Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 89: Old ghost


After so many days, Huniu barely learned some words. The most commonly used words were "meat", then "kill", and then "Linghan". These three words only added up to four words.

However, she at least knew that "Hu Niu" was her name, and she would look up when the name was called.

She still didn't like walking on two feet, but Ling Han had a great influence on her, making her imitate him unconsciously. When the four of them came to the imperial capital, the wild girl finally adapted to walking on her feet. But when no one is around, all four limbs are still moving together, which is so fast, just like a tiger out of the cage.

The problem of not liking to wear clothes has not changed. It only takes a few days for her to wear new clothes. This makes Ling Han and Liu Yutong very worried, but Ling Zixuan is very envious because she can always change them. clothing.

It actually costs one tael of silver to enter the city, which is four taels of silver for four people. Although it is a trivial matter to Ling Han, considering that so many people come in and out every day, this adds up to an astonishing amount.

As expected, it is good to be an emperor. I drive this road and collect money as soon as I come in. I feel confident.

After the four of them entered the city gate, it was just around noon, and they decided to have dinner first and then go to the academy to register.

"Meat! Meat! Meat!" Huniu sat down seriously and began to drool.

Ling Han didn't even look at the menu and said to the waiter: "Just pick something delicious and serve it. There must be a lot of meat!"

"Okay!" The waiter responded and left.

There were not many customers in the restaurant for the time being, but as the dishes were served one after another, and it was almost time for most people to eat, the number of guests gradually increased, and it became more and more lively.

Huniu didn't use chopsticks. She just stretched out her little hands to grab the whole chicken and duck. She could eat them all in just a few seconds, and her appetite was amazing.

"Don't worry about getting your hands dirty!" Ling Han shook his head and taught her this countless times, but the wild girl always found it troublesome to use chopsticks.

Huniu smiled and continued to eat enthusiastically.

In comparison, Ling Zixuan is much more gentle, she talks small, smiles without showing her teeth, and has begun to take on the temperament of a lady.

"What a handsome girl." An old voice sounded, causing Ling Han and Liu Yutong to turn their heads and look over.

This is an old man who looks to be about sixty years old. He is dressed in brocade clothes and has rings on eight of his ten fingers. He looks extremely wealthy. His eyes were staring at Huniu and Ling Zixuan, and they were about to burst into flames.

"Are you two the little girl's parents?" the old man came over and asked, but immediately introduced himself, "I am Chen Yunxiang, the shopkeeper of Sihai Trading Company, with a little reputation."

Liu Yutong shook his head, while Ling Han looked at Chen Yunxiang and said, "We are not their parents, just relatives."

Ling Zixuan smiled at the old man sensibly and called her grandpa, while Huniu only focused on eating. In her opinion, eating meat was the biggest thing in the world.

Chen Yunxiang seemed to like these two little girls very much and kept talking, which made Ling Zixuan laugh non-stop, but Huniu just ignored them.

At first, Ling Han only thought that the old man really liked children, so he didn't care. However, the old man's eyes became more and more strange, as if he was staring at the wolf's cubs. The green color was about to glow. He finally realized it. I met an old pervert, and he was specifically targeting little girls.

"Come, grandpa, let me show you the palm prints!" Xiang Xiang couldn't help but stretched out his hand to grab Ling Zixuan's little hand, revealing his true face.


Ling Han reached out and grabbed the old man's wrist, with a sharp look, he said, "Old guy, you are so old and you still refuse to be honest?"

**** Xiang was not a warrior. When Ling Han grabbed him like this, he immediately cried out for his father and mother in pain. It wasn't until he was thrown away by Ling Han that he stumbled back. When he raised his hand, he saw that there were four more fingers on his wrist. The marks were so green that they turned black.

His face was also a little dark, and he was afraid of Ling Han, but he was unwilling to give up on these two little girls carved in pink and jade, and said: "They are not your daughters anyway, so why not make a price!"

A murderous look flashed across Ling Han's face, and he said: "Old pervert, if you say another word about killing, I will kill you!"

Xiang Xiang wanted to increase the price even more to impress Ling Han, but when he saw the murderous look on his face, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He didn't dare to cause trouble again and quickly turned around and left. But he would not give up so easily, and said in his heart: "Humph, since you don't know how to praise me, I will ask the people from the Dishui Sect to help snatch these two little girls!"

The old man stumbled away, causing other guests in the restaurant to burst into laughter.

"Brother, that old guy is a famous pervert, and he keeps an eye on little girls. If he hadn't just spent money, he would have been beaten to death so many times." A customer knew the old pervert. , said while shaking his head.

Ling Han didn't take it to heart. The old man himself was not a warrior, so his circle could only be mortals with limited energy. If Chen Yunxiang didn't know what was good and bad just now, he would never show mercy.

Huniu ate the meat very quickly, as if she was afraid that someone would snatch it from her. However, when Ling Han and the others had already filled their stomachs, she was still eating, and her speed did not slow down at all.

This made the guests in the restaurant marvel. They couldn't figure out how the little girl could fit it into such a small belly.

It wasn't until after two o'clock in the afternoon that the little girl patted her belly with satisfaction, got into Ling Han's arms, and soon fell asleep.

Can eat and sleep.

Ling Han stood up to pay the bill. He actually spent over a thousand taels of silver in one meal, at least 90% of which was in Huniu's belly. This shows how wasteful the little girl is. Fortunately, Ling Han had killed Hang Zhan, Ma Lang and others before, so he had no shortage of money in his pocket.

The four of them left the restaurant and continued towards Huyang College.

"There are two people who have been following us." After walking for a while, Liu Yutong said to Ling Han.

Ling Han nodded and said, "I've noticed it for a long time. I don't know if it's our money or our people!"

If it were a human... He couldn't help but flash a fierce light in his eyes. Needless to say, it must be Chen Yunxiang, an old pervert. Don't blame him for being ruthless.

"Coming!" Liu Yutong whispered again. At this time, the two of them were walking into a remote alley. There was no one around. This was of course Ling Han's intention.

I saw two strong men walking up quickly. When they came to Ling Han, one hugged Ling Zixuan, and the other reached out to Ling Han to snatch Huniu from his arms.

These two strong men were not warriors, they were just a little stronger than ordinary people. After all, only one of the ten people had spiritual roots, so how could there be so many warriors.

Ling Han smiled and not only did not resist, he even raised his hands, allowing the strong man to easily snatch Huniu over.

The strong man couldn't help but be stunned. This reaction really surprised him.

However, Huniu was awakened. She was as vigilant as a wild beast. When she found that she was being held by a strange man, her eyes immediately showed a fierce light.