Alien Ruler

Chapter 16: Up and down the mountain


When the imperial troops slowly climbed up with their shields, Diao Si ordered everyone to move the rocks, leaving only the archers of the sniper team lurking in several positions, waiting for the opponent's generals to show up.

But there were no generals here. Diao Si had already seen clearly. There was another guy in silver armor commanding from a distance below. She would not come here personally to be an arrow rake.

Perhaps because they had not been attacked, the shield soldiers gradually relaxed their vigilance and climbed the mountain faster. The commander of the imperial army below must also be curious as to why her troops had been climbing for so long without Diao Si firing an arrow.

"You shoot me an arrow!" Diao Si signaled to the sniper archer closest to him, and he found the right opportunity to shoot a hidden arrow. Such an Imperial soldier who lowered his shield was hit by an arrow and immediately rolled down from there.

"There's an ambush! There's an ambush here!" The imperial soldiers roared loudly and crawled cautiously with their shields upright. Their speed quickly slowed down.

At this time, the old guy behind went over and reported to Diao Si that the stones he requested were ready. So Diao Si asked the archers who used arrows relatively slowly to guard the main mountain road.

"Listen, later everyone can only shoot the enemy's legs, not other locations!" Diao Si ordered, which he got from analyzing the shields and march of the imperial troops.

First of all, the bottom of their shields has sharp corners. The point is to protect the main parts of the body. This makes it difficult to protect the legs, especially when moving forward. Secondly, Diao Si does not need to kill the enemy now. If he relies on arrows to kill the enemy, he will not have enough arrows.

The main road is narrow, and if the legs of the Imperial troops in front are injured, it will be difficult for them to move forward, which will squeeze the troops behind. Because of the crowding problem, it was difficult for them to bring down the wounded soldiers to replace them, and they had to stay there to block the soldiers behind them.

When I arrived, I saw the archers here forming a formation. As expected, those imperial soldiers were accustomed to using shields to block important parts of their bodies, so they all fell to their knees after being hit by arrows.

If they were killed, the imperial troops behind them could still step on their corpses to pass, but if they were injured and unable to walk, they would have to wait.

"Archers come forward and fire arrows!" This was the order from the guy in silver armor below. After his order, the imperial troops in front raised their shields and stopped there, waiting for the archers coming up from behind.

"We retreat to the mountain, and the Swift Arrow team is ready!" Diao Si also ordered. In fact, he could let the archers shoot the other side's archers. They have the advantage of height, but shooting arrows at each other will inevitably lead to casualties, and he Don't want to waste arrows.

At this time, a birdman flew over from the bottom of the mountain. This must be the commander of the imperial army who wanted to find out the truth about Diao Si. The birdman carefully bypassed the team of archers on the other side of the main road and circled half a circle above Diao Si.

It was worried that it would be shot, so it was always careful. It should have seen the hidden rocks behind Diao Si. But just as it flew down to report to the commander, it was shot down by a sniper archer lurking nearby.

After seeing the birdman being shot, the commander of the Imperial Army must have known about the ambush of the archers, but it was difficult for her to see the specific location at the foot of the mountain.

"They have retreated, continue up the mountain, be careful of ambush!" The imperial commander below had a loud voice. She gave orders to the captains among the soldiers on the mountain. After the captains heard this, they issued orders to the soldiers in front again.

Those imperial troops on the main road continued to advance in fear and fear, and the shields even swayed, which reflected their inner feelings: every tree and grass are soldiers.

Diao Si became more and more nervous, waiting for the enemy to come up. The more people reached the narrow passage, the better, because the effect of these stones was most obvious the first time, and the enemy would be on guard the second time and would not be easily fooled.

"Get ready, do it!" Diao Si gave the order, and the stones tumbled down the slope he had prepared. The attack power of this stone is very powerful. Just the potential energy of rolling down the slope is nothing that can stop it.

When those imperial soldiers saw the boulder rolling down, they actually held up their shields to block it. With their screams, the imperial soldiers poured down like mud and mud. You can imagine how terrifying it was, even that The commander was also frightened and retreated for a long distance.

Not only did the Imperial Army on the mountain suffer, but many troops at the foot of the mountain were also knocked down. Diao Si's single stone attack killed nearly one-third of the Imperial Army's troops. At the foot of the mountain, corpses of Imperial soldiers were strewn across the field, screaming in agony.

Diao Si's troops on the mountainside were shouting and celebrating with great joy. However, Diao Si was still worried about whether the Imperial Army behind him would catch up, so he asked the old guy to go over and ask Ding Ding about the situation.

At the same time, Diao Si did not stop. He continued to order all archers to put down their weapons and move rocks. Although all the nearby stones that were easy to move before have been removed, it is not difficult to find stones on such a mountain.

The imperial army below was still adjusting and dealing with the wounded soldiers. They had withdrawn for a certain distance, but they did not leave. The commander in silver armor was standing on a high place looking at the situation on the mountain. She must have been extremely angry.

This commander is a key target. If the enemy is to retreat easily, she must be killed. Diao Si secretly ordered the archers of the sniper team to adjust their positions and keep an eye on the commander.

At this time, the old guy also came back. He told Diao Si that not only did the Imperial Army over there not intend to attack the mountain, but many of them had already retreated back to the city. They must have thought that Diao Si could not defeat the imperial army in front, so they ignored him.

A few hours passed before the imperial troops below finished adjusting. Just when Diao Si ordered everyone to eat and rest, another hawk-eyed birdman flew up.

This birdman's eyesight is very powerful, like a spy satellite, and we can only hope that it can't fly back. But this time the birdman was obviously well prepared. After observing the situation on the mountain, it flew back high, preventing the lurking sniper archers from taking action.

"Captain, do we want to take turns taking a break?" the old guy asked Diao Si again.

Diao Si was still thinking about the next move of the imperial army. He paused for a moment before coming back to his senses and said to the old guy: "No, there is no need to take turns. Everyone can rest. I can just watch by myself."

Hearing Diao Si's answer, the old guy didn't believe his ears. In such a situation, could he still rest peacefully

After seeing the old guy's disbelieving expression, Diao Si was also worried that these long-eared guys could not rest peacefully, so he added: "Don't worry, those imperial troops will not attack for the time being."

In this way, those long-eared guys lay down to rest. What Diao Si said was not a lie. After experiencing the previous tragic losses, the commander would not act recklessly. After the birdman reported the situation on the mountain, she must have been thinking of a way to deal with it.

And the bird has just come up once and will not fly up again immediately, so they can sleep peacefully and have a good rest.

But the situation has changed, because the commander of the Imperial Army already knows the situation on the mountain, and he will definitely not be beaten again from the original main road up the mountain.

Therefore, it was necessary for Diao Si to make preparations in all aspects and pay close attention to the changes at the foot of the mountain. It was best to think of her battle plan before the commander took action.

After a while, Diao Si noticed that the commander of the imperial army was dividing her troops into several groups. Her purpose of dispersing the team must be to attack from various positions under the mountain, so that the stones prepared by Diao Si and the others would be useless.

This would also leave a way for Diao Si to escape from here. If the imperial army attacked the mountain, they could escape down the mountain from the main road. But I don't know if the commander of the imperial army will leave a force. After fighting with her for so long, Diao Si already knows that she is not stupid.

Okay, no matter what, you have to be prepared. Diao Si's biggest goal now is to kill this commander. For other situations, just adapt to the situation. It's time to prepare.

Diao Si ordered everyone to wake up and disperse them to various locations on the mountain, pretending to suppress the imperial army below. He rushed to the mountain alone, trying to find a way out so that he would have a way out when he had to. (To be continued)