Alien Ruler

Chapter 50: protracted war


But for a long time, there was no movement from the Imperial Army. Although they had just experienced a defeat and it was normal for them to adjust, it was abnormal for them to have been like this for such a long time.

The Imperial Army can't wait there forever, because it's not easy for those tens of thousands of soldiers to have a simple meal. They shouldn't stay there until they are all eaten out and starve, right

Diao Si started to feel a little worried, and kept sending birdmen to detect the enemy's situation. But the disappearance was still the same. The Imperial Army stayed there, and most of the soldiers only slept and ate.

After the second sun appeared, the temperature began to rise sharply again. Diao Si then thought that the Imperial Army might have done this because they knew the weather was going to get hotter and reduced their activities to reserve food.

The foundation of the second city wall defense line in Ruifeng City has gradually been formed. However, due to the shortage of stones and other materials, generals came to Diao Si for instructions on how to deal with it.

In fact, this city wall does not need to be too strong, because it only needs to block the imperial army for a while, but the materials are necessary. Without materials, you can't open the city gate and look outside. Diao Si thought for a while and an idea came to his mind: forced demolition.

In fact, with the ability of this powerful cooperative team, it is not difficult to demolish and rebuild. Moreover, the city owners of all the buildings in Ruifeng City have the right to demolish and build, so it is not considered forced demolition here.

After arriving at the site and arranging the demolition and construction work, Diao Si returned to the city wall. At this time, the general in charge of the birdmen rushed over to report to him. She said that the imperial army suddenly sent out several groups of soldiers and set off to the surrounding area.

Diao Si integrated and analyzed what happened after the Imperial Army's last defeat, and then gradually understood the path the Imperial Army was going to take. They want to fight a protracted war. The last time they sent people back to the Guangnan Empire to ask for help, they just stayed put to reduce consumption, and now they send people to various nearby villages.

No need to think too much, they went to those villages to search for food so that their large army could support them for a little longer until reinforcements from the Guangnan Empire arrived.

This is not a good thing for Ruifeng City, because Ruifeng City is now crowded with people and monsters, and their appetites are even more alarming. Although there is still a lot of food stored in Ruifeng City, people who know how to calculate will panic first without waiting for food shortages.

How to do it? As a siege party, this imperial army actually has the idea of fighting a protracted war? How much more food will they need to transport

Of course, these are just the thoughts of the imperial army. Diao Si is not going to waste time with them, because if it takes several days to finish this battle, even if he wins, the production and agriculture of the entire Ruifeng City will be affected. All will suffer great damage and cannot be sustained.

Because Ruifeng City eats wild food and cultivated food from all the villages in the territory, the planted things need to be taken care of. If not taken care of for several days, naturally not many will survive, and the entire ecosystem of the territory will severely damaged.

It was time to deal with the Imperial Army. Now what Diao Si was waiting for was the arrival of the heavy rain. This plan became more and more important. Only when all hope of the Imperial Army's support was extinguished did they have to give up and withdraw their troops.

However, it will take a while for the heavy rain to arrive, and it is still unknown whether this plan will succeed. Diao Si must make various preparations, that is, preparations for a protracted war.

Time continued to pass, and the birdmen sent out to follow the Imperial Army troops flew back. The Imperial Army troops indeed went to the nearby villages to look for food, but who could have imagined that they would be so ruthless and set fire to the village after looking for food.

This is also normal, because they have been unable to attack Ruifeng City for a long time, and they have accumulated a lot of discouragement in their hearts, and the generals of the Imperial Army have not adjusted it well for them. This is equivalent to various massacres in the history of the earth. They need Vent those feelings.

In fact, it was stupid for them to do so. Since they wanted to fight a protracted war with Ruifeng City, they should keep those villages, especially the planting areas, and even establish a strategic base here, so that they would not be afraid that Ruifeng City would not surrender.

"Those hateful imperial troops actually destroyed our lovely village and lovely home. We must make them pay with blood!" Diao Si once again encouraged various monsters and people in Ruifeng City, which will help improve the quality of life. their combat effectiveness.

After learning that the imperial army was implementing the two-light policy, the monsters and people in Ruifeng City became excited, and some generals even requested to go to war. Although trouble is coming, it is a good sign. Knowing how to guide their fighting spirit is powerful.

The first benefit brought about by this is that the undercurrent that was still surging and believed that the imperial army massacred the city in the border villages was a cunning lie quickly disappeared. The conflicts between all monsters and people decreased sharply, and they became more and more The more united.

The second benefit is that some of the problems encountered in the forced demolition have been solved. In order to deal with the imperial army, even more monsters who did not join the cooperative team for various reasons have asked to join the cooperative team and army.

Various deployments in Ruifeng City were still going on. At this time, Diao Si focused on the arrows on the ground under the gap in the city wall, so he gave the birdman troops a new task, which was to fly outside the city wall to pick up arrows. Arrow, this speed is definitely much faster than that of the arrow factory.

Time gradually passed. As the second sun rose, the temperature rose higher and higher. There was too much smell of creatures in the city wall, and some began to faint. Diao Si immediately ordered them to work in batches.

In twenty or thirty hours, just when the temperature starts to drop, the water vapor that has evaporated will turn into rain and fall down when it gets cold. Diao Sidu seemed to be able to understand a little bit about the weather, but of course it was impossible to compare with Lao Zhu.

The teams sent by the Imperial Army to search for food came back one after another. Only then did Diao Si realize that the Imperial Army's move was also very useful. The mood of the Imperial Army who had gone to the villages to rob and burn them had improved significantly after they came back. They also led the entire Imperial Army to Troops, they are no longer as sluggish as they were before.

Next, I heard the slogans of the generals in the imperial army, which probably meant that there was countless food and wealth in Ruifeng City. This made those soldiers even more determined to attack the city, because Ruifeng City was already their only Hope.

So don't underestimate the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army. She also knows how to use troops. Especially when facing a city that cannot be conquered for a long time, letting those soldiers vent their anger is very helpful to the entire army.

Well, it was time to prepare. Diao Si gave an order to a general, asking him to personally command a supporting force and secretly bring most of the remaining kerosene in Ruifeng City to the wall in the corner of the mountain. .

Then Diao Si personally went to the gap in the city wall that had not been repaired and directed them to repair it. But this was just for the Imperial Army to see. Such pretentious repairs would be washed away by the heavy rain, giving the Imperial Army a false opportunity to attack.

When their army invaded and broke into the second-line city wall encirclement that Diao Si specially used to trick them into entering, they had no choice but to let themselves be slaughtered.

But the monsters who started repairing it couldn't figure out why Diao Si asked them to deliberately repair the city wall like this, because if it was repaired like this, even a heavy rain could wash it down.

Diao Si didn't want to explain too much to them, and continued to ask them to dig out a batch of stones under the gap, so that under the erosion of the heavy rain, the gap in the city wall would be even larger, and the sloping gravel would even It allows the Imperial Army to crawl over with bare hands.

Faced with Diao Si's request, those city-building monsters were even more confused. Diao Si had to lie to them, saying that the purpose of digging out the stones was to rebuild the city wall to ensure that it would be stronger than before.

After the first sun began to set, the temperature also dropped, and heavy rain was coming. Not only Diao Si knew this, but even the imperial troops should know this. It's raining heavily, so they usually won't attack in the rain, but when the heavy rain breaks down a larger gap in Ruifeng City's wall, they will definitely seize the opportunity to attack.

Diao Si is waiting for them. This is a very important moment. As long as his two plans related to Heavy Rain can go smoothly, the Imperial Army will really be doomed. (To be continued)