Alien Ruler

Chapter 115: Meet Tintin again


"Wind Elf, I need you to release your energy..." Diao thought about the discharge magic he had mastered in his dream, and then tried to control it with his will.

Yes, there was indeed a network of electrical discharges in the air, but it was too thin, and the target of the attack had not yet been found. When Diao Si found those terrifying eyes, the discharge had returned to balance, and the previous energy had been offset.

Maybe it was because he wasn't familiar enough with the magic of electric discharge, and the injuries on his body affected him to a certain extent when he used it.

"Wind Spirit..." When Diao Si wanted to try again, he found that the electricity in the air had been balanced between positive and negative. Now he had to become nervous because he heard many footsteps approaching around him.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Diao Si lost control. Zhui Hao was also frightened and clung to his back.

Then a pair of red-yellow eyes approached directly towards Diao Si. This was so scary that Diao Si didn't know what to do and just clenched his fists.

However, as the red-yellow eyes came closer, Diao Si gradually saw its figure. It turned out that it was not as big as he imagined, and was still quite small, looking like a wolf.

"Master, is it really you?" the "wolf" said, getting closer and closer. Diao Si couldn't believe it when he heard this. He had already thought of something, because there are not many creatures like this in the world. call him.

"Wangcai..." Diao thought about it. It was the wind-hearing dog monster from before. Since he returned to Ruifeng City and was imprisoned, he had no news about it or those guys with long ears.

"Master, it's really you." Ding Ding said this and rushed in front of Diao Si. This really frightened Zhui Hao. He immediately kicked up and hid behind Diao Si.

"Wangcai... I'd better call you Ding Ding. It's nice to see you here. Are these all your companions around you?" Diao Si was still worried about the unknown monster around Ding Ding. Maybe it was just someone else's subordinate and the danger was still there. It's not lifted yet.

Tintin heard this and responded: "Yes, these are my companions. They are all wind-hearing dog monsters. We act together."

"Did you hear that the wind dog monster also eats meat?" Diao Si still couldn't let go. Although he knew before that the dog monster didn't eat raw meat, the situation is different now. In order to survive, the big rat can stop eating feces.

"No, I think you misunderstood. We just want to steal the food from you." At this time, another dog monster also spoke. It was a little bigger than Tintin, and it seemed to be the leader here.

After hearing what the leader said, Diao Si relaxed and then told them: "Maybe your trip today was in vain, because we don't have any food with us, and we have been hungry for a long time."

"Really? My master, I'll bring you some food right away." Ding Ding is such a nice guy. When he became the commander-in-chief in Ruifeng City, Diao Si didn't even think of it, but It was actually so kind to Diao Si at this time, which made Diao Si really ashamed.

Moreover, Diao Si knew that Ding Ding and the others were still short of food, and since he was only a member of the team, his companions might have objections to bringing food to him.

"No, Ding Ding." Diao Si also wanted Ding Ding not to go, but he was really hungry, so he added: "Don't take so much, it's enough for us to have a meal..."

"Ding Ding..." The leader couldn't help but speak, but Ding Ding immediately responded: "Brother Bing, he is my master, he once saved my life..."

Hearing what Ding Ding said, Diao Si felt even more uncomfortable. In fact, he was just relying on Ding Ding's special skills for reconnaissance for the needs of the army. He had never been very good at it and used it to have fun. At this moment, he didn't I know what else to say.

After Brother Bing saw Tintin leaving, he also led the other dog monsters away. Only then did Diao Si know that they had more than ten partners. Although the dog monsters' attack power was relatively low, he really couldn't defeat so many dog monsters.

After a while, Ding Ding came back. The food he brought was actually quite bad, but how could Diao Si dare to ask for anything at this time? While he and Zhui Hao were eating, they asked about Ding Ding's situation after returning to Ruifeng City. .

It turns out that after Diao Si was arrested that day, Ding Ding and those guys with long ears were all sent to the border because of his involvement. After a while, I heard the news of the invasion of the Guangyao Empire. After the generals who were guarding the army fled, the remaining soldiers dispersed.

Tintin wandered for a while, and then he met these similar people who had escaped from Ruifeng City, and then he followed them and started living with them.

Finally, Ding Ding expressed the hope that he could continue to follow Diao Si, which made Diao Si even more embarrassed. Although Tintin's life here is not good, at least he can have a full stomach. Following him is not only a burden, but also an extra mouth.

But seeing the look in Ding Ding's eyes, Diao Si really couldn't bear to leave it behind. Thinking on the bright side, Ding Ding is a specially trained wind-hearing dog monster. He has the specialty of hearing, which can make Diao Si seek good luck and avoid bad luck. And Diao Si also believes that as long as he works hard, good times will not be far away, and he wants to make these creatures who are good to him live a good life.

Ding Ding was very happy after Diao Si agreed. He immediately said hello to his companions and wanted to be a stray dog with Diao Si. But the problem is that Zhui Hao doesn't like Ding Ding, so he told Diao Siming that it was impossible to carry Ding Ding on his back, so Ding Ding had to run away on his own.

This is not a problem yet. In fact, Ding Ding can still run at a good speed, but his endurance is not very good. Diao Si can't die now anyway, so the speed can be slower. Safety is the most important thing.

It was almost dawn at this time, and I learned from Ding Ding that there were indeed guards at the border, but they had become like bandits and bandits like Yingying, and they had to get there before dawn.

Because they were prepared in advance, and because of Tintin's special ability in hearing, they quickly passed the checkpoint, and then continued all the way north, circling towards the woods.

Food is no longer a problem for Diao Si. Diao Si now has a special ability to communicate with plants. As long as he can find woods, he can quickly find edible fruits.

In this way, they passed through woods one after another, dodging groups of people and creatures, and finally arrived at the northern border of the Glorious Empire, and then encountered the broad river.

Because all creatures on land in this world are afraid of river water, the river blocks the north of the Glorious Empire. This is a bigger obstacle than the mountains. It is difficult for foreign enemies from the north to come over.

However, how Diao Si and them passed was also a problem. There was no bridge at all. People in this world had not mastered the techniques of building bridges such as slings or piers. They could only pass by a small boat.

Looking at such a wide river, Diao Si was worried that there might be a carnivorous monster as scary as the shrimp monster in the river, which would make it even more dangerous for them to cross the river.

And there is no boat here. Even if it is too small, Zhui Hao and Ding Ding cannot stand on it safely. Diao Si must build a larger boat, but his golden arrow is still on his body, so he cannot do heavy work at all.

Diao Si knew how to swim originally, but with the injuries on his body and the heavy golden arrow, how could he swim? We must find some dry trees or other things that can float to safely cross the river.

Could it be that we can only go around to a place where the river is narrow and passable? Looking at such a wide river, I still don’t know where to go around. Diao Sizhen regretted not asking Lao Zhu clearly about the road conditions at that time. It is impossible to look back now.

However, the situation changed again. Just when they were still looking at the river and sighing, Ding Ding heard many footsteps approaching nearby. This may be the defenders of the Glorious Empire. They knew there was a camp nearby before and carefully bypassed it.

Originally, the risk of meeting regular soldiers here was not very high, because they had no conflicts. It's just that the golden arrow stuck in Diao Si's body will be recognized by a knowledgeable warrior. Those defenders will definitely not let him go easily when they encounter such a person with a golden arrow stuck in his body. (To be continued)