Alien Ruler

Chapter 45: When the fog is thick


"Commander, they are about to hit our city gate. We can't stop them with bows and arrows alone..." The generals below became anxious, but Diao Si was calm.

"I know, just wait a little longer. When the first sound of them hitting the city gate is heard, we will set fire to it!" Diao Si responded. The two purple light warriors of the Imperial Army may have heard it, and one of them turned around. Jumped below.

"Boom..." The sound of hitting the city gate was very obvious, especially to Diao Si who was on the top of the tower. He almost fell down. After the signal was sounded, the archers on the city wall immediately got out of the way, and then the kerosene was poured down barrel by barrel.

The Purple Light warrior who was still blocking the arrows slipped due to the kerosene and rolled down the side of the shield array. Then those shields quickly lit up with fire. The fire burned so fiercely that even the archers from Ruifeng City on top of them couldn't raise their heads to fire arrows because they were so hot.

It was so hot under the shield, and the kerosene that leaked in through the cracks must have burned the bottom. There was no need to fire any more arrows, the shield array fell down all of a sudden, and then all you could see were the soldiers covered in fire, screaming and crawling for a while before being unable to move.

The machine that hit the city gate was ignited with raging fire, because the soldiers around it had been burned away, so it stayed there and continued to burn. The imperial troops protecting it were in chaos, but The people behind blocked their retreat, so they could only be shot slowly there.

After a while, the imperial army retreated. This time they didn't need to shout victory. The archers on the city wall all shouted spontaneously. However, they were all calling for the city lord's family, and some were still calling Ka Lei's name. .

After being unable to break through the city gates and walls twice in a row, and suffering such a heavy blow, the morale of the Imperial Army over there was obviously low. But there is no way. Now that these war machines have been destroyed one by one by Diao Si, they have no other way to break through the city gate. There is also a backup medium-sized machine for crashing into the city gate, but I don't dare to use it again, lest it be destroyed again and all hope will be lost.

But we can't bring tens of thousands of troops back to the Guangnan Empire just because of this. Needless to say, the journey is long. Just the fact of this defeat, where will the commander and the generals lose their face? Therefore, they could only continue to think of ways to attack the city, even at the cost of heavy casualties, in exchange for final victory.

Diao Si looked at the thousands of imperial troops who died in battle in front of the city gate and felt uncomfortable. These were all lives. The reason why they died here was simply because of the conflict between Ruifeng City and the Guangnan Empire. It was only because of Guangnan. An order from the leader of the empire.

If they go back now, they can at least save their troops. When the time comes to build some new large-scale machines to attack again, Ruifeng City will not be easy to defend, but they must be so stubborn. This is the beginning of the tragedy of the Imperial Army.

"Commander of the Guangnan Empire, you have no chance. You should go back crying while dragging those burned waste products." Diao Si shouted loudly to the imperial army over there.

He was shouting to the Imperial Army and persuading them. In fact, he couldn't figure out his purpose. To be more rational, he should let the imperial army continue to attack the city until the entire army was destroyed. Only in this way could the power of Ruifeng City be retained until it could replace the Guangnan Empire in the future.

"Okay, my lovely generals, you have beaten the imperial army to a halt. It is you and all the soldiers' bravery that saved our Ruifeng City. You are the best. Now, let's start. Repair the city wall."

As Diao Si said this, the general over there asked him what materials he used. Diao Si answered her that of course the best materials must be used, but unexpectedly the general told him that the materials in the city hall and Ruifeng Ling were the best materials.

In fact, Diao Si wanted to repair the city wall "without knowing it", but this general always wanted to explain everything clearly. There was no other way. Diao Si hesitated for a moment and then responded that she could just use ordinary materials.

Seeing Ruifeng City repairing the large gaps in the city wall, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army must be very anxious, because they no longer have any effective tools to break the city. If Ruifeng City repairs even the two gaps in the city wall, they will Even less hope.

