Alien Ruler

Chapter 24: Learn magic


"Your kid is from an alien galaxy. Now let me tell you about the situation in our world." The white-haired old man said this, and Diao Si was confused. Didn't he just say that he wanted to teach him magic? Why should I talk about this world again

"You already know that we can see three suns here. This understanding is that three stars are relatively large to the naked eye. In fact, there are many stars that can be seen, but they are all very small and are called stars..."

The old man actually talked about astronomical knowledge. What does this have to do with magic? Diao Si couldn't bear it anymore, so he interrupted and asked: "Old man, don't you want to teach me magic? Don't talk about astronomy knowledge. I may know these better than you."

The old man was unhappy and responded loudly to Diao Si: "What do you know? This is astrology, the introduction to magic. You don't even know what magic is, how can you learn it?"

This time Diao Sizhen was scolded as mute, and he didn't speak any more. This was not because he couldn't argue with the old man, but because he was afraid that he would become angry with shame and suddenly refuse to teach him. Let him talk first. Who is Diao Si begging him now

"But our world is different from your world. Your world is at the edge of the galaxy, and other forces have little impact on you. However, our world is near the center of the galaxy, and there is a large black hole not far away. , so our world is greatly affected by other forces... "

The old man continued talking, Diao Si asked uneasily: "Is there a large black hole not far away? Then the world won't be sucked into it? Oh my god, how long will it take for the end of the world to come here?"

"The end of the world! What do you know? Do you think that if you are close to a black hole, you will be sucked in quickly? This is the cleverness of you earthlings. Black holes have directional forces. Have you ever seen a vortex in water? The entrance to the hole is right The force of floating objects on the water surface is much greater than that of underwater objects, and it will take at least hundreds of millions of years to suck us in... "

"Okay, okay, I was wrong. You can go ahead. Regarding astronomy... we can shorten it a little bit about astrology." Diao Si responded, regretting that he couldn't help but speak. Fortunately, he didn't drag the issue out. too far.

"Originally, our world was a planet without water and life. Until hundreds of millions of years ago, it collided with an ice ball asteroid, which caused earth-shaking changes. Energy was attached to matter, and life was born... "

"So there should be an ocean here, but why haven't I seen it yet? There are no bigger rivers." Diao Si asked again as he listened and thought.

The old man was not angry after hearing this, and just told him: "This place is different from the earth. The earth has experienced much longer time than here. The land and ocean here are almost evenly separated, and the land is connected together on one side. , the ocean is also connected on the other side.”

"I know, what I want to know most now is when did human activities start here, and when did the Nima Empire come into being." Diao Si asked this, but unexpectedly the old man's expression suddenly became weird after hearing this.

"No, everything has changed. It's all unknown. No one can accurately predict the future. I don't know when the Nima Empire will be established, but I know that the continent we live in in ancient times, It’s called Nima Continent.”

"What? Nima is the name of the entire continent?" Diao Si couldn't believe it. If this is true, doesn't it mean that the entire continent will be unified in the future. This is a very distant thing. Now let alone the entire continent, there are constant wars in just a small place. How can it be easy to unify

"Where are the Upanishads? They..." Diao Si was no longer in the mood. Now he knew that the old woman with the red stick sent him a long time ago, and he didn't know when he would be able to return to Earth. What a tragedy.

"I'm telling you now about the Upanishad, you can't find it, and you can't even understand it yet. I suggest you get to know the world first, and worry about that later." The old man responded.

"Okay, I listen to you. Now I just want to learn magic and have powerful magic power. I really don't dare to think about anything else." Diao Si said, now he just hopes that he can be as powerful as the old woman with the red stick. That way I can use magic to send myself back.

"...Magic is an invisible force that uses special power to control the material movement of nature to achieve the desired effect. Before learning magic, you must have a systematic grasp of all situations in nature. You know it and believe it Only when you can integrate it can you utilize it.”

The old man continued to talk a lot about magic, which sounded quite reasonable. Diao Si listened carefully, as if he was not very hungry anymore. Time passed unknowingly. This is indeed a good place to study. place.

According to the old guy, the magic in this world is divided into several systems. First, there is magic that controls gases, called air magic or wind magic. Then there is magic that controls liquids, solids, and mixtures and Something deeper.

"I think I've said enough. Now you can choose to start with one of the air, water and earth systems." The old guy asked Diao Si after he introduced the magic.

Listening to the wonderful introduction to magic, Diao Si was in high spirits, forgetting all the worries of being locked up in a cell and starving. But for the old guy's question, he thought about all kinds of magic, but after thinking about it, he couldn't find an answer.

"Why can't you learn fire magic first?" Diao Si thought of what the old guy said before and asked. It seems that fire magic should be more destructive than other magics. Why can't he choose it

"That can only be learned based on the air system and water system, or there is a deeper reliance on the sun to create high temperatures, etc. This is not something you can understand right away." The old guy quickly closed the door.

"Can air, water and earth magic be learned together?" Diao Si drooled. He was about to learn real magic. This was not the fake stuff in the movie. He couldn't control himself. of excitement.

The old guy glared at him and said, "Of course, but in this case, you won't be able to leave here for two years. You'd better pick one to become stronger first."

What the old guy said makes sense. Diao Si has just started now. He really shouldn't be too greedy. Master one first, and it won't be too late to master the others later. Although he is always pretentious, he still follows some rules. Be good.

"Let's do this. You tell me the specific magic of each of the air, water and earth elements first, and then I will think about it seriously." Diao Si said with a playful smile.

"You kid, you asked me to teach you how to pick a wife." The old guy obviously had an opinion, but he still knew how to say it. Diao Si just laughed along with him.

"Listen up, the basics of air magic are to generate wind, whirlwinds, tornadoes and use clouds and mist in the atmosphere to rain, create lightning, and even use atmospheric refraction to see distant targets and create illusions to confuse the enemy... In short, as long as you know how to use the atmosphere, you can Any magic you can think of can be cast.”

Listening to the old guy's introduction, Diao Si was even more fascinated and said without much thought: "Then teach me the air magic first. I decided to learn this first."

Diao Si's choice was not entirely due to impatience. He felt that air magic was always more useful, because wherever you can breathe, that is, where there are living people, there is atmosphere, and calling for wind and rain sounds quite cool.

"Okay, let's get started. Now let's try to communicate with the wind elf. Some people can succeed after a few days. You should be able to succeed in a shorter time." After the old guy finished speaking, he walked to the stone wall. , lay down and disappeared.

"Hey, why are you leaving? You haven't told me how to communicate with them yet? I can't even see them." Diao Si walked over quickly, but after the old guy disappeared, the cell became dark.

"Have you forgotten? Everything in this world is intelligent and spiritual. They actually exist. If you want to learn Qi magic, you must first learn to communicate with them. I can't help you with this." The old guy's voice It rang again and gradually disappeared.

"I know, but isn't there any trick? You have to tell me the method." Diao Si continued to ask, but the old guy didn't speak anymore. (To be continued)