Alien Ruler

Chapter 20: Use strange moves to defeat the enemy


"Why are you still wearing so many clothes? Don't you know it's better to stay warm naked?" Diao Si said to the long-eared guys while taking off their clothes.

Those guys with long ears shook their heads, but they didn't dare to resist. In fact, Diao Si's words make sense, but now they are not under the quilt. If they are naked like this, the outside will only get colder.

Diao Si didn't care about it anymore, just kept wrapping the clothes he grabbed around his body, and then walked to the intersection to observe the situation of the Imperial Army below. They were still the same as before, but many of them were not asleep, and some people came over to add fuel to the three fires at the intersection.

They are not as embarrassed as Diao Si and the others above. If they rush down like this now, they will really die. They might as well just jump off the cliff. They can't take chances like this.

When Diao Si turned around to go back to keep warm, he saw the long clothes straps trailing behind him. Jumping off the cliff? This seems like a good idea. He thought of something. He could use the straps on these clothes to make a long rope, and then rely on it to hang from the cliff without a road and escape.

Now those imperial soldiers thought they had no way to escape, so naturally they would not think of this. However, the rope was very long and might use up everyone's clothes. If they didn't wear clothes in such weather, How to climb down

No, they just took off their clothes. Diao Si didn't have to take off his clothes. It didn't matter if they couldn't escape. Diao Si could escape alone. There is no other way. It is better to die less than to die all at once.

Thinking of this, Diao Si ran to the cliff behind to take a look. However, his feet were numb when he looked at it. There was pitch black below, like an abyss. How could he climb down? No, no, at least there should be some light before climbing.

Diao Si went to other locations to look. They were almost all similar dangers. Only one location near the only passage could see the bottom, because the bottom was still on the mountainside, and the firelight of the Imperial Army could shine through. There.

You don't need a long rope to go down here, but what you reach is a mountainside full of imperial troops. This is easily discovered. It doesn't work. It doesn't work.

Just when Diao Si turned his head to leave, he noticed that a figure seemed to be passing by on the cliff. He didn't know if it was because of dazzling eyes or something there.

"Could it be that the woman wanted to climb up here at night and attack me?" Diao Si thought and smiled at this. In fact, it was unlikely. The woman should be sleeping soundly in the tent.

When Diao Si turned around to go back, he suddenly felt a little anxious and needed to urinate. But how to urinate? In such a cold weather, things must be cold when you take them out. You have to find a warmer place. But when you see those long-eared guys thinking and hesitating, how can you pee when being stared at by these aliens? It has to come out.

Forget it, it's not hard to get it warmed up, just a little more rubbing should do the trick. Diao Si smiled knowingly, stood on the edge of the cliff, and then kept blowing the heater into his trouser pocket. After a lot of effort, he finally felt comfortable.

It was so cold that Diao Si could even watch his urine smoke for a moment before condensing and flowing down. This feeling was quite refreshing. Now he finally understood the meaning of the two heavens of ice and fire. The more exciting it was, the more exciting it became.

"Uh..." Diao Si seemed to be able to hear the woman's cry. This might be an illusion in his subconscious mind. After all, he hadn't masturbated here for a long time.

It's so cold. Even if I can hang down with my clothes on, I don't even think about it, because firstly I can't see, and secondly my hands and feet are too stiff. If I miss it, it will really be suicide. I won't wait until dawn. Take action.

Diao Si returned to those long-eared guys again. The feeling was really different. It was obviously much warmer. It was so good. I really wanted to hide away for a while.

But being born in sorrow and dying in happiness, how can you enjoy it for a while like this? Diao Si reminded himself and looked at the soldiers again. Oh my god, they had thrown away their weapons. If the imperial army attacked at this time, they would be killed without any resistance at all.

So he took off the clothes of a few guys with long ears, wrapped his body and walked quickly to the intersection over there. Only then did Diao Si realize that the frozen Tintin was still staring there. It was so cute.

"Master, come and see, they are doing something big." Ding Ding said this, and Diao Si immediately ran over and covered Ding Ding with part of his clothes.

What Ding Ding said was absolutely correct. The imperial troops were adjusting their formations and moving things. But the woman was nowhere to be seen, and the captains were all dejected, as if they had been defeated.

How can this be? Diao Si was still wary of whether these imperial troops were going to deliberately create an illusion, pretend to retreat, and then suddenly counterattack. But the more they look at it, the less they look like it, and do they need to be like this? If they continue to trap Diao Si and the others, they will have to attack by force.

Waiting to see what happened, Diao Si turned around and looked at the long-eared guys who were still squeezing desperately. He really didn't want to let them come over to prepare, because the imperial army below had no intention of attacking at all.

What's going on? Could it be that reinforcements from Ruifeng City have arrived? I wouldn't rush on such a cold night like this. Could it be that the food suddenly ran out, but at least the food Diao Si and the others had left was there. It's really hard to explain. What was the reason for the imperial army to suddenly retreat

The only explanation is that they gave up, finally feared Diao Si, and did not intend to pay a greater price to kill Diao Si. Diao Si continued to keep an eye on the imperial troops there, and they continued to pack their bags, probably waiting for dawn to leave.

is this real? Of course Diao Si hopes this is the case, but past lessons tell him that reality is always cruel. Why did the imperial army retreat for no reason? That woman wanted to cut Diao Si into pieces, so how could she suddenly let him go

Continuing to look, Diao Si finally saw something. It was the woman's silver armor. It was moved piecemeal to a box, which looked like a coffin. Could it be that the woman suddenly fell ill and died? Diao Si continued to watch and saw the captains of the Imperial Army performing some kind of ritual under the cliff where he urinated.

Now he seemed to suddenly understand that the woman's cry he heard while urinating was not an illusion, it belonged to the woman. She really wanted to climb up the cliff and then sneak attack Diao Si's troops. However, Diao Si's urine turned into ice cubes and killed the woman...

Yes, it should be like this. The woman didn't wear a battle armor because of the cold weather, so she wore thick clothes. It was too dark to see the ice flakes that Diao Si dropped, so she was killed by chance.

No matter what, she must have wanted to sneak up on Diao Si at night, and then died accidentally. Due to the death of the general, no one to command, the long-term inability to attack, and bad weather, the imperial troops decided to retreat.

It was so powerful. Diao Si suddenly admired his little brother. It was a big contributor today. He killed the woman with just one shot and defeated the enemy. It's so powerful. You really can't underestimate it. You must be kinder to it in the future.

Gradually, the sky has become slightly brighter, and the huge moon is still hanging in the sky. Usually only one moon can be seen here. The moon that can be seen tonight is much larger than the moon seen on the earth.

The temperature began to rise again, and Diao Si still stayed there to observe the imperial troops who began to leave in formation. He was also worried that the imperial troops suddenly changed their minds and came over to continue besieging them. It wasn't until he saw them getting further and further away that Diao Si walked back to the guys with long ears.

Maybe it was because it was too cold to sleep at night, but now that it's warmed up, they all fell asleep hugging each other. Diao Si wanted to scold them when he saw their disgusting movements, but after hesitation, he let them rest first, and then he would lead them directly back to Ruifeng City.

The imperial army that had pestered Diao Si for a whole day finally returned in defeat, but reflecting on the day's strategy, Diao Si couldn't be happy at all. What he won was just luck. If he had been less lucky, he would have died.

He must work hard. The first thing is to make himself stronger, like that woman. This is the basic condition for him to continue to get along. It is not easy to get along here. (To be continued)