Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 362: A haunted house?


Only Ling Han and Guang Yuan participated in this operation.

They just went to explore the situation, not to fight, so they didn't need too many people. Besides, Can Ye was the only one with a good fighting ability, and the others were still too young.

As for Yue Kaiyu, he was still fast asleep. He was so drunk that he probably wouldn't wake up until the next day.

Ling Han and Guang Yuan took advantage of the night to travel through the streets and alleys of Haifeng City. Soon, a huge mansion appeared in front of them. Lanterns were dotted around the mansion, showing the owner of the mansion. of great wealth.

Ling Han jumped up to the roof and glanced over, showing a look of surprise.

Even though there was light all around the house, it was completely dark inside, and not a single room had a light on. To say that it was indeed midnight, most people were asleep, but the whole house was as dark as ink. No matter how you thought about it, something was wrong.

Guangyuan immediately wanted to climb over the wall, but was caught by Ling Han.

"There is an early warning formation," Ling Han said. Without the need for true seeing, his divine consciousness in the realm of gods and humans can sense it.

Guangyuan stopped immediately. Of course, he could not doubt Ling Han's words. This young man is so terrifying. He is only seventeen years old. Not only is he an Earth-level alchemist, he is also on an equal footing with him in terms of martial arts.

"Can it be broken?" he asked in a low voice.

Ling Han smiled slightly and said, "It's not difficult."

This is just an early warning formation, not the kind of large formation that protects the mountain gate. Ling Han has entered so many ancient monuments before, and he has dealt with early warning formations the most.

The items in the black tower became more and more abundant. Ling Han just had to think about it and took out items one by one. He quickly opened a hole in the early warning formation and entered the mansion with Guangyuan.

"So eerie!" Guangyuan couldn't help but cross his arms.

Ling Han nodded. From the outside, he felt that something was wrong with the darkness of the house. But after walking in, it felt even more eerie and terrifying.

The two walked through the garden and entered a courtyard, both of them tiptoed.

They were observing quietly in the corner. The situation was unclear, but of course they were cautious in everything. But just for a moment, the two of them looked surprised at the same time and looked at each other.

- Such a large house was as quiet as a tomb, without a single sound.

Even if it's late at night and everyone is asleep, there should always be the sound of breathing, right

However, it was so quiet here that there was no sound of breathing, and it was dead silent, as if the entire house had been slaughtered, and no one was left alive.

They entered the yard and began to search, but as they searched each room, their expressions became more and more serious.

No one was in any of the houses.

There is no living person and no dead person.

How is this going

"Go over there and have a look." Ling Han pointed to another yard.

Guangyuan nodded, and the two of them went to the yard to search again. The result was the same, there was no one alive or dead.

"We will search separately and meet at the place where we came in an hour later." Ling Han said, this mansion is very big, with nearly twenty courtyards alone.


An hour later, the two appeared at the place of entry.

They shook their heads at each other, to no avail.

There was no one in the entire mansion!

How can this be

"Go out first and observe outside." Ling Han said, and the two of them left the Duan Mansion and waited for dawn.

When the rooster crows, the house suddenly comes alive, and everyone walks out of the house, instantly restored to life.

Ling Han and Guang Yuan looked at each other, but a chill rose from the bottom of their hearts.

This is so abnormal!

"If you look carefully, the crowd seems to be coming out of that room." Ling Han said. He and Guang Yuan were sitting on the top of an attic at this time. From a high position, they could see clearly.

Guangyuan nodded: "Well, I've seen that room before. It should be a lobby. It's very ordinary. But it definitely can't accommodate so many people. Moreover, I checked and there was absolutely no one in it at that time! Not even a ghost. nothing!"

Ling Han showed curiosity and said: "There must be a secret passage in the house. They go in through the secret passage at night and come out in the morning. No wonder we didn't find any of them yesterday. They should all be hiding in the underground secret room. Just let What I wonder is, why would they do this?”

This is Duan Mansion, their place. They have a house but no room to live in. Why do they have to hide underground

"Go back first and come back to explore again in the evening." Ling Han said, this time even he was aroused with strong curiosity.

The two returned to the inn. Yue Kaiyu finally woke up from the alcohol, but his hangover was still lingering. He still covered his head and gritted his teeth whenever there was a loud sound.

"Ha, let's see how dare you get drunk again." Ling Han laughed loudly on purpose.

Yue Kaiyu quickly covered his ears and said, "It seems like you got me drunk on purpose, right?"

Ling Han chuckled and said, "Go and drink some ginger soup. I will take you to a good place in the evening."

Yue Kaiyu immediately looked at Ling Han with a strange look and said, "I said, you already have two beauties, and you still want to go to a place of debauchery? I can go alone in a place like this."

Ling Han was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what was happening. He couldn't help but shook his head and said, "What a dirty thought!"

"Bah, I'm not as naughty as you. I have two beauties and you're still staring at the pot." Yue Kaiyu expressed his disdain.

After Yue Kaiyu took a nap and completely eliminated his drunkenness, Ling Han introduced Zhu Wujiu, Can Ye and Guangyuan to Yue Kaiyu.

"Haha, since you are all friends of Junior Brother Han, you will also be friends of me, Yue Kaiyu, from now on." He said very boldly. This was to give Ling Han face. If it were an ordinary person, how could the eldest son of the Yue family be in such a good mood.

He originally wanted to urge Ling Han to set off, but Ling Han said that he would buy some things in Seawind City and take him to a good place at night, so he had no choice but to endure it and buy some dry food. The Demonic Forest must be well prepared for at least half a year.

As the only male in the Yue family, he naturally has a space ring.

He was a little smug at first, but when he saw that even Hu Niu had a space ring and took out the meat to chew, he was immediately shocked. The smell of the meat made his mouth water.

This guy was so thick-skinned that he actually asked Huniu for meat, but Huniu, who had always regarded food as her life, generously gave him a piece of meat, which made Yue Kaiyu's eyebrows twitch.

Oh my god, there are such delicious things in the world.

In just a few moments, Yue Kaiyu was completely bribed by Huniu.

In the evening, when Ling Han called Shang Guangyuan and Yue Kaiyu to go to Duan Mansion together, he heard Yue Kaiyu say honestly: "Junior Brother Han, it turns out that Huniu is your food! Tsk, tsk, tsk, you really have a special taste, you like this kind of food seedling."