Alien Ruler

Chapter 103: The inside should be in harmony with the outside


After the Latin Queen besieged the city for dozens of hours, and after all her throwing machines were destroyed, she finally launched a general attack that night as Diao Si had predicted.

In fact, Diao Si was still worried because the teams of the Glorious Empire suddenly dispersed around the Holy Mountain of the Imperial City, especially the large group of black monsters that suddenly disappeared.

However, because the birdmen who were specialized in reconnaissance could not find anything, Diao Si was helpless and could only ask Lafite to arrange for her troops to be on guard throughout the city.

Then the Latin Queen's shield army quickly attacked the front of the city gate under the cover of three golden warriors, and they were about to attack the city gate. Even if the city gate is broken, it will not be easy for the Latin Queen's troops to pass through here, but she is afraid that she has some unknown plans.

Next, they will continue to use those stones to attack the shield formation, because even if the enemy can attack the city wall, it will take a long time to break through the city wall, so that they can continue to kill the enemy.

However, the strange thing is that after they blocked the shield in front of the city gate, there was still no sound of attacking the city wall, Diao Si couldn't feel any vibration on it, and the soldiers inside the city still didn't move at all.

how did this happen? The Latin Queen sacrificed so many warriors to preserve the shield array, and finally reached the city gate, but did not attack the city gate. Isn't it too strange

Then the shield array suddenly retreated for a long distance. Only then did Diao Si see a lot of cannonballs piled up next to the city gate below. The Latin Queen had actually thought of such a trick. She really couldn't be underestimated.

With a loud bang, the city gate was blown down, and the soldiers blocking the city wall were blasted away to varying degrees. Needless to say, the city gate must have been broken, and the Latin Queen's troops will attack next.

"Report to the Seventh Princess..." An elite birdman flew over. This was the birdman in Lafite's team. It flew over in such a hurry, it must have something important to report to her.

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly!" Lafite said, and the bird told her that there were a large number of unknown creatures appearing near the Pool of Light. They killed everyone they saw and were very ferocious. The soldiers on guard were now Resist them tenaciously.

This news was simply sensational. Diao Si's worries were indeed true. Fortunately, he had Lafite's troops on guard inside the city.

Now Diao Sicai recalled what the birdman general said before. Some birdmen found that the river on the right side of the palace had swollen. It must have been caused by those monsters hiding in the water together. Unexpectedly, these monsters can sneak into the water that other creatures are afraid of, and more unexpected things may happen.

"How did they get in? Immediately go to the right side of the palace and light up the surroundings. You must know how those monsters got in!" Diao Si said loudly and called a gryphon. He wanted to rush there immediately to take a look. .

In this way, Lafite ignored the Latin Queen's army in front of her. She also called a gryphon to go there with Diao Si.

At this time, the Latin Queen's troops in front of the city gate were just waiting. They probably wanted to wait for the monsters inside to come out and fight with them inside and outside when the imperial city was in chaos.

"Lafite, where are you going? The enemy is about to attack the city!" It was the voice of the second princess Lamu. She had already climbed to the top of the city wall, followed by an elite team of bows and arrows.

Lafite turned around and told her: "An enemy has sneaked into the palace, I have to go over and deal with it first!" Then he continued to chase Diao Si away from the city wall.

The griffin took Diao Si directly to the front of the palace, where a fierce fighting was going on. The ground was already full of corpses of killed soldiers, and there were even stumps and broken arms. The scene was quite bloody.

After Diao Si landed on the ground, he first looked around for the source of those monsters, but they didn't seem to come from just one location, there were their shadows in a good range around him.

"Uh ah..." was the scream of a silver warrior. When she stabbed a monster, she failed to pull out her weapon, so the other two monsters pounced on her and killed her.

Only then did Diao Si see clearly. The black monster looked like a large lobster, with fins on its abdomen and tail visible. They were aquatic monsters, no wonder they could submerge in the water.

