Alien Ruler

Chapter 104: Defeat the shrimp soldiers


Diao Si had just summoned a tornado and rolled down all the shrimp monsters. Then he turned around and met the Latin Queen's birdmen. This is very dangerous, because he is at high altitude, and the gryphon he is riding does not have much strength anymore.

"Wind Elf, drive away these ugly birdmen for me!" Diao Si continued to use magic. The birdmen in front were quickly blown away by the strong wind, but there were still more birdmen on the left, right, and behind, and many birdmen continued to attack. Coming over, Diao Si could not blow away all the birdmen in all directions, because summoning the strong wind was a ranged attack, so his gryphon would also be blown over.

"Wind Spirit..." Diao Si continued to attack, but a net was thrown over his head and he could no longer cast spells. He raised his hands to set up the net and asked the gryphon to fly down to the ground.

However, the nets continued to be thrown over and soon stuck to the wings of the gryphon. Then the birdmen rushed over to attack him. The situation became even more critical. He finally accidentally slipped from the gryphon's body. Go down.

"Wind Spirit, save me..." Diao Si shouted and immediately summoned the strong wind, but the strong wind almost tore his clothes, but it still could not stop him from continuing to fall.

"Blow me to... no, let's go to the ground." Diao Siwei originally blew me to the Pool of Light, so he probably wouldn't fall to death, but thinking of those giant shrimp monsters, he would rather fall to the ground.

However, when he closed his eyes and arched his body to prepare for a fall, he bumped into something soft. It was Lafite. She actually caught Diao Si. She was so amazing. Although the hand that caught Diao Si hurt Diao Si, it couldn't be considered an injury.

In fact, this was also due to the wind elf. It was the wind elf that slowed down his fall, allowing Lafite to catch him so accurately, and the impact force was also reduced.

"How's it going? Have you blown all the monsters over there to the ground?" Lafite was still wearing a helmet, but Diao Si could hear her joy in her words.

"No..." Diao Si responded by jumping back to the ground from her arms, and then continued: "I just blew them into the sky."

At this time, there were not many shrimp monsters around, but these shrimp monsters really killed a lot of soldiers, and there were corpses all around.

When Lafite was protecting Diao Si and about to enter the palace, there were several shrimp monsters crawling out quickly. This was abnormal. Aren't they going in to kill people? How could you escape like this

Until I saw someone chasing after me, it turned out to be La Lan. She wasn't even wearing any armor and was only holding a weapon. She actually beat these shrimp monsters and fled.

Lalan also said loudly to Lafite: "Fei'er, don't interfere, I will kill them to avenge my concubine!"

La Lan said this, causing Lafite who was about to take action to put away her weapon, but she still stood at the exit of the palace, leaving those shrimp monsters with no way to escape.

"This golden one is more powerful, buddy, let's go back to that old guy..." Diao Si could actually understand the words of those shrimp monsters. He once again lamented that the magic of Elder Red Staff was really amazing.

However, this "old guy" was not easy to bully at all. After she shouted a few times, the shrimp monsters fell to the ground. But Diao Si could tell that La Lan was out of breath after killing them. After all, she was old and it was indeed time to abdicate.

"How did these damn monsters get in?" Lalan asked Lafite angrily. In fact, she didn't blame Lafite, she just felt sad when she saw these monsters killing so many of her concubines.

"Back to the Mother Queen, they crawled in from the spring at the back..." Lafite responded, and Lalan raised her head and looked at the cliff. It was hard for her to believe that these shrimp monsters could actually climb up there.

Diao Si seized this opportunity and said to Lalan: "These monsters were originally going to hide in the Pool of Light, gather together and act together, cooperating with the enemies at the city gate. If the princess hadn't had the foresight to send people inside the city, Be on guard, the consequences will be disastrous!”

After listening to this, Lalan looked at the corpses of the soldiers and shrimp monsters on the ground, nodded to Lafite, and said, "I knew that Feier was the best, but why did you fail so badly when you attacked Ruifeng City?" Woolen cloth?"

