Alien Ruler

Chapter 106: A cunning trick


"But they have a hundred thousand troops. If we deal with them, wouldn't we suffer heavy losses?" Unexpectedly, after hearing Diao Si's words, Lafite would get involved again.

"No, we have to deal with them not by attacking by force, but by outsmarting them." When Diao Si said this, Lacy naturally listened more intently.

"How to outwit them? They are outside our range. We are running out of artillery shells now, so we have no choice but to leave the city. If we leave the city, what else can we do besides a strong attack?"

Lafite kept asking, this was also what Lacy wanted to know, and Diao Si conveyed the message to Lacy just in this way. He was confident that Laxi would be fooled because she wanted Lalan's throne more than anyone else, and Lalan was also optimistic about her. What she lacked was just the opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

"Princess, look, the camp design of the Glorious Empire is like this. Their soldiers are all in the front, and the logistics food is in the back. There are no guards there at all. When the fog rises, we can secretly send troops and go around them Then burn their food, so they will starve here... "

"This is a good idea, but won't they keep an eye on the city gate? Why can we go around without being noticed?" Lacy interrupted again, she was very anxious to know Diao Si's plan.

"Can we only go out through the city gate? You see, they can attack in other places, can't we sneak out from other places?" After Diao Si reminded him, Lacy quickly thought of it. Passages on both sides of the city wall.

"Seventh Princess, this is a great opportunity. When the time comes, you will only need to lead a team of elite soldiers. Having more people is not a good thing..." Diao Si happily told Lafite, and Lacy over there became anxious.

"Wait a minute, who asked Lafite to leave the city? Her duty is to guard the city wall!" When Lacy said this, Diao Si was naturally not happy to argue with her, but after Lacy's hint, Lafite did not stop. Fight with her.

After Lacy passed on the order, something suddenly occurred to him, and he asked Diao Si: "What if the enemy discovers it? It is always dangerous to leave the city like this..."

"The enemy finds out? Even if they find out, they don't dare to act rashly, because they can't see your situation clearly due to the thick fog. At most, they will only protect the safety of the food immediately. And won't we escape? In such a short distance, the enemy will I can't see the direction in which you are escaping. As long as you return to the city wall, I don't believe those enemies dare to chase you... "

When Jing Diao Si said this, Lacy's heart dropped. She was about to be fooled. This was not only because she didn't think deeply enough about the problem, but also because she was too eager for quick success. In addition, she knew that Diao Si was good at strategies, but she didn't know that this was a trap designed by Diao Si, so naturally she couldn't extricate herself.

Logically speaking, it should be safe for a golden warrior like Lacy to wander behind the enemy camp before leaving. But what she didn't know was that the Latin Queen didn't really want to retreat at all. As long as the fog thickened, she would immediately Looking back, as long as she sees Lacy, he will never let her go.

Of course, this would have to rely on the help of Diao Si. What Diao Si was thinking about now was how he would justify himself if the clever Lafite knew that he was the one who designed to kill Laxi.

The fog was getting thicker and thicker, and the vision was gradually affected. In order to see the situation in front of the city gate clearly and to attract the enemy's attention, Lafite threw a lot of torches in front of the city gate.

At this time, the birdmen sent earlier also flew back, and their reports were all true to Diao Si's words. The reinforcements from the Glorious Empire were indeed on the way, and there were indeed a group of unknown monsters and even several throwing machines.

In this way, the situation became more urgent, and Lacy became more determined to burn down the food warehouse of the Glorious Empire. In fact, Diao Si did not tell her that even if they could really burn out all the food in the Glorious Empire, it would only force them to attack the city. They would not retreat like the Latin Queen, not to mention that the Latin Queen did not retreat at all.

The kerosene and other items were quickly prepared. After repeatedly confirming that there was still no movement from the enemies of the Glorious Empire, Lacy led an elite force, carrying kerosene and other tools, and circled towards the food location of the Glorious Empire.

