Alien Ruler

Chapter 105: Changes in enemy positions


"Then Lao Zhu, are you going to tell me that I have to live on such a small amount of energy in the future?" Diao Si said to Lao Zhu in disappointment.

After hearing this, Lao Zhu not only did not comfort him, but also criticized him loudly: "Are you too greedy? You know that it will take several years for an excellent magic user to have the magic cultivation level you have now. The energy value is It’s earned through hard work. Because of me, you already consume much less than others, what else do you want?”

"I emphasize again, don't always use other people's standards to measure me. My mission is to unify the Nima Continent. Can this be compared with others? And your mission is to help me complete my mission. If I don't If it succeeds, you take full responsibility!”

After hearing what Diao Si said, Lao Zhu took a breath and comforted him: "My child, this must be achieved through your own efforts. In fact, because of me, every time you use up your magic and rest, The energy value increased afterward is much higher than that of normal people.”

"Then I will have to do this in the future. After casting a powerful magic, I go to sleep, wake up and cast a powerful magic again, and then sleep again..." Lao Zhu's words still couldn't cheer up Diao Si.

"That's not entirely true. In fact, there is a shortcut..." After listening to Diao Si's words, Lao Zhu suddenly said mysteriously.

Diao Si naturally perked up after hearing this, and immediately asked: "What is the shortcut?"

"It depends on spiritual objects. Just like me, I can let you cast magic with high energy value at low energy consumption, and some special spiritual objects can double your energy value..."

When Lao Zhu said this, Diao Si's hope suddenly ignited. Lao Zhu understood him. Isn't this the shortcut he wanted? However, this treasure is not easy to find.

"Great, then how can we find these spiritual objects?" After Diao Si said this, he felt that this was not easy, but he hoped that Lao Zhu could give him some tips.

"Spiritual objects can only depend on fate. Some magicians are lucky and can encounter them several times in their lives, but many magicians never encounter them in their lives. In the end, they can only use their last resources. Use your energy to refine one..."

Forget it, Lao Zhu always wants to hit people, and Diao Si didn't want to talk to him anymore. After calling him away, he continued to play with the wind elf and enjoy the world of the wind elf.

This time I woke up naturally. I had a really good sleep. Diao Si opened his eyes and realized that it was already dawn. He suddenly remembered the enemy's sneak attack last night. He really didn't know what happened after he went to sleep.

He quickly ran to the front of the city wall, only to find that the soldiers there were lying down and resting everywhere. It seemed that they had not slept all night and were so tired.

"What's going on outside? What are the enemies doing now?" Diao Si kept asking, but those people just shook their heads, probably because he didn't have any armor on him and knew that he was not a general.

Diao Si then turned to look for Lafite, because without Lafite, it would be impossible for him to climb the city wall. But now he couldn't even find Lafite's general, and now he began to become anxious.

"Commander, I finally found you..." A general suddenly appeared and called Diao Si this way, making the surrounding officers look confused.

She was a general who had gone on an expedition to Ruifeng City with Lafite, so she naturally knew Diao Si, but to call him that here was a bit out of context.

Then she led Diao Si up to the city wall. It seemed that Lafite was still on the city wall. This little devil was real. In fact, there were so many people here and they didn't need her. She should go and have a rest.

"What's going on?" Diao Si has already seen Lafite, and not only Lafite, but also Lacy and several other princesses on the other side. It seems that they have all been guarding here all night. The Latin Queen may continue to attack this night. .

After hearing what he said, Lafite came over immediately, so that Laxi and the others over there also kept an eye on Diao Si. They should all have known the news that Lafite and Diao Si had repelled the shrimp monster.

"The enemy didn't make any big moves this night?" Diao Si asked, and realized that Laxi was slowly walking towards him. She probably wasn't looking for Diao Si, but just wanted to eavesdrop on him and Lafite. dialogue.

