Alien Ruler

Chapter 107: Lacy's death


"Think of a way quickly. Now that the Third Emperor Sister has been caught, what should we do?" After seeing Lacy being caught, Lafite became even more nervous.

Diao Si didn't know how to answer her question, it was too against his will. But fortunately, Lafite didn't see that this was entirely his arrangement, and he had to pretend to pretend before he blamed him.

At this time, the Latin Queen first ordered people to replace all of Lacy's armor, and then shouted towards the city wall, saying that if she wanted to save Lacy's life, she would ask Lalan to go out of the city and exchange one life for another.

Lalan's confidant immediately went back to report to her, but how could Lalan change Lacy back like this? As the supreme leader, the emperor is out of the city, and the situation will change drastically. What if Latin uses her to threaten to open the city gate

"Seventh Princess, you have to be mentally prepared now. If the Latin Emperor uses the Third Princess's body as an arrow shield to attack the city, will the archers on your wall release arrows or not?"

Diao Si's words made Lafite collapse. Lassi was in the hands of the enemy, which was a huge problem, especially now that these enemies could not attack for a long time, and they would do anything to break the city.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to give away the city for such a princess, but this Laxi is Lalan's favorite, and now that Lalan is the emperor here, she will definitely not be cruel. Will be used by the Latin Queen.

Unexpectedly, the situation turned out to be more complicated than Diao Si imagined. Logically speaking, it is impossible for Lalan not to attack the enemy for the sake of Lacy. But Lacy being captured by Queen Lacy in this way has a great impact on the morale of the soldiers and the development of the entire battle. There will be an impact.

However, Diao Si dealt with Lacy to save his life, which was not wrong in itself. The only fault was that he chose the wrong way to kill her this time. How can we eliminate the hidden danger of Lacy now? How will Queen Lacy treat this Lacy? This is what Diao Si wants to think about next.

Lalan also arrived soon, but she did not leave the city and only walked to the city wall. She wanted to try to save Lacy by talking to the Latin Queen.

"Latin, you despicable bastard, please let my daughter go!" Lalan's loud voice already sounded old, and there was also a bit of sadness. In fact, she knew very well in her heart that Laxi couldn't help her. Rescued.

"It's ridiculous. Lord Lalan, are you too old and confused? This is a war. Your daughter attacked my logistics force. Can you at least give me a reason to let her go? For example, what conditions do you agree to?"

The Latin Queen is very energetic now. Since the siege of the city, her energy has been sank, and now it can be said to be a release.

"What conditions? You shameless widow!" Lalan asked, feeling even more sad. She knew clearly in her heart how could the Latin Queen let Lacy go so easily and miss this opportunity.

"I have already stated the conditions. As long as you, the old widow, come down, I will put your daughter back." The Latin Queen said proudly. She also knew that Lalan would not leave the imperial city like this, because the emperor Without the supreme leader, the city would be doomed.

"You are delusional! How could I, the Guangnan Empire, surrender to you as an invader? What you do is an insult to all my soldiers. You..." La Lan didn't know what to do. The more she talked, the more irrelevant she became.

"I don't want to tremble with you so much. I'll give you some time to think about it. If you still don't agree to go out of the city and replace someone, I will use your daughter's blood to sacrifice the banner of my Empire of Light!"

Latina didn't talk nonsense, but her decision to kill Laxi in front of Lalan was not cruel enough. Such a result would only dampen the soldiers guarding the Guangnan Empire, and might even arouse their fighting spirit.

If, as Diao Si said, Laxi's body was used to open the city gate, Lalan might not be able to bear the arrow. But if she does this, she will really be accused of being a villain.

"Xi'er, you know that the Queen Mother loves you the most, but now it has reached this point... Although the Queen Mother is not afraid of death, she has to think about the Guangnan Empire and all the soldiers." La Lan could only think about it at this time. Being able to speak to Laci like this.