Hearing La Lan's words, Diao Si could only look at Lafite with his mouth wide open. This incident was very harmful to Lafite. Lalan would bring it out if he had anything to do. No wonder Lafite hated him so much at the beginning. he.

At this time, another special guard of Lalan came to report on a three-legged monster: "Your Majesty the Emperor of Light, the enemy troops at the city gate have retreated under the fierce attack of my archers, and now they are building the city gate. "

The guard kept looking at the corpses of the soldiers and shrimp monsters around him. How could he have thought that a big battle had just happened in the palace

"Then approximately how many enemies did we destroy? How much were the losses?" La Lan asked the guard again.

The guard thought for a moment before responding: "About a few thousand enemies were wiped out. There seems to be no loss. It was just that more than a dozen elites were injured by the explosion..."

After hearing her return, La Lan must have thought of something. The Latin Queen had no intention of attacking like this at all. She was waiting for the response of these shrimp monsters. Unfortunately, this plot was ruined by Lafite in advance.

"Go back and follow up. If you have any questions, report to me as soon as possible... Also, ask Princess Lacy to come to the palace." After Lalan said this, she said a few more words of praise for Lafite, then turned around and went back.

Diao Si could tell that La Lan's words were just to deal with Lafite, but he never expected that Lafite would be so happy after hearing this. It seems that La Lan's status in her heart is extremely high. It is impossible for her to raise a weapon against La Lan.

"Now I believe that those monsters will not dare to climb over again, but we must continue to strengthen our vigilance and pay special attention to the situation on the cliffs until dawn." Diao Si told Lafite that he was actually very sleepy now because he had used magic.

This is a big problem. I really don’t know when he will stop using a powerful magic to drain all his energy, or should there be some medicine that can replenish energy like in the game

Then Diao Si returned to his old place to rest, but the strange thing was that he hadn't seen Fat Sister yet, which was abnormal. Could it be that Fat Sister also left the imperial city long ago to escape the war? But she used to be a Purple Light Warrior, so does she still need to escape

Could it be because he told her about Mingzi last time, and she went to find Lalan after knowing that Mingzi was still alive, and then he was also locked up? I hope this is just Diao Si's imagination. The fat lady is actually a nice person, and Diao Si doesn't want anything bad to happen to her.

This time Lafite only sent Diao Si off for a short distance, and Diao Si also knew that she would not come to him that night, because she still had to protect the imperial city, and now was a critical time. But Diao Si didn't care so much anymore. He was very sleepy, and rest was the most important thing for him now.

"Lao Zhu... Lao Zhu..." After starting to gain some consciousness, Diao Si asked Lao Zhu to study the previous problem again.

"I can't figure it out again. How did you know that?" After Lao Zhu appeared, he started talking about strange topics. Diao Si almost thought he was really dreaming.

"What don't you understand? Do you also have so many things that you don't understand? What on earth are you going to say? It's a waste of my time." Diao Si responded.

"I said the question you want to ask me is, how do you know that energy can be restored through medicine? You must have been engaged in a profession similar to a magician in your world before... "

It turns out that this is what Lao Zhu said. This old guy is real. Diao Si replied: "This is what we learned from playing games over there. Children of a few years old will know it. Don't always use the level of this world." Come and evaluate me, okay?”

"How old do you kids over there know? Are they really that powerful?" Lao Zhu still had the same unbelievable tone.

Diao Si didn't want to tremble with him anymore, and asked again: "Since there is such a medicine, please tell me quickly. I must prepare a lot of such medicine..."

"I think you should give up. In the past, when magic was prevalent, there were warlocks who specialized in refining such medicines. However, after the magic users were expelled, such warlocks also disappeared on the mainland."

"Then can you tell me how to refine such medicine? Just tell me the method. If no one can make it, I will make it myself!" Diao Si said with confidence, but Lao Zhu smiled contemptuously.

"Do you think you can make that kind of medicine on your own? You must be familiar with at least a dozen kinds of plants, have special refining tools, and have some refining experience... "

After listening to Lao Zhu keep talking about the conditions, Diao Si's confidence was gradually dispelled, and he finally had to give up. (To be continued)