Alien Ruler

Chapter 3: Travel through time again


"I can't resist anymore. What should I do? You have spent so much time and energy to bring this man here. What should you do now?" A middle-aged woman wearing a particularly gorgeous dress and a crown said anxiously. , she seems to be the emperor here.

Diao Si was also anxious and said to the group of guys with sticks who had just walked back to the hall: "I can't help you, so let me go back first, or I will call the police for you..."

"Don't say we won't let you go back. Even if we want you to go back, we don't have the ability. You have to stay here, and if you are still unwilling to accept the reality, you won't be able to survive if this place is lost."

The old woman with the red stick said this, and Diao thought about it and gradually fell silent. Her words were not unreasonable. They spent so much effort to bring him here, how could they send him back again

This was truly a lifetime of bad luck. I never thought that the previous misfortunes were nothing. To be suddenly summoned here and then told that he was going to die was the greatest misfortune.

Well, thinking more will not help the current predicament. It seems that Diao Si has to accept the reality and think of ways to deal with the current crisis.

"This situation cannot be reversed..." Diao Si said this. He was telling the truth. This experience comes from the game.

After hearing this, the old woman with the red stick walked up to him and said, "I have already told the king that I would summon you here, but she did not listen to me until the last moment when there was no other way..."

Diao Si didn't want to hear these useless words from her, so he continued: "But that doesn't mean there is no way. Don't you know magic? I think there is another way to change everything."

"What method? You mean..." The old woman with the red stick seemed to be able to see through Diao Si's thoughts, and her eyes also showed a slight light.

"Travel through time and space! Let's go back in time and fight this battle again." Diao Si expressed his idea. This would give him a chance to regain control of the situation, at least avoid the current danger, and allow him to continue to think of solutions when he has time.

"Traveling through time and space?" The old woman with the red stick had a look of doubt on her face. Maybe there was no such thing in her world.

Seeing her expression, Diao Si reminded her, "Just go back to the past, when things were not so bad. This should be similar to the way you summoned me here."

Hearing what Diao Si said, the women holding the staffs fell silent. They kept thinking, and the hall shook more and more violently.

"How far is the wormhole from us now? We have never encountered such a situation, but we can consider giving it a try..." Another woman holding a blue staff said.

The old woman with the red stick nodded after hearing this. In fact, it was not that Diao Si's method was feasible, but that they really had no other choice now and could only try this.

Next, they took out many unknown magic weapons, then surrounded Diao Si in a special position in the hall and sat down one after another. When the staffs radiated various colors of light, Diao Si was suspended in the air.

"Wait, you are just going to let me go back alone? Don't you arrange for more people to go back? I don't know anything about the situation." Diao Si said anxiously.

After hearing this, the old woman with the red stick responded to him and said, "No, I can only send one person back, and it's a special person like you. No one else can."

"Then at least give me something, like banknotes. I don't have anything. How can I recruit troops when I go back?" Diao Si was a little nervous. He was still naked now.

"No, our ability can only allow you to take one thing back with you at most. You decide quickly, I have some self-defense weapons here." The old woman with the red stick said weakly.

It was quite tiring for her to perform such magic, and it seemed that Diao Si didn't have much time to think about it.

Diao Si was really hesitant now. He could only take one thing back with him. What could he take with him? The problem is that he really doesn't know the situation, he only knows that he has to go back in time to prevent this crisis.

After hesitating, Diao Si suddenly noticed the particularly dazzling bead in the center of the suspended gem. Yes, let's take it away. At least it seems to be worth something. It would be better if he could bring it back to his original world.

"That bead..." Diao Si pointed at the bead happily and said. However, when the old woman with the red stick saw it, her face darkened, and the magic in operation stopped.

"You are really good at picking. Once this bead is taken off, our magic barrier will immediately lose its effect. Without it, all spiritual objects will be useless."

The words of the old woman with the red stick did not make Diao Si flinch. After knowing the power of the bead, he strengthened his belief and responded to her: "This makes me want to take it away. Anyway, I can't support this place for long, so I have to go back to the past. , even if this place is destroyed, it will not have any impact... "

But those people, especially the female king, did not accept Diao Si's statement. They rebutted word by word, until the hall shook violently again, and cracks appeared on one of the walls.

"In fact, what he said is not unreasonable. Letting him go back to the past will destroy everything in the present. We cannot estimate the result." The old woman with the red stick said at this time.

Everyone was silent, but the palace continued to shake under the attack, and they could all predict such a result.

"Well, I hope you are right. The survival of the Nima Empire depends on this man." The female king said and walked outside the palace.

Then the strangely shining bead flew in front of Diao Si, and the women holding the sticks raised their sticks to continue the magic.

"Wait, can you...can you give me a strategy?" Diao Si took the bead and thought of something else. After all, he still didn't know what he could do if he went back to the past.

"Strategy? We will send you to the Upanishad. You only need to tell me all these things at that time, and I will guide you..."

While the old woman with the red staff was talking, a burst of fire burned the top of the hall, so that one of the women holding the staff was burned by a tongue of flame.

"No, I'm afraid we don't have the ability to send you to the designated time period and place, so you know it for yourself." Just after the old woman with the red stick finished speaking, there was another violent explosion...

Diao Si wanted to ask something more, but the surrounding scenery was blurred in the rotation. He knew that the magic had taken effect...

Reached? Diao Si could feel a change in his surroundings. The chaos was gone and the surroundings became open. Wait, why is he falling? Oh my God, those guys with sticks sent him into the air. This is terrible...

There must have been something wrong with the teleportation just now. What should I do now? I'm still naked and have an unknown bead in my hand.

It's acceleration. It's falling faster and faster. It's over now. Diao Si gritted his teeth and looked down. Below was a green forest. These trees were so big.

It must be a little sense of survival. He grabbed the branches and leaves in a panic, but this didn't stop him. He kept falling down.

"Ah..." Because of fear, Diao Si couldn't help shouting, and finally fell to the ground...

It hurt so much that his waist might have been broken, but he couldn't die. Diao Si looked at the surrounding scenery and pressed on the things below to stand up.

However, the person standing in front of him was a woman with a surprised look on her face. She looked quite beautiful, but she was tall, covered in special armor, and holding a big sword in her hand.

There were also soldiers surrounding them who were also holding weapons and wearing simple armors. Many of them were not human yet. How could this look a bit like a scene in a game...

It's strange, why is it so soft? It turns out that it fell on a soft object, no wonder it didn't die. It's quite lucky, but the situation in front of me doesn't look simple.

Wait, this soft thing... Diao Si got up and saw that underneath him was a muscular woman. She looked like she was dead or just dead. Who did the murder? Thinking of this, Diao Si suddenly understood something and covered his mouth.

He actually fell and killed a person. This is really troublesome. This woman might be the leader of these soldiers. What should I do

Diao Si kept thinking while paying attention to the strange-looking soldiers around him. At this time, the woman standing in front of him raised her sword and shouted loudly, and then the soldiers behind Diao Si who should be in another formation turned around and left.

No, it doesn't seem that bad. There are two formations here, and it seems that by smashing the woman to death like this, he still helped the beautiful woman in front of him. (To be continued)