Alien Ruler

Chapter 49: The hanging corpse scares the police


When the Imperial Army envoy approached, Diao Si realized that she was not here to negotiate peace. She just asked Diao Si to abide by the relevant customs and agreements and take down the corpse of the Imperial Army general hanging on their city wall.

It turns out that this was the case. Diao Si originally wanted to refuse this request. The corpses of these enemy generals could frighten the imperial troops. But this might be too much for them, and even the soldiers from Ruifeng City looked uneasy when they saw it, so out of respect for the deceased, Diao Si ordered them to collect the body.

"You really went too far. Those generals who died in the battle were not doing it for their country and honor. You can't do it at all costs just to win this battle. This will affect your communication with the elves..."

Lao Zhu also spoke at this time, and what he said made sense. Diao Si responded: "I already know my mistake. Shouldn't I let them collect the body now?"

"Even if an ordinary creature dies, there is still aura, especially those warriors with strong will and lofty ideals. All corpses will eventually return to dust, but the aura will remain for a long, long time." Laozhu continued.

Diao Si listened and thought of his previous confusion, so he asked again: "Actually, I am not a war maniac. I don't want to watch these creatures kill each other here, but what can I do?... Will Sister Feng do it?" Forgive me?"

After hearing this, Lao Zhu told him: "Actually, you don't have to think so much. As long as your heart is kind, they will naturally sense it."

"Does that mean that because I am particularly kind, I can better communicate with the wind elves and learn magic more easily..." Diao Si asked quickly.

"Of course not. The elves look at your pure heart, not what you have done. You can't deceive them." Lao Zhu responded. Diao Si was dissatisfied. Why did Lao Zhu always think that he So bad.

But when he was about to say something, Diao Si noticed that the silver warrior next to him looked at him with wide eyes and surprise, so he said nothing more and just watched the imperial soldiers taking away the corpses.

Looking at the purple light armors of those purple light warriors who died in battle, and thinking about the imperial army's golden light warriors and Ka Zhu's armors, Diao Si was thinking again, if he could also own such a armor, would it be ordinary? It would be difficult for the soldiers to hurt him.

Then Lao Zhu reminded him: "Stop dreaming. If you put on a gold suit with your physique, you won't be able to move. Do you know how heavy that suit is? The Purple Warrior can't move even if he puts on a gold suit." freely."

Just as Diao Si was about to say something to him, he noticed the confused Silver Light Warrior next to him, and just thought: Isn't there a suit suitable for him? This is so unfair, why doesn't he have a share in such a powerful suit

Unexpectedly, just by thinking like this, Lao Zhu could "hear" and Diao Si could still feel that he heard. It turned out that they could still communicate like this.

I only heard Lao Zhu say: "Of course there are battle suits belonging to magic users. You have seen the equipment of the elders before. They are refined from various elements and even the spiritual energy of stars..."

It turns out those weird clothes are battle clothes, why do they look so ugly in comparison? Diao Si recalled that when he was summoned to that hall that day, the costumes of the elders holding staffs were completely different from the armor styles of these warriors.

"Don't think that these golden battle suits are the best. It's just that you have too little knowledge. They are just the best battle clothes that ordinary craftsmen can make. They are the highest level among the junior battle clothes. If you encounter a powerful enemy, , such a suit without attributes is basically a pile of scrap metal.”

Lao Zhu's remark made Diao Si sigh. He didn't expect that such armor was just elementary armor, so these golden light warriors were not really strong. But now he can't even defeat a Silver Warrior. When will he become a truly strong man

"This requires a long process, but you have great potential. As long as you work hard, I believe you can become a famous magic user in just a few years..."

How many years will it take? Diao Si lost his mood after hearing this. He urgently needs to be strong now. Isn't there any shortcut? He can give more.

"You are just a speculator, do you know that? You are lucky to get my help..." Lao Zhu was still talking, but Diao Si was no longer in the mood to continue listening. He now wanted to take advantage of the Imperial Army. Take a break and take a break too.

This is also to communicate with the wind elves. If it weren't for the wind elves helping to disperse the thick fog, the golden warrior of the imperial army must have led the army to attack.

"No, this is not normal. The wind elves helped you disperse the thick fog before? Does that mean you can actually summon the wind? How is this possible? Is this just a coincidence?" Lao Zhu trembled in thought, and then gradually left.

"Sister Feng, I'm very unhappy now. Lao Zhu told me that it will take me many years to become a powerful magic user, but I shoulder the mission of saving the entire Nima Continent. It's not that I'm afraid. Go wait, but I don’t have time to wait..."

Diao Si vented his displeasure to the wind elf and gradually fell into sleep again. The wind elf soon appeared, and it led Diao Si through the fantasy world, making him quickly forget his previous troubles.

However, this time they suddenly encountered trouble. Some spirits with anger and hatred appeared. They entangled Diao Si, and the wind elf left immediately.

"What are you doing? Do you know me? Did you recognize the wrong person?" Diao Si kept raising his doubts, and then he suddenly felt that those resentful spirits were the powerful ones he had hung at the city gate before. warrior.

"You can't blame me. First of all, you invaded Ruifeng City and you deserved to die... And I always thought that there would be nothing after death. How could I know that you are so concerned about face after death? Okay, I think I'm unlucky. ..." Diao Si kept apologizing and admitting his mistakes, and they slowly dispersed.

This world is too shocking. Everything has life and wisdom. Even dead people will come to you to settle accounts. It’s so unreliable.

After thinking about it, Diao Si gradually realized that the reason why he was haunted by these resentful spirits may be because he had been learning to communicate with the elves, so this was also a kind of communication.

If such a thing had happened before, he would not have thought there was any problem, but after spending so many days in this world and learning so many things from Lao Zhu, Diao Si had gradually understood, because he had a person who was good at communicating with elves. characteristics, so these resentful spirits can find him.

After waking up, Diao Si realized that he had slept very soundly. He had slept for several hours. The generals waiting for him below were really interesting and did not wake him up.

The Imperial Army has not taken any action in the past few hours. This should be because their commander has not yet thought of a way to break the city. That's fine. It's best if they choose to go back if they have no other choice, so as to avoid further casualties on both sides.

After listening to the reports from the generals, Diao Si learned several aspects of the situation. First, the Imperial Army had just sent elite birdmen to fly back to the Guangnan Empire, presumably to request support. Second, the construction work on the walls of Ruifeng City was stopped because some generals believed that solid materials must be used.

Another one is about why Kava didn't come to Diao Si. The captain told Diao Si that Kava was locked up by Ka Zhu for some unknown reason. Diao Si hoped that Ka Zhu would do this just to prevent Ka Wa from affecting him, and this seemed to be the only reasonable explanation.

Diao Si told the generals to put the construction of the city wall on hold for the time being, because he now had a new idea and planned to build a new city wall behind the gap in the city wall, which would look good to the imperial army. of.

Of course, this had to be avoided by the imperial bird scouts, who had to pretend to be carrying materials to build the gap and cover it up with things to avoid being discovered. The scale of this project is quite large, but the largest number of people here are cooperators, so it is easier for them to cause problems if they are idle.

The Imperial Army will not give up. They have probably requested support from the Guangnan Empire, so they have to be prepared. On the one hand, the arrow factory will continue to work hard, and on the other hand, it will be the deployment of these tactics.

There are still dozens of hours before the heavy rain predicted by Lao Zhu is coming. This is another very important plan. The success or failure of this plan will directly determine the success or failure of this battle. (To be continued)