Alien Ruler

Chapter 501: The last part


After attacking Hengli Imperial City, because many attempts to persuade him to surrender failed, Hengyuan finally decided to massacre the city. This is exactly what Diao Si doesn't want to see. If the enemy has to be killed like this every time, only the Hengxi Empire's army will be left. How can they fight against the demon army

Thinking of this, Diao Si brought up the topic that Heng Yuan had never believed in, the legend about the Demon Emperor and the Demon Army. This time, because he was anxious to convince Heng Yuan, Diao Si directly suggested that if Heng Yuan massacred humans like this, they would return to the same dilemma in time and space in the future.

Hengyuan was angry about this. She thought that Diao Si was making up some random lies to blackmail her. She angrily warned Diao Si that if he continued to say these things that shook the military's morale, she would deal with him under military law.

Hengyuan's military skills were no joke. Diao Si knew it very well. She even asked her subordinates to use military skills on herself. Of course, he also treated her. She was also very cruel to herself.

This is obsessive-compulsive disorder, which can also be said to be a kind of mental illness. It should be because of the strict requirements of Hengyuan's mother, which left an eternal mark on her, and even a kind of mental trauma. For her, she would do anything for the Eternal Temple. .

Therefore, you must not confront such a person. She is sometimes quite impulsive and cannot even control her emotions. Plus, with her status as an emperor, there is absolutely no benefit in messing with her.

"Well, if I die in this time and space because of this, I won't even be able to defeat the Demon Emperor. ... Anyway, this is not my job in the end. At worst, I just don't care about anything. Do whatever you like. ”

Hearing what Diao Si said, Hengyuan covered her head and tried to calm herself down, but she was still trembling. If she couldn't take this opportunity to eliminate the main force of the Hengli Empire, they would become their occupation next. A stumbling block to the eternal temple.

After hearing this, Diao Si said to himself: "But I once promised those spies that I would protect them as much as possible. They all worked hard for me. I can't break my promise, otherwise who will do it in the future?" Will support me and support me..."

Of course, these words were meant for Heng Yuan. After hearing this, she covered her head even harder, appearing to be in great pain, and whispered to Diao Si not to say such words again.

Diao Si didn't say anything after hearing this. He turned around and left towards the resting tent. In fact, he basically said everything he wanted to say. Heng Yuan is also a person who knows how to think. She understands what Diao Si wants to express.

"Okay, let's not worry about the Hengli Empire for now. After the Dragon Clan sends the ammunition, we will immediately attack the Eternal Temple. We will occupy the Eternal Temple and complete the ideal of reunification..."

I don't know how long it took before Heng Yuan said loudly. This voice was also heard by Diao Si who was lying down to rest. Then a general came over and told him the situation. They waited for the dragon transport team and immediately set off for the Hengyong Temple. .

"Thank you." After meeting Heng Yuan, Diao Si lowered her head and said this. She only smiled faintly after hearing this, and continued to encourage the generals and talk about how glorious and arduous it was to defend the Everlasting Temple. Task.

The Dragon Clan came back soon, so under Heng Yuan's loud orders, their army ignored Henli Imperial City and marched directly towards the Everlasting Temple.

Being so close, the light holy clothing on Diao Si suddenly reacted obviously. This seemed to tell Diao Si that the direction of the Eternal Temple was also the direction of the last light component.

"The Eternal Temple is to the north? Why is there no specific location marked on the map, but its name?" Because he wanted to know how far it was from the Eternal Temple, Diao Si took out the map out of habit. But I found that there were only a few words written on the map, and there were no roads at all.

Hengyuan and the generals laughed after hearing this, and then Henglan told Diao Si: "We have known since ancient times that the Hengyong Temple is in the direction of Hengzhiri. This is much more convenient than looking for it on the map. The sun of eternity shines directly above the eternal temple.”

It turns out that the Eternal Sun is the direction of the Eternal Temple. Then the Eternal Temple should have been built by the ancients based on the direction of the Eternal Sun. From the perspective of biological phototaxis, because that is where the light is, it was created. The legend that you can rule the entire world by occupying the Eternal Temple

It was probably because Hengyuan's troops marched towards the Everlasting Temple so suddenly, and the troops behind them suddenly came to report to Hengyuan, saying that the troops of the Hengli Empire had poured out of their imperial city and were chasing after them.

Hengyuan then ordered not to care about them and just step up the march. She was right to do this, because if she stayed to block the forces of the Hengli Empire, the forces of the Hengyang Empire over there would come over.

Diao Si suggested that he could lead a group of people and the Dragon Clan to stay, set up some traps, and then use the Dragon Clan to catch up with her army. In fact, Diao Si still wanted to meet with the emperor of the Hengli Empire and try to persuade them to give up.

However, this suggestion was immediately rejected by Heng Yuan. She directly told Diao Si that she would rather let the troops of the Hengli Empire attack first, so as to reduce their strength first, lest they join forces with the other two countries and become more difficult to stop. Live this coalition.

Diao Si didn't say anything like this, because now he did not massacre the Hengli Empire but marched directly to the Hengyong Temple. Hengyuan had already accepted his suggestion, and he should not antagonize her too much.

It was getting closer and closer. As the Sun of Eternity slowly approached the sky, the terrain became higher and higher. It turned out that the Eternal Temple was still on a plateau. Diao Si also remembered the starting point. Eternity The temple was on a mountain, where he had overlooked the attacking demonic army.

The reaction of the Holy Clothes of Light is getting stronger and stronger, and from this direction, the last component is likely to be on the mountain of the Eternal Temple, and may even be buried in the Eternal Temple.

Thinking of the previous collapse of Dragon Valley, Diao Si was a little worried. If he collapsed the Everlasting Temple, how would Heng Yuan feel? Maybe people in the entire alien world will turn against him.

This is not generally bad, but it is certain that every piece of holy clothing of light will bring huge changes to the surrounding geography, and the last component is no exception. The greatest possibility of a plateau like the Eternal Temple is collapse!

He can't control that much. Now the Hengli Empire is chasing after him. I believe that the armies of the Hengyang Empire and the Henglong Empire will attack soon. The final war is inevitable.

What Diao Si has to do is to do everything possible to reduce this casualty. But according to the legend of occupying the Eternal Temple, they must stay there for seven days before they can be recognized as lords of the Eternal Temple.

You must know that one day here is equal to almost seven days on earth. This seven days is very long, and the other three powerful countries will definitely do everything they can to capture it.

See it, Diao Si has seen the legendary Eternal Temple through refraction magic. It stands alone on the mountain, bathed in the light of the Eternal Sun. It is like an imperial city, so It looks majestic and majestic from a distance.

Surrounding such a dazzling Temple of Eternity, there are ruins without any vegetation. This is simply a strong contrast. In order to seize the Temple of Eternity, there is nothing but war. This continuous war even makes the Sun of Eternity shine directly. Even a small tree cannot grow on such land that is conducive to growth and reproduction.

There is still some distance from the Temple of Eternity. There are already skeletons and mummies everywhere here. As a long-term battlefield, there are corpse fields all around. But it is very strange that Diao Si cannot sense the undead here. I don’t know why. Does the light of the eternal sun have a suppressive effect on them, or are they willing to rest in this eternal battlefield.

"I don't know who made up this perverted legend about the Eternal Temple. This is a conspiracy, like the golden apples of discord, taking advantage of people's psychological flaws and letting them kill each other here..."

Diao Si said with emotion, but he did not wake up the senior generals, including Heng Yuan, and also attracted criticism from Heng Yuan. This also had something to do with shaking the morale of the military, so he had to shut up.

It is difficult to control them. After all, Diao Si is not the emperor of the Hengxi Empire, and even if he is the emperor, these generals may not even listen to him because of the deep-rooted legend of the Eternal Temple.

There may be only one way to stop their endless killings, which is to make the harmful Eternal Temple disappear forever. This may only be possible by finding the last part of the Holy Armor of Light. (To be continued)