Laxi raised her head and looked at her. She had long known that Lalan would not abandon the city for her, and she gradually became desperate. But she doesn't want to die. Who wants their life to end like this? She still wants to be the emperor, and she still has many unfulfilled ideals.

"Mother, my son... my son..." Lacy's words seemed to be stuck in her throat and she couldn't spit them out. It seems that Diao Si feels sorry for her here, but this is a life-and-death game. If he has another decision like this, he still has to deal with Lacy.

"Xier, you must live for your glory and die for your glory. This is the dignity of a warrior and the honor of a warrior!... You will always be my daughter, Lalan, and your name will always be engraved on the Guangnan Empire. National history!”

Lalan said tragically, and her meaning was already very clear. Laxi lowered her head as she listened, and then suddenly started to tremble again.

"Yeah..." Lacy, who was seriously injured, actually jumped up again. She rushed towards the Latin Queen, and it seemed that she was going to fight her desperately. However, the Latin Queen had already been prepared for this. When Laci rushed in front of her, she suddenly waved her hand, and then a strong air flow passed through Laci's body.

At that moment, Diao Si could still see the blood spraying out after Lacy was hit, and then she fell directly from the air and fell to the ground without any reaction.

"Xi'er..." Lalan yelled in collapse, and suddenly fell to her knees on the city wall. It can be heard from this voice that Lacy's death was a huge blow to her, and the soldiers next to her knelt down after seeing it.

After a moment of silence, Lalan stood up, stared at the Latin Queen below, and said to her: "Latin, you widow! Even if I die here, I will not let you step into the Imperial City of Light! "

"Don't worry, I will definitely step on your body!" the Latin Queen said, raising her weapon all of a sudden, so that the generals and soldiers behind her started shouting.

"Listen, soldiers, I just killed Lashi of Guangnan County. If they refuse to surrender, we will kill their princesses and emperors one after another to let them see our determination to unify the Empire of Light! "

The Latin Queen also used these to encourage her soldiers, and then asked the messenger to bring Lacy's body to the front of the city gate, signaling Lalan to collect the body. But Lalan didn't say anything else. She didn't even look at Laxi's body and turned around and left.

Then the Latin Queen let her 200,000 troops rest on the spot. This may be because they had just rushed back from the retreat position and were already tired. Anyway, the thick fog had just dissipated and had not yet re-formed.

They could still rest calmly now, but Diao Si could figure out that they were basically out of food. The Latin Queen is really not simple. This is the most terrifying enemy he has ever encountered.

"Laxi's death... Laci's death was your conspiracy?" Lafite suddenly said this, making Diao Si uneasy.

This is no joke. First of all, regardless of whether Lafite will take action against Diao Si for her sisters, if this situation reaches La Lan, Diao Si will die ten thousand times.

Seeing Lafite's suspicious and uncertain look, Diao Sicai answered her firmly: "Of course not. How did I know that things would develop to this point? It's really none of my business."

After hearing this, Lafite stared into Diao Si's eyes again. This time, Diao Si insisted on looking at her. There couldn't be any delay. This little devil was not easy to deceive.

"Okay, what should we do next? Now that they are resting, are they waiting for reinforcements from the Glorious Empire? Is there anything we can do now?"

Diao Si knew that Lafite still doubted him, but now she was more concerned about the current situation. Laxi's death had demoralized the guards on the city wall, and the enemy's reinforcements were still on the way. Under such circumstances, she really Don't know what to do.

"Follow them to rest. When they finish resting, they will use the thick fog to attack the city by force. We still have no way of knowing their plot." Diao Si could think of the general direction of the Latin Queen, but he didn't know what her plan was yet.

Originally, he could continue to drive away the thick fog so that the Latin Queen could not attack, but this would not necessarily be of any benefit to them, because the Glorious Empire's throwing machine would soon arrive again, and the city wall would be unsafe by then.

It's better to try to guess the Latin Queen's movements first and let her suffer some losses when she attacks. (To be continued)