It was not the time when the fog was at its thickest, and she was too eager to advance. However, Diao Si was also worried that when the fog was at its thickest, the Radiant Empire and the Latin Queen would attack the imperial city, and Lacy would not be able to get behind the enemy. went.

"Seventh Princess, I'm afraid that the enemy will take action. Why don't we send a few birdmen to scout in front of the Glorious Empire." Diao Si asked like this to find an excuse.

Lafite didn't know what he meant yet, so he responded directly: "Aren't you just fooling around? With such a visual range, can the birdman detect anything?"

"Then why don't you let me disperse this thick fog, so that you can see the enemy's situation." Diao Si said this, preparing to use his magic.

"No!" Unexpectedly, Lafite immediately stopped her, and then said, "Right now, the Third Emperor Sister is still moving secretly. If you disperse the fog, won't the enemy see her?"

This really left Diao Si speechless. Lafite's reaction was too quick, and he couldn't even try to force him. However, this does not mean that he has failed. With such a sight, everything is covered with weapons, and he does not believe that there is no chance to take action.

"The enemy is about to attack the city..." Someone noticed some movement from the team of the Glorious Empire and started talking. In fact, it is inevitable that there will be movement in the Glorious Empire. They should have been waiting for the opportunity of this thick fog to act. Maybe the Latin Queen's army has also returned.

"Oops, I never thought that the Latin Emperor might be pretending to retreat. She will not miss the opportunity of this thick fog... Seventh Princess, our situation is very dangerous, and the thick fog must be dispersed immediately!"

Diao Si suddenly became nervous and said, even if Lafite is still calm now, the soldiers next to him cannot be calm, because the visual range is too short now, and it is not easy to see the enemy even if he is standing next to the city wall.

"Wind Elf, I need you to blow away your mist sisters, don't let them block our sight..." No matter how Lafite reacted, Diao Si had already used his magic, because he believed that he should let her see this. She wouldn't hold anything against him.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew through, and the thick fog immediately dissipated. Perhaps only Diao Si's magic could achieve such an effect. This was so magical that it opened the eyes of the soldiers.

After the thick fog dispersed, they all widened their eyes. As expected, the city wall was full of enemies. The Latin Queen's army had all returned here. Some shrimp monsters could also be seen sneaking up the cliff. The city gate A shield array was set up in front.

"Archers, shoot arrows immediately!" Without waiting for the princesses to give the order, the arrows immediately rained down again, and the shrimp monster on the cliff was shot down again, and then the approaching troops immediately retreated for a long distance. .

Then the cracked city wall began to explode suddenly at the foot of it. It turned out that the Latin Queen had arranged the cannonballs during the heavy fog. Under such bombing, many rocks poured down from the city wall over there, and even some of the archers there fell.

But the enemy did not attack the city because the thick fog had dissipated. They would have suffered heavy damage if they attacked like this. They still had to wait for reinforcements from the Glorious Empire.

Next was Lacy, who had just been caught setting fire. Her route back had long been blocked by the enemies, and suddenly she encountered the Latin Queen's 200,000-strong army. She was really dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

Lacy's team immediately started fighting with the Latin Queen's team, but how could she fight against an army of hundreds of thousands with her two to three hundred elite troops? After knowing that she was the third princess of the Guangnan Empire, the Latin Queen personally took action. She knocked down Lacy in the melee with one skill.

Only then did Diao Si see that the Latin Queen in dark bright armor should be the dark crystal-level warrior that Lao Zhu had mentioned before. As a dark crystal warrior, it is not difficult to defeat a golden light warrior who is still in the melee.

I believe that all the princesses and soldiers on the city wall were shocked. No one thought that something would happen to Lacy there, only Diao Si knew it. Of course, Diao Si is not the only one who is snickering. I believe the second princess, Lamu, is even happier.

But then there was a new problem. The Latin Queen did not kill Lacy, only wounded her, and ordered her to be arrested. The Latin Queen is really an old fox. She wants to use Lacy to help her attack the imperial city. (To be continued)