Alien Ruler

Chapter 31: Kava's man


When he woke up, Diao Si felt in a very good mood, as if he was still flying among the clouds and mist.

Communicating with the wind elves is a very wonderful thing. Now Diao Si's purpose of learning magic is no longer so strong, because he found that getting along with the wind elves is a very good thing, not necessarily just to learn magic.

He looked at the thin clouds in the sky through the crystal ceiling above Kawa's house, as if he could feel the wind elves floating there, and wanted to be with them...

"Sister Feng, can you show your face? I know you are here..." Diao Si's entire mind was immersed in that space, staring at that space. After a while, he could really feel that the wind elves were here and they were flying happily.

"How is this possible? You can actually communicate with the wind elves? It's incredible. How did you do it?" The old man with beads suddenly appeared again, looking at Diao Si with a puzzled face.

After hearing this, Diao Si replied disdainfully: "How to do it? It's very simple. This is similar to how I was able to communicate with you before. Please don't always use your old standards to measure others."

After hearing this, the old man Zhuzi retorted: "This is fundamentally different. You are my master, and I must communicate with you. This is a two-way street. But the wind elves are different. I have never seen anyone who can communicate with the elements so quickly." of human beings.”

Diao Si listened and said, "Maybe this is fate. The first time I walked down the street with a hundred yuan when I was a child, I was blown away by Sister Feng..."

"No, you are different from ordinary people. You are particularly good at this kind of communication. You can't be wrong. Just like you can hear my words before, you have a special ability." Old man Zhuzi said this, but Diao Si couldn't listen. He was a little happy, because he had just begun to know how to communicate with the wind elves, and he was still far from mastering some powerful magic.

"Dear, I'm back..." It was Kawa's voice. Hearing her sweet voice, the things about the wind elves in Diao Si's mind suddenly disappeared. What he thought of was desire, Kava's body that made people spurt blood, and her moaning and murderous expression.

"The hair growing in your nest is your most beautiful mark..." Diao Si couldn't help but hum the tune, and suddenly saw the old man with beads. He must have wanted to teach Diao Si a lesson, so Diao Si motioned to him to stay away and took out the beads again. Wrap it in a piece of cloth first.

"Dear, I'm very sad right now. My mother is the person who cares about me the most. Unfortunately, I can no longer see her. I'm really sad. Can you help me forget this?" Kava said, hugging her tightly. Diao Si.

As soon as he touched her chest, Diao Si seemed to be about to explode. While untying Kava's clothes, he said to her: "I will try my best to help you, and I will caress you with love." Heal your wounds..."

This should be because his proficiency has improved, and the feeling of doing it is different. Diao Si knows how to do it better, and Kava is more attractive.

There was food at Kawa's place, so they stayed at home like that. They were so happy that no time passed. They were intimate intermittently until it got dark, and Diao Si lay down completely and hugged Kawa to rest.

Getting a little tired at first, Diao Si then thought of his situation and asked Ka Wa for news about her sister Ka Zhu. Because Ka Zhu is now the city lord and supreme leader here. She has absolute power over everything here and is also the biggest threat to Diao Si.

But Kawa only told him that Kazu felt guilty and hid somewhere. We can't count on Kava, she doesn't know about this at all, she is just a little girl.

Next, Diao Si had a hard time making a choice. Originally, he wanted to leave because his life was threatened. But things are different now. With Kawa, he is completely confident that he can protect himself, and he can also use Kawa's status as the city lord's sister to get a lot of help.

Now he already knows that the Nima Empire refers to the unified empire of the entire continent, except for the Upanishad. Old Man Zhuzi refused to tell him about the situation of the Upanishad, and told him that it was useless to tell him now.

Diao Si's understanding of this is that he is not strong enough and the Nima Continent is not unified, so Diao Si's first task now is to unify the entire Nima Continent and help build a powerful empire.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, which is equivalent to not having any bad equipment at the beginning of a game. But if there is a city as a starting point, it is equivalent to opening a cheat, which is completely different.

Looking at the situation in Ruifeng City, now the old city lord Ka Lei was killed by his second daughter Ka Ji, and the eldest daughter Ka Zhu killed Ka Ji again, leaving only Ka Zhu and the third daughter Ka Wa. If we can find a way to If Ka Zhu is solved, Ka Wa will become the city lord here.

In this way, Diao Si can control the entire Ruifeng City by controlling her. However, it is too unkind for him to deal with Ka Zhu in this way, and it will probably take a long time to deploy it. Ka Zhu's skills are very good to Diao Si. clearly.

I was still used to sleeping in the dark, especially in Kawa's house with a transparent ceiling, but it started raining again in the middle of the night, and the lightning in the sky was so fierce that it kept lighting up, making it difficult for Diao Si to sleep peacefully. Kava also woke up, and after being scratched like this, they became entangled again.

After a long time, after his breath slowly slowed down, Diao Si asked Kawa about her sister Ka Zhu's situation. If he really wanted to place Ka Zhu in the enemy's position, Diao Si had to first have a deep understanding of the enemy. This is called knowing oneself and the enemy, which is very important.

Ka Wa introduced that Ka Zhu treated her very well before, and Ka Lei also liked her very much. She trained her to be a strong warrior since she was a child. The family has always been proud of her. However, in recent years, Kazu's personality has changed a bit, becoming irritable and cold, and he has contradicted Ka Lei many times.

But what surprised Diao Si was that Ka Lei told Ka Wa some time ago, telling her not to blame her sister, because the burden of the family would fall on her shoulders, and it would not be easy for her.

In fact, this kind of family relationship is considered harmonious, so from Kaji to kill his mother to Kazu to kill his sister, the blow is really big.

Because of his understanding of Ka Zhu, Diao Si felt guilty again. In fact, he has great reasons to do any ruthless thing. He shoulders a great mission. This is called a person who achieves great things by not sticking to trivial matters. But the question is, will this definitely lead to the desired results? It's better to be more precise before taking action.

It was dawn again, and Diao Si hadn't seen many dawns here, so it felt good. Diao Si looked at Ka Wa's charming body, and the scenes of making out with her passed through his mind. This time he reminded himself, don't waste yourself here. You can't just enjoy yourself and die in happiness.

But after Kava woke up, she pounced on her again, so he had no choice but to have a rough and tumble fight with her...

"Miss Kawa, Miss Kawa, it's not good, something happened..." Suddenly someone called, and Kawa simply put on a sheet, signaled to Diao Si and left.

The man who came to find Kava sounded very anxious, and he thought something big had happened, so after Kava left, Diao Si secretly put on his pants and followed him. The big things happening at this time should all be related to Kazu or their family.

"Miss Kawa, there are many people in the army who are dissatisfied with the city lord and may want to rebel now. They are gathering at the funeral ceremony of the old city lord..."

"Then does my sister know?"

"She already knows, but she doesn't care. She is still hiding in the ancestral home. They just want me to tell you. I hope you can go to the ancestral home to persuade the city lord."

"My sister won't listen to my advice. She always only listens to her mother... Or let me give it a try."

After hearing what Kava said, Diao Si hurriedly jumped in and said, "No, there's no need to persuade her. Leave the military affairs to me... Leave it to Miss Kava."

"Miss, is there a man in your residence?" the woman said, and Diao Si walked out directly.

"Isn't it possible? Could it be that Miss Kawa doesn't even want a man?" Diao Si said this, and Kawa kept beckoning him to go back, but Diao Si walked over pretending not to see it.

"But he is a man, and men cannot interfere in political affairs. Miss, he..." What else did the guy want to say, which made Diao Si nervous, because Kawa was hesitant now, and her decision directly affected Diao Si. Thinking plan. (To be continued)