Alien Ruler

Chapter 17: Imperial Army Plot


Diao Si continued to walk a short distance up the mountain. He found that the mountain road would be even more dangerous if he continued to climb up. And except for the only artificially dug mountain road, it is almost impossible to go anywhere else.

In other words, if the imperial commanders below attack them this time, they can continue to retreat to the mountain along this road, and such a dangerous mountain road is even more difficult for one man to pass. But if they retreated to the top and the Imperial Army was still on the mountainside, they would have to fight hard if they wanted to leave.

Or maybe it's not like this. If the front is really lost, they can retreat along the original route, but in that case they may encounter the Imperial Army over there. There must be a way out, not to mention that it is not difficult for the imperial army in front to attack now. The commander already knows the general situation of Diao Si's troops.

"You help me call Wangcai back from the back and let him go to the mountain to investigate." After returning to the long-eared guys, Diao Si called another soldier away because he wanted Dingding to go to the mountain to learn more about it. Condition.

"They've made some movement, look, Captain." The old guy pointed at the Imperial Army troops that were beginning to approach various positions and said to Diao Si. Diao Si began to feel that this old guy was a little annoyed. It was not like he couldn't see him, so he didn't need his pointing.

Diao Si's attention was not on the Imperial troops who were attacking in separate lines, but on the commander who was still standing looking at the mountainside, waiting for an opportunity. Behind him was a group of elite soldiers all wearing armor. There was also a small group of Imperial troops at the camp to prevent Diao Si and the others from escaping.

That small group of imperial troops may not be able to defeat Diao Si's team, but it can completely hinder them, so that they will be caught up by the team behind them. The commander of the Imperial Army was really not stupid at all. She also had her own plans. Diao Si was now beginning to worry that they might be forced to the top of the mountain, making it difficult for them to escape at night.

"Don't shoot arrows, just hit them with rocks!" When he saw his soldiers starting to shoot arrows at the imperial soldiers who were climbing up, Diao Si immediately shouted an order to them.

It's better to save arrows for the final escape. Those people are still crawling at the foot of the mountain. A small stone can kill them. On the contrary, arrows may not be as effective as a small stone.

There are a lot of rocks on the mountainside, especially after the heavy rain yesterday, but the top of the mountain is different. Moreover, the difficulty of those imperial troops climbing up is far different from that of climbing down. If they can defend it firmly, it will be difficult for them to attack. They should take advantage of this opportunity to annihilate more enemy troops.

The imperial commander over there remained motionless and sent another hawk-eyed birdman to observe the situation on the mountain. Diao Si had already thought of something. She might want to personally lead the elite troops to attack from the original main road. The purpose of spreading the team around now is to make Diao Si ignore this main road, which is the easiest to attack.

Well, since you want to use a plan like this, I will give you a plan to use the plan. Diao Si watched the birdman flying closer and immediately ordered the soldiers staying there to spread to both sides. He did not believe that the commander of the imperial army could attack the mountainside with such a small number of elite troops.

The birdman hovered for a moment, then glided back. The sniper team members fired hidden arrows at it again, but this was no longer effective. Diao Si also signaled them to stop and ordered them to concentrate on the main road.

"Listen, they will attack from the main road soon. Except for the Swift Arrow detachment, everyone will come back here immediately and prepare to push the rocks!" Diao Si ordered loudly, and those long-eared guys ran over to attack again. This way.

Now the commander of the imperial army finally took action. She shouted again with her loud voice, then drew her weapon and pointed it in the direction of Diao Si and the others, and rushed straight towards them. However, what Diao Si did not expect was that the teams that were scattered to various positions to attack the mountain immediately gathered towards the main road after hearing the order.

She wanted to concentrate all her forces to attack, and even led the team herself to run in front, so that the archers of the sniper team would have a chance. As long as this guy can be killed, the morale of the Imperial Army will be greatly affected, and they may be about to retreat.

For this reason, Diao Si took the risk and did not let his soldiers push the stone, but asked the commander to continue running up the mountain to give the lurking sniper archers a chance. To capture the thief first, capture the king. As long as we can kill this guy and let them run an obstacle-free road, so what.

However, Diao Si was disappointed next. The arrows fired by the sniper archers were easily deflected by the commander with his weapon. The rare arrow that hit her could not penetrate her silver armor.

"Push the rocks, push them for me quickly!" Diao Si shouted loudly, and started to push the prepared rocks himself, because the commander of the Imperial Army had already reached the narrow opening. If she continued to pass, she would be able to Attack Diao Si's troops.

What happened next was even more unexpected for Diao Si. The commander was very calm in the face of those tumbling stones and avoided them by jumping and dodging. Her kung fu is very powerful. If she were to attack, how could she succeed

"Hurry up, push them all down!" Diao Si also worked hard, pushing the prepared stones together with the soldiers. Under his guidance, the soldiers worked very hard, and finally the big stone was pushed down. The pile of stones was shaking and rolling down together.

But the commander was so powerful. While dodging the stone attack, she also hit the gravel with the weapon in her hand, causing them to splash towards Diao Si like a cannonball, killing a soldier next to Diao Si. Knocked down.

It's amazing, this bitch commander is not so powerful. Maybe she can kill Diao Si's team by attacking alone. The main problem is that she is wearing that silver armor now, and arrows can't hurt her at all. Woolen cloth.

"Retreat! Retreat to the mountain!" Diao Si shouted as he hurriedly ran up the mountain. The woman was still some distance away from him, but she was not moving very fast. He couldn't escape after she got closer.

"Still want to escape? Just suffer death!" The woman shouted and rushed towards Diao Si. The place where Diao Si rolled the rocks before was on a slope, but the guy ran no slower on the slope than on the flat ground. Fortunately, the soldiers kept smashing the rocks, so she could not avoid being hit and had to run towards her first. The soldiers took action.

"Retreat! Don't worry about anything, retreat immediately!" Diao Si continued to shout and ran up the mountain. In fact, it was the commander who was attacking now. The rest of the imperial army was knocked down by the rocks just now. Some of them still stay near the base of the mountain.

But a powerful enemy is better than an army. Diao Si didn't want to risk his life. The commander was just staring at him. Even if he was to be surrounded on the top of the mountain, there was still hope.

The commander stood up immediately after being knocked down. This was not only due to the strength of her armor, but also to the strength of her physique. Seeing that Diao Si's troops had given up the attack and retreated to the mountains, she frantically pursued them again. With a single stroke of the spear in her hand, several long-eared guys would be killed or injured.

Diao Si might not have felt anything when they were attacking the imperial army. Now that he was attacked by this commander, he really knew what fear was. The commander had a burst of gorgeous marksmanship. Diao Si didn't think she was gorgeous at all. The scene of flesh and blood flying around couldn't make him feel any pleasure at all.

Soon, twenty or thirty long-eared guys were knocked down, including the old guy, but what Diao Si didn't expect was that after being stabbed by the woman, it pounced on her, hugged her and started again. Fell down the slope.

I really didn't expect that the old guy was so brave in the end. It bought time for Diao Si and his soldiers. But throwing the woman down in this way did not kill the woman. It seemed that she was only injured, but she did not continue to chase her and turned to command her army.

Diao Si and the others continued to climb to the top of the mountain. Because they were afraid of being overtaken by the woman, Diao Si kept giving orders to prevent those long-eared guys from stopping until they reached a platform. The Imperial Army on the mountainside was throwing He stopped to rest when he could no longer throw an empty arrow.

Just because he underestimated the power of the woman, Diao Si lost dozens of soldiers and was forced to reach this height. The weather is getting colder and colder, and the food is still left on the mountainside. What should we do? It was really one mistake, and everything was lost. (To be continued)