Alien Ruler

Chapter 41: The opening battle


"There are imperial troops mixed in. They are enemies. Shoot arrows. Shoot them immediately!" Diao Si said excitedly. The archers on the city wall were still stunned at first, but as someone started shooting, more and more arrows were fired. , and soon the monsters in front were killed one by one.

Only then did the monsters behind them know how to turn around and run back. Diao Si immediately ordered to stop shooting, but they had already killed dozens of monsters. The generals and archers on the city wall looked at the corpses of the monsters and fell into collective silence.

"Those are our compatriots! But we have no other choice! Everyone must remember: they were killed by the imperial army, and we must avenge them..." Diao Si kept shouting loudly to drive away the soldiers. The incorrect sentiments pointed the finger at the Imperial Army.

"Yes, this is all a conspiracy of the Imperial Army. They drove them here deliberately..." a general said. She understood the intention of the Imperial Army, but Diao Si didn't want her to say this, because those bows and arrows Even my hands don’t understand.

At this time, the monsters returned to the front of the Imperial Army. As Diao Si expected, the Imperial Army immediately killed them. They have no other choice and cannot let these burdens drag them down. They have no use value anymore.

Most of those killed by the imperial army were old, weak and disabled soldiers because they walked slowly and avoided the arrows of Ruifeng City. In this way, Diao Si seized this point and shouted loudly to re-encourage the morale of the archers.

The imperial army over there was still working on those throwing machines, but seeing the position where they were working, it was all still within Diao Si's plan, but as long as they were still there, Diao Si couldn't feel at ease.

Some logistics troops of the Imperial Army built some tall towers in front of their camps, which may be used for their commanders to command the battlefield. It's a pity that Diao Si didn't think of this in advance, otherwise it would have been perfect if he had given them another trap.

"Okay, keep an eye on those imperial troops. If they do anything, send someone to notify me immediately. In addition, no matter who they send, they will shoot arrows for me." After Diao Si explained the matter, he pointed at the He walked to the position of the birdman team that had been protecting them.

Seeing Diao Si leaving like this, the generals were all confused, because it was very abnormal for Diao Si, as the commander-in-chief, to leave his position when the enemy was about to attack.

After Diao Si walked to the bottom of the city wall, he asked the generals in charge of logistics and transportation: "The kerosene is stored in several places. Now let people move the nearest one to the bottom of the city wall over there."

After those people started taking action, Diao Si came to the position of the birdmen and told them the next plan. Because these situations are very important, Diao Si only tells them now to prevent unnecessary complications.

After arranging those tasks, Diao Sicai told the team of elite archers in charge of the task of assisting these birdmen. After hearing about this mission, the general was a little uncomfortable accepting that he actually wanted an elite archery team like them to assist these lowly birdmen.

Birdmen have always been ignored here because they are animals that are good at flying. You must know that animals that can fly are usually very light, so they are not very powerful and have little fighting power.

After deploying this important operation, Diao Si immediately climbed to the city wall over there, observing the movements of the imperial army while hurried back to the city gate.

It's quite crowded here, but there's no way around it. Archers are all deployed and ordinary people are not allowed to pass. Walking up here is much slower than walking down below, but Diao Si will know what moves the imperial army makes at the first time.

One of the throwing machines seems to have been installed, but the Imperial Army has not yet taken action and continues to transport the artillery shells to the side of the throwing machine, so as to ensure the continuity of their attack.

Diao Si had known that they would have all three throwing machines deployed before starting the attack, but he didn't expect that they would have to put the cannonballs next to them. One advantage of this is that the shells will roll into the pit by then, but the imperial troops will definitely guard them.

However, at this time, the situation changed. Because there were too many cannonballs stacked and the weight was too heavy, the installed throwing machine suddenly tilted and fell into the pit. But only one side of the pit collapsed, and the other two throwing machines had not yet fallen.

The generals above Ruifeng City had been waiting, and they all cheered when they saw the throwing machine fall. But Diao Si was not happy, because it was different from what he had budgeted, and there was a throwing machine behind that had not yet been fixed.

The Imperial Army over there was naturally frightened into chaos, and they would soon drag the other two throwing machines that had not fallen down away from there first. Diao Si immediately gave orders to the birdmen over there, and they picked up the various vessels containing kerosene in their mouths one by one and flew towards the sky above the throwing machines.

This operation must be successful before the imperial troops have any preparations, otherwise it will be much more difficult to let the imperial birdmen come to defend.

Those imperial troops really didn't expect that Ruifeng City actually had a special bird-man troop, and that they would dare to fly over them. They all know that this birdman has no offensive power. After entering the archer's shooting range, it basically serves as an arrow practice for the archer.

I didn't expect that they would pour fire oil on them, so even their stronger warriors couldn't stop it, because it was liquid. Maybe they already knew Diao Si's intention and had sent birdmen to fight back, but the elite birdmen holding fire behind the walls of Ruifeng City also took off.

Seeing such a scene, not only Diao Si, but also the generals were extremely nervous, because they already knew that Diao Si planned to use kerosene to burn the trapped throwing machines, which was a very good move.

Just when the imperial troops once again strengthened their manpower to drag away the other two throwing machines, due to the large number of people and their strength, the pit finally collapsed completely, and another throwing machine fell over completely.

The powerful war machine also has its shortcomings. First, it is inconvenient to move, and mobile installation requires a lot of manpower, material resources and time; second, the target is easily hit, just like those birdmen pouring fire oil on them at high altitudes, and they can't hide at all. but.

When the elite birdmen flew over with the fire, the birdmen of the Imperial Army also came over, and they soon fell into a melee. Because Diao Si was too far away on the city wall to control them, he could only watch from there.

The third throwing machine of the Imperial Army has been dragged away from that range. This is not good, because just one throwing machine is enough to make Ruifeng City riddled with holes. But we can only place our hopes on those birdmen, because if we send troops now, they simply can't defeat so many imperial troops.

That's great. There are tinders hitting the two stuck throwing machines. They are about to hit them. So the throwing machines that are filled with kerosene and stuck will definitely not be saved.

But who could have imagined that when those fires were about to hit them, they were actually swept away by an Imperial Army general wielding a weapon and using his skills. Seeing this, Diao Sizhen was so angry that he wanted to kill someone. Why can people in this world be so powerful

But just when he began to despair, an injured Imperial Birdman crashed onto the throwing machine and set it on fire. That's great. It must have been that when the birdman was fighting with the elite birdmen of Ruifeng City, his feathers were accidentally burned by their fire, and the imperial general couldn't see it.

The fire started all of a sudden, and while the imperial troops, especially the general, were still fighting the fire, there was a sudden explosion. These should be those artillery shells. The Imperial Army can actually make explosives. This gap is too big.

After the explosion, the imperial troops gave up fighting the two throwing machines, but they saved the last one. Moreover, the losses of the birdmen in Ruifeng City during this operation were also quite large. The Imperial Army will definitely take precautions next time. It will be very difficult for them to destroy the throwing machine again.

There was no other way. At least two of them were destroyed. I just hoped that the artillery shells of the Imperial Army were not enough to destroy the walls of Ruifeng City, but those throwing machines could use ordinary stones as artillery shells. The start of this battle was not good, and it was far from what Diao Si wanted. (To be continued)