Alien Ruler

Chapter 11: Defeat the enemy twice


"Whoosh!" Unexpectedly, the elites of the sniper team took action first, because the captain who looked like the Imperial Army appeared.

However, the first arrow only hit the captain's arm and failed to kill him. Then he immediately hid, and it was difficult for those hidden arrows to hit him again.

This was to alert the enemy, but there was no use regretting it. Fortunately, those hidden arrows still attracted the imperial army, thus giving Diao Si and the others a good opportunity to attack.

"Fire arrows!" Diao Si ordered loudly. This was also intentional, because most of the imperial troops were not within their shooting range. With their current arrow reserves, it was not suitable to throw empty arrows. It would be too wasteful.

And if the Imperial Army can be attracted, they will have to gather together, because there is a larger open space here and there in Dry Creek. This is the key to today's battle, because their stones are placed here.

But the Imperial Army was not stupid. After hearing Diao Si's voice, they threw empty arrows in this direction. Although sunlight would affect their sight, Diao Si overlooked one point. The empty arrow did not need to be aimed.

"Stop shooting! Hide behind the bunker. Don't show up again without my order!" After Diao Si gave the order, the guys with long ears hid. But empty arrows, especially those that use the arc of a parabola and gravity to attack, although the attack power is not great, it is not easy to dodge the arrows that rain like rain.

Someone was injured, but they had no choice but to wait for their empty arrows to end, because if they fired empty arrows at the enemy, they would not only run out of arrows quickly, but they would also be easily hit when they fought back.

The situation continued to change, and the guys from the sniper team finally found an opportunity and hit the captain of the Imperial Army with one arrow. He had been seriously injured, but under such circumstances, he had to order all imperial troops to seize the opportunity to attack.

"Captain..." The old guy behind the stones thought that Diao Si had forgotten, so he reminded him, but was immediately glared at by Diao Si. Diao Si knew very well that he knew every step of this battle, but now was not the best time.

"Flanks!" Diao Si gave the order, and the detachment lying in ambush immediately fired arrows at the imperial troops. Then Diao Si gave the order to the old guy, and the stones immediately rolled down.

"Fire arrows! Kill me hard!" Diao Si roared, and immediately shot at the imperial troops between the trees. Those long-eared monsters couldn't wait any longer. Their morale was high, and their arrows were very powerful.

The Imperial Army's position was in great disarray. The main problem was that they could hardly open their eyes due to the fierce sunlight, and they didn't know where the arrows were shot. When the rocks rolled down, they had no choice but to run away in embarrassment, but how could they escape

In such chaos, the lurking sniper archers finally shot the imperial army captain in the throat and took his life. But those imperial troops didn't know that the captain was dead yet, and they were only struggling in confusion.

"Listen to me, put down your weapons and surrender immediately!" Diao Si shouted loudly. Some of the imperial troops thought it was the captain who gave the order, so they dropped their weapons and raised their hands.

In this way, those long-eared guys surrounded a small number of surviving imperial troops, waiting for Diao Si's order. After all, the enemy had abandoned their weapons and surrendered, and according to their habits, they would not fire arrows like this.

But having just experienced the previous exposure of the target, Diao Si knew better this time that he could not let these people go back to report the news, so he turned around and gave a ruthless order: "Kill them all, leave no one behind!"

This is cruel, but now Diao Si is not qualified to be the Holy Mother. Being friendly to the enemy is being cruel to yourself. This is the rule of the game here. Since Diao Si has chosen this path, he must use the most suitable way.

Although those guys with long ears were still stunned for a moment, they already knew how to obey orders. After killing all the imperial soldiers, they took the initiative to pick up the arrows. This time these imperial archers brought them a lot of arrows.

"Next we have to find a way to get back to the camp, otherwise we won't have the strength to wait long." Diao Si said, recalling the terrain here that the birdman had introduced to him before.

There is the most direct way back, but it has to pass through the location where Yingmei and the Imperial Army were fighting before. That would be easy to be discovered, and there must be Imperial Army guarding the camp. Can they easily break in to get food

It's too difficult. The important thing is that they don't have much time. When they get hungry, their combat effectiveness will drop sharply. If they encounter the Imperial Army again like this, no matter how powerful Diao Si's strategy is, it won't work.

"Let me ask you a question: Do you eat human flesh?" Diao Si looked at the corpses of the Imperial Army everywhere and said to those guys with long ears.

"No, we are all vegetarians. Basically all the monsters in the mainland are vegetarians and rarely eat meat..." Actually, they didn't need to answer. Diao Si already knew it when he saw their scared looks.

"Let's do this," Diao Si thought for a moment, then continued, "You all put on their clothes, especially hide those ears."

These long-eared guys are not much different from humans in stature, but there is a problem with the long ears and pointed heads. However, it shouldn't be difficult to pretend to get by, at least Diao Si can pretend to look like them.

After they all put on the clothes of the imperial army, Diao Si asked the old guy about their casualties in this battle. The old guy happily told Diao Si: "We are very powerful. Only a dozen people were injured, and only three were seriously injured..."

"Does this make you happy?" Diao Si glared at the old guy again, and this time he lowered his head and fell silent. In its view, such a small loss is very successful, but Diao Si's goal is not to waste any troops.

"Listen, if you still want to eat and live, you have to listen to me in everything. There must be no mistakes, otherwise we will all be doomed." Diao Si said, and began to deploy his disguise plan.

As for the three guys who were seriously injured and unable to move around, Diao Si originally thought of dealing with them on the spot, because the marching speed of carrying them would be greatly affected.

But considering that doing so would make these long-eared guys resentful, they had to leave them behind, so that if the enemy arrived and they were still alive, they would know something about him, but they would have already arrived by then. The camp was over.

Along the way, they also found eagle-eyed birdmen who were conducting reconnaissance. When they flew close to them on suspicion, they would be hunted down. But this made the guys with long ears more and more nervous, and Diao Si had to lecture them all the way.

Previously, the battlefield where Ying Mei fought against the Imperial Army was full of corpses, but Ying Mei's body could not be found. The chance of Yingmei being alive is very small, but not absolute, but Diao Si can't control it now. Even if she is still alive, he has to kill her, otherwise he will lose the command of these archers.

"Captain..." The guys with long ears found a wind-hearing dog monster and surrounded it.

"No, it's one of ours!" After the old guy ran over, he recognized this as Yingmei's scout. Diao Si also rushed over immediately and told the dog monster their true identity.

After seeing his own person, the dog monster was very happy, and he also told Diao Si some of what he knew. The reason why it was not killed was because it was sent to a place for reconnaissance before the battle. When it came back, all of Yingmei's subordinates were dead. It survived until now because of its extraordinary hearing.

Great, Diao Si understands very well the importance of a wind-hearing dog monster to his troops. Although these long-eared guys are also good at hearing, they are on a different level than this dog monster.

After having a dog monster who could predict the enemy's military situation, the entire battle plan was different. Diao Si continued to march while revising his plan. Now he can use the dog monster to understand the situation of the imperial guards in the camp, and then think of the best way.

Diao Si knew very well that his troops were starting to get hungry and he would not be able to escape this battle. But he didn't know the situation in the camp. The Imperial Army on the other side of the woods might already know their situation, or even know that they were disguised. This battle would definitely be much more difficult than the previous ones. (To be continued)