But are they going to attack again soon? Now that the soldiers of the Imperial Army are low and the morale of Ruifeng City is high, it will not be easy for them to attack again. After all, there are too many archers in Ruifeng City.

As time continued to pass, the morning fog began to thicken and visibility continued to decrease. This was an opportunity for the imperial army, and Diao Si did not dare to neglect it. He ordered the supporting troops to continue throwing garbage and pouring kerosene on the gaps in the city wall.

In fact, this trick was just to scare the imperial troops so that they would not dare to harass them to repair the city wall during the heavy fog, because Diao Si knew that there would be a heavy rain in the afternoon, and the rain would wash away the kerosene. of.

But there are still more than a hundred hours before the heavy rain. It is impossible for the Imperial Army to wait for that long without attacking, and the kerosene is not poured out in vain.

Perhaps because of the previous heavy losses, the Imperial Army frequently sent out their birdmen to observe the situation on the city wall above Ruifeng City. There was also an elite birdman who flew close to the place where Diao Sidu was. Observed Diao Si for a while.

It must be that the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army has been tortured and frightened by Diao Si, so I really want to know who the commander-in-chief of Ruifeng City is. He can actually make tens of thousands of Imperial Army fool around and have no way of starting.

After the birdman flew away, Diao Si had already realized the danger, because the commander-in-chief of the empire must have thought that as long as he could be killed, Ruifeng City would be in chaos, so Diao Si left the tower and returned. Go to the generals on the wall.

"Commander, you are really powerful. Now I finally understand how you defeated the empire's army of thousands of people with just a few hundred archers. As long as you are here, they can't attack Ruifeng City..."

One general said this, and the other generals followed Diao Si into high praise. Diao Si was not interested in discussing this nonsense with them. The imperial army must be in a hurry now and would think of ways to attack, fearing that something else might be missed.

As time continues to pass, the thick fog will reach its limit and then slowly dissipate. The Imperial Army will definitely take this opportunity to take action again. Diao Si could no longer see the city wall under construction over there with his naked eyes. Even with his telescope, he couldn't recognize the appearance of those people.

"Okay, remind all captains that the enemy will attack at any time. Let the second-line archers turn into mobile units on standby..." Diao Si continued to order, and the generals stopped talking and listened carefully.

After arranging the order, Diao Si picked up the telescope again and continued to observe the misty clearing. With the naked eye, you can only see a few meters away from the base of the city wall, because this city wall is not as short as a long wall thousands of miles long.

Someone! They were really coming, and Diao Si could see the shadows shaking.

"Everyone, be vigilant. The enemy has arrived!" Diao Si said this, and arrows flew past him immediately. Damn, those imperial archers knew how to release arrows based on his voice. This scared Diao Si. Immediately huddle behind the bunker of the city wall. It's still not as safe as the high tower, because arrows from below can be shot up.

After hearing Diao Si's cry, the archers on the city wall immediately fired arrows into the open space in front of them. Diao Si slowly got up and hid behind the bunker to continue observing. I was fooled, there were no enemies there at all, just those arrows stuck into the ground like rice seedlings.

"Stop... stop shooting! Have you seen the enemy? Why are you firing arrows randomly!" After Diao Si shouted, the archers quickly stopped shooting, but then there were hidden arrows flying up from below.

Depend on! He was so stupid. Diao Si already knew the problem. It was his damn loudspeaker. The imperial troops below were listening to his orders to retreat and attack.

"Listen, you can't just rely on my orders. You should pay close attention to the imperial troops and don't waste arrows..." Diao Si continued to explain, and saw an arrow falling from his archer's hand not far away.

They were at a huge disadvantage because they didn't know the location of the imperial army, and the imperial army could calculate the location on the city wall to release arrows based on the city wall. This thick fog was so abominable that Diao Si didn't want to fight such a losing battle. He had missed this point before.

And just when he was in a hurry, the places where kerosene was poured in front of the gap in the city wall suddenly caught fire. This can illuminate nearby enemies, but it can't burn many enemies. Why did those generals take action before waiting for his order? (To be continued)