Alien Ruler

Chapter 26: The prisoner next door


Let's eat something first. He was really hungry. When Diao Si turned his attention back, he realized that he even doubted whether the food in his mouth would make him faint from hunger before he could swallow it.

However, when Diao Si put the food to his mouth and was about to eat it, Diao Si suddenly thought of the wind elf, so he said casually: "Sister Feng, I want to eat something. Well, I don't know what this is. It's for the prisoners." , no expectations.”

It might be some whole grains, but after taking a bite, it tasted pretty good. Now everything tasted delicious to Diao Si, and he even went a little crazy. He was stuck all of a sudden and it took a lot of effort to forcefully swallow it.

This meal was really worth his previous three meals. Diao Si lay on the ground happily and continued to talk to the wind elf: "Sister Feng, I'm full. This meal is quite rich. It turns out that sometimes people just A full meal is all you need..."

The wind elf didn't seem to be here, but Diao Si now understood that the old guy was right. If he wanted to learn magic, he had to first be convinced of the existence of the wind elf and learn to communicate with it.

The wind spirit is a kind of spirit, which is like the soul of a dead thing. You must believe in it and respect it in order to communicate with it and use them.

"The young city lord is a traitor. I want to see the city lord. For the sake of our Ruifeng City, you have to let me see the city lord, otherwise this place will soon become a territory of the Nanguang Empire..." Another voice suddenly sounded, Diao Si was attracted and went to the window to take a look.

It was the soldiers. They were escorting a woman who seemed to be injured. This woman must be put in a cell, and the person who sent her in was the damn young city lord.

Judging from the woman's words, she is now scolding the young city lord. The young city lord may be a collaborator, so he imprisoned the woman.

Diao Si believed what this woman said, which just explained why the young city lord locked him up here without saying a word. Because she collaborated with the enemy and betrayed her country, Diao Si's repelling the enemy army hindered her plan, so she imprisoned Diao Si here.

What Diao Si didn't understand was, didn't the city lord know about this situation? Is she the top leader here, or is it because she indulged her daughter and allowed her to do whatever she wanted that she no longer wanted the city

The soldiers locked up the woman and left, but the woman continued to yell and curse the young city lord inside, seriously affecting the communication between Diao Si and the wind elf.

"Next door, do you think the city lord will hear you shouting like this? I suggest you take a rest first, otherwise you will get hungry soon." Diao Si hesitated and said to the woman.

"Who are you, a man who dares to point fingers at me?" The woman was not friendly at all. Diao Si was not a big deal at first, but she became unhappy after hearing this. How can this world look down on men like this

But in order to find out something, he didn't stop and continued to ask the woman: "I don't dare to have any objections to you. I'm just a little curious when I saw that you were also locked up by the young city lord."

"She is a traitor. She collaborates with the enemy and gives up resistance, which will allow the imperial army to encroach on our land more and more... I want to see the city lord, let me out!" The woman said a few words and then roared loudly.

She was out of control emotionally. This was also an opportunity to learn more about the situation through her, so Diao Si asked again: "You said the young city lord was traitorous? Do you have any evidence? You said she gave up resistance. Maybe she was doing this for expediency. What’s the plan?”

"Evidence? There are many people in the army who know about it. Many generals have been imprisoned by her before. Some people even said that she had correspondence with the empire..." The woman responded to Diao Si angrily.

In fact, even Diao Si knew that the young city lord was not a good bird, but why did this woman still want to see the city lord? Is it useful to meet the city lord? As the top leader, doesn’t she have any responsibility if she lets her daughter do this

"Then why are you looking for the city lord? Do you think the city lord is unaware of the good things the young city lord has done? Wouldn't the young city lord dare to do this without her protection?" Diao Si persuaded.

"No, the city lord is only sick, so the young city lord controls most of the army. If you criticize the city lord again in front of me, I will never let you go!" The woman seemed to be very loyal to the city lord.

"Sick?" Diao Si hesitated for a moment, then continued to ask: "Since the city lord let the young city lord control most of the army, she must pass the city lord's position to the young city lord. There is no use finding her."

"No, the people of Ruifeng City have always elected the city lord. We have the right to choose the second young city lord, even Miss Kawa, although she is still too young." The woman responded, and Diao Si realized that the city lord had three daughters.

Will all the people elect one of their daughters to take over the position of city lord? This method is also quite democratic. Why has there never been such an election method on earth? This will not affect the ruling interests of the rulers, but also give the people some choice.

"The city lord has many daughters, so her three daughters will definitely have conflicts over the city lord's position..." Diao Si said while thinking, but unexpectedly this caused the woman to curse.

"Is three daughters still too many? Our city lord only has three men and has only given birth to four daughters. This is a very rare situation in the history of Ruifeng City..." the woman said angrily.

Listening to what she said, Diao Si couldn't tell the greatness of the city lord at all. Instead, he realized that in this world, women, as rulers, only regard men as tools for reproduction. Men are really miserable.

In this way, through the conversation with the woman, Diao Si slowly learned about some of the current situation in Ruifeng City from her mouth. The most famous family in Ruifeng City is the Ka family of the city lord.

The Ka family has always ruled Ruifeng City. In addition to the city lord Ka Lei, many of the main generals in the army are also members of this family. Also included is the woman who is being imprisoned now. Her surname is also Ka, and her name is Kanai.

Kanai is still a silver warrior, but now she has been deprived of her position. She was previously a subordinate of Ka Lei. Later, after Ka Lei fell ill, she and her army followed the young city lord who now imprisoned her.

Ka Lei is now over 50 years old and is the second daughter of the former city lord. She has three daughters now. The eldest daughter Ka Zhu is the young city lord. She has won Ka Lei's favor with her bravery and good fighting skills, so many people now point out that she There is treason, but most people in the city still don't believe it.

The second daughter's name is Kaji. This Kaji has a very bad impression among the people. She was once imprisoned by Ka Lei for framing Ka Zhu, and Kanai doesn't have a good impression of her.

The third daughter's name is Kawa. She was not a warrior because she suffered from a serious illness when she was young. And because she was too young, Kanai didn't know much about her.

These are just the situations obtained through Kanai. Diao Si can't think of any solution yet. The key is that the city lord is ill. If the young city lord wants to take power, he must exclude dissidents. This matter is not as complicated as usual.

"Now a huge force of the Imperial Army is gathering south of the border. They are preparing to attack us, but the Young City Master is not ready to fight yet. He is only communicating with them. This is not betrayal!" The woman paused. After a while, it roared again.

"... She also imprisoned one of Yingmei's generals who successfully defeated the Imperial Army. We were so angry when we heard the news..." Kanai continued, wasn't she talking about Diao Si's previous weapon? Rubbish archery team

"Not only did they successfully repel the imperial army, they also killed two silver warriors of the imperial army and wiped out thousands of enemies..." Diao Si added.

"How do you know!" Kanai asked Diao Si as he listened.

After hearing this, Diao Si answered her sadly: "Brother is that general. After the young city lord imprisoned me, he starved me for a long time and almost starved me to death."

"How is this possible? You, a man, actually know how to use soldiers?" Listening to Kanai's tone, she didn't believe Diao Si's words at all, which made Diao Si very angry.

"You can ask the soldiers. I am a genius in this area. I have countless fans there... but they are all male." Diao Si said proudly, recalling his previous gaming career.

"What are fans? Are they food? Are you also from a noble family?" Kanai asked stupidly.

These words put a damper on Diao Si, who didn't want to explain too much to her. He had already gotten enough information, and now he was thinking about how to use this information to get out of here. (To be continued)