"No, and they are about to retreat. They will start packing up the camp in the middle of the night and put everything back on the transport truck." Lafite replied.

Does the Latin Queen really want to withdraw her troops? Diao Si didn't dare to make a conclusion yet, because they were indeed running out of food, and they were unwilling to force their way in. Retreating was the best option to preserve their strength, and they had already pulled the team away.

But when the Latin Queen led her troops here, she had already suffered huge losses. How could she give up? And now with the help of the Glorious Empire, it is not difficult to attack the Guangnan Empire, but there will definitely be a lot of losses.

Therefore, by retreating like this, she was probably planning a game to trick the Guangnan Empire. Because as the temperature rises next, the line of sight will be greatly blocked after the thick fog comes out, which is the best opportunity to attack.

Of course, that was also the Latin Queen's last chance. Logically speaking, her food could only last until this morning, so she had to survive this thick fog stage to achieve a real victory.

From this analysis, the Latin Queen's retreat is probably fake, because she is retreating now and the food will be used up on the road. After so many wars, there were already very few crops left on the road, and they could never be eaten by the 200,000 troops.

"But there is no movement in the glorious empire's team..." Diao Si suddenly noticed that there was no movement in the glorious empire's camp.

After hearing this, Lafite looked at the camp over there, and then said, "Yes, there is no movement from the team of the Glorious Empire, and they don't plan to retreat yet."

"They don't have much food left. They can't wait any longer. I see that they are still motionless. There must be reinforcements on the way. Send birdmen to reconnoiter immediately, paying special attention to their unknown monster team."

After Diao Si said this, Lacy over there had already sent out the birdmen. It seemed that she had really been listening to Diao Si's analysis. She was really... fooled now.

"Unknown monster?" Lafite's face darkened after hearing this. Of course she was still impressed by those shrimp monsters, but she never thought that the reinforcements of the Glorious Empire would have such monsters.

"Yes, did you check the origin of those monsters yesterday? Where did they come from? Why were they controlled by the Glorious Empire?" Diao Si asked again.

Lafite shook his head after hearing this and responded: "I was on guard in the imperial city yesterday, and then I returned to the city wall and had no free time at all..."

"Forget it, actually I have thought that they are not creatures on land. To the east of the Empire of Light is the ocean. I guess they are sea monsters they secretly trained in order to dominate the Empire of Light."

After Diao Si said this, Lacy over there couldn't help but interject: "Ocean monster? Are you talking about a monster like the blood beast?"

After hearing this, Diao Si remembered that there were some marine monsters guarding the dungeon, so he nodded and said, "Yes, those are definitely not monsters on land. I believe there are many such things in the Radiant Empire. They are better than The Glorious Empire is even more difficult to deal with.”

"What? Why do you say that the Glorious Empire is more difficult to deal with than the Glorious Empire? They have always faced the impact of typhoons and other disasters, their crop harvests are not high, and they are often infested by marine life... "

After hearing this, Laxi retorted loudly to Diao Si. She believed that the Glorious Empire could not control itself and had no ability to invade others.

Diao thought that it was just the opposite. Precisely because they had survived in such an environment until now, the people of the Glorious Empire would become stronger. This was the principle of survival of the fittest, and they would be more eager to have a comfortable living environment like the Guangnan Empire.

"With the intelligence of the third princess, it is difficult to explain the theory of biological evolution to you. I think we should take advantage of the glorious empire's retreat and the glorious empire's reinforcements have not yet arrived, and directly send troops to annihilate the enemies here, so that when the time comes they will The reinforcements have arrived, so we don’t need to worry anymore.”

Rath said this just to make Lacey be fooled, because he knew that the Latin Queen was simply pretending to retreat, and as long as Lacey sent troops, they would come back at any time.

Diao Si wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife, because Laxi had already used him to threaten Lafite. A person who endangered his life should not let her continue to live. He had no ability to do anything to Lacy, so he could only rely on the enemy's power. (To be continued)