These monsters that appear to be fully armored are not wearing any armor at all, but hard armor like scales that they grow on themselves. The hard armor that grows on the body is close to the body and does not affect movement. It is better than those that wear The armor is much more advanced.

Their weapons are entirely their limbs. Their two front claws are as sharp as bayonets, and even the few spikes on their foreheads are no less powerful than weapons.

Oops, they focused on Diao Si, who was watching from the side. Diao Si was once again frightened to the point of numbness. He turned around and wanted to escape somewhere, but he couldn't choose the way.

Suddenly a golden light lit up, and Diao Si felt at ease. Lafite was here, and Diao Si would not be in danger with her. So while Lafite was fighting with those shrimp monsters, Diao Si observed his surroundings. Sure enough, these shrimp monsters had climbed up from the water pool, and they were crawling out one after another.

This is a perfect plan. The Pool of Light covers a large area and is located behind the entire Imperial City. They want to conceal their route into the Imperial City in this way. This cannot fool Diao Si. He already knows that these shrimp monsters have been It's hiding by the river on the right side of the palace, so it climbed up from that side.

"Don't worry about these prawns for now, take me to the right side of the palace where the spring is flowing!" Diao Si walked behind Lafite and said to her. This was a good way to climb in when he studied the terrain map before.

At this time, Lafite was still in panic, because these monsters were so powerful. They had the same armor and defense as the Silver Light Warriors. If they could also use skills, they would almost become Silver Light Warriors.

Lafite threw Diao Si on his back as usual, and then killed in the direction Diao Si said, only to find that some shrimp monsters had already rushed into the palace and killed many of Lalan's male concubines.

"Don't worry, do you think your queen mother can't defeat such a giant shrimp?" When Diao Si saw Lafite about to rush into the palace, he immediately advised her, because those shrimp monsters must still be crawling in now, trying to To clear them, you must first cut off their escape route.

"What's the big blind thing? Have you ever seen such a monster?" This is probably what Lafite said, because she had never heard of such a term, so when she asked Diao Si, Diao Si didn't want to explain it to her.

They haven't arrived at that location yet, but Diao Si and Lafite have already seen a row of black shrimp monsters crawling over from the cliff of the holy mountain. They relied on those sharp claws to crawl directly through the rocks.

"Wind spirit, roar, I'm going to blow these ferocious prawns into the sky!" Before Lafite could finish marveling, Diao Si immediately cast his magic, and then the strong wind came, which was very difficult for those who were climbing carefully. For the shrimp monster on the cliff, it is certainly the most terrifying blow.

Diao Si watched the shrimp monsters clinging to the cliff screaming and rolling down, and it felt so good. However, several nearby shrimp monsters rushed over immediately, and Lafite lit up her golden light again. weapons.

"Gryphon, come here quickly and take me up there!" Diao Si knew that there must be many monsters climbing up on the other side of the holy mountain. He wanted to take this opportunity to slam those hateful monsters to death. The shrimp monster.

But this time Lafite couldn't get away and fly with him, because all the shrimp monsters nearby were attracted by them, and she was too busy.

Soon he flew to the cliff of the holy mountain. By the light of the fire in the city, Diao Si could faintly see two black shrimp monsters crawling on the cliff.

"Wind Elf, Wind Elf, I want you to roll up those dark shrimp monsters, roll them all up!" Diao Si used a small tornado, and the shrimp monsters that were still crawling slowly were immediately swept away. , even those who were still lined up in the river were suddenly rolled up.

The shrimp monsters were taken away like this. Seeing that the cliff became clean again, Diao Si felt happy. Then he turned his head and wanted to fly back, and met a group of Latin Queen's birdmen.

"Kill him, he is the wizard who casts the spell, don't let him escape!" The birdmen roared in a high-pitched voice, and flew over with the nets and knives. Diao Si was frightened when he saw it. This was over a hundred meters high. If he fell, he would be doomed. (To be continued)