Alien Ruler

Chapter 18: Retreat to the second line


Starting from leading the team to leave the British and American troops, after killing the pursuers twice in the woods, they successfully returned to the camp to steal food, and caused the Imperial Army to fight each other. Then they fled to this high mountain and used stones to kill them all at once. He defeated a lot of imperial troops, but he never expected that in the end, because of this commander's single-handed breakthrough, Diao Si finally retreated to the top of the mountain.

But this is a real war, not a game. There is no need to "load files". Just like when fighting against others, everything must be calculated before anything happens, and there is no room for error.

In this situation, their advantage was lost. The most important thing was that they had no food and only a little dry food. They couldn't hold on for long, so they returned to their previous plan. Diao Si had to use this long and cold night to find a way. Get away from here.

At this time, the Blazing Sun has gone down the mountain, and the remaining Light Sun is still hanging in the sky. There are about ten hours left. After it goes down, the temperature here will drop sharply. Although I have never experienced it, it has been since the old guy was alive. Diao Si can understand it, but it will even make people cold to death.

But the more severe it is, the better it is for them. Opportunities are always on the edge of the knife. Eat a hard time and gain wisdom. At least you are still alive now. You have a chance while you are alive. You can't just give up. Everything has just begun.

When playing games, many opponents marvel at Diao Si's psychological quality, especially his calmness. He has turned the tide of battle many times in the game and has been hailed as a classic.

"Okay, although a lot of soldiers were sacrificed, we finally brought them up." Diao Si suddenly said this, leaving those long-eared guys who were feeling depressed puzzled.

"Don't you believe me? Find the rocks quickly and move to this location. The fun will come later." Diao Si forced a proud smile, and the soldiers immediately put away their weapons and took action.

At this time, the dog monster Ding Ding ran back from the top of the mountain panting. It looked very tired. When he saw Diao Si and the others retreating here, he looked confused again.

"Master, the road to the top of the mountain is very difficult. I climbed many times before climbing up, and it took a lot of effort to climb back..." Ding Ding actually searched the top of the mountain. He was really impressed by it. In fact, where was it? There is a way to the top, but there is nothing on it, so who would climb up there.

"Well done, Wangcai, you have done a great job. We will definitely win this time, and those idiots below are dead!" Diao Si said happily, and Ding Ding only widened his eyes, not understanding what Diao Si said at all. What does it mean.

This is exactly what YY told those guys with long ears. Now Diao Si must make them confident in order to continue fighting. Morale is very important at this time. If there is no morale, then you are really running out of energy.

"You soft-whip man above, you have no way out, you should take the initiative and commit suicide, otherwise I will definitely let you drain your body and die!" The wife of the Imperial Army below yelled, and then laughed wildly.

Unexpectedly, after she said this, another hidden arrow shot over, but it missed and only shot down an elite soldier beside her. It's Diao Si's sniper team. They're still hiding nearby, keeping an eye on that guy. It's really cool.

Just when the woman was wondering if there were any ambushes nearby, Diao Si raised a stone and threw it at her. It was not easy to smash a stone at this height, but the woman still refused to show weakness. She jumped up and shot the stone again, but the largest fragment hit another elite soldier on the head. He was instantly Bye.

"Slut, if you have the guts, come up here. I'm waiting for you." Diao Si also laughed and said to the guy. At the same time, he calculated the range that his soldiers could hit with the rocks. In fact, now their The location is also very favorable, but there are not many rocks on the top of the mountain.

"Haha, I won't be fooled by you. I'm waiting for you here. You're really hungry. Come over to me for some milk." The woman said, squatting down in front of the road up the mountain. .

Diao Si didn't want to continue the verbal dispute with her. Women in this world were shameless. He was only there to observe the situation of the imperial troops below. Their number has been reduced by about half since their appearance, but their number is still many times that of his troops.

The biggest problem is that the Imperial Army has food and can stay here for a long time, but if they don't have it, they will be hungry in ten hours, very hungry in twenty hours, and it will take at least ten hours before it gets dark, and The Imperial Army is stationed there.

"Okay, now let's collect the dry food we have and treat our stomachs first." Diao Si thought about it again and again before saying this, because how to eat this last meal is also very important. If they wait until they are hungrier to eat, they can last longer, but if they are hungry now, the physical condition and morale of the army will be affected immediately.

There wasn't a lot of food, and it could be said that evenly divided it wouldn't be enough, but the soldiers would be happy if they could eat something. After eating, Diao Si asked them if they had any entertainment activities and even danced with their ears.

This kept the imperial troops below guessing. They all raised their heads to look at Diao Si and the others celebrating the same event, and saw that their necks were also tired. The woman was even more irritable and would yell at Diao Sili from time to time, but Diao Sili ignored her.

But that guy wasn't stupid either. She knew Diao Si's purpose of doing this, and she also learned how to let the imperial troops engage in activities, but the imperial troops couldn't get up any energy because they were already tired, so she arranged They took turns to sleep.

The Sun of Light continued to fall, and the temperature continued to drop, getting colder and colder, and the wind began to become fierce. Diao Si asked everyone to rest first, leaving only one person to look at the imperial troops and think. Countermeasures.

In the days when he was playing games in the past, Diao Si could only sleep four to six hours a day. This was not the craziest time, so he was still okay in terms of energy. But today he was tired, especially looking at the imperial army's formation that always looked the same. He closed his eyes unknowingly.

There was movement, there was movement from the Imperial Army, and Diao Sicai suddenly cheered up. The woman below got into a tent, and then some captains also sneaked in. They must be discussing some battle plan.

It was getting dark at this time, and the woman might attack after dark, so Diao Si woke up all the soldiers and secretly prepared stones.

The woman over there came out of the tent soon, and then called an eagle-eyed birdman over. After seeing the birdman, Diao Si immediately ordered everyone to lie down and pretend to sleep, and then he continued to half-close his eyes as if dozing off. He knew what the woman wanted to do.

Because the wind was very strong, the birdman flew up and took a brief look before gliding back. Diao Si already knew what answer it would give the woman, so he continued to pretend there while paying attention to the movements of the imperial troops.

They really took action. Although they didn't line up to gather, it could be seen just from the fact that they picked up weapons. It seemed that the woman couldn't wait any longer and wanted to attack before dark.

The woman came to the front of the mountain road again, but this time she didn't roar. She just waved the spear in her hand, then bent down and rushed towards Diao Si and the others.

"Do it! Hit them hard and kill them!" Diao Si yelled, raised the stone that was already warm in his arms and hit the woman. The soldiers behind him were tired of waiting. He also jumped up in response and kept throwing rocks at the bottom of the mountainside.

This time the woman knew it was painful. After she used the skill several times in succession, she had no choice but to avoid it. Those imperial soldiers stupidly held up their shields to block the stones and rushed for a while, but they couldn't get through at all, and they only crowded in front of the mountain road and were smashed.

"Get back, get them all back!" Seeing that there was no hope at all, the woman yelled and ordered to retreat, and then hid back in her tent without saying a word.

When Diao Si saw it, he danced with the long-eared guys again to celebrate. However, the weather was too cold, and Diao Si could not arouse their enthusiasm this time, so he ordered them to prepare some new stones.

It was already so cold before the sun went down from the mountain. It was really unimaginable that night. Diao Si looked at those long-eared guys and couldn't help but let out a long sigh. (To be continued)