Alien Ruler

Chapter 25: Communicate with the wind elves


The old guy had left, and Diao Si continued to sit there. There is no other way. It seems that we still have to spend some time and try to communicate with this wind elf.

However, time passed by, minutes, ten minutes, dozens of minutes... except for some faint unpleasant smells, there was only dullness and nothing.

"Dear Wind Elf, dear Sister Feng, can you say a word to my little brother?"

"Great Wind Elf, Sister Feng with incomparable power, can you give me some expression?"

"Sister Feng, just give me a hint..."

Diao Si went from whispering to roaring, but there was still no reaction at all. He began to feel like a fool, a little bit cheated by that dead old man.

"Hello..." There was a reply, and Diao Si's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed, but when he listened carefully, it didn't sound like the voice of a wind elf, but like a soldier.

"Why are you so crazy? If you make any more noise, I'll put some maggots in and kill you, you bastard!" As expected, it was the soldiers guarding him, and Diao Si quickly apologized to them.

After the soldier left, Diao Si lay down on the ground. He was already very hungry. It was really uncomfortable to suddenly feel like this. How to do it? Before he could communicate with this wind elf, he would starve to death here.

"Haha, are you discouraged so quickly? I forgot to tell you that this is not how you communicate with the wind elves. You must be gentle and have friendly feelings." The old man finally came back.

Diao Si was very angry after hearing this, and responded loudly: "Why didn't you tell me earlier, and you made me waste so much time? If I really want to starve to death here, you have to take full responsibility!"

The old man laughed again after hearing this, and then said to Diao Si: "That is a negative example, and it is also to let you know what not to do."

"I know, you old man just wants me to starve to death here and then take away my beads. You are so cruel." Diao Si continued to say angrily.

After hearing this, the old man's smile didn't end, and he said: "How could I take away the beads? You don't have to try to trick me. Communicating with the wind elves is the only way to get started. I can't help you." of."

Diao Si was still sulking, and he could understand that this was not all the fault of the old guy. Of course, this magic was not easy to learn, but he would not accept it easily when the old man just told him a little method.

"Then tell me now, what else should I pay attention to? As long as I am gentler, the wind elf will communicate with me?" Diao Si asked again.

The old man paused before answering: "One more thing you must pay attention to is that when you communicate with them, you must confirm that they really exist. Even if they ignore you, you must know that they are with you." Beside you. If you believe it, there will be it. If you don’t believe it, there will be nothing. Do you understand?"

"I've confirmed that they exist, but if they don't exist, what can I do?" Diao Si asked back, but unexpectedly, the old man didn't respond again, and he left again.

Diao Si didn't even bother to scold him, so he closed his eyes again and felt the air around him seriously. Their presence must be confirmed, as if they are always watching and listening.

Be sincere, Diao Si calmed down and continued to feel the wind in his ears and everything in the surrounding atmosphere. There seemed to be something really there. Diao Si seemed to be able to feel something, but it seemed like there was nothing.

Well, just pretend it is there even if it doesn't exist. Diao Si continued to whisper to the air stupidly: "Sister Feng, my name is Diao Si. Actually, I don't belong to this world. I..."

I don't know how long I talked for, but Diao Si slowly fell asleep. He had not slept well to begin with, and coupled with the dark environment here, which was his habit on Earth, it was easy for him to fall asleep.

In his dream, Diao Si came to a strange world, where there was only chaos, but some loud laughter rang in his ears. The laughter sounded far and near, but there was no one around him.

Based on such chaotic sounds, Diao Si could tell that there were ghost-like creatures around him, but he could feel that they were not malicious at all, they only laughed and sang happily around him.

It's very interesting. Are they the wind elves that the old man called? Is this the so-called communication? What kind of communication is this? I can't communicate at all.

However, those ghost-like things suddenly left again. Diao Si felt as if he had driven them away. What was going on? Is that the doubtful thought

"Sister Feng, don't leave. If it's because I doubted you just now, I apologize to you now..." Diao Si kept talking, and after a while, the wind caressed his face again.

It was true. Diao Si could feel them coming back. Now Diao Si understood that they were actually around and he could communicate with them anytime and anywhere. This communication was not difficult at all.

Then they led Diao Si to a more peculiar place. Diao Si felt very relaxed and happy with them...

I don't know how long it took before Diao Si woke up. He was starving to death. He probably woke up because he was too hungry. Diao Si opened his eyes. It was still dark inside the cell, with only a little light coming from the window.

When is it? Diao Si stood up holding his stomach. His mouth felt very dry, so he took out a water bottle and drank some water. Unexpectedly, after drinking water, my stomach felt even more empty and hungry, and it kept rumbling.

Fortunately, I just got some sleep, otherwise I would have fainted from hunger now, but I can't go on like this, I can't stand it. Diao thought for a moment, then took out the bead again, and wanted to find the old man.

"Old man, I'm going to starve to death. Come out and see me for the last time." Diao Si said, and the cell suddenly lit up.

"Old man, uncle, I really can't stand it anymore. I'm about to die. Just be okay. Just remember that we have known each other for so long." Diao Si pleaded again.

But the old man still shook his head and replied: "I really can't help you with this. You'd better support me for a while. I believe they will send food over."

"Support for a while? That bastard young city lord said he would starve me for a day, just for a day." Diao Si responded loudly that there was no way he could support it for that long.

"She just wants to punish you. She won't let you die, otherwise there would be no need to lock you up here." The old man responded.

What he said made sense, but he wasn't the one who was hungry. How could he know how uncomfortable Diao Si was: "You'd better find a way to help me. It's very simple. Can't you just bring out some food?"

"Conjure food out of thin air? This is impossible under normal circumstances. It can only be summoned or transformed. Is everything I told you in vain?" the old man responded.

Diao Si was really speechless. The old man had emphasized to him many times that magic must follow the laws of nature, but now he was starving to death.

"Let's do this. You continue to learn to communicate with the wind elves. This will distract you." The old man said and was about to leave again.

"Wait a minute, old ghost, I seemed to be able to communicate with the wind elves in my dream just now. Let me tell you, see if it's true." Diao Si said quickly, but the old man continued to disappear.

"It's different in dreams, but since it works in dreams, you can try it here." In the end, the old man left these words, and the cell became dark again.

It was useless to talk about it anymore. Diao Si was already used to this strange old man. He always left as soon as he wanted to. Okay, maybe he is right. Since he can communicate with the wind elf in dreams, it should be possible here too.

"Sister Feng, I am Diao Si, do you still want to play with me..." Diao Si whispered again, as if the sylph was really listening.

But I don't know how long I talked, but there was still no response. This seemed to be different from the situation in the dream. Diao Si was a little doubtful again. However, when this thought flashed across his mind, he seemed to feel the gentle sound of wind in his ears.

"I was wrong. Sister Feng, don't leave. I'm just too hungry. You may not understand that a stinky guy like me needs to eat and absorb it and convert it into energy to survive..." Diao Si continued, He seemed to really feel that someone was listening to him.

However, suddenly, those things scattered, and then a voice sounded from the window of the cell: "Are you hungry? The food is here!"

It turned out that the soldiers had brought the food. Damn, they had to come at exactly this time. It was really annoying. Couldn’t the food be brought later? (To be continued)