Alien Ruler

Chapter 5: Become an archer


It turned out that the camp was quite far away from the woods, and it took them several hours of walking to get there. During these few hours of long distance, Diao Si gradually grasped a little bit of information about this world, which was completely different from the earth he originally lived on.

First of all, there is only light but no color in the sky, because there are two suns in the sky, one big and one small. It is almost difficult to open your eyes. And he asked the guys with long ears that there can be up to three suns in a day, and it will be terribly hot at that time.

Because there are so many suns, it is difficult to get dark here. It only takes about a hundred hours to get dark, and the time is not fixed. The temperature changes throughout the day are not fixed, and even natural phenomena such as various tides, winds and clouds are extremely abnormal compared to the earth.

Then there are the creatures here, all species are intelligent, including some plants and even some inanimate dead things. This sounds difficult for Diao Si to accept. According to the Long Ears, it is the powerful god of wisdom who bestows wisdom on everything.

Among these soldiers, there are various types of animal soldiers, including tall ones, short ones, those who can jump and fly, eagle-eyed bird-men who are good at seeing, and wind-hearing dog monsters who are good at hearing. Wait, the Imperial Army is mainly composed of humans, and there are no monsters.

This is not ordinary complicated. Diao Si has to take a long time to digest it, but what disappoints him most now is that these long-eared guys don't even know that there is such an empire as the Nima Empire, and they don't even know the secrets at all. clan place.

But he should not be discouraged. Diao Si knew clearly that this was almost like the beginning of a game. Things were often like this. He had to calm down, slowly sort out everything, and then start to deploy his plan, step by step. Pass the test and behead the generals.

First there was the issue of the bead, which must have been very expensive, and he had to find it first so that he would not start from scratch. But it was lost in the woods, and it may have even fallen into the hands of others. It is no longer easy to get it back.

Since Zhuzi's problem couldn't be solved in a short time, he first considered another issue, his personal safety. It seems that he has become an ordinary archer here. Now he has to go to the battlefield, and he has to worry all the time whether he will be killed by this brutal beautiful warrior.

The archer who had his head cut off before was probably killed because the beautiful warrior saw that he was injured, or she was dissatisfied with him pretending to be dead and fell down like this. In short, she would kill casually if she had any dissatisfaction. It would be better if she Don't get too close to her.

Next, he has to find an opportunity to leave the team. This must be done very carefully. He must find an opportunity, and the premise is that he can survive after leaving. This should not be too early. He must first understand the entire situation.

Talk to these soldiers more and get to know the situation here. There may be many taboos. Diao Si still remembers that before he was teleported here, the female king in the palace once said that if he was indecent, he would be beheaded. of.

"By the way, what's your name?" The archer captain came over to communicate with Diao Si again. Diao Si didn't dare to neglect, because he knew that guy was his little leader, and maybe such a little leader would have his You have the power of life and death, so be more obedient.

"My name is Diao Si, sir." Diao Si responded, but the guy was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

It called an older long-eared archer and asked Diao Si to learn some shooting techniques from him in the future. Diao Si was very obedient, and the archer who wanted to teach him techniques looked quite arrogant, but he was still very obedient to him.

"Human archers, I think this is the first time for us." The guy said, leading Diao Si to an archer training ground.

"Is it because humans hold very important positions? Or are there any regulations?" Diao Si responded. In fact, he just wanted to communicate with this guy and learn more about the world.

After hearing this, the guy smiled contemptuously, and then said to Diao Si: "No, human beings' vision and accuracy are not as good as ours. When they are archers, they might shoot their own people, hahaha..."

It turned out that it looked down on Diao Si, but Diao Si didn't care about anything with it. He only thought about one thing now, he was already very hungry. But he didn't bring it up because he thought it would be better if he brought it up when he got to know the guy better. If he made such a request now, it would give him a bad impression.

This kind of learning is actually quite simple, but it really allowed Diao Si to learn something about shooting. It turns out that archery is also very particular, and the role of archery in the army is very different from Diao Si's previous understanding. But Diao Si, who was used to playing games, easily accepted it.

This is probably the same as in some strategy games. Archers are an indispensable unit. If they can be used well, they will play a big role in the success or failure of the battle.

The guy who trains Diao Si is called Gong Qiang. In fact, their names have no special meaning. The characters in front of them are the same as their surnames. The surnames in front of all these long-eared guys are similar.

However, after exchanging these names, Diao Si realized that there was a star among them with a name very similar to his, called Diaosi. This is the reason why the archer captain was stunned before. Human beings generally do not name stars after stars.

However, because he was hungry, Diao Si couldn't hold on and fell down under such shooting training. Boqiang now lost his original arrogance, and even gave the dry food he had brought to Diao Si.

Now that you've fallen down, let's take a rest. These long-eared guys don't seem to get tired, but Diao Si doesn't have a physique like them. If such training damages the body, what will happen in the future

In the following time, Diao Si did not rest long and was dragged to the training ground again. This life was also very hard, but Diao Si knew that it was of certain benefit to him, because mastering a certain amount of archery skills would be beneficial to his future. Survival is helpful, there is no other option in such circumstances.

Slowly getting in touch with those long-eared guys, he also learned that the beautiful warrior was called Yingmei. Her surname was Ying, who came from a prominent family in Ruifeng City. She was the commander of this army and a member of Ka Lei, the lord of Ruifeng City. general.

The cities in them can be said to be independent like countries on the earth. However, there are many such cities. In this respect, they are just like an ordinary city on the earth. And where some cities gather, they usually develop into empires, just like the Guangnan Empire they faced before.

The Guangnan Empire was named after one of the Sunshine Days in the southern part of the continent. You can see three suns and two moons in this world. It is here that you can see three stars and two satellites with the naked eye.

Therefore, the three suns are also named separately. They are called the Sun of Blazing, the Sun of Light and the Sun of Eternity. The Guangnan Empire is the empire to the south of that part of the continent where the Sun of Light can often be seen. The Guangnan Empire is constantly expanding, so it has conflicts with Ruifeng City. They have been in conflict for some time.

This time Yingmei led her troops out of the city to resist the harassment of the Guangnan Empire at the border. However, many people in Ruifeng City did not support her going out this time. However, the city lord was now ill, so she was so happy that she took action without authorization.

Diao Si didn't care about this. He just wanted to understand the overall situation, especially the situation about the Nima Empire and the Upanishad. However, there was no news about this at all. None of these soldiers had heard of such content.

Anyway, after training in the camp for a long time, Diao Si finally ushered in the first dark night and could take a rest. However, the dark night this time was only more than three hours, but there was no way, they were not just sleeping and resting by default.

Watching the last sun go down, Diao Si found a human place to lie down. The resting environment here is also quite bad, but fortunately, they rest separately according to species. Diao Si does not need to sleep with those long-eared guys.

Well, have a good dream. What Diao Si hopes most is that when he opens his eyes again, what he can see is to return to his original world. Although he had only been here for a few dozen hours, he had already suffered a lot. (To be continued)