Alien Ruler

Chapter 109: The legend of the magic user


"Wait, my great Emperor of Light..." Diao Si looked at La Lan's angry look. He knew that this old guy wanted to blame him for all misfortunes. This was also a way of venting, but he couldn't do this. Just let her vent and kill her.

"What else do you have to say? Do you still have the right to speak?" After hearing this, La Lan pointed at Diao Si and scolded him again. But she responded. Diao Si still had the right to speak, so he had to seize this opportunity.

Diao Si hesitated for a moment, then begged and said: "Your Majesty, the wise and mighty Emperor of Light, I know that a magic user like me has caused the Guangnan Empire to become what it is today, and deserves death..."

"Then what else do you have to say?" After hearing this, Lamu interrupted Diao Si again. He knew that Diao Si had a strong mouth, but he didn't want La Lan to be flattered by him like this.

"Mother Queen, don't listen to this hateful magic user. He knows magic and can confuse people's hearts!" Lamu threatened La Lan like this. She wanted to get rid of Diao Si immediately, so how could she give him a chance.

"But His Majesty the Emperor of Light, please think about it carefully. Now that my big mistake has been made, even if you cut me to pieces, you will not be able to make the two great empires of Guangyao and Guanghui retreat, and you will not be able to relieve the Guangnan Empire. The crisis…”

Without waiting for La Lan to say anything, Diao Si took the opportunity to say what he said. He just hoped to delay it as long as possible, and then Lafite would suddenly appear and find a way to rescue him.

"Don't listen to him, Queen Mother, haven't you taught us a lesson before? The existence of a magic user is extremely dangerous. We must expel him, burn him with fire, and warn future generations..."

Lamu also immediately intervened, preventing Lalan from speaking. This is also a good thing for Diao Si. She can't give orders without letting La Lan speak, and he can continue to stall for time.

It's a pity that Lafite didn't show up for a long time. Now Diao Si was really anxious. He could only continue to plead with Lalan and said: "Your Majesty, Emperor of Light, I can make up for my mistakes. I can defeat the two empires. I can unify you." The entire Empire of Light! It won't be too late for you to kill me then..."

Lamu and the other princesses were also vying to talk, but at this time Lalan motioned for them to stop, then walked up to Diao Si and said to him: "No, defeat the two empires and unify the Empire of Light. This is what we will do in the future, and burning you to death is what we will do right now!"

Lalan hates magic users more than those princesses, especially male magic users. Diao Si also understands this, but unfortunately he seems to be unable to prevent all this from happening.

"Wait a minute..." It was Lafite's voice. The savior had finally arrived, but was it useful? Diao Si was doubtful because he saw La Lan's determination and was afraid that Lafite wouldn't be able to save him either.

"You still dare to plead for this man? You have known for a long time that he is a magic user. Don't you remember my lesson at all?" Lalan also angrily accused Lafite. She had already suppressed Lafite.

"No, Queen Mother, no matter who he is, he is my man..." Lafite did not use Diao Si's ability to persuade La Lan, but directly pleaded with La Lan like this.

But Diao Si didn't think anything was wrong, because even if she knew he could save the Southern Empire, this old guy wouldn't let him go. She had a mental problem.

"You still dare to say that? So what if he is your man? You actually begged me for a man, but you are still not a woman!" La Lan said angrily, her hatred of men came back, and Diao Si still I want to hold down Lafite.

"No, Queen Mother, I really like him. I can't live without him. For him, I can..." Lafite continued to say, which really pissed off Diao Si. How could she not understand La Lan so well? It's like pushing Diao Si over the cliff.

But looking at it from another perspective, this little devil is really good. He can do this to Diao Si. Diao Si feels really bad. He also falls in love with this little devil more and more.

"Shut up!" La Lan was so angry that she couldn't speak. How could she endure that Lafite would give up so many things for a man. At this time, Lamu and the others over there were secretly happy. Although they wanted Diao Si to die, they also hoped that Lalan and Lafite would have a conflict, which would be more beneficial to them.

"Seventh Princess..." Diao Si spoke at this time, because he knew that he could not escape no matter what, so he might as well let Lafite live here well. After hearing him speak, Lalan and Lafite both turned their heads and looked at him, because they both heard something.

"How can I bear it when I see the mother and daughter who have the most tacit understanding and affinity with each other being in such trouble? Lafite, I know that the person you respect in this world is your mother, but today you actually did it for me, To contradict your beloved Queen like this, how much harm will you have to bear... "

What Diao Si said was entirely to repair the relationship between La Lan and Lafite, which made La Mu and the others uneasy again. They never expected that Diao Si would say such a thing.

"No, Diao Si, although I respect the Queen Mother, I can't let you die..." Lafite was really moved now. She may also know that she just made La Lan very sad, so she knelt down in tears. In front of Lalan.

"Seventh Princess, just because of your care for me, how can I watch you turn against the person you love the most? Forget it, I also know that I will be burned to death if my identity is revealed, but In order to help you protect your mother-emperor and your empire, I am not afraid of death..."

This was really hard to say. Diao Si didn't want to die at the hands of this mediocre Lalan. He still had a mission and many ideals.

"Okay, Mayfair, I know you have done a lot for me, but do you know? This is the lesson of our ancestors. Why should we drive away this magic user? Do you know the real reason?"

When La Lan said this, her tone suddenly changed again. She turned around and made a prayer-like movement toward the top of the palace. Then she let out a long sigh and said, "These words should only be passed on to the heir to the throne. But the situation that the Guangnan Empire is in today, I am not afraid to tell you: many, many years ago... "

Then La Lan told some stories about magic users. After listening to her words, which were neither long nor short, Diao Si realized that the reason why the rulers here always expelled and burned magic users was because of this magic. Messengers are too powerful and usually very smart. There have been many revolutionary and reactionary events in history.

Therefore, expelling magic users has become a lesson passed down from generation to generation by the royal family. What they are afraid of is that these magic users, who usually have certain wisdom, will incite the people to oppose them and seek to seize their power and status.

"Once we relax on the magic users, it will be like a river lacking embankments. It will be too difficult to build in the future, so we must not be soft on such people, we must kill them!" La Lan said, Lamu and others over there People immediately started talking too.

Of course they wished Diao Si was dead. After all, now that Laxi is dead, Lalan's favorite person is Lafite, and Diao Si is Lafite's man, and he is also a very powerful right-hand man, which poses a great threat to their throne.

Lafite wanted to say something else, but Diao Si shook his head and said to her: "Seventh Princess, don't make your mother sad anymore. Be strong and work hard for your throne. You have many enemies now."

After saying that, he looked at Lamu and others over there. Lafite must have understood what he said. Now the situation was obvious. Lamu and other princesses had joined forces to compete for Lafite's throne.

"Okay, Queen Mother, I already understand, but I still have one last request, I hope you can fulfill it." After saying this, Lafite knelt down to Lalan again.

This time Lalan walked over and helped her up, and asked again: "Fei'er, just tell me if you have any other requests. As long as you don't let this man go, I can agree to your other requests."

"Thank you Queen Mother." Lafite slowly stood up as he spoke, and then continued: "No matter what, he is my man. I hope Queen Mother can promise me that he can die in my hands."

Hearing what Lafite said, Lamu and others over there immediately had objections. They were afraid that Lafite had some tricks up their sleeves, and of course they couldn't let her do this.

Diao Si also seemed to feel that Lafite did this to save him. He was really touched, because if this was the case, Lafite letting them go would be blatantly disobeying Lalan's will, and the consequences would be quite serious.

There is still a glimmer of hope, but the most important thing now is to see what Lalan wants. She doesn't know whether she will agree to Lafite's last request. (To be continued)