Alien Ruler

Chapter 29: The third daughter is Kava


"Young City Lord... No, City Lord Kazhu, what should we do now?" At this time, a middle-aged woman said to Kazhu. Following her lead, everyone looked at Ka Zhu, waiting for her instructions.

Ka Ji was right. After Ka Lei's death, Ka Zhu became the new city lord, but she was killed by Ka Zhu. Now, of course, these people follow Kaju's wishes in everything, and they are all used to this kind of rule.

But Ka Zhu said nothing more, turned around and left without even looking at the crowd. After all, seeing his sister kill his mother and then killing his own sister with his own hands was a huge blow.

That's good, at least Diao Si doesn't have to worry about curing Ka Lei's disease, and since Ka Zhu is gone, there doesn't seem to be any danger in front of him, so these people shouldn't care about him.

"Well, let's give the City Lord some time first. I believe she will calm down soon. Now let's take care of the bodies of the old City Lord and Master Kaji. What do you think?"

A woman close to Ka Lei said this, and everyone present nodded silently. Diao Si then carefully stepped aside to make room for a chance to leave.

"Miss Kawa, don't be too sad. Their souls will return to the temple of God and look after you." The woman said this, and Diao Si realized that Ka Lei's three daughters were here before.

This little girl named Kawa turns out to be as beautiful as a fairy, especially her big cute eyes, which are so electrifying. Why do the three daughters of Ka Lei look completely different? Oh, and it doesn't seem strange at all, because their biological fathers are different.

However, because he suddenly discovered that there was such a beautiful woman, Diao Si froze as if he was stupid. He hurriedly dodged and was noticed by the middle-aged women.

"What are we going to do with this man?" Suddenly hearing this, Diao Si thought of hiding, but the women all stared at him one by one.

"This man is also a doctor after all, and he seems to be able to please the old city lord. I don't think it's better..." said the older woman who seemed to have some status before.

When he heard what she said, Diao Si immediately nodded in agreement. However, he never expected that the woman would then say, "I think it would be better to sacrifice him and let him sleep with the old city lord in Ruifeng Tomb."

This woman was so vicious that she wanted to be buried with Diao Si. Diao Si was frightened when he heard that, and kept thinking of ways to save himself. This is not easy. Ka Lei has died and Ka Zhu has left again. We can't rely on these women.

"No, how can you let him sleep with the city lord?... He is not a noble of our Ruifeng City. We don't know where he came from. He is a bastard. He should be sacrificed to Baisheng to be eaten."

When he heard the beginning, Diao Si thought that someone here would have some humanity. These women are all cruel and ruthless. I really regret that I defeated the imperial army several times for these women.

Diao Si continued to think of a way, then looked at Ka Lei who had died, Ka Ji, and then Ka Wa. He has an idea. Now he can also use the dead Ka Lei and this cute little Kava.

"Don't argue for now, I have something to announce." Diao Si suddenly said this, and the women slowly stopped arguing and looked at Diao Si with doubts on their faces.

"It's like this. Before the old city lord died, that is, when the two of us were alone here chatting privately, she told me some things. This was her last wish..."

When Diao Si said this, the women started arguing again, but they seemed not to doubt Diao Si's words at all, and they all asked Diao Si to tell the old city lord's last wish.

"But now it seems that I don't quite comply with the old city lord's last wish. She originally asked me to tell her after her little daughter Kawa grows up. If I say it now, it will be disrespectful to her. ”

Diao Si pretended to be sad again, covering his face with his hands, and then observed the reactions of the women through the gaps between his fingers. They argued again, but they all seemed convinced of Diao Si's words.

"Well, you tell me the old city lord's last wish first, and then I can tell her when she grows up." The women suggested.

After hearing this, Diao Si responded to her and said: "The city lord asked me to tell Kawa in person at that time, and not let anyone else know... Well, you should leave first, and I won't tell Kawa first according to the city lord's request. ”

The people argued for a while, but to no avail. Diao Sizhen was afraid that the situation would suddenly deteriorate again, so he walked up to the little girl Kawa and said to her: "Do you want to know what your mother has to say to you?" If so, take me out of here.”

Kava looked at Diao Si with his big eyes for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, then wait a moment while I have a word with my mother."

After Kava said this, the women wanted to say something to her, but when they saw her walking to Ka Lei, grabbing her hand and saying something, they didn't dare to interrupt.

Then Diao Si followed Kawa and left there. This was really thrilling. This little beauty had a good heart, so it was because of her heart. But Diao Si hadn't completely settled down yet, and continued to think about how to deceive the little girl.

After all, she is still very young, about fifteen or sixteen years old, so she should be easy to coax. But it's not just a matter of coaxing her, the biggest problem still comes from Ka Zhu, now she is the city lord.

Kava's residence was not far from Ka Lei's, and they arrived soon. This is also a very elegant place. The ceiling of the bedroom is made of crystal-like transparent material, so that you can see the sky while sleeping.

"Ms. Kawa, actually your mother asked me to tell you these things after you become an adult. If I tell you now, don't you think it's going against your mother's wishes?" Diao Si said cautiously.

He was already used to the differences here. If this little girl was unhappy, she might kill Diao Si with just a random order. Better be careful, he has already caused a lot of trouble this day.

"You don't need to tell me to know what her last wish is, to be an adult? Why do you always have to be an adult? Many girls younger than me have already enjoyed their first time... "

Kava's words made Diao Si feel confused again. But it's obvious that there has always been a dispute between mother and daughter, and Kava is talking about this issue now.

"Miss Kawa, why don't you just tell me the possible situation that you think of. If you really guess it, I don't think I need to help you remember this last wish."

Diao Si said this and continued to pay attention to Kawa's expression. Then Kawa looked at him a little awkwardly and turned his head a little embarrassed.

"It's like this. My mother was very strict with me when I was alive. Not only did she take my interactions with boys very seriously, but she also didn't allow me to enjoy my first time. She always said that she would wait until I was older. It would be dangerous to do that when I was too young. Harm the body…”

When Diao Si heard this, he seemed to understand it all of a sudden, but it took him a while to get used to it. It turns out that this little beauty was throwing a tantrum and was being watched closely by her mother... It’s not strange in this world, not at all.

"I really want a man, especially when those companions are showing off. Do you know that without experiencing the first time, I will always be a girl, which is incomplete..."

Kava continued to speak, and Diao Si kept swallowing his saliva. Looking at such charming Kava, he came up with a very bad idea, but when he decided whether to do it, he was a little hesitant.

Diao Si couldn't help but ask himself: Kava is still a little girl, can you bear to do it? But looking at Kava's fully stretched breasts, she is actually very mature, and she has the need now.

"I really want to be a complete woman. I originally thought that after my mother died, no one would take care of me like this anymore. I didn't expect that she would leave such a last wish before she died... "

"It's not like that..." Diao Si couldn't help blurting out, but then stopped it immediately. In this way, Kava walked up to him, grabbed his shoulders, and kept asking him how he was doing.

"Actually..." Diao Si hesitated for a moment, then continued: "Actually, your mother's last wish is that you can find a man to enjoy your first time with, and your mother has already prepared this man for you."

Diao Si was already a little excited now. He felt that this was too despicable, but not to do so seemed to be a waste of natural resources and a disgrace to his ancestors.

Moreover, becoming Kava's man is also a way to save his life. He is also very helpless. Thinking of this, Diao Si couldn't help but salivate. (To be continued)