Alien Ruler

Chapter 500: Constant force empire


This move was indeed Heng Yuan's good idea, but seeing her unhappy expression, Diao Si still couldn't completely believe that what she said before was just a joke, because he knew Heng Yuan too well.

No matter what, let's take care of the Everlasting Temple first. Diao Si didn't think too much. He immediately prepared something and summoned his artillery unit and a new dragon transport team to follow Heng Yuan's. The army is on the road.

The number of their teams is not very large, but the tens of thousands of elite soldiers led by Heng Yuan are all very powerful warriors. Their warrior strength is already comparable to the most elite troops of the original Henglong Empire.

But since Diao Si's artillery troops are with them, Heng Yuan's team is only positioned to defend and protect them, because no matter how much their attack power is, they are still not as advanced as Diao Si's troops.

The first town of the Hengli Empire was bombarded by Diao Si's long-range artillery with greatly improved accuracy, and the troops there evacuated directly. Of course, they couldn't accept such a long-range and powerful attack, and they were simply going to get beaten.

In this way, as they kept approaching the imperial city of the Hengli Empire, the generals even felt bored because they seemed unable to do anything except march.

It wasn't until we arrived at the continuous building complex in front of Hengli Imperial City that we had our first close combat because we didn't know about the enemy's ambush.

Diao Si had really never imagined before that there were no civilians around the Imperial City of the Hengli Empire. They were basically soldiers. This time the enemy's ambush almost caused them heavy losses.

After inquiring like this, he realized that the closer to the Eternal Temple, the less likely there would be civilians, because they knew there was only war here, so they would not live here.

As a result, the troops ambushed by the Hengli Empire were also defeated this time. In fact, the troops they ambush were also elite troops, and there were many warriors at the warrior level. The main reason was that Hengyuan's troops were too strong, and they had not had a chance to really move for so long. If you pass, you will naturally seize this opportunity to kill the enemy.

After such a defeat, the soldiers of the Hengli Empire originally retreated to the imperial city, but they were quickly blasted out by Diao Si's cannons, so that the team that originally attacked the Eternal Temple had to retreat.

There is no other way. They can only resist the Hengxi Empire's army by gathering all their forces. Because the Hengxi Empire just attacked their imperial city non-stop, they already know how powerful the Hengxi Empire is.

The Hengli Empire was still asking for help from the Hengyang Empire, but because of their performance in the invasion of the Eternal Temple, the Hengyang Empire found an excuse to terminate their previous agreement and not agree to send troops for assistance.

This is a wise move. From the perspective of the Hengyang Empire, it would be most advantageous for the Hengxi Empire to fight with the Hengli Empire. It wants both of you to lose.

At the beginning, Diao Si was still very focused on deploying this long-range strategy, but one thing distracted him. It was the four components of his Holy Light Armor. They finally responded, which meant that the last component was there. nearby!

Although this reaction was still very weak, Diao Si was finally able to find it. He really wanted to know what great changes it would bring to him if this entire set of Light Holy Clothes were put together.

Seeing that the war with humans was coming to an end, the Demon Emperor's Demon Army was about to appear. Diao Si knew how powerful this Demon Army was from his previous confrontation with Ou Yun and those Zarkon monsters. Only with a complete set of Light Holy Clothes could he feel confident.

After a small battle, the troops of Hengyuan and Diao Si surrounded the Hengli Imperial City. In order to reduce casualties, Hengyuan accepted Diao Si's suggestion and urged the Hengli Empire to surrender.

But this Hengli Empire, like the previous Hengxue Empire, refused to surrender. In desperation, Diao Si ordered an indiscriminate bombing of the walls and palaces of the imperial city.

What surprised Diao Si was that he bombed the Hengli Empire like this for several hours, blasting the city wall to pieces. The Emperor of the Hengli Empire actually refused to surrender, and insisted on sending out gryphons to carry him there. Messengers went to surrounding towns and the Heng Yang Empire for help.

Without bloody lessons, they would never surrender. In order to rush to occupy the Everlasting Temple, Hengyuan asked Diao Si to point the cannon directly at the soldiers and massacre the Hengli Imperial City.

However, due to the previous indiscriminate bombing, Diao Si did not have many artillery shells left, so he did not carry out the massacre of the city for the time being because he had to let the dragon transport team fly back to transport ammunition.

Now the Dragon Clan can get ammunition by flying to a military base within the original Hengxue Empire. The straight-line distance is not far, and they can come back soon, so replenishing ammunition will not take too much time. This makes Diao Si A little confused.

While they were thinking hard like this, several "enemies" suddenly approached Xiang Hengyuan's team. After injuring one of them, they realized that these people were the spies sent here at that time.

While treating the injured spy, Diao Si did not forget to criticize them first, because when they started to attack the Hengli Empire, he had already issued an order to the spy network to let them find a way to escape.

It's because these people are so cute. They support the Hengxi Empire until now so that the Hengxi Empire can successfully take down the Hengli Imperial City. And according to what they said, there are still about dozens of spies hiding in the Hengli Imperial City. Woolen cloth.

There were originally more than ten people who broke out this time, but some of them were discovered and killed by people from the Hengli Empire when they left.

They reported to Diao Si how the Hengli Empire had been trying to convince the Hengyang Empire to send troops by using the Hengxi Empire to seize the Temple of Eternity, and also asked for help from the defeated Henglong Empire.

Their performance really touched Diao Si. They even risked their lives for their own country. In fact, the Hengxi Empire no longer needs this information. Their sacrifices were in vain.

Diao Si then thought of using the lives of these spies to make Hengyuan change her mind, and asked to find a way to rescue the spies from the Hengli Empire. However, Hengyuan did not accept his request. She believed that even if she sacrificed these dozens of people, it would not be possible. It's nothing, the spies have already been mentally prepared for this.

There is a certain truth to what Heng Yuan said. Even if they wanted to save these spies, they might not be able to. The spies just said that they had been discovered when they left, and some people were killed. Maybe the people from the Hengli Empire had thought of something and started to find the spies from the Hengxi Empire.

But Diao Si wants to save not only them, but also the enemies in the imperial city. Just like the soldiers of the Hengxue Empire before, he doesn't want to see so many people who have no ability to resist, all die because of what he created. Under shells.

"Great Emperor, maybe what I said is wrong, but I really want to say these words. Please allow me..."

When Diao Si said this, Hengyuan knew what he wanted to say, so she responded: "No one wants to kill people indiscriminately, but there will always be casualties in war. We can only capture the Hengli Imperial City and seize the Hengyong Saint as soon as possible. Only in this way can we end this never-ending war and end such casualties."

Diao Si heard this and did not take it seriously: "But it is no longer meaningful for us to capture Hengli Imperial City. In fact, we can ignore them and attack the Eternal Temple directly. No one can stop us from doing this."

Hengyuan smiled and shook her head after hearing this: "But if we don't take this opportunity to defeat them, when we capture the Eternal Temple, all of them will unite to besiege us."

"Is there any difference? Don't you think they don't think so now? Ever since we attacked here effortlessly, the Hengyang Empire and the Henglong Empire have known about our strength, and they must have been communicating secretly. United..."

Diao Si refused to give up. This could be said to be the most serious argument between them since they were together with Heng Yuan. Diao Si had always regarded Heng Yuan as an emperor before and would never contradict her like this. Heng Yuan also had a good impression of him and always accepted his opinions.

"Then we must reduce the number of enemies as much as possible. The enemies in the Hengli Imperial City are only part of the Hengli Empire's military strength. You should also know that after we occupy the Eternal Temple, they will attack at all costs. Come over, there will still be casualties when the time comes, casualties are inevitable..." (To be continued)