Alien Ruler

Chapter 39: Harassment in the dark


The sky was getting darker, and Diao Si looked at the sky that was slowly losing its light, and thought that the birdmen might come to conduct reconnaissance at night, so he ordered the entire city to turn off the lights within half an hour. In this way, no matter how powerful those birdmen are, they will not see the situation inside the city.

Turn off all the lights and it will be dark in the city, which is just the right time for all creatures to take a good rest. Diao Si also ate something quickly and returned to Kawa's residence with the light on. In fact, he also felt that it was not good to go back to Kawa's residence like this, because he was really afraid of those gossips.

Although this was no problem at all in the world he lived in before, but now that the world has changed and everyone around him looks at him in that way, he has to be infected and have to think about these issues. In line with the public, this is determined by human social nature.

But now Diao Si can't do anything, because all his power still comes from Kawa. People here respect the city lord and those famous families. With Diao Si's blank background, no one will support him in anything he does.

Kava was already there, but miraculously she didn't come to see Diao Siyao this time. She just hugged Diao Si and cried. This must be because the memorial for her mother made her sad. Diao Si didn't comfort her, he just held her and let her cry until she cried. He was still thinking about tomorrow's battle.

The imperial army will not attack this night, and at most they will only harass them, because the marching speed is slow at night and the siege will suffer even more, and their throwing machine has not been installed yet. So Diao Si wanted to rest peacefully, and he also wanted to find the wind elves, so that the quality of his sleep would be better.

But after just sleeping for a while, someone came rushing to report. Diao Si immediately got up and asked the silver light warrior about the situation while walking. She said that the empire was about to attack the city, and now the generals were preparing to summon all the soldiers, and sent her to inform Diao Si.

"How many enemy troops are coming?" Diao Si was also a little nervous, because things on the battlefield are never certain. The imperial army may really know that he is completely unprepared, so they chose this time to attack the city.

"I don't know yet, but I did find the enemy..." the silver light warrior responded.

Diao Si looked at the sky in the direction of the city gate. It was still pitch black, and then he directly told the silver warrior to inform all the generals not to summon the soldiers and let them have a good rest. He also had to turn off the lights again without him. Order not to turn on the lights again.

Because marching at night requires lighting up, if a large force of the Imperial Army comes to attack, the sky will be lit up by the firelight of their troops in such a formation, so how can it be so dark.

The Silver Light Warrior couldn't believe it when he heard Diao Si's order. He confirmed it again before leaving uneasily. Diao Si really didn't expect that these generals would be so nervous and would immediately summon large troops. This would play into the imperial army's plan.

"Commander, just now some imperial troops approached the city wall and fired arrows at the city wall, but they suddenly stopped moving. See if they..." After seeing Diao Si, the captain on the city wall explained.

Diao Si looked at the purple light warriors, some of whom had not yet put on their helmets, so he said to them: "Okay, this is just a trick of the imperial army. They will not come over and put out all the lights on the city wall." , and then go back and have a good rest!”

Diao Si really wanted to criticize these generals, but they were only doing this for the sake of Ruifeng City. Criticism would affect their emotions and enthusiasm, so they couldn't do this.

"But Commander-in-Chief, do we really not need to be on guard at all? What if they really..." The general still had to be persistent.

Diao Si smiled at her and said, "Don't worry, I have already made arrangements. I will leave a team here to watch. You are already tired, so take a good rest."

But he didn't expect that the general was still so persistent, and he asked Diao Si puzzledly: "Commander, am I too nervous, waking up so many soldiers, and affecting your plan..."

Diao Sizhen was a little angry, but he still suppressed it and said to the general: "No, it's good that you have such a reaction, and not many people are getting up now, so it doesn't affect my plan. You can go and rest first." ”

"Are they really not coming? What if..." the general continued. It seemed that he had to do something to convince her, otherwise she would not sleep well that night.

So Diao Si ordered the archers beside him to shoot arrows with torches at the position in front of the city gate, so that the light, which was not bright at all, lit up the surrounding area. There was indeed nothing around, which proved that the imperial troops just came to harass them.

"Did you see it? There is no one there at all, and I dare to tell you this. Even if I tell the Imperial Army that the soldiers in Ruifeng City are sleeping, the entire Ruifeng City is empty, and they dare not attack because The price is too high and they cannot afford to lose.”

Diao Si's words were somewhat convincing. The general finally nodded to Diao Si and left with her people.

It looked like the surroundings had become dark again. Today, only the small dark moon was shining in the sky, so the situation in Ruifeng City was basically invisible. But Diao Si soon thought of another question, what if there were spies from the Imperial Army? It is difficult to detect them leaving at this time, but it is also difficult to get down from the city wall.

Diao Si took out his telescope and wanted to see the big pits in the distance used for throwing machines, but it was too dark and he couldn't see anything. There was nothing he could do now, so he had to wait until dawn.

No matter how much food they bring, the Imperial Army will not waste time here, so they will take action as soon as dawn breaks. Diao Si doesn't want to go back to Kawa anymore. This is a very important time. If she catches him, he will be in trouble.

But on such a dark city wall, Diao Si quickly fell asleep. Take a good rest. You probably won't be able to rest after dawn. As the supreme commander here, how can Diao Si relax

It rained, and it did rain just before dawn. Lao Zhu was such a prophet. Diao Si was very happy, but the rain was not heavy and would not be of any help to Ruifeng City.

At dawn, Diao Si climbed to the high tower above the city gate. He first looked at the location of the pits, which should have not been discovered, and then looked in the direction of the imperial army in the distance.

They haven't come yet, and only the morning wind passes by on the silent battlefield in front of the city wall, raising the slightest trace of dust.

"Sister Feng showed up so early, haha, how nice it is to be free and worry-free like you, who don't need to rest." Diao Si said, as if a light breeze was blowing on his face. It felt so good.

"Commander, the archery team has reported to you..." General Ziguang in charge of the archery team is already under the city wall.

"Okay, let them have breakfast and immediately go to the arranged positions on the city wall. ... Let their captains fire a few arrows first to confirm the range of straight arrows and thrown arrows." After Diao Si gave the order, the general Leave immediately, and then another general will report.

In order to be able to control the entire army at any time, Diao Si has already set up the entire power system. Of course, this is also thanks to Ruifeng City's original military system. Without their habits, it would not be easy for Diao Si to do this.

This is a prerequisite for victory in this battle. If these people cannot be controlled like puppets, it will be useless even if Diao Si has a more powerful strategy. What he needs is an army that is as obedient as a game. As long as this is the case, he can control everything like a game.

You must know that Diao Si is best at strategic games. His total winning rate in official games is as high as over 98%, and he has never lost a defensive battle. Of course, there is a gap between games and reality, and what Diao Si wants to do is to narrow this gap.

The Birdmen are coming, but this time Diao Si is not going to pretend anymore, because their appearance shows that the Imperial Army is behind them, and they must prepare to attack, and there is no time to pretend anymore.

The Imperial Army will not send a large army to rush over to receive arrows. They will first use those powerful war machines. This requires first giving the army a place to station, and then placing those machines.

This is very important to the entire battle. Before this, Diao Si did not know the direction of this battle. Although he had already prepared, whether he could destroy them immediately was a completely different concept.

Almost all he has to do now is wait for the three large throwing machines. If those pits cannot trap them, the consequences will be very serious. (To be continued)