power.

With the support of the country, although he was only half-stepped into becoming a flower, he already had all the abilities to become a flower.

"Follow me!" The Rain Emperor broke through the air and rose into the sky.

Of course, He Zhengchu couldn't be cowardly, and he also rose into the sky. In just a moment, there were streaks of light in the sky, and terrifying power fluctuations came like a sea wave, with a mountain of pressure, shaking everyone's heart.

This battle will inevitably make countless people lose their ambition for martial arts, and they can only tremble under such pressure all day long, but there must be some geniuses who can overcome the fear in their hearts and move forward to a wider world.

In the sky, the battle continued, but no one could see the specific situation clearly. Even Ling Han couldn't see it at all because he was too far away. He could only sense the power fluctuations and make judgments.

Theoretically, the Rain Emperor, who is only half-stepping into the Flower Stage, can never be He Zhengchu's opponent. However, this generation of Rain Emperor is extremely talented and has the complete power of the Flower Stage with the support of the country. It is hard to say whether he will win or lose.

Moreover, the Rain Emperor is unparalleled in his domineering power and can use the power of the country so vividly. From the Tianzi Boxing Technique he created, we can see how amazing this Rain Emperor's talent in martial arts is.

Ling Han nodded secretly, no wonder the Rain Emperor had to give up his throne so soon, because his goal was not satisfied with the realm of living flowers, but to advance to the spiritual infant or even the realm of gods and gods, and stay on the throne of the Rain Kingdom. This world Just too small.

Half an hour later, He Zhengchu and Yuhuang flew down from the sky almost at the same time. Both of them stood proudly, and it was impossible to see who was winning and who was losing.

He Zhengchu stared at Yuhuang coldly for a long time, and then said: "There is no way this matter can just be let go!" He reached out and grabbed Feng Yan, turned around and walked away. In a few steps, he had reached the horizon and disappeared. No trace.

Everyone was relieved. After all, a strong man in the Flower Realm was showing off his power. This pressure was too great and made everyone breathless.

Then, everyone looked at Yuhuang with fiery eyes.

It was so powerful that it actually forced away a strong man from the Flower Realm!

The Dongyue Sect is a terrifying behemoth in the Northern Territory. If someone from the Flower Realm came to the Nine Kingdoms of the Northern Wilderness, even the king should be trembling with fear and not dare to show any slightest care, right

But the Rain Emperor was so strong that he took action without hesitation and drove He Zhengchu away.

Worthy of being the overlord of a country.

"Long live my emperor! Long live! Long live!" Everyone roared, like a landslide and a tsunami. Even the heads of the eight great families were no exception. Such a strong man and such domineering power made them willing to sacrifice their lives.

The Rain Emperor nodded, straightened up, and flew directly back to the palace, and then a voice came over: "Ling Han, come to the palace to see me."

See you again!

Everyone looked at Ling Han with envy. The Rain Emperor rarely summoned anyone alone, but in just half a month, Ling Han was summoned twice in a row, which really made him jealous.

Ling Hanrong was unfazed by the favor, and how could he be disturbed based on his character? He picked up Huniu, nodded to Guangyuan, Zhu Wujiu and others, and went back to the other courtyard first.

He was completely in no mood to deal with the congratulations of others, and observed Huniu's condition as he walked. Fortunately, Huniu just fainted from the shock. She might have been a little injured at the time, but she has now recovered mostly.

The little girl is also a freak.

Ling Han felt relieved and returned to his residence at Huyang College. He took Huniu into the black tower, and then opened the box containing the Eye of True Sight, which turned out to be an eyeball.

This should be a human eyeball, but the strange thing is that it is as hard as iron stone, and there is a wound that goes down to the depth of the eyeball. Judging from the shape of the wound, it should be caused by an arrow. Apparently the owner of the eyeball was shot in the eye by an arrow, and when he pulled out the long arrow, he also took out the eyeball.

Ling Han observed carefully, there were still black bruises on his eyeballs, and there was a vague aura that made people feel palpitated. However, it had been too long, and this aura was only an empty shell, and its power was not obvious.

"The owner of this eyeball was at least in the realm of heavenly beings during his lifetime." He judged, "If the wound hadn't been too deep and destroyed the martial arts will in it, he would still have terrifying power now."

"When you practice the Eye of True Sight, your eyes will also be tempered. Otherwise, if you were hit in the eye by a warrior of the same level, the entire eyeball would have exploded instead of just leaving a hole."

Ling Han himself was once a strong man in the Heavenly Realm, and he clearly knew the power and limits of this realm. The eyes were definitely the most vulnerable part, and it was good to have Yuan Power to protect them. Once broken, the attack could go straight into the brain.

The inheritance of supernatural powers is rather special and cannot be expressed in words or words. It is usually passed down through blood, from parents to children. If outsiders want to learn, this is the only way. For example, the Eye of True Seeing can directly use the eyeball to study, and the Hand of Darkness can study it through the palm of the hand.

Ling Han didn't rush to study and put his eyes into the black tower. He wanted to go to the palace first.

Summoned by the Rain Emperor, this face must be given. After all, the Rain Emperor had made a strong move to block He Zhengchu for him. Although He Zhengchu did not dare to go too far after he showed his identity as a high-level Xuan-level alchemist, human feelings are after all. Favor.

Ling Han went to the palace, and when he was halfway there, he felt his left hand tremble, and a thought came to him.

It's a strange fire.

It also "ate" a part of the demonic energy before, but it immediately held on until the suspended animation passed. It has been silent these days, and now it finally woke up.

"Yeah!" The strange fire conveyed happy thoughts to him. Ling Han could sense that the strange fire was indeed a bit stronger. However, it immediately showed its eagerness to swallow more demonic energy.

"No more, no more!" Ling Han said angrily. He also conveyed his thoughts through his spiritual consciousness, otherwise he would be thought of as having a brain problem. "I'll do it for you later, but you have to treat me well." Work.”

"Yeah!" The strange fire flashed, and he didn't know whether he was nodding or expressing dissatisfaction.

"You put it into the black tower. I have a way to increase the power of the flame." Xiaota said suddenly.

"Really?" Ling Han said subconsciously, although he knew that it was impossible for a weapon spirit to lie - although a weapon spirit carries the word "spiritual", it can never become a living being. It naturally has no emotions and has the ability to lie.

It's just that what Xiaota said was a bit shocking, which shocked him.

"Really." Xiaota